The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts

no one has said they expect the results of the recount would change the result of the election, jill stein has said such, she expects no change in that....she says it's to establish the election was not hacked...?

I have no idea why you think Stein wants a Hillary, she HATES Hillary....did you see any of her ads that ran?? holy smokes! no love there at all!

Sounds like DRAMA QUEEN material saying this is a direct assault on our Republic? that's CRAZY STUFF and CRAZY THINKING....

Our REPUBLIC provides for all of these measures, from recounts to what happens when there are not enough electors to the House voting for president....

IT IS ALL PART OF OUR REPUBLIC, and the RULES that our founders set up for our republic....

So please stop with the whining and speculations that are absoutely off the wall bull crud...these things being done ARE PART OF OUR REPUBLIC'S set up.
Tell the truth. If Trump had lost and asked for a recount you would be having a duck fit. Correct?
no one has said they expect the results of the recount would change the result of the election, jill stein has said such, she expects no change in that....she says it's to establish the election was not hacked...?

I have no idea why you think Stein wants a Hillary, she HATES Hillary....did you see any of her ads that ran?? holy smokes! no love there at all!

Sounds like DRAMA QUEEN material saying this is a direct assault on our Republic? that's CRAZY STUFF and CRAZY THINKING....

Our REPUBLIC provides for all of these measures, from recounts to what happens when there are not enough electors to the House voting for president....

IT IS ALL PART OF OUR REPUBLIC, and the RULES that our founders set up for our republic....

So please stop with the whining and speculations that are absoutely off the wall bull crud...these things being done ARE PART OF OUR REPUBLIC'S set up.

Yeah....that was before.....go check jill stein's bank account now....see if any deposits have been made since the election....
Why don't you show me what you are trying to imply with her donations?

Does OPEN have their donations listed yet?
no one has said they expect the results of the recount would change the result of the election, jill stein has said such, she expects no change in that....she says it's to establish the election was not hacked...?

I have no idea why you think Stein wants a Hillary, she HATES Hillary....did you see any of her ads that ran?? holy smokes! no love there at all!

Sounds like DRAMA QUEEN material saying this is a direct assault on our Republic? that's CRAZY STUFF and CRAZY THINKING....

Our REPUBLIC provides for all of these measures, from recounts to what happens when there are not enough electors to the House voting for president....

IT IS ALL PART OF OUR REPUBLIC, and the RULES that our founders set up for our republic....

So please stop with the whining and speculations that are absoutely off the wall bull crud...these things being done ARE PART OF OUR REPUBLIC'S set up.
Tell the truth. If Trump had lost and asked for a recount you would be having a duck fit. Correct?
What is Donald so afraid of Willow for him to spend a tweeting frenzy on it, acting like an immature toddler over it.... fo god sake, when is he ever going to act like a President?

Maybe Donald is so afraid of this recount because he KNOWS that those states were hacked by his Russian buddies? It's one of the only things that can explain his irrational, childlike behavior....
no one has said they expect the results of the recount would change the result of the election, jill stein has said such, she expects no change in that....she says it's to establish the election was not hacked...?

I have no idea why you think Stein wants a Hillary, she HATES Hillary....did you see any of her ads that ran?? holy smokes! no love there at all!

Sounds like DRAMA QUEEN material saying this is a direct assault on our Republic? that's CRAZY STUFF and CRAZY THINKING....

Our REPUBLIC provides for all of these measures, from recounts to what happens when there are not enough electors to the House voting for president....

IT IS ALL PART OF OUR REPUBLIC, and the RULES that our founders set up for our republic....

So please stop with the whining and speculations that are absoutely off the wall bull crud...these things being done ARE PART OF OUR REPUBLIC'S set up.
Tell the truth. If Trump had lost and asked for a recount you would be having a duck fit. Correct?
What is Donald so afraid of Willow for him to spend a tweeting frenzy on it, acting like an immature toddler over it.... fo god sake, when is he ever going to act like a President?

Maybe Donald is so afraid of this recount because he KNOWS that those states were hacked by his Russian buddies? It's one of the only things that can explain his irrational, childlike behavior....
Why didn't you answer my question? What are you afraid of?
Hopefully it makes Trump reconsider his willingness to not prosecute Hillary

For what?


She mishandled classified formation and got at least one guy killed
That's a LIE on the guy killed.... all LIARS get throne in to the Lake of fire in the end.....are you looking forward to it Frankie?

Throne? I am not believing this. There is throne and thrown. Choose the correct word for your sentence. One more chance.
Hopefully it makes Trump reconsider his willingness to not prosecute Hillary
While I didn't vote for president Trump based on a promise to prosecute Hillary, real faith in the political system won't be restored until real criminals in politics are treated to the same laws as the "little people."

I do believe she will be prosecuted. It's not the president who can do that, but the AG. I think it's gonna happen.
Why didn't you ans
That's been answered by others.

Democrats "find" uncounted ballots in the strangest places. Al Franken "won" when ballots suddenly "appeared" in the trunk of someone's car.

This stuff happens all the time with Dems. Norm Coleman was a fool to concede.

Pull this shit with President Trump and you guys WILL see a civil war. Wanna know who's gonna win? The side with the guns.
This recount circus, will be the last nail in Hillary's story. Let's hope she ends up in jail after all! :mad-61:
Nope and she won't. But the nailing of the Orange Clown continues. He is going to be given the same change that Obama was given by the far right: none.

Hmmm ... a Repub WH, both houses of Congress, 33 governorships and 32 state legislatures. It doesn't seem like a real smart time for the Dems to play hardball (but no one is saying you are all that smart).
This is one of the most pathetic refusals to face reality in recent history. Every negative thing said and assumed about HRC is being demonstrated by her failure to simply BE AN ADULT.
Hopefully it makes Trump reconsider his willingness to not prosecute Hillary

For what?


She mishandled classified formation and got at least one guy killed

Sucked up over $2B to that phony foundation that ended up on hookers, whiskey & hotel suites round the globe. Chelsy needed a manhatten penthouse too.

No telling what military secrets Chatty Cathy leaked and who got captured and tortured.......all so she could hide dirty deeds.
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For those with short memories:

It looks increasingly likely that at least one member of the United States Senate may owe his seat in the world’s greatest deliberative body not to his charisma or the persuasiveness of his message but to voter fraud.

As the Wall Street Journal's John Fundreports, Minnesota Democrat Al Franken’s narrow, 312-vote victory in 2008 over incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman may have come as the result of people being allowed to vote who, under existing law, shouldn’t have been.
This recount circus, will be the last nail in Hillary's story. Let's hope she ends up in jail after all! :mad-61:
Nope and she won't. But the nailing of the Orange Clown continues. He is going to be given the same change that Obama was given by the far right: none.

Hmmm ... a Repub WH, both houses of Congress, 33 governorships and 32 state legislatures. It doesn't seem like a real smart time for the Dems to play hardball (but no one is saying you are all that smart).
Those are Republicans, mutethat, not demolites like Trump.

I am not worried about the Party at all now. All true Republican eyes are glued on Trump. He steps off, he gets stepped on.
kaz and fayeray are melting because their Messiah is challenged.

This is going to be your every day for every day until he is gone.

Every true American from far right to far left opposes him.

Sounds good! and in 2018 your Rat party will have lost so many seats all they'll have left is a couple folding chairs out in the hallway.
kaz and fayeray are melting because their Messiah is challenged.

This is going to be your every day for every day until he is gone.

Every true American from far right to far left opposes him.

Sounds good! and in 2018 your Rat party will have lost so many seats all they'll have left is a couple folding chairs out in the hallway.
The intent will include crushing the far and alt right's participation in the GOP. Sux to be you guys.

Oh, no, the labor participation rate fell again today. Damn Trump!
The intent will include crushing the far and alt right's participation in the GOP. Sux to be you guys.

Oh, no, the labor participation rate fell again today. Damn Trump!

You on the left are doing a fantastic job crushing us on the right. KEEP IT UP! KEEP IT UP! :banana::banana::banana:
Cutoff date is 12/13. Wisconsin alone cannot meet that date on a hand-count. Anti-Americans be spinnin' wheels.........
Why can't they have it done? It starts tomorrow I believe? MS STEIN needs to fork up that recount money and pay for more hands counting.

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