the dems will not impeach Trump.


Diamond Member
Jul 16, 2011
Inside your head.
even though Nancy says they are carrying out the laws and honoring the constitution by having the inquiry to impeach trump because they car about the law on the constitution [yeah right]:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:they will not impeach !!! and they a several reasons they wont impeach Trump 1st they care about the poles which suggest that Trumps approval ratings and those against impeachment are rising in Trumps favor .2nd they do not !! i repeat ! do not want the republicans in the senate to call there own witnesses ! 3rd they dont want dems in battle ground states to put there seats on the line if they vote for impeachment .... if the polling suggested stronger support for impeachment they would impeach !you see folks its all about power and politics for the scumbag left .....its about drumming up outrage to their dumb ass voter base to turn out and vote....if they truly cared about getting to the truth they would have allowed the other side to call their own witnesses .
even though Nancy says they are carrying out the laws and honoring the constitution by having the inquiry to impeach trump because they car about the law on the constitution [yeah right]:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:they will not impeach !!! and they a several reasons they wont impeach Trump 1st they care about the poles which suggest that Trumps approval ratings and those against impeachment are rising in Trumps favor .2nd they do not !! i repeat ! do not want the republicans in the senate to call there own witnesses ! 3rd they dont want dems in battle ground states to put there seats on the line if they vote for impeachment .... if the polling suggested stronger support for impeachment they would impeach !you see folks its all about power and politics for the scumbag left .....its about drumming up outrage to their dumb ass voter base to turn out and vote....if they truly cared about getting to the truth they would have allowed the other side to call their own witnesses .
You are making sense. However, I would not be surprised if the dems vote to impeach anyway.
even though Nancy says they are carrying out the laws and honoring the constitution by having the inquiry to impeach trump because they car about the law on the constitution [yeah right]:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:they will not impeach !!! and they a several reasons they wont impeach Trump 1st they care about the poles which suggest that Trumps approval ratings and those against impeachment are rising in Trumps favor .2nd they do not !! i repeat ! do not want the republicans in the senate to call there own witnesses ! 3rd they dont want dems in battle ground states to put there seats on the line if they vote for impeachment .... if the polling suggested stronger support for impeachment they would impeach !you see folks its all about power and politics for the scumbag left .....its about drumming up outrage to their dumb ass voter base to turn out and vote....if they truly cared about getting to the truth they would have allowed the other side to call their own witnesses .

Volker and Morrison were both Republican preferred witnesses, even though they hurt their case rather than helped it. If Republicans truly cared about getting to the truth, they wouldn't have changed the rules giving committee chairmen complete control over who is called.
“the dems will not impeach Trump.”

Which would be a smart move on the part of Democrats.

Removing Trump from office via the impeachment process gains Democrats nothing; Pence is as bad as Trump, if not worse.
even though Nancy says they are carrying out the laws and honoring the constitution by having the inquiry to impeach trump because they car about the law on the constitution [yeah right]:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:they will not impeach !!! and they a several reasons they wont impeach Trump 1st they care about the poles which suggest that Trumps approval ratings and those against impeachment are rising in Trumps favor .

Nobody cares what the Poles think.
and they a several reasons they wont impeach Trump 1st they care about the poles which suggest that Trumps approval ratings and those against impeachment are rising in Trumps favor .

Nobody cares what the Poles think.

Agreed. Everyone knows how dumb they are.
This is a "Chinese finger trap" for the democrats. The harder they push for impeachment, the stronger Trump gets.
The democrats will impeach, and the GOP senate will make them pay dearly, especially when Trump wins in 2020.
the dems will not impeach Trump

I agree. There are over 30 Democrats representing House districts that Trump won. It's too big a risk for them to have an impeachment vote when the entirety of the witness testimony was nothing by hearsay.
The biggest problem they have is that the senate will bring in witnesses that will expose all the wrong doing and money laundering by Biden, Kerry, Pelosi, Chalupa and others. Then they have to worry that other witnesses will dispute the drummed up charges.
All in all a lose lose. Then tossin the support they will toss to Trump and the fact some will see that the only thing the Dems have done was play a vindictive game of gotcha on Trump and no real representation. It turns into a real disaster.
I put an actual vote on impeachment at 50-50 and an actual vote TO impeach at 75-25
The Dems know have nothing to gain once they move past the "investigation" stage and they lose control of the narrative.
Must suck to have an opponent who fights back.
“the dems will not impeach Trump.”

Which would be a smart move on the part of Democrats.

Removing Trump from office via the impeachment process gains Democrats nothing; Pence is as bad as Trump, if not worse.


There is no way to remove him with what they've got.
the dems will not impeach Trump

I agree. There are over 30 Democrats representing House districts that Trump won. It's too big a risk for them to have an impeachment vote when the entirety of the witness testimony was nothing by hearsay.
Especially with no bribes, treason or any statutory crime at all.
“the dems will not impeach Trump.”

Which would be a smart move on the part of Democrats.

Removing Trump from office via the impeachment process gains Democrats nothing; Pence is as bad as Trump, if not worse.

There are a couple of things you might not have considered. Pence is as bad, or even worse than Trump in some ways, but he isn't crazy and he won't start a war over a twitter remark. Also, the short period of time Pence would be in office along with the weakened state of the right coming from an impeachment would limit the damage he could do.
The witnesses they brought forward are not trustworthy, but the Democrats will vote to impeach anyway.

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