The Dems won’t let the collusion lie die.

How'd Steele get paid?
In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm.
The Right always play dumb when they already know the answer so they can continue to lie using the Reagan technique for lying, it is not a lie if you pretend not to know the truth.

Thanks for admitting that Dem dollars flowed to Steele thru Fusion GPS.
Your head didn't even explode.
I admitted no such thing, and you know it. Fusion GPS dollars and only Fusion GPS dollars flowed to Steele.

Fusion GPS dollars and only Fusion GPS dollars flowed to Steele.

The DNC and the Hillary campaign paid Fusion GPS for the job.
Fusion GPS took the dollars they received and paid Steele.
Steele used the money to pay Russian agents for info.
Fusion GPS gets money from many sources, how could you possibly know exactly what funds were used to pay anyone?
The owner of Fusion GPS admitted that the Steele dossier was compiled at the request of Perkins Coie, shit for brains.
The Right always play dumb when they already know the answer so they can continue to lie using the Reagan technique for lying, it is not a lie if you pretend not to know the truth.

Thanks for admitting that Dem dollars flowed to Steele thru Fusion GPS.
Your head didn't even explode.
I admitted no such thing, and you know it. Fusion GPS dollars and only Fusion GPS dollars flowed to Steele.

Fusion GPS dollars and only Fusion GPS dollars flowed to Steele.

The DNC and the Hillary campaign paid Fusion GPS for the job.
Fusion GPS took the dollars they received and paid Steele.
Steele used the money to pay Russian agents for info.
Fusion GPS gets money from many sources, how could you possibly know exactly what funds were used to pay anyone?
The owner of Fusion GPS admitted that the Steele dossier was compiled at the request of Perkins Coie, shit for brains.
So now you have moved Clinton one more step removed from Steele.
Thank you.
So how much of the Hillary campaign dollars did Steele use to pay
Russian agents for their info?
Steele used his own money?
Now why would he do that?
How do you know he paid anyone anything? Are you his bookkeeper?

How do you know he paid anyone anything?

Did he get the info for free?
Don't you know?
Prove that! Two years you’re still squeezing poop

There is enough proof right here to impeach Trump right now. Given a bit more time, Congress could very well demonstrate to the American people just how HUUUUGE the "no collusion, no obstruction" lie really is. Just let Mueller sit down with a few pointy questions from someone like Kamilla Harris, or Adam Schiff, or one of the other senior prosecutors available to ask the right questions.

Furthermore, you're going to have the testimony of Mueller's staff, those "17 angry Democrats", who have no agenda or interest in protecting or shielding this President or his party from the consequences of their action, are also going to be testifying and Trump and his staff will not be able to control what those witnesses say. Mueller, being a super straight arrow kind of guy, would be less direct in his responses, as he was in his report.
There's no evidence for impeaching Trump. He's the best president we've had since Reagan.

Trump isn't even in the top 3 Presidents since Reagan. There isn't a single measure of his economy that is better than Obama's, not his GDP growth, which was better under Clinton, Obama and Bush 41. Not his stock market growth which pales in comparison with Obama's, and not his job creation, which isn't as good as Obama's or Clinton's, both of which exceeded Reagan's.

Obama was handed a shit show of an economy by Bush 43, and turned it around completely, creating the most successful economic growth since Eisenhauer, and the longest recovery in US history. Trump hasn't managed to totally fuck up Obama's ecconomy, but that's only because the destructive effects of his tax cuts for the wealthy and biggest deficits in US history, have yet to kick in.

Trump promised to destroy everything Obama did, and the economy is Obama's greatest achievement. Trump isn't there yet, but he has sown all of the seeds, with his tax cuts, his tariffs, and his deficits. And because of his deficits, just like Bush 43, when the shit hits the fan and the economy contracts, the President will have no tools to deal with the mess. You can't cut deficits or raise taxes in a recession. Republicans tried desperately to cut the deficit on the backs of the working poor, and the middle class. These people most in need of assistance because they'd lost their jobs, but Republicans also kept the tax cuts in place for the people who were firing them.

The middle class needs tax relief, in the form of having corporations pay their employees a living wage. Something Democrats have no trouble making them do, but Republicans will not do it ever, even as they rail against "free shit" for the poor. Not only would the working class have more disposable income, but you wouldn't need an army of government workers processing their applications for Earned Income Credits, Section 8, Food Stamps, or MedicAid, thereby cutting the size and payroll of the federal government. One would think that this would be an easy win/win for whichever party chose to implement these policies.

But no. Taxpayers like Ray would rather give the Waltons $2,500 out of his own pocket so the Waltons don't have raise their prices or give their employees one thin dime out of theirs. Picking up the peanuts while being trampled by the elephants, is the Republican voters way of life.
With a smile, Donald Trump jokingly tells Vladimir Putin not to meddle in the election

Trump is at the G-20 summit in Japan.
A Reporter asked President Donald Trump, "Will you tell Russian not to meddle in the 2020 election?"
“Yes, of course I will,” Trump said.
“Don’t meddle in the election, president,” he told Putin.

The Dems are outraged.
They still believe that Trump and Putin are colluding even after it has been debunked.
It’s almost as if the Press/Hollywood have brainwashed them.
Trump would not be in the White House today without the help provided by Putin.

Mueller found "numerous" connections between Russians with links to their government and the Trump campaign.

The life-long Republican fixer found zero similar connections between Clinton's campaign and Putin.

How Collusion Confusion Helps Trump

"In the political and popular vernacular, collusion has been incorrectly conflated with its legal equivalent: criminal conspiracy.

"Mueller said that he found insufficient evidence of a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government—a finding that Trump keeps insisting means there was 'no collusion'"

"But the special counsel noted in his report that there were 'numerous links (i.e., contacts) between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign.'

"The report also found that affiliates of the Trump campaign repeatedly promoted the work of Russia’s innocuously named Internet Research Agency (I.R.A.), which carried out Moscow’s election-interference operations through a social-media campaign and used various means to communicate directly with the campaign."

Trump would not be in the White House today without the help provided by Putin.

The Facebook memes that got all those Dems to vote for Trump were very convincing.
The Facebook memes that got all those Dems to vote for Trump were very convincing.
The IRA Facebook memes that convinced some Democrats to stay home and text on election day cost Clinton key votes in Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

Oh, bullshit! Democrats stayed home because they were disgusted with Hillary Clinton as a candidate. She ran the sleaziest campaign in the last hundred years.
So how much of the Hillary campaign dollars did Steele use to pay
Russian agents for their info?
Steele used his own money?
Now why would he do that?
How do you know he paid anyone anything? Are you his bookkeeper?

How do you know he paid anyone anything?

Did he get the info for free?
Don't you know?

He paid or he didn't.
Either one works for me.
With a smile, Donald Trump jokingly tells Vladimir Putin not to meddle in the election

Trump is at the G-20 summit in Japan.
A Reporter asked President Donald Trump, "Will you tell Russian not to meddle in the 2020 election?"
“Yes, of course I will,” Trump said.
“Don’t meddle in the election, president,” he told Putin.

The Dems are outraged.
They still believe that Trump and Putin are colluding even after it has been debunked.
It’s almost as if the Press/Hollywood have brainwashed them.

"Debunked" and "not convicted"..........

That probe turned up some shady things and got plenty of confessions and convictions so the D's like to keep bringing it up.

Funny the R's want to keep bringing up Hillary's non convictions.....the D's want to keep bringing up Donald's.

Me, even though I'm not real interested, I'm going to talk about Donald's sex life for exactly as long as I've been hearing about Bill's.

Not really, but you're willing to lie.

The investigation did not establish any agreement among Campaign officials or between such officials and Russia-linked individuals to interfere with or obstruct a lawful function of a government agency during the campaign or transition period. And, as discussed in Volume 1, Section V.A, supra, the investigation did not identify evidence that any Campaign official or associate knowingly and intentionally participated in the conspiracy to defraud that the Office charged, namely, the active-measures conspiracy described in Volume 1, Section II, supra.

Accordingly, the Office did not charge any Campaign associate or other US. person with conspiracy to defraud the United States based on the Russia-related contacts described in Section IV above.


You Communists tend to be shameless fucking liars.
Give us something Trump lied about?
No collusion, no obstruction.

So how much Clinton campaign money ended up in Steele's hands?
Hillary Clinton's campaign hired an opposition research first. Of course it would be an expense paid for with campaign funds. That company hired Steele so indirectly his pay would be covered by the Clinton campaign.

So why the fuck are you having a tissy fit about herte? Steele is NOT a fucking Russian. Steele' employment was completely in the open. No one Lied about Steele or what he did..

That company hired Steele so indirectly his pay would be covered by the Clinton campaign.

Glad you finally agree.

Steele is NOT a fucking Russian.

Never said he was. So how much of the Hillary campaign dollars did Steele use to pay
Russian agents for their info?

did he?

If he did do it while Fusion was under contract with the Clinton campaign, what is your problem. Steele purchased a commodity, information.

Why are you crying about this? Clinton did not send Steele or even knew he was involved.

OMG OMG OMG a British citizen paid a Russian for information!!!!! OMG OMG OMG
Steele used his own money?
Now why would he do that?
How do you know he paid anyone anything? Are you his bookkeeper?

How do you know he paid anyone anything?

Did he get the info for free?
Don't you know?

He paid or he didn't.
Either one works for me.
So your orange buddy did all this stuff in Russia & no one is allowed to ask about it?
Give us something Trump lied about?
No collusion, no obstruction.

So how much Clinton campaign money ended up in Steele's hands?
Hillary Clinton's campaign hired an opposition research first. Of course it would be an expense paid for with campaign funds. That company hired Steele so indirectly his pay would be covered by the Clinton campaign.

So why the fuck are you having a tissy fit about herte? Steele is NOT a fucking Russian. Steele' employment was completely in the open. No one Lied about Steele or what he did..

That company hired Steele so indirectly his pay would be covered by the Clinton campaign.

Glad you finally agree.

Steele is NOT a fucking Russian.

Never said he was. So how much of the Hillary campaign dollars did Steele use to pay
Russian agents for their info?

did he?

If he did do it while Fusion was under contract with the Clinton campaign, what is your problem. Steele purchased a commodity, information.

Why are you crying about this? Clinton did not send Steele or even knew he was involved.

OMG OMG OMG a British citizen paid a Russian for information!!!!! OMG OMG OMG

did he?

Did he?

If he did do it while Fusion was under contract with the Clinton campaign, what is your problem. Steele purchased a commodity, information.

Clinton money was paid to foreigners to interfere in our elections?

Clinton did not send Steele or even knew he was involved.

Ignorance of the law is her defense? Again?
OMG OMG OMG a British citizen paid a Russian for information!!!!!

You twats were whining about foreign it's ok? LOL!
With a smile, Donald Trump jokingly tells Vladimir Putin not to meddle in the election

Trump is at the G-20 summit in Japan.
A Reporter asked President Donald Trump, "Will you tell Russian not to meddle in the 2020 election?"
“Yes, of course I will,” Trump said.
“Don’t meddle in the election, president,” he told Putin.

The Dems are outraged.
They still believe that Trump and Putin are colluding even after it has been debunked.
It’s almost as if the Press/Hollywood have brainwashed them.
Trump would not be in the White House today without the help provided by Putin.

Mueller found "numerous" connections between Russians with links to their government and the Trump campaign.

The life-long Republican fixer found zero similar connections between Clinton's campaign and Putin.

How Collusion Confusion Helps Trump

"In the political and popular vernacular, collusion has been incorrectly conflated with its legal equivalent: criminal conspiracy.

"Mueller said that he found insufficient evidence of a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government—a finding that Trump keeps insisting means there was 'no collusion'"

"But the special counsel noted in his report that there were 'numerous links (i.e., contacts) between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign.'

"The report also found that affiliates of the Trump campaign repeatedly promoted the work of Russia’s innocuously named Internet Research Agency (I.R.A.), which carried out Moscow’s election-interference operations through a social-media campaign and used various means to communicate directly with the campaign."

Trump would not be in the White House today without the help provided by Putin.

The Facebook memes that got all those Dems to vote for Trump were very convincing.
The Facebook memes that got all those Dems to vote for Trump were very convincing.
The IRA Facebook memes that convinced some Democrats to stay home and text on election day cost Clinton key votes in Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

Oh, bullshit! Democrats stayed home because they were disgusted with Hillary Clinton as a candidate. She ran the sleaziest campaign in the last hundred years.

The Russians helped your side win. The FBI said it.

The Republicans & Trump did nothing to prevent it in the future.

Wonder what that means?
With a smile, Donald Trump jokingly tells Vladimir Putin not to meddle in the election

Trump is at the G-20 summit in Japan.
A Reporter asked President Donald Trump, "Will you tell Russian not to meddle in the 2020 election?"
“Yes, of course I will,” Trump said.
“Don’t meddle in the election, president,” he told Putin.

The Dems are outraged.
They still believe that Trump and Putin are colluding even after it has been debunked.
It’s almost as if the Press/Hollywood have brainwashed them.
Trump would not be in the White House today without the help provided by Putin.

Mueller found "numerous" connections between Russians with links to their government and the Trump campaign.

The life-long Republican fixer found zero similar connections between Clinton's campaign and Putin.

How Collusion Confusion Helps Trump

"In the political and popular vernacular, collusion has been incorrectly conflated with its legal equivalent: criminal conspiracy.

"Mueller said that he found insufficient evidence of a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government—a finding that Trump keeps insisting means there was 'no collusion'"

"But the special counsel noted in his report that there were 'numerous links (i.e., contacts) between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign.'

"The report also found that affiliates of the Trump campaign repeatedly promoted the work of Russia’s innocuously named Internet Research Agency (I.R.A.), which carried out Moscow’s election-interference operations through a social-media campaign and used various means to communicate directly with the campaign."

Trump would not be in the White House today without the help provided by Putin.

The Facebook memes that got all those Dems to vote for Trump were very convincing.
The Facebook memes that got all those Dems to vote for Trump were very convincing.
The IRA Facebook memes that convinced some Democrats to stay home and text on election day cost Clinton key votes in Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

Oh, bullshit! Democrats stayed home because they were disgusted with Hillary Clinton as a candidate. She ran the sleaziest campaign in the last hundred years.

The Russians helped your side win. The FBI said it.

The Republicans & Trump did nothing to prevent it in the future.

Wonder what that means?
No collusion, no obstruction.

So how much Clinton campaign money ended up in Steele's hands?
Hillary Clinton's campaign hired an opposition research first. Of course it would be an expense paid for with campaign funds. That company hired Steele so indirectly his pay would be covered by the Clinton campaign.

So why the fuck are you having a tissy fit about herte? Steele is NOT a fucking Russian. Steele' employment was completely in the open. No one Lied about Steele or what he did..

That company hired Steele so indirectly his pay would be covered by the Clinton campaign.

Glad you finally agree.

Steele is NOT a fucking Russian.

Never said he was. So how much of the Hillary campaign dollars did Steele use to pay
Russian agents for their info?

did he?

If he did do it while Fusion was under contract with the Clinton campaign, what is your problem. Steele purchased a commodity, information.

Why are you crying about this? Clinton did not send Steele or even knew he was involved.

OMG OMG OMG a British citizen paid a Russian for information!!!!! OMG OMG OMG

did he?

Did he?

If he did do it while Fusion was under contract with the Clinton campaign, what is your problem. Steele purchased a commodity, information.

Clinton money was paid to foreigners to interfere in our elections?

Clinton did not send Steele or even knew he was involved.

Ignorance of the law is her defense? Again?

OMG OMG OMG a British citizen paid a Russian for information!!!!!

You twats were whining about foreign it's ok? LOL!
Providing information is interfering? According to you, anything a candidate ever did in another country can not be investigated or can any foreign person report any of it.

Even a stupid fuck like you knows that is ridiculous.

Stating a fact. If someone gives you a gift, can you be arrested if it is discovered it was stolen & you did not know it?

Look, helping a foreign government interfere in our election is nothing like getting information that happened in that foreign government.

Sending someone to Russia to investigate Trump's doing there is not interfering in the election. To say it is is just being stupid./
With a smile, Donald Trump jokingly tells Vladimir Putin not to meddle in the election

Trump is at the G-20 summit in Japan.
A Reporter asked President Donald Trump, "Will you tell Russian not to meddle in the 2020 election?"
“Yes, of course I will,” Trump said.
“Don’t meddle in the election, president,” he told Putin.

The Dems are outraged.
They still believe that Trump and Putin are colluding even after it has been debunked.
It’s almost as if the Press/Hollywood have brainwashed them.
Trump would not be in the White House today without the help provided by Putin.

Mueller found "numerous" connections between Russians with links to their government and the Trump campaign.

The life-long Republican fixer found zero similar connections between Clinton's campaign and Putin.

How Collusion Confusion Helps Trump

"In the political and popular vernacular, collusion has been incorrectly conflated with its legal equivalent: criminal conspiracy.

"Mueller said that he found insufficient evidence of a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government—a finding that Trump keeps insisting means there was 'no collusion'"

"But the special counsel noted in his report that there were 'numerous links (i.e., contacts) between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign.'

"The report also found that affiliates of the Trump campaign repeatedly promoted the work of Russia’s innocuously named Internet Research Agency (I.R.A.), which carried out Moscow’s election-interference operations through a social-media campaign and used various means to communicate directly with the campaign."

Trump would not be in the White House today without the help provided by Putin.

The Facebook memes that got all those Dems to vote for Trump were very convincing.
The Facebook memes that got all those Dems to vote for Trump were very convincing.
The IRA Facebook memes that convinced some Democrats to stay home and text on election day cost Clinton key votes in Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.

Oh, bullshit! Democrats stayed home because they were disgusted with Hillary Clinton as a candidate. She ran the sleaziest campaign in the last hundred years.

The Russians helped your side win. The FBI said it.

The Republicans & Trump did nothing to prevent it in the future.

Wonder what that means?

Bullshit again! Hillary Clinton lost because she got exposed for who she really is...a political opportunist that would lie, cheat and steal if it meant the Oval Office! The FBI said that Clinton was too stupid to realize that she'd broken the law. It was either that...or charge her with a crime!
So how much Clinton campaign money ended up in Steele's hands?
Hillary Clinton's campaign hired an opposition research first. Of course it would be an expense paid for with campaign funds. That company hired Steele so indirectly his pay would be covered by the Clinton campaign.

So why the fuck are you having a tissy fit about herte? Steele is NOT a fucking Russian. Steele' employment was completely in the open. No one Lied about Steele or what he did..

That company hired Steele so indirectly his pay would be covered by the Clinton campaign.

Glad you finally agree.

Steele is NOT a fucking Russian.

Never said he was. So how much of the Hillary campaign dollars did Steele use to pay
Russian agents for their info?

did he?

If he did do it while Fusion was under contract with the Clinton campaign, what is your problem. Steele purchased a commodity, information.

Why are you crying about this? Clinton did not send Steele or even knew he was involved.

OMG OMG OMG a British citizen paid a Russian for information!!!!! OMG OMG OMG

did he?

Did he?

If he did do it while Fusion was under contract with the Clinton campaign, what is your problem. Steele purchased a commodity, information.

Clinton money was paid to foreigners to interfere in our elections?

Clinton did not send Steele or even knew he was involved.

Ignorance of the law is her defense? Again?

OMG OMG OMG a British citizen paid a Russian for information!!!!!

You twats were whining about foreign it's ok? LOL!
Providing information is interfering? According to you, anything a candidate ever did in another country can not be investigated or can any foreign person report any of it.

Even a stupid fuck like you knows that is ridiculous.

Stating a fact. If someone gives you a gift, can you be arrested if it is discovered it was stolen & you did not know it?

Look, helping a foreign government interfere in our election is nothing like getting information that happened in that foreign government.

Sending someone to Russia to investigate Trump's doing there is not interfering in the election. To say it is is just being stupid./

How about funneling "donations" from foreign entities to your non profit and then using that very same non profit to pay part of the salaries for people who worked on your political campaign?
How about paying foreign entities to create phony dossiers on your political opponent in order to smear them right before the election?
So how much Clinton campaign money ended up in Steele's hands?
Hillary Clinton's campaign hired an opposition research first. Of course it would be an expense paid for with campaign funds. That company hired Steele so indirectly his pay would be covered by the Clinton campaign.

So why the fuck are you having a tissy fit about herte? Steele is NOT a fucking Russian. Steele' employment was completely in the open. No one Lied about Steele or what he did..

That company hired Steele so indirectly his pay would be covered by the Clinton campaign.

Glad you finally agree.

Steele is NOT a fucking Russian.

Never said he was. So how much of the Hillary campaign dollars did Steele use to pay
Russian agents for their info?

did he?

If he did do it while Fusion was under contract with the Clinton campaign, what is your problem. Steele purchased a commodity, information.

Why are you crying about this? Clinton did not send Steele or even knew he was involved.

OMG OMG OMG a British citizen paid a Russian for information!!!!! OMG OMG OMG

did he?

Did he?

If he did do it while Fusion was under contract with the Clinton campaign, what is your problem. Steele purchased a commodity, information.

Clinton money was paid to foreigners to interfere in our elections?

Clinton did not send Steele or even knew he was involved.

Ignorance of the law is her defense? Again?

OMG OMG OMG a British citizen paid a Russian for information!!!!!

You twats were whining about foreign it's ok? LOL!
Providing information is interfering? According to you, anything a candidate ever did in another country can not be investigated or can any foreign person report any of it.

Even a stupid fuck like you knows that is ridiculous.

Stating a fact. If someone gives you a gift, can you be arrested if it is discovered it was stolen & you did not know it?

Look, helping a foreign government interfere in our election is nothing like getting information that happened in that foreign government.

Sending someone to Russia to investigate Trump's doing there is not interfering in the election. To say it is is just being stupid./

Providing information is interfering?

Foreigners can provide information and that's not interfering? DURR.

According to you, anything a candidate ever did in another country can not be investigated or can any foreign person report any of it.

According to you, saying hi to a Russian while passing in the hallway is collusion.

If someone gives you a gift, can you be arrested if it is discovered it was stolen & you did not know it?

The information from Russian agents was a gift?

helping a foreign government interfere in our election is nothing like getting information that happened in that foreign government.

These Russian agents that interfered to help Hillary, do you feel that Putin wasn't directing them?

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