The Democrats Want Us To Be Afraid

Not at all. We think you're too stupid and blind in fealty and worship of one man that you've abandoned all sense and reason to please him.
You can't be trusted..period. You've shown you're ignorant, callous, weak, and just plain old dumb.

And you are right. It's sad
I find it hilarious that you are accusing Trump Deplorables as being “ignorant, callous, weak, and just plain of dumb” while you support Joe Biden.

Actually, she's from Baltimore. She may not be my favorite pol, but I was talking to someone just last week who knew her father.
When America Was Great, Pelosi Would Have Been Nothing More Than a Debby Debutante

Her father was Mayor of Baltimore. Otherwise, she'd be a waitress somewhere in Nowheresville. So would all the other privileged princesses. What could such a sheltered Marie Antoinette have in common with the average American?
When America Was Great, Pelosi Would Have Been Nothing More Than a Debby Debutante

Her father was Mayor of Baltimore. Otherwise, she'd be a waitress somewhere in Nowheresville. So would all the other privileged princesses. What could such a sheltered Marie Antoinette have in common with the average American?
You may have a point there --------------------------

It's not looking good.
I think the same thing about the right wing.
Difference is, the left isn't trying to end democracy and establish autocratic rule.
The right is.
The Alt Right is the same as you. What you both agree on is that you hate Jews equally. Rejoice. Gender is a social construct. Open Borders. Defund the Police....those are rightwing terms?
Democrats are Totalitarian.

This is not a Race Issue.

America had Punitive Culture since 1990s. People who broke Laws were punished extremely severe. African Americans got 20% more time for the same crimes.

Now we also have Cancel Culture which severely punishes Conservatives who offend Progressives.
Not at all. We think you're too stupid and blind in fealty and worship of one man that you've abandoned all sense and reason to please him.
Trump has faults. America was never great. Guns kill people.

But Democrats are much more Totalitarian and thus are a greater danger to Society.
Hey you guys, I just figured out why JackOfNoTrades is always mentioning Trump. He's just as scared of him as he wants us to be afraid of him and the rest of the democraps. :auiqs.jpg:
Oh just close it, sweetie. You're a hack.
No one is afraid of Trump. What we're afraid of is the stark raving batshit crazy lemmings like you who follow him blindly.
Your OP video is 6.5 minutes of whining and bitching. Something I notice you do a lot of on this board.
The Alt Right is the same as you. What you both agree on is that you hate Jews equally. Rejoice. Gender is a social construct. Open Borders. Defund the Police....those are rightwing terms?
No they aren't, Zog. I don't concern myself with gender assignments..or gender reveals...we don't have open borders...every free thinking individual knew that defunding the police wouldn't be something that would fly. They are talking points for you.

You righties are the ones that get your panties in a bunch over social issues. Because that's all you have. You have no policy success issues that your can point to that flowed from your belief system.
So you revert to ground. You divide. You drag out the old playbook of scare the suburban whites into voting against their own best interest.

I could make a whitepaper out of the failures of conservatism...but it's already been done. :)
Nobody agrees with you cupcake so you just close it.
Well. that's because I'm outnumbered 5 to 1.
Care to come back to your OP vid?

Or you just gonna keep complaining?

Side note..I had to use every ounce of self control on your A-Z Zoo thread to NOT post my video of turtles humping at the Washington Zoo.
It's a sound you'll never forget. :auiqs.jpg:
No they aren't, Zog. I don't concern myself with gender assignments..or gender reveals...we don't have open borders...every free thinking individual knew that defunding the police wouldn't be something that would fly. They are talking points for you.

You righties are the ones that get your panties in a bunch over social issues. Because that's all you have. You have no policy success issues that your can point to that flowed from your belief system.
So you revert to ground. You divide. You drag out the old playbook of scare the suburban whites into voting against their own best interest.

I could make a whitepaper out of the failures of conservatism...but it's already been done. :)
For me? Those are literally Democrat Talking Points as is BDS.
Not at all. We think you're too stupid and blind in fealty and worship of one man that you've abandoned all sense and reason to please him.
You can't be trusted..period. You've shown you're ignorant, callous, weak, and just plain old dumb.

And you are right. It's sad
Good. Then you won't mind when we demand that y'all stay on your side of the fence. You don't belong in our world.

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