The Democrats Want Us To Be Afraid

Yeah. Stop right there. Again, if your savior had just taken the response to the virus seriously, the carnage didn't have to be this bad. And I'm sorry, you can't talk out of both sides of your mouth here. Spouting LIBERTY, FREEDOM, THE CONSTITUTION!!! when railing against vaccines and preventative measures while staking the body count to Biden. That count, goes to your savior. Not for the virus making it here. That's wasn't Trump's fault. It was inevitable. But the response??? That failure, belongs to your boy. Lock, stock, and barrel.
Trump produced the ventilators and PPE. The governors were responsible for their own states. Put the blame where it belongs.
Again, if your savior had just taken the response to the virus seriously, the carnage didn't have to be this bad

There goes the spin machine.

And I'm sorry, you can't talk out of both sides of your mouth here. Spouting LIBERTY, FREEDOM, THE CONSTITUTION!!! when railing against vaccines and preventative measures while staking the body count to Biden.

Most of those preventative measures were conceived of during Trump's administration.

Also, it was people such as yourself who readily dismissed the vaccines because Trump was president. Your attitude led to so much hesitancy that many people chose not to take it when it was first EUA'd.

"The Trump Vaccine" as people like you dubbed it. Kamala Harris said she was hesitant to take it because of Trump's push to have one made.

Look, I have a rebuttal for all the tripe you're throwing at me, give up, gracefully.
Show ONE instance where the buck stopped at his desk. (Psssttt...there aren't any instances).
Okay, let's start here:

Name at least two things he failed to take account for.

If any of those things involve Russia, you can swiftly exit the thread.

We've already gone over Covid.

Trump University is irrelevant to his presidency.

The so called insurrection was not his fault. He called for peaceful protests.

That should take away about 2/3 of your argument.
Wear a mask, or lose your job.
Get vaccinated, or lose your job.

Take a look at the name of the luser with whom you're arguing. JackOfNoTrades.

Someone who identifies himself by a lack of employable skills. A worthless parasite, and proud of it.

You think he gives a shit about anyone's ability to keep their job? He's surely not nearly smart enough to understand that for him to live off of whatever unearned and undeserved handouts he receives, other people have to be working to produce the wealth on which those are based.
You [JackassOfNoTrades] don't care if America fails, only that your guy [Biden] brought back what you thought was "normal."

“Normal”. :cuckoo:

Take a look at the name of the luser with whom you're arguing. JackOfNoTrades.

Someone who identifies himself by a lack of employable skills. A worthless parasite, and proud of it.

You think he gives a shit about anyone's ability to keep their job? He's surely not nearly smart enough to understand that for him to live off of whatever unearned and undeserved handouts he receives, other people have to be working to produce the wealth on which those are based.
Why do I always have to explain this to you lemmings. :auiqs.jpg:
The name is a parody of a term jack of all trades I got labeled with in the 90's.
I was the tech Swiss Army Knife.

All you keep parroting are the same alt-right talking points of "handouts", "free stuff", "liberals", "leftists".....blah, blah, blah...
Binary thinker. Sad.
So, you'd hit on it? :auiqs.jpg:
Be many drinks would it take after being shot down by every other woman in the bar before you said..."may as well". :)

It's impossible to say.

I don't drink alcohol, and never have, and never will; so I have no basis on which to judge how alcohol would affect me, or how much it would take to have what effect.

I'm straight, so I have no sexual interest in any man, no matter how hard he tries to pass himself off as a woman.

And I've been married, now, for more than half a century. I've never really had any occasion to even think of pursuing anyone sexually other than my wife.

I cannot claim perfect virtue. I cannot deny the possibility that circumstances might exist which would tempt me beyond my will to resist, to cheat on my wife. But so far, no such circumstances have ever come anywhere close to presenting themselves.
It's impossible to say.

I don't drink alcohol, and never have, and never will; so I have no basis on which to judge how alcohol would affect me, or how much it would take to have what effect.

I'm straight, so I have no sexual interest in any man, no matter how hard he tries to pass himself off as a woman.

And I've been married, now, for more than half a century. I've never really had any occasion to even think of pursuing anyone sexually other than my wife.

I cannot claim perfect virtue. I cannot deny the possibility that circumstances might exist which would tempt me beyond my will to resist, to cheat on my wife. But so far, no such circumstances have ever come anywhere close to presenting themselves.
And?? So you're straight up boring.
You still gotta thing for da freak. :)
Maybe partake in a little booze. It won't hurt you.
And?? So you're straight up boring.
You still gotta thing for da freak. :)
Maybe partake in a little booze. It won't hurt you.

I have to marvel at those whose lives are so pathetic and worthless that they think that they need alcohol or other harmful drugs to enhance their lives. You have to know your life is very bad, if it seems better under the influence of such drugs that it does when you are sober.

I suppose, in your case, it should come as no surprise at all.

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