The Dems won’t let the collusion lie die.

did he?

If he did do it while Fusion was under contract with the Clinton campaign, what is your problem. Steele purchased a commodity, information.

Why are you crying about this? Clinton did not send Steele or even knew he was involved.

OMG OMG OMG a British citizen paid a Russian for information!!!!! OMG OMG OMG

did he?

Did he?

If he did do it while Fusion was under contract with the Clinton campaign, what is your problem. Steele purchased a commodity, information.

Clinton money was paid to foreigners to interfere in our elections?

Clinton did not send Steele or even knew he was involved.

Ignorance of the law is her defense? Again?

OMG OMG OMG a British citizen paid a Russian for information!!!!!

You twats were whining about foreign it's ok? LOL!
Providing information is interfering? According to you, anything a candidate ever did in another country can not be investigated or can any foreign person report any of it.

Even a stupid fuck like you knows that is ridiculous.

Stating a fact. If someone gives you a gift, can you be arrested if it is discovered it was stolen & you did not know it?

Look, helping a foreign government interfere in our election is nothing like getting information that happened in that foreign government.

Sending someone to Russia to investigate Trump's doing there is not interfering in the election. To say it is is just being stupid./

How about funneling "donations" from foreign entities to your non profit and then using that very same non profit to pay part of the salaries for people who worked on your political campaign?
That is total bullshit.

Bullshit? So the Clinton's DIDN'T have people on the payroll of their non profit who were also working on Hillary's campaign? It's a great way to get around campaign finance laws, Dave! You say that those people are working for the non profit and that way you can pay political operatives out of a non profit's funds while you're setting up your political machine to run for the Presidency!
Really. Trump does bad shit & you run around " but but but Clinton"?

Trump paid off a woman for the good of the campaign & never declared it. You don't give a shit. So go fuck yourself.

Trump is the most corrupt President EVER,. And you have the nerve to talk about Hillary Clinton. So let me repeat myself Go fuck yourself.
So your orange buddy did all this stuff in Russia & no one is allowed to ask about it?

Fucking liar.

The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.


Aren't you embarrassed to be such a pile of shit liar?
Steele did not go there to investigate collusion. How fucking stupid are you people.

Steele went there to investigate Trump's business & banking dealings there.
Facebook memes are WAY more damaging to a free election than forged FISA warrants based on a fabricated dossier bought from the Kremlin which is used to spy on the opposition campaign and then used to stage an attempted coup.
What a load of pure BULLSHIT!
What about the Trump Russians hacking the voter rolls in 21 states??? How many votes did that change? Do you think they did that for nothing?
Facebook memes are WAY more damaging to a free election than forged FISA warrants based on a fabricated dossier bought from the Kremlin which is used to spy on the opposition campaign and then used to stage an attempted coup.
What a load of pure BULLSHIT!
What about the Trump Russians hacking the voter rolls in 21 states??? How many votes did that change? Do you think they did that for nothing?

How many votes did that change?


But the memes...…….
So your orange buddy did all this stuff in Russia & no one is allowed to ask about it?

Fucking liar.

The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.


Aren't you embarrassed to be such a pile of shit liar?
Steele did not go there to investigate collusion. How fucking stupid are you people.

Steele went there to investigate Trump's business & banking dealings there.

Steele went there to investigate Trump's business & banking dealings there.

Steele went to Russia?
How about paying foreign entities to create phony dossiers on your political opponent in order to smear them right before the election?

I think that's called defrauding the United States.
Of course, the dossier has not been shown to be false. The Clinton campaign did not relesse the report.

if supplying false information to the American people is Fraud, OMG Trump. The fat assed POS lied over & over & ovse.

You're just "pissed" because of Trump & those prostitutes. The ones his buddy Vlad probably sent over. I wonder how old they were?

The Clinton campaign did not relesse the report.

The Clinton campaign handing the dossier to the Obama administration to get fraudulent FISA warrants still
qualifies as defrauding the United States.
Carter Page already had a FISA warrant on him, years before the steele dossier was started. The dossier was only used for renewal of an existing warrant.
That was the narrative that was put out by news organizations like The New York Times, CNN and Time, Dave but it was always something that was alleged...never something that was EVER proven to have happened! If you'd like to show proof that a FISA warrant had been issued regarding Carter Page back in 2013...I'd LOVE to see it!
How about paying foreign entities to create phony dossiers on your political opponent in order to smear them right before the election?

I think that's called defrauding the United States.
Of course, the dossier has not been shown to be false. The Clinton campaign did not relesse the report.

if supplying false information to the American people is Fraud, OMG Trump. The fat assed POS lied over & over & ovse.

You're just "pissed" because of Trump & those prostitutes. The ones his buddy Vlad probably sent over. I wonder how old they were?

The Clinton campaign did not relesse the report.

The Clinton campaign handing the dossier to the Obama administration to get fraudulent FISA warrants still
qualifies as defrauding the United States.
Carter Page already had a FISA warrant on him, years before the steele dossier was started. The dossier was only used for renewal of an existing warrant.
That was the narrative that was put out by news organizations like The New York Times, CNN and Time, Dave but it was always something that was alleged...never something that was EVER proven to have happened! If you'd like to show proof that a FISA warrant had been issued regarding Carter Page back in 2013...I'd LOVE to see it!
Since Page himself admitted he met with Russia spy back in 2013, its a safe bet that the FBI was keeping an eye on him.
Considering all of Page's Russia contacts, the FBI would be remiss if they werent keeping tabs on him.
I think that's called defrauding the United States.
Of course, the dossier has not been shown to be false. The Clinton campaign did not relesse the report.

if supplying false information to the American people is Fraud, OMG Trump. The fat assed POS lied over & over & ovse.

You're just "pissed" because of Trump & those prostitutes. The ones his buddy Vlad probably sent over. I wonder how old they were?

The Clinton campaign did not relesse the report.

The Clinton campaign handing the dossier to the Obama administration to get fraudulent FISA warrants still
qualifies as defrauding the United States.
Carter Page already had a FISA warrant on him, years before the steele dossier was started. The dossier was only used for renewal of an existing warrant.
That was the narrative that was put out by news organizations like The New York Times, CNN and Time, Dave but it was always something that was alleged...never something that was EVER proven to have happened! If you'd like to show proof that a FISA warrant had been issued regarding Carter Page back in 2013...I'd LOVE to see it!
Since Page himself admitted he met with Russia spy back in 2013, its a safe bet that the FBI was keeping an eye on him.
Considering all of Page's Russia contacts, the FBI would be remiss if they werent keeping tabs on him.

So was the FBI "keeping tabs on him"...which is rather vague...or did they obtain a FISA court warrant to spy on him back in 2013...which is what is being claimed by The New York Times, CNN and Time! Once again...if you have any proof that a FISA court issued a warrant on Page back in 2013...I'd love to see it! If you don't...then I'm going to suggest that this is simply one more example of far left media outlets going with unsubstantiated rumors from unnamed sources rather than the facts!
did he?

Did he?

If he did do it while Fusion was under contract with the Clinton campaign, what is your problem. Steele purchased a commodity, information.

Clinton money was paid to foreigners to interfere in our elections?

Clinton did not send Steele or even knew he was involved.

Ignorance of the law is her defense? Again?

OMG OMG OMG a British citizen paid a Russian for information!!!!!

You twats were whining about foreign it's ok? LOL!
Providing information is interfering? According to you, anything a candidate ever did in another country can not be investigated or can any foreign person report any of it.

Even a stupid fuck like you knows that is ridiculous.

Stating a fact. If someone gives you a gift, can you be arrested if it is discovered it was stolen & you did not know it?

Look, helping a foreign government interfere in our election is nothing like getting information that happened in that foreign government.

Sending someone to Russia to investigate Trump's doing there is not interfering in the election. To say it is is just being stupid./

Providing information is interfering?

Foreigners can provide information and that's not interfering? DURR.

According to you, anything a candidate ever did in another country can not be investigated or can any foreign person report any of it.

According to you, saying hi to a Russian while passing in the hallway is collusion.

If someone gives you a gift, can you be arrested if it is discovered it was stolen & you did not know it?

The information from Russian agents was a gift?

helping a foreign government interfere in our election is nothing like getting information that happened in that foreign government.

These Russian agents that interfered to help Hillary, do you feel that Putin wasn't directing them?

Again, we can not go to Russia & investigate what Trump did there?

This is your claim & even you know it is really stupid.

The "gift" story was an example of how stupid your post was.

Russian agents called Hillary & offered intel?

Your entire premise is flawed. We can indeed send people to investigate what a candidate has done in the past in another country.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada said Trump didn't do anything there, and neither did anyone associated with him.

Yet you continue to lie.
He did not say that. He said there was not sufficient evidence of collusion.

NO COLLUSION! Thank you!
Really. Trump does bad shit & you run around " but but but Clinton"?

Trump paid off a woman for the good of the campaign & never declared it. You don't give a shit. So go fuck yourself.

Trump is the most corrupt President EVER,. And you have the nerve to talk about Hillary Clinton. So let me repeat myself Go fuck yourself.

As you know, President Donald Trump has done nothing illegal but he is doing exactly what he was elected to do.

Specifically, why do you hate all the great things President Trump has done for our country, putting AMERICA FIRST. Why do you hate that happening?

Facebook memes are WAY more damaging to a free election than forged FISA warrants based on a fabricated dossier bought from the Kremlin which is used to spy on the opposition campaign and then used to stage an attempted coup.
What a load of pure BULLSHIT!
What about the Trump Russians hacking the voter rolls in 21 states??? How many votes did that change? Do you think they did that for nothing?

How many votes did that change?


But the memes...…….
You don't know that, as the Republican controlled states where it happened, like Florida, won't allow any independent examination of the hacks.
Really. Trump does bad shit & you run around " but but but Clinton"?

Trump paid off a woman for the good of the campaign & never declared it. You don't give a shit. So go fuck yourself.

Trump is the most corrupt President EVER,. And you have the nerve to talk about Hillary Clinton. So let me repeat myself Go fuck yourself.

As you know, President Donald Trump has done nothing illegal but he is doing exactly what he was elected to do.

Specifically, why do you hate all the great things President Trump has done for our country, putting AMERICA FIRST. Why do you hate that happening?


First. Trump is a liar. He lies everyday.
Second, Trump acts like a 5 year old
Third, he borrowed 1.5 trillion to pump up the economy
Fourth, he says AGW is a hoax & has worked against actions to fight it
Fifth, he pulled out of the TPP & now China is the center of it
sixth: HE pulled out of a functioning Iran agreement
Seventh, his tariffs are killing US Farmers & Some manufscturers with nothing positive happening
Eigth: Trump has trasjhed the service of oyr veterans and mocked our generals
ninth: He s a woman abusing, amoral piece of shit
tenth: He said he would not golf & he is setting records for golfing
Eleventh: He is making millions by using his office for personal gain
12th: He installed his own kid & son-in-law into positions in the White House where they hsve nO experience.
13th: The "art of the Deakl" has yet to produce any "deals"
14TH: He is running up the debt
15th His tax cuts favored rich people like him while not doing much for the Middle Class except saddling them with more debt.

What do you think Trump did that was good?
So your orange buddy did all this stuff in Russia & no one is allowed to ask about it?

Fucking liar.

The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.


Aren't you embarrassed to be such a pile of shit liar?
Steele did not go there to investigate collusion. How fucking stupid are you people.

Steele went there to investigate Trump's business & banking dealings there.

Steele went there to investigate Trump's business & banking dealings there.

Steele went to Russia?
With the fit you are having, I assumed he had.
Really. Trump does bad shit & you run around " but but but Clinton"?

Trump paid off a woman for the good of the campaign & never declared it. You don't give a shit. So go fuck yourself.

Trump is the most corrupt President EVER,. And you have the nerve to talk about Hillary Clinton. So let me repeat myself Go fuck yourself.

As you know, President Donald Trump has done nothing illegal but he is doing exactly what he was elected to do.

Specifically, why do you hate all the great things President Trump has done for our country, putting AMERICA FIRST. Why do you hate that happening?

Got to love the way he has a great friendship with a murderer who kills tortures members of even his own family Got to say Un disappointed me Was hoping he could help with Americas problem
Facebook memes are WAY more damaging to a free election than forged FISA warrants based on a fabricated dossier bought from the Kremlin which is used to spy on the opposition campaign and then used to stage an attempted coup.
What a load of pure BULLSHIT!
What about the Trump Russians hacking the voter rolls in 21 states??? How many votes did that change? Do you think they did that for nothing?

According to the FBI - zero

The thing about you edtheliar is that you're pathological. Like most Communists, you'll say anything to either promote the party or to slander the enemy.Whether what you say is factual never even enters into the equation.

So let's take you apart, you fucking liar;

{Jeanette Manfra, the Homeland Security official tasked with securing the system from hackers, told NBC News that a total of 21 states were targeted and “an exceptionally small number of them were actually successfully penetrated.”}

Oh, 21 were TARGETED but not hacked. Well, you only lied because that's what you do.

So what does the Marxist state of California have to say about it?

{As we reported in September when word that the 21 states were being targeted (but before DHS claimed some had been breached), California Secretary of State Alex Padilla released a statement in response to the DHS, the whole thing was just a bunch of "fake news." Padilla noted that after requesting additional information from DHS on the "hacks" it quickly became clear that their "conclusions were wrong" and that "California's elections infrastructure and websites were not hacked or breached by Russian cyber actors.}

DHS: Russia "Penetrated" Voter Rolls In 21 States, "No Evidence" Of Alterations

What? Alex Padilla - radical left democrat is saying it's fake news? How can that be? Oh, because you're a fucking liar...
Facebook memes are WAY more damaging to a free election than forged FISA warrants based on a fabricated dossier bought from the Kremlin which is used to spy on the opposition campaign and then used to stage an attempted coup.
What a load of pure BULLSHIT!
What about the Trump Russians hacking the voter rolls in 21 states??? How many votes did that change? Do you think they did that for nothing?

How many votes did that change?


But the memes...…….

In fact California and Florida, the two states DHS (not the FBI) claimed Russia succeeded in penetrating both say that no penetration occurred, much less were any registration records altered.

Edtheliar lies, it's what he does.
So your orange buddy did all this stuff in Russia & no one is allowed to ask about it?

Fucking liar.

The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.


Aren't you embarrassed to be such a pile of shit liar?
Steele did not go there to investigate collusion. How fucking stupid are you people.

Steele went there to investigate Trump's business & banking dealings there.


Glenn Simpson was hooked up with Kremlin operative Natalia Veselnitskaya by KGB John Brennan. Steele wrote his 35 page smear that was intended to influence the 2016 election based on a number of Obama administration provided sources - including Fusion GPS and several Kremlin authored items that Simpson provided. The democrats were directly colluding with Russia to tamper with and rig the election.
Since Page himself admitted he met with Russia spy back in 2013, its a safe bet that the FBI was keeping an eye on him.
Considering all of Page's Russia contacts, the FBI would be remiss if they werent keeping tabs on him.

Doesn't cut it traitor.

The Hill was repeating deep state disinformation in early 2017 because the exposure of how deeply compromised the FSB, NSA, and other agencies were had not yet been revealed. The Hill was reporting what it had been told, they had no way of knowing it was a flat out lie at the time. Now though, we DO know that the agencies were lying to cover their tracks.

On a sleepy summer Saturday, after months of stonewalling, the FBI dumped 412 pages of documents related to the Carter Page FISA surveillance warrants — the applications, the certifications, and the warrants themselves. Now that we can see it all in black and white — mostly black, as they are heavily redacted — it is crystal clear that the Steele dossier, an unverified Clinton-campaign product, was the driving force behind the Trump–Russia investigation.

Based on the dossier, the FBI told the FISA court it believed that Carter Page, who had been identified by the Trump campaign as an adviser, was coordinating with the Russian government in an espionage conspiracy to influence the 2016 election.

This sensational allegation came from Christopher Steele, the former British spy. The FISA court was not told that the Clinton campaign was behind Steele’s work. Nor did the FBI and Justice Department inform the court that Steele’s allegations had never been verified. To the contrary, each FISA application — the original one in October 2016, and the three renewals at 90-day intervals — is labeled “VERIFIED APPLICATION” (bold caps in original). And each one makes this breathtaking representation:

The FBI has reviewed this verified application for accuracy in accordance with its April 5, 2001 procedures, which include sending a copy of the draft to the appropriate field office(s).

In reality, the applications were never verified for accuracy.}

Carter Page FISA Applications: FBI Used Steele Dossier | National Review
Really. Trump does bad shit & you run around " but but but Clinton"?

Trump paid off a woman for the good of the campaign & never declared it. You don't give a shit. So go fuck yourself.

Trump is the most corrupt President EVER,. And you have the nerve to talk about Hillary Clinton. So let me repeat myself Go fuck yourself.

As you know, President Donald Trump has done nothing illegal but he is doing exactly what he was elected to do.

Specifically, why do you hate all the great things President Trump has done for our country, putting AMERICA FIRST. Why do you hate that happening?


First. Trump is a liar. He lies everyday.
Second, Trump acts like a 5 year old
Third, he borrowed 1.5 trillion to pump up the economy
Fourth, he says AGW is a hoax & has worked against actions to fight it
Fifth, he pulled out of the TPP & now China is the center of it
sixth: HE pulled out of a functioning Iran agreement
Seventh, his tariffs are killing US Farmers & Some manufscturers with nothing positive happening
Eigth: Trump has trasjhed the service of oyr veterans and mocked our generals
ninth: He s a woman abusing, amoral piece of shit
tenth: He said he would not golf & he is setting records for golfing
Eleventh: He is making millions by using his office for personal gain
12th: He installed his own kid & son-in-law into positions in the White House where they hsve nO experience.
13th: The "art of the Deakl" has yet to produce any "deals"
14TH: He is running up the debt
15th His tax cuts favored rich people like him while not doing much for the Middle Class except saddling them with more debt.

What do you think Trump did that was good?

So, you have nothing rational of factual, you are just filled with hatred and rage.
So your orange buddy did all this stuff in Russia & no one is allowed to ask about it?

Fucking liar.

The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.


Aren't you embarrassed to be such a pile of shit liar?
Steele did not go there to investigate collusion. How fucking stupid are you people.

Steele went there to investigate Trump's business & banking dealings there.

Steele went there to investigate Trump's business & banking dealings there.

Steele went to Russia?
With the fit you are having, I assumed he had.

That's the problem retard, you don't KNOW a fucking thing. You're too dumb to do any research and just repeat what you feel from the hate sites.

You lie as easily as most people breathe, you don't even grasp the concept of integrity, much less have any.

You're a scumbag and a traitor - other than that though, you're a real pile of shit.

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