The Dems Who Cried ‘Wolf!’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Dems Who Cried ‘Wolf!’
Three years of lies and smears are doing the anti-Trumpian hysterics and haters no good.… The President whom the Left media had been challenging for three years to “act Presidential” did it during his Oval Office address to the nation on Tuesday night, and the Democrats came back ten minutes later, crying “Wolf!” in an American Gothic that even MSNBC’s Brian Williams had to pan. The boy who cried “Wolf!” We all learned it as kids: If you keep wasting the time of grown-ups by falsifying alarms, one of these days when you have a real alarm to sound, the grown-ups will disregard you. That day has come for Democrats. After two years of sounding the alarum that the President is a Fascist, a Dictator, a Tyrant, a Nazi, Dementia-Ridden, a Traitor, F – – –him, the President is a M – th – – – u – c – e – (go ahead and buy the letters from Vanna, from De Niro, or from that newly elected trash mouth out of Detroit) the Left has lost its ability to stir emotion outside its own echo chamber. Have a bad name to call Trump? Ho-hum..... For two years, the Left has continued crying “Wolf!” unabated. Even Wolf Blitzer has cried “Wolf!” egging on a guest to compare Trump to Hitler. So they call him a racist. But racists do not associate with Blacks and Latinos. They do not invite them as contestants on their “Apprentice” shows. (In fact, a Black contestant won Season 4.) Can you imagine Hitler inviting Jews? What kind of psychological illness even impacts the mind of someone who places Trump in such a category?.... For two years the Left has been accusing the President of the craziest things imaginable. They lied and said he removed a bust of the Rev. Dr. King from the White House. A complete lie on Day One.... By overreaching beyond all reason with boundless anathema and invective, their ad hominem insults have lost impact. To get attention, they now need a trash talker out of Detroit to get a rise, like a typical bad stand-up comedian who starts cursing just to get a reaction of embarrassed giggles after he otherwise has lost his audience. They have cried “Wolf!” too often on Trump.
Every day the Pelosi-Schumer insult factory will continue heaping invective his way, amplified by the Don Lemons, Chris Cuomos, Anderson Coopers, George Stephanopoulos, Chuck Todds and all the other such fungible characters of TV Land. However, those whom they most seek to influence — fair-minded people in the center — long ago have learned to tune them out. They have cried “Wolf!” too often, and they are poised to be out-foxed.

We are at war. A relatively nonviolent war so far, at least from the right. The battle lines were never clearer, especially with your distinctly-defined demarcations. My only wish is that we could fast-forward time to find out who has won. My solace is that I have lived through times in America that were very, very good. I think that is a rarity in the totality of human experience.
History does repeat its self on a frequent basis. The Progressive Marxist and liberal agenda is a feel good agenda but has no practical use in the real world. It is like the pyramid scheme. It sounds good but never works for long before the system collapses under its own weight.
The good news is that all over the nation, especially the 'Fly-over country' millions of informed voters are waking up to the empty promises of Marxism--and voting their socialist leaders out in favor of more conservative ones. I don't see this trend stalling or reversing itself--we have the victory...BUT NOT OVER NIGHT... When Progressive Marxist Socialist Globalism fails, as it is daily in real time, the parasitical ideology living within it will die with it.
It's already happening...

Trump campaign staffer meets with Russian Ambassador...IT'S COLLUSION, DAMN IT!!!!!!

Hillary makes deal with Russia for 20% of our uranium reserves while SOS, commissions Steele dossier...NOTHING TO SEE HERE, FOLKS...move along...
It's already happening...

Trump campaign staffer meets with Russian Ambassador...IT'S COLLUSION, DAMN IT!!!!!!

Hillary makes deal with Russia for 20% of our uranium reserves while SOS, commissions Steele dossier...NOTHING TO SEE HERE, FOLKS...move along...
You guys need new lies. Russia being given 20% of American uranium by Hillary is old and worn out. Only the extremely brainwashed and dumb still believe that one.
It's already happening...

Trump campaign staffer meets with Russian Ambassador...IT'S COLLUSION, DAMN IT!!!!!!

Hillary makes deal with Russia for 20% of our uranium reserves while SOS, commissions Steele dossier...NOTHING TO SEE HERE, FOLKS...move along...
You guys need new lies. Russia being given 20% of American uranium by Hillary is old and worn out. Only the extremely brainwashed and dumb still believe that one.

Who would've thought...
Dems have been crying wolf for years in the form of RACIST. Everything they don't approve of is somehow WAAAAYYYCIST even if it has nothing to do with race. A couple of months ago when Obamaggot made one of his sanity-crumbling, borderline-meltdown speeches, he was ranting that the reason Americans don't buy into his "climate change" bullshit is because of "racist hatred." Excuse me, but what the FUCK does denial of global warming have to do with race? It's simply another avenue for Obamaggot to spew his contempt for America he's always had since childhood. Remember, this is Frank Marshall Davis' human condom and probable son, since Obamaggot's whore mother was fucking him along with many, many other black men when she got pregnant (Davis is the spitting image of Typhoid Barry).

Liberal walking-graveyard-mold don't realize how much stupider they sound when they replaced the term "global warming" with "climate change." Listen you drooling, libtard vegetables: Earth's climate CHANGES FOUR TIMES A YEAR!!! It's called the seasons, as Earth keeps swiveling around on its 23-degree axis on our perpetual march around the sun. Horses asses!
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