The Dems won’t let the collusion lie die.

Trump and his supporters have always confused or hidden behind the difference between collusion and conspiracy.
The deep state coup plotters are the ones who coined the term "collusion," shit for brains. Now that it has been thoroughly debunked you pretend you never used it. Your "Russia! Russia! Russia!" has been revealed to the entire world as a complete hoax.

Now you're all trying to pretend you never believed it.
Collusion has not been revealed as a hoax and your deep state conspiracy theory is nothing more than a conspiracy theory.
Mueller's report said it was a big hoax. How fucking blind can you be?
No, it didn't. You are mistaken or lying.
Jimmy Carter says Trump would not have won without Russia’s help
Jimmy Carter said the elections in Venezuela were fair.
They were.
Well, if they weren't why did the Trump/Guaido coup fail so miserably among the general population there?
The fact remains the vast majority of the Venezuelan people love Maduro and only a very small number of business families in Caracas support Guaido.
Maduro took away their guns. Remember that, shit for brains? Almost everyone in Venezuela hates Maduro with a purple passion. The only ones who don't are on his payroll.
You worthless lying scum POS, Maduro was NOT president in 2012, but you knew that already.
Give us something Trump lied about?
No collusion, no obstruction.

So how much Clinton campaign money ended up in Steele's hands?
Hillary Clinton's campaign hired an opposition research first. Of course it would be an expense paid for with campaign funds. That company hired Steele so indirectly his pay would be covered by the Clinton campaign.

So why the fuck are you having a tissy fit about herte? Steele is NOT a fucking Russian. Steele' employment was completely in the open. No one Lied about Steele or what he did..
Trump and his supporters have always confused or hidden behind the difference between collusion and conspiracy.
The deep state coup plotters are the ones who coined the term "collusion," shit for brains. Now that it has been thoroughly debunked you pretend you never used it. Your "Russia! Russia! Russia!" has been revealed to the entire world as a complete hoax.

Now you're all trying to pretend you never believed it.
Collusion has not been revealed as a hoax and your deep state conspiracy theory is nothing more than a conspiracy theory.
Mueller's report said it was a big hoax. How fucking blind can you be?
No, it didn't. You are mistaken or lying.

Mueller Report: No Collusion Between Trump Team and Russia

“[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities,”
Jimmy Carter said the elections in Venezuela were fair.
They were.
Well, if they weren't why did the Trump/Guaido coup fail so miserably among the general population there?
The fact remains the vast majority of the Venezuelan people love Maduro and only a very small number of business families in Caracas support Guaido.
Maduro took away their guns. Remember that, shit for brains? Almost everyone in Venezuela hates Maduro with a purple passion. The only ones who don't are on his payroll.
You worthless lying scum POS, Maduro was NOT president in 2012, but you knew that already.
What does the year 2012 have to do with anything, you fucking dumbass?
Trump and his supporters have always confused or hidden behind the difference between collusion and conspiracy.
The deep state coup plotters are the ones who coined the term "collusion," shit for brains. Now that it has been thoroughly debunked you pretend you never used it. Your "Russia! Russia! Russia!" has been revealed to the entire world as a complete hoax.

Now you're all trying to pretend you never believed it.
Collusion has not been revealed as a hoax and your deep state conspiracy theory is nothing more than a conspiracy theory.
Mueller's report said it was a big hoax. How fucking blind can you be?
No, it didn't. You are mistaken or lying.

Mueller Report: No Collusion Between Trump Team and Russia

“[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities,”
You said Mueller called the allegation a hoax. That was another one of your routine lies. And, not finding conspiracy or coordination does not mean no collusion was found.
The deep state coup plotters are the ones who coined the term "collusion," shit for brains. Now that it has been thoroughly debunked you pretend you never used it. Your "Russia! Russia! Russia!" has been revealed to the entire world as a complete hoax.

Now you're all trying to pretend you never believed it.
Collusion has not been revealed as a hoax and your deep state conspiracy theory is nothing more than a conspiracy theory.
Mueller's report said it was a big hoax. How fucking blind can you be?
No, it didn't. You are mistaken or lying.

Mueller Report: No Collusion Between Trump Team and Russia

“[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities,”
You said Mueller called the allegation a hoax. That was another one of your routine lies. And, not finding conspiracy or coordination does not mean no collusion was found.
You mean he didn't use the term "hoax?" What a liar I am!

Do you Trump hating turds have any actual facts to argue about?

Mueller said there was no evidence that anyone in the Trump campaign conspired with any Russians. In other words, the whole thing was a hoax. However, we knew that before Mueller was even appointed.
Prove that! Two years you’re still squeezing poop

There is enough proof right here to impeach Trump right now. Given a bit more time, Congress could very well demonstrate to the American people just how HUUUUGE the "no collusion, no obstruction" lie really is. Just let Mueller sit down with a few pointy questions from someone like Kamilla Harris, or Adam Schiff, or one of the other senior prosecutors available to ask the right questions.

Furthermore, you're going to have the testimony of Mueller's staff, those "17 angry Democrats", who have no agenda or interest in protecting or shielding this President or his party from the consequences of their action, are also going to be testifying and Trump and his staff will not be able to control what those witnesses say. Mueller, being a super straight arrow kind of guy, would be less direct in his responses, as he was in his report.
The deep state coup plotters are the ones who coined the term "collusion," shit for brains. Now that it has been thoroughly debunked you pretend you never used it. Your "Russia! Russia! Russia!" has been revealed to the entire world as a complete hoax.

Now you're all trying to pretend you never believed it.
Collusion has not been revealed as a hoax and your deep state conspiracy theory is nothing more than a conspiracy theory.
Mueller's report said it was a big hoax. How fucking blind can you be?
No, it didn't. You are mistaken or lying.

Mueller Report: No Collusion Between Trump Team and Russia

“[T]he investigation did not establish that members of the Trump Campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities,”
You said Mueller called the allegation a hoax. That was another one of your routine lies. And, not finding conspiracy or coordination does not mean no collusion was found.
Mueller's statement is the equivalent of saying the allegation was a hoax.
Prove that! Two years you’re still squeezing poop

There is enough proof right here to impeach Trump right now. Given a bit more time, Congress could very well demonstrate to the American people just how HUUUUGE the "no collusion, no obstruction" lie really is. Just let Mueller sit down with a few pointy questions from someone like Kamilla Harris, or Adam Schiff, or one of the other senior prosecutors available to ask the right questions.

Furthermore, you're going to have the testimony of Mueller's staff, those "17 angry Democrats", who have no agenda or interest in protecting or shielding this President or his party from the consequences of their action, are also going to be testifying and Trump and his staff will not be able to control what those witnesses say. Mueller, being a super straight arrow kind of guy, would be less direct in his responses, as he was in his report.
There's no evidence for impeaching Trump. He's the best president we've had since Reagan.
How'd Steele get paid?
In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm.
The Right always play dumb when they already know the answer so they can continue to lie using the Reagan technique for lying, it is not a lie if you pretend not to know the truth.

Thanks for admitting that Dem dollars flowed to Steele thru Fusion GPS.
Your head didn't even explode.
I admitted no such thing, and you know it. Fusion GPS dollars and only Fusion GPS dollars flowed to Steele.

Fusion GPS dollars and only Fusion GPS dollars flowed to Steele.

The DNC and the Hillary campaign paid Fusion GPS for the job.
Fusion GPS took the dollars they received and paid Steele.
Steele used the money to pay Russian agents for info.
Fusion GPS gets money from many sources, how could you possibly know exactly what funds were used to pay anyone?
Well, if they weren't why did the Trump/Guaido coup fail so miserably among the general population there?
The fact remains the vast majority of the Venezuelan people love Maduro and only a very small number of business families in Caracas support Guaido.
Maduro took away their guns. Remember that, shit for brains? Almost everyone in Venezuela hates Maduro with a purple passion. The only ones who don't are on his payroll.
You worthless lying scum POS, Maduro was NOT president in 2012, but you knew that already.
What does the year 2012 have to do with anything, you fucking dumbass?
That was the year the commercial sale of firearms was banned, you ignorant jackass, and since Maduro was NOT president then, it proves you were LYING when you said Maduro took away their guns.
Give us something Trump lied about?
No collusion, no obstruction.

So how much Clinton campaign money ended up in Steele's hands?
Hillary Clinton's campaign hired an opposition research first. Of course it would be an expense paid for with campaign funds. That company hired Steele so indirectly his pay would be covered by the Clinton campaign.

So why the fuck are you having a tissy fit about herte? Steele is NOT a fucking Russian. Steele' employment was completely in the open. No one Lied about Steele or what he did..

That company hired Steele so indirectly his pay would be covered by the Clinton campaign.

Glad you finally agree.

Steele is NOT a fucking Russian.

Never said he was. So how much of the Hillary campaign dollars did Steele use to pay
Russian agents for their info?
How'd Steele get paid?
In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm.
The Right always play dumb when they already know the answer so they can continue to lie using the Reagan technique for lying, it is not a lie if you pretend not to know the truth.

Thanks for admitting that Dem dollars flowed to Steele thru Fusion GPS.
Your head didn't even explode.
I admitted no such thing, and you know it. Fusion GPS dollars and only Fusion GPS dollars flowed to Steele.

Fusion GPS dollars and only Fusion GPS dollars flowed to Steele.

The DNC and the Hillary campaign paid Fusion GPS for the job.
Fusion GPS took the dollars they received and paid Steele.
Steele used the money to pay Russian agents for info.
Fusion GPS gets money from many sources, how could you possibly know exactly what funds were used to pay anyone?

You should try that defense in a court of law....DURR

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