The Democrats Want Us To Be Afraid

I have opportunities, still enjoy freedoms, my investments are doing well. I can go anywhere in this country I want.

You are complacent.

When the government is actively seeking through legislation to deprive you of those things.

What opportunities, what freedoms?

Opportunities and Freedoms:

Wear a mask, or lose your job.
Get vaccinated, or lose your job.
Show proof of vaccination, or be kept out of a business or establishment.
If you spend over a certain amount, we, the government, want to know about it.
Adhere to the mainstream ideals or lose the career you labored so hard to build.

I need only look to the current era to disprove your notions of freedom and opportunity.

You deceive yourself into thinking all will be fine well into the future. You know nothing of the plight of the majority of Americans who suffer because of Democratic policies. You cannot, in fact, predict the future.
What made this sham so worthy of your love and devotion that you are willing to abandon all sense of logic and reason?

I didn't abandon logic or reason. I used them.

The current state of this country right now proves my choice was justified.

Those of you who voted us into this mess were the ones who abandoned, so utterly and completely, logic and reason.

What made Biden so worthy of your love and devotion that it caused you actively abandon your complete array of senses in voting for him?
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You are complacent.

When the government is actively seeking through legislation to deprive you of those things.

What opportunities, what freedoms?

Opportunities and Freedoms:

Wear a mask, or lose your job.
Get vaccinated, or lose your job.
Show proof of vaccination, or be kept out of a business or establishment.
If you spend over a certain amount, we, the government, want to know about it.
Adhere to the mainstream ideals or lose the career you labored so hard to build.

I need only look to the current era to disprove your notions of freedom and opportunity.

You deceive yourself into thinking all will be fine well into the future. You know nothing of the plight of the majority of Americans who suffer because of Democratic policies. You cannot, in fact, predict the future.

Numbers 1-3 pertain to businesses and establishments being free to make their own rules as they see fit. I thought you conservatives liked the idea of freedom of choice?
With the government, it looks like their mandates are getting struck down, even though the sentiment is the same. Why are you against businesses being able to make their own decisions?

3 and 4 just come off as conspiracy laden drivel.

I have no illusions about the future. But I also know what Republican and conservative policies have done to this country in the past. Along with the added injury of the alt-right
corrupting and poisoning the political discourse.

I guess I'll just stay a cautious optimist.
Easy, competence in performing a job. His personality is irrelevant.

Someone who doesn't care about how people like you and other leftist sychophants like you think about his personality or his performance.

Now, the question begs, again:

What does Biden represent to you?
Personality aside, he wasn't competent. Worse, he didn't care about being President. It was all just a popularity contest for him. Yet here people like you sit and make like this man was going to return something precious you think you lost.
When he didn't give a shit about you. It was always about him. Three years of coasting on the economy and job market his predecessor left him and the MOMENT his presidency is tested...folds like the cheap tent he was. A shit show.

Biden to me represents a return to political normalcy. Competence. If you want, you can hammer him on his missteps. But you can't keep running back to the old standbys of "senile", "stolen election" and the rest of the alt-right tripe you dredge up. If you're going to be consistent, you have to give Trump some of the blame for the inflation and supply chain issues we are having now. Part of his lack of response to the virus. But I don't expect any of that. As I heard NOTHING from people like you last year while Trump was shitting all over himself (because he was unfit for the job), the country, and the Constitution.
Biden to me represents a return to political normalcy.
Just as I thought. You are ignoring his failures. You don't want to see his failures. Having to acknowledge them would mean you having to admit you made a mistake by voting for him.

I took Trump's failures into account before I voted for him.

The benefits outweighed the risks.

You don't care if America fails, only that your guy brought back what you thought was "normal."

You deluded fool.
Just as I thought. You are ignoring his failures. You don't want to see his failures. Having to acknowledge them would mean you having to admit you made a mistake by voting for him.

I took Trump's failures into account before I voted for him.

The benefits outweighed the risks.

You don't care if America fails, only that your guy brought back what you thought was "normal."

You deluded fool.
You are true believer. I'm not trying to change your mind. But do us all a favor and drop the whole, "I think for myself" routine.
Your posts pretty tell me you're a Trump lemming. Policy issues aside, if you can't see a fundamental difference between the way Biden handles
politics and the way Trump handled them, then you're too far gone to be reasoned with.

The risks??? Are you kidding me? many dead now? 800K....yikes.
The risks??? Are you kidding me? many dead now? 800K....yikes.

Might I point to you how many have died this year under Biden, with all the tools in place to combat this virus?

More than Trump. Go look up the numbers.

800k combined, yes.

"President Biden may not recall what he said during a 2020 campaign debate last fall, but Americans should: “Anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States of America.” At the time the U.S. had recorded 220,000 Covid deaths.

Covid deaths this year have now surpassed the toll in 2020 with 350,000 since Inauguration Day. It would seem that Mr. Biden has done no better than Donald Trump in defeating Covid despite the benefit of vaccines, better therapies, and more clinical experience. The left politicized Covid by holding Mr. Trump responsible for a disease that was always going to be hard to defeat."

Policy issues aside, if you can't see a fundamental difference between the way Biden handles
politics and the way Trump handled them, then you're too far gone to be reasoned with.

Biden is president in name only.

Trump, for good or worse, took the heat for his decisions while in the white house.

Biden either spins or hides from his political failures.
I have no illusions about the future. But I also know what Republican and conservative policies have done to this country in the past. Along with the added injury of the alt-right
corrupting and poisoning the political discourse.

You have plenty of illusions of the future. You voted for Biden and expected it to work for your future.

It hasn't for the rest of ours, thus far. Thanks. Not.
Biden is president in name only.

Trump, for good or worse, took the heat for his decisions while in the white house.

Biden either spins or hides from his political failures.
You gotta be absolutely fucking kidding me.

Post a link where Trump accepted responsibility for ANYTHING that happened during his reign of incompetence. It was always someone else's fault.
Jesus....for real? :)
You gotta be absolutely fucking kidding me.

Post a link where Trump accepted responsibility for ANYTHING that happened during his reign of incompetence. It was always someone else's fault.
Jesus....for real? :)

Oh... all those press briefings he gave personally... or every impromptu interview he gave before he departed the White House for AF1...

You know, all the things your biased mind directed you to dismiss so readily.
Might I point to you how many have died this year under Biden, with all the tools in place to combat this virus?

More than Trump. Go look up the numbers.

800k combined, yes.

"President Biden may not recall what he said during a 2020 campaign debate last fall, but Americans should: “Anyone who is responsible for that many deaths should not remain as President of the United States of America.” At the time the U.S. had recorded 220,000 Covid deaths.

Covid deaths this year have now surpassed the toll in 2020 with 350,000 since Inauguration Day. It would seem that Mr. Biden has done no better than Donald Trump in defeating Covid despite the benefit of vaccines, better therapies, and more clinical experience. The left politicized Covid by holding Mr. Trump responsible for a disease that was always going to be hard to defeat."

Yeah. Stop right there. Again, if your savior had just taken the response to the virus seriously, the carnage didn't have to be this bad. And I'm sorry, you can't talk out of both sides of your mouth here. Spouting LIBERTY, FREEDOM, THE CONSTITUTION!!! when railing against vaccines and preventative measures while staking the body count to Biden. That count, goes to your savior. Not for the virus making it here. That's wasn't Trump's fault. It was inevitable. But the response??? That failure, belongs to your boy. Lock, stock, and barrel.
Oh... all those press briefings he gave personally... or every impromptu interview he gave before he departed the White House for AF1...

You know, all the things your biased mind directed you to dismiss so readily.
Those rambling, seemingly drunken diatribes???
Just extensions of his pep rally riffing. You're the one not living in reality.

Again. Link something..anything that has Trump taking direct responsibility for fucking up.
Show ONE instance where the buck stopped at his desk. (Psssttt...there aren't any instances). :)

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