The Democrats Want Us To Be Afraid

BORED!! That's not what happens in a democracy.
I mean, after all, we put up with you crapping on our side of the fence all the time. :auiqs.jpg:
Win/Win Proposition

More reason to secede from the Red State union. To make your new country even more of a New Age Utopia, you can deport to our country all your White gunowners, White policemen, and White Christians. As an added bonus, we'll sent you our Gangstas, Gayists, Globalists, and Greenies.
Lol can't read? No where did you list what Dems are trying to make you fear. Hilarious 😀😀😀😀 Answer the question. What are the Dems trying to make you fear? Fox news is obviously trying to make you afraid not the Democrats. Fox and news Max is panic porn so lap it up and be afraid if ya want I guess. Hilarious 😄😄😄😄😄😄

I said that they want us to be afraid to stand up to them. Honestly! :rolleyes:
Lol, ok. Sure thing.
Not at all. We think you're too stupid and blind in fealty and worship of one man that you've abandoned all sense and reason to please him.
My goodness gracious.

You have a lot of unmitigated gall saying that.

You are just as blind in your fealty to your party and its flawed ideals.

80 million people were blind enough to entrust this country to a doddering old fool and now we are literally paying the price. Surging crime, inflation, supply chain crisis...

Kindly take your moral preening and shove it.
My goodness gracious.

You have a lot of unmitigated gall saying that.

You are just as blind in your fealty to your party and its flawed ideals.

80 million people were blind enough to entrust this country to a doddering old fool and now we are literally paying the price. Surging crime, inflation, supply chain crisis...

Kindly take your moral preening and shove it.
Just telling it like it is. I've never seen this level of devotion and blind fealty to any political figure. Not Kennedy, not Reagan. But to a fraud of a failed NYC limousine liberal. Too funny.
Oh yeah, and 81 million people voted for Biden. BTW, those last two issues you listed..had their roots in Trump's administration. He gets the blame too....that and almost 800K people dead.
Just telling it like it is. I've never seen this level of devotion and blind fealty to any political figure. Not Kennedy, not Reagan. But to a fraud of a failed NYC limousine liberal. Too funny.
Oh yeah, and 81 million people voted for Biden. BTW, those last two issues you listed..had their roots in Trump's administration. He gets the blame too....that and almost 800K people dead.
It’s not Trump we adhere to but rather MAGA
You all don’t want America great and the folly in that is who will then pay for all your needless free shit?
Lol, ok. Sure thing.
But as adults the crying lying blaming and shrieking is jarring
What can we do about it other than laugh. Yep, all the panic porn is getting old. People wanna be afraid all the time what can we do about it? Any one that tries to manipulate you with fear and anger is a peice of trash. Fear and anger make ya stupid which is what they are counting on. Divide the public and fuck them over. That's what they are doing and getting away with it.
My goodness gracious.

You have a lot of unmitigated gall saying that.

You are just as blind in your fealty to your party and its flawed ideals.

80 million people were blind enough to entrust this country to a doddering old fool and now we are literally paying the price. Surging crime, inflation, supply chain crisis...

Kindly take your moral preening and shove it.
The Statists' Goal Is to Legally Make Us Believe in Their Make-Believe

Depressed, miserable, and confused, Liberal misfits know they are inferior in character, courage, and understanding. So they have to invent an irrational ethics with which illusions they can comfort themselves by feeling they're at least superior to all other White people under that narrative.
That's a dodge.

America being "great" depends on what political views you have, it isn't dependent on whether your freedoms and opportunities in life are being maintained by the people you elect.
You had all the freedoms and opportunities you had before your savior took a joy ride down his golden escalator and declared himself to be the one true king. :)
You had all the freedoms and opportunities you had before your savior took a joy ride down his golden escalator and declared himself to be the one true king.

No, actually I didn't.

Those things disappeared the moment our elected officials chose to start abusing and ignoring the constitution.

It is nothing but a piece of paper unless all of them (both parties) choose to adhere to and enforce the values and precepts it puts forward.

Trump made the most concerted effort to preserve my freedoms and opportunities, even though he failed.

Now tell me, would you have been confident in whomever you voted for to preserve your freedoms and opportunities?

Are you naive enough to believe that?

"The Democrats Want Us To Be Afraid"​

The Democrats? Really? We're not the ones walking around with assault weapons and trying to overthrow and rig elections. We're also not the ones who push for a zillion dollar defense budget. Republicans are the ones who are afraid - of everything!
Tell us all about it.



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What else are you lying about?
No, actually I didn't.

Those things disappeared the moment our elected officials chose to start abusing and ignoring the constitution.

It is nothing but a piece of paper unless all of them (both parties) choose to adhere to and enforce the values and precepts it puts forward.

Trump made the most concerted effort to preserve my freedoms and opportunities, even though he failed.

Now tell me, would you have been confident in whomever you voted for to preserve your freedoms and opportunities?

Are you naive enough to believe that?
Yeah, actually you did. The person in the WH makes little difference (pandemic aside..which the spread and carnage was largely you boy's fault). What you have is the influence of right wing and alt-right media feeding you the notion that Trump was your great savior...when he was nothing of the sort. In fact, I've never seen a President trample and shred the Constitution so completely.

I have opportunities, still enjoy freedoms, my investments are doing well. I can go anywhere in this country I want.

So the questions begs (still, after 7 years, I don't get it).

What does Donald John Trump represent to you? What made this sham so worthy of your love and devotion that you are willing to abandon all sense of logic and reason?
What is it that you think this man was going to return to you?
Yeah, actually you did. The person in the WH makes little difference (pandemic aside..which the spread and carnage was largely you boy's fault)
What carnage?

All I saw were agitators, not insurrectionists.

"My boy"?

Just because I voted for him doesn't mean I like him. Idiot. Unlike you, I don't use my emotions to vote.

Now, if you want to see carnage, look at the current state of our country 11 months into this Biden presidency. China. Russia. Iran. Inflation. Crime. Unabated illegal immigration.

Spare me.
What you have is the influence of right wing and alt-right media feeding you the notion that Trump was your great savior

I don't listen to far right-wing media or left-wing media. I don't pollute my mind with such overtly biased sources of information.

In fact, I've never seen a President trample and shred the Constitution so completely.

Ha. The armchair jurist that you are, your interpretation of the Constitution, perhaps.
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