The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts

This article makes sense. No matter what Hillary does she loses. If the 3 states do not make the hand counting dead line then Trump goes under 270 and Hillary stays the same. Thus it would go to congress with the same results as if the EC never changed. Now the question is, why the direct assult on our Republic. Is it just to legitimize Trump? Is some rich benefactor ordering Hillary to attack the substance and structure of the Republic? f
Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts
And if we find that the machines were hacked, then what? Indict Trump for treason for inviting the Russians to pervert our elections? Now the asshole is claiming that he won the popular vote because 'millions of illegals' voted. The asshole remains a liar.
Indict the software people first and whomever designed the voting machines to be on the INTERNET where they can be hacked. BTW I was told on state uses paper ballots, how were they hacked?
The Democrats just haven't been able to come to grips with being such fuck ups, and they are inventing fantasies in order to deny reality.
If a recount showed Trump really didn't win.....wouldn't you want to know that?
If there really is a Santa, wouldn't you want to know about that? There simply is no rational basis for believing he didn't win.
Stein has Hillary's arm up her ass.

Recounts only in states where Trump won.

She wants a recount in states that were very close. Do you know of any states that Hillary won by 1-2 percent?

Post#39 showed three Beast states with low total vote difference, but not by percentage.

You are comparing three states with over 50 electoral votes to three states with less than 10 with similar vote margins

I am willing to recount any close state to make sure we get it right.....aren't you?
If those three states do not have their recount completed which imo is highly unlikely, it could be that those states do not have electors voting in the electoral college vote, and their elector votes gets taken out of the total and they come up with a new number of how many electoral votes is the new half of the total, needed to win....

could be 250 to win instead of 270, or something like that? I dunno, I was just googling and reading about it and it hasn't all sunk in yet....

but you can bet your bootie, those states will not let their electors being picked miss the deadline....imo.

It has to be done county by county. Wisconsin is just getting started and can't meet the deadline. Michigan and Pa. will even be farther behind...............false hope is better than no hope.........:lol:.
Are congressional districts separated by counties? Because when you are voting for a US Congressman for your voting district, the voting district usually covers more counties than one, many times in rural districts you could have 5 or 10 counties in a voting district that you get a congressman for....

I just voted for a Congressman in this election and at least 5 plus counties cover his district....states get one congressman for about every 700,000 citizens...same with Electors, States get 1 elector for each congressional district, and 2 additional Electors for their Senators in the US Senate, which is the advantage given to the underpopulated states, those two senators/electors is the same in every state regardless of population..... this is the advantage to the smaller states that our founders created....
This article makes sense. No matter what Hillary does she loses. If the 3 states do not make the hand counting dead line then Trump goes under 270 and Hillary stays the same. Thus it would go to congress with the same results as if the EC never changed. Now the question is, why the direct assult on our Republic. Is it just to legitimize Trump? Is some rich benefactor ordering Hillary to attack the substance and structure of the Republic? f
Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts
And if we find that the machines were hacked, then what? Indict Trump for treason for inviting the Russians to pervert our elections? Now the asshole is claiming that he won the popular vote because 'millions of illegals' voted. The asshole remains a liar.
Indict the software people first and whomever designed the voting machines to be on the INTERNET where they can be hacked. BTW I was told on state uses paper ballots, how were they hacked?
The Democrats just haven't been able to come to grips with being such fuck ups, and they are inventing fantasies in order to deny reality.
If a recount showed Trump really didn't win.....wouldn't you want to know that?
If there really is a Santa, wouldn't you want to know about that? There simply is no rational basis for believing he didn't win.
Of course there is

Trump won Pennsylvania, Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan by approximately 10,000 -100,000 votes. Around one percent

Dont you want to know we got it right?
Stein has Hillary's arm up her ass.

Recounts only in states where Trump won.

She wants a recount in states that were very close. Do you know of any states that Hillary won by 1-2 percent?

Post#39 showed three Beast states with low total vote difference, but not by percentage.

You are comparing three states with over 50 electoral votes to three states with less than 10 with similar vote margins

I am willing to recount any close state to make sure we get it right.....aren't you?

How about a second recount to be sure the first recount got it right? Or a third recount etc. The point is there is no rational basis for believing whatever infractions or mistakes may have occurred would change the outcome. Don't believe me? Here's what Clinton campaign lawyer Marc Elias has to say:

'Elias said the campaign had “not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology.” But because of the margin of victory — and because of the degree of apparent foreign interference during the campaign — Elias said that Clinton officials had “quietly taken a number of steps in the last two weeks to rule in or out any possibility of outside interference in the vote tally in these critical battleground states.”'

Clinton campaign will participate in Wisconsin recount, with an eye on ‘outside interference,’ lawyer says

In other words, Clinton says the Russians did it.
Why didn't you ans
That's been answered by others.

Democrats "find" uncounted ballots in the strangest places. Al Franken "won" when ballots suddenly "appeared" in the trunk of someone's car.

This stuff happens all the time with Dems. Norm Coleman was a fool to concede.

Pull this shit with President Trump and you guys WILL see a civil war. Wanna know who's gonna win? The side with the guns.

Minneapolis election director speaks: 'Ballots in my car' story false
And if we find that the machines were hacked, then what? Indict Trump for treason for inviting the Russians to pervert our elections? Now the asshole is claiming that he won the popular vote because 'millions of illegals' voted. The asshole remains a liar.
Indict the software people first and whomever designed the voting machines to be on the INTERNET where they can be hacked. BTW I was told on state uses paper ballots, how were they hacked?
The Democrats just haven't been able to come to grips with being such fuck ups, and they are inventing fantasies in order to deny reality.
If a recount showed Trump really didn't win.....wouldn't you want to know that?
If there really is a Santa, wouldn't you want to know about that? There simply is no rational basis for believing he didn't win.
Of course there is

Trump won Pennsylvania, Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan by approximately 10,000 -100,000 votes. Around one percent

Dont you want to know we got it right?
There is no reason to suspect they got it wrong, even Clinton's campaign lawyer said that.
For those with short memories:

It looks increasingly likely that at least one member of the United States Senate may owe his seat in the world’s greatest deliberative body not to his charisma or the persuasiveness of his message but to voter fraud.

As the Wall Street Journal's John Fundreports, Minnesota Democrat Al Franken’s narrow, 312-vote victory in 2008 over incumbent Sen. Norm Coleman may have come as the result of people being allowed to vote who, under existing law, shouldn’t have been.

Man, you people are really stupid and gullible tools.
Norm Coleman had the best lawyers the GOP could provide to make sure the Coleman-Franken recount was done 100% properly. Many, were veterans of the Bush-Gore recount.
In the end,,,, Franken declared Senate winner, Coleman concedes
Now, try dealing with reality instead of being a gullible tool. Thank you.
Indict the software people first and whomever designed the voting machines to be on the INTERNET where they can be hacked. BTW I was told on state uses paper ballots, how were they hacked?
The Democrats just haven't been able to come to grips with being such fuck ups, and they are inventing fantasies in order to deny reality.
If a recount showed Trump really didn't win.....wouldn't you want to know that?
If there really is a Santa, wouldn't you want to know about that? There simply is no rational basis for believing he didn't win.
Of course there is

Trump won Pennsylvania, Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan by approximately 10,000 -100,000 votes. Around one percent

Dont you want to know we got it right?
There is no reason to suspect they got it wrong, even Clinton's campaign lawyer said that.
I agree, there is no solid evidence showing the Russians hacked the electronic voting....there are some suspicious things like the electronic voting machines giving Hillary 7% less votes than ALL OTHER DISTRICTS with voting machines that had paper trails.... And the exit polling stating that Hillary won in those districts....they BOTH could logically be explained for other reasons than hacking...

but I suppose we would never know for certain unless they were checked....
Stein has Hillary's arm up her ass.

Recounts only in states where Trump won.

She wants a recount in states that were very close. Do you know of any states that Hillary won by 1-2 percent?

Post#39 showed three Beast states with low total vote difference, but not by percentage.

You are comparing three states with over 50 electoral votes to three states with less than 10 with similar vote margins

I am willing to recount any close state to make sure we get it right.....aren't you?

How about a second recount to be sure the first recount got it right? Or a third recount etc. The point is there is no rational basis for believing whatever infractions or mistakes may have occurred would change the outcome. Don't believe me? Here's what Clinton campaign lawyer Marc Elias has to say:

'Elias said the campaign had “not uncovered any actionable evidence of hacking or outside attempts to alter the voting technology.” But because of the margin of victory — and because of the degree of apparent foreign interference during the campaign — Elias said that Clinton officials had “quietly taken a number of steps in the last two weeks to rule in or out any possibility of outside interference in the vote tally in these critical battleground states.”'

Clinton campaign will participate in Wisconsin recount, with an eye on ‘outside interference,’ lawyer says

In other words, Clinton says the Russians did it.

If it is more accurate...why not?
Don't you want to get it right?

We have a month and a half to make sure
Stein has Hillary's arm up her ass.

Recounts only in states where Trump won.

She wants a recount in states that were very close. Do you know of any states that Hillary won by 1-2 percent?

Post#39 showed three Beast states with low total vote difference, but not by percentage.

You are comparing three states with over 50 electoral votes to three states with less than 10 with similar vote margins

I am willing to recount any close state to make sure we get it right.....aren't you?

They did get it right, anything else is just wrong.
"In addition to winning the Electoral College in a landslide, I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally"
Tweet/Donald Trump

So, what Stein/Clinton are trying to do is back up Trump's claim, being as he has zero evidence of his claim.
So, instead of bashing Stein/Clinton, you should be thanking them profusely, for trying to bring America together and to "Make America Great Again". :2up:
Stein has Hillary's arm up her ass.

Recounts only in states where Trump won.

She wants a recount in states that were very close. Do you know of any states that Hillary won by 1-2 percent?

Post#39 showed three Beast states with low total vote difference, but not by percentage.

You are comparing three states with over 50 electoral votes to three states with less than 10 with similar vote margins

I am willing to recount any close state to make sure we get it right.....aren't you?

They did get it right, anything else is just wrong.

Then why would you object to verifying they got it right?
Stein has Hillary's arm up her ass.

Recounts only in states where Trump won.

She wants a recount in states that were very close. Do you know of any states that Hillary won by 1-2 percent?

Post#39 showed three Beast states with low total vote difference, but not by percentage.

You are comparing three states with over 50 electoral votes to three states with less than 10 with similar vote margins

I am willing to recount any close state to make sure we get it right.....aren't you?

They did get it right, anything else is just wrong.

10-4 that.
It only makes their party look worse than it already is........losers who cannot accept losing.
Democrats are just genetically incapable of relinquishing power. Let's transpose the popular vote argument on another election. So when Ross Perot and George bush got more votes,than bill Clinton, then he was apparently an illegitimate president. Not one case of vote manipulation has been reported in any of the three states but for some reason we need a recount. As the case in Minnesota with al Frankenstein shows, recounts always favor the democrats because they can manufacture votes on demand, as they showed when they created enough new voters to give franken a three hundred vote win.

As has already been stated, this is just a move to continue the mad cow obstructionalism of the Dems. There is no way they could lose according to the press, the party, the students, and the elites. They are so smart they can never be wrong. They will continue their divisive and corrosive attacks because like trump voters understand, democrats do not care about their country, they only care about power and ideology. Jill steins recount war chest is totally funded by Hilary fat cats. The longer liberals and democrats disrespect the process and the country, the faster they will descend into irrelevance. Claiming,they are just taking the high road is laughable.would you all please hurry up and get through your phase of denial.
The truth is if Hillary had won and had Trump requested a recount the libtards would be soiling themselves! Saying " it's a threat to democracy"

This article makes sense. No matter what Hillary does she loses. If the 3 states do not make the hand counting dead line then Trump goes under 270 and Hillary stays the same. Thus it would go to congress with the same results as if the EC never changed. Now the question is, why the direct assult on our Republic. Is it just to legitimize Trump? Is some rich benefactor ordering Hillary to attack the substance and structure of the Republic? f
Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts
They are just sore loser, crybaby,assholes.
This article makes sense. No matter what Hillary does she loses. If the 3 states do not make the hand counting dead line then Trump goes under 270 and Hillary stays the same. Thus it would go to congress with the same results as if the EC never changed. Now the question is, why the direct assult on our Republic. Is it just to legitimize Trump? Is some rich benefactor ordering Hillary to attack the substance and structure of the Republic? f
Blog: The Democrats’ real strategy in launching recounts
Ask Jill stein.

Isn't that a Jewish name? Uh huh!
The Democrats just haven't been able to come to grips with being such fuck ups, and they are inventing fantasies in order to deny reality.
If a recount showed Trump really didn't win.....wouldn't you want to know that?
If there really is a Santa, wouldn't you want to know about that? There simply is no rational basis for believing he didn't win.
Of course there is

Trump won Pennsylvania, Florida, Wisconsin, Michigan by approximately 10,000 -100,000 votes. Around one percent

Dont you want to know we got it right?
There is no reason to suspect they got it wrong, even Clinton's campaign lawyer said that.
I agree, there is no solid evidence showing the Russians hacked the electronic voting....there are some suspicious things like the electronic voting machines giving Hillary 7% less votes than ALL OTHER DISTRICTS with voting machines that had paper trails.... And the exit polling stating that Hillary won in those districts....they BOTH could logically be explained for other reasons than hacking...

but I suppose we would never know for certain unless they were checked....
Democrats are just genetically incapable of relinquishing power. Let's transpose the popular vote argument on another election. So when Ross Perot and George bush got more votes,than bill Clinton, then he was apparently an illegitimate president. Not one case of vote manipulation has been reported in any of the three states but for some reason we need a recount. As the case in Minnesota with al Frankenstein shows, recounts always favor the democrats because they can manufacture votes on demand, as they showed when they created enough new voters to give franken a three hundred vote win.

As has already been stated, this is just a move to continue the mad cow obstructionalism of the Dems. There is no way they could lose according to the press, the party, the students, and the elites. They are so smart they can never be wrong. They will continue their divisive and corrosive attacks because like trump voters understand, democrats do not care about their country, they only care about power and ideology. Jill steins recount war chest is totally funded by Hilary fat cats. The longer liberals and democrats disrespect the process and the country, the faster they will descend into irrelevance. Claiming,they are just taking the high road is laughable.would you all please hurry up and get through your phase of denial.
Bill Clinton won the popular did Hillary

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