The Dems won’t let the collusion lie die.

Give us something Trump lied about?
No collusion, no obstruction.

So how much Clinton campaign money ended up in Steele's hands?
I thought the FBI paid Steele for the dossier? Oh, my gosh. I'd like to know how Steele was paid--when and by whom. :eek:

In April 2016, attorneys for Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump, while The Free Beacon stopped its backing in May of 2016. In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the dossier. Clinton campaign officials were reportedly unaware that Fusion GPS had subcontracted Steele, and he was not told that the Clinton campaign was the recipient of his research.

Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia

Hmm...according to this, both the DNC and Clinton paid Steele.
Give us something Trump lied about?
No collusion, no obstruction.

So how much Clinton campaign money ended up in Steele's hands?
I thought the FBI paid Steele for the dossier? Oh, my gosh. I'd like to know how Steele was paid--when and by whom. :eek:

In April 2016, attorneys for Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump, while The Free Beacon stopped its backing in May of 2016. In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the dossier. Clinton campaign officials were reportedly unaware that Fusion GPS had subcontracted Steele, and he was not told that the Clinton campaign was the recipient of his research.

Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia

Hmm...according to this, both the DNC and Clinton paid Steele.
The Clintons owned the DNC
Give us something Trump lied about?
No collusion, no obstruction.

So how much Clinton campaign money ended up in Steele's hands?
I thought the FBI paid Steele for the dossier? Oh, my gosh. I'd like to know how Steele was paid--when and by whom. :eek:

In April 2016, attorneys for Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump, while The Free Beacon stopped its backing in May of 2016. In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the dossier. Clinton campaign officials were reportedly unaware that Fusion GPS had subcontracted Steele, and he was not told that the Clinton campaign was the recipient of his research.

Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia

Hmm...according to this, both the DNC and Clinton paid Steele.
That is profound. So the money trail leads not only to the former Secretary of State, but to the Democrat Party as well. I wonder who in particular signed the checks. I bet Attorney General Barr already knows who.
Give us something Trump lied about?
No collusion, no obstruction.

So how much Clinton campaign money ended up in Steele's hands?
I thought the FBI paid Steele for the dossier? Oh, my gosh. I'd like to know how Steele was paid--when and by whom. :eek:

In April 2016, attorneys for Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump, while The Free Beacon stopped its backing in May of 2016. In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the dossier. Clinton campaign officials were reportedly unaware that Fusion GPS had subcontracted Steele, and he was not told that the Clinton campaign was the recipient of his research.

Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia

Hmm...according to this, both the DNC and Clinton paid Steele.
The Clintons owned the DNC

Hmm, and I thought George Soros did. :aug08_031:
With a smile, Donald Trump jokingly tells Vladimir Putin not to meddle in the election

Trump is at the G-20 summit in Japan.
A Reporter asked President Donald Trump, "Will you tell Russian not to meddle in the 2020 election?"
“Yes, of course I will,” Trump said.
“Don’t meddle in the election, president,” he told Putin.

The Dems are outraged.
They still believe that Trump and Putin are colluding even after it has been debunked.
It’s almost as if the Press/Hollywood have brainwashed them.
Trump would not be in the White House today without the help provided by Putin.

Mueller found "numerous" connections between Russians with links to their government and the Trump campaign.

The life-long Republican fixer found zero similar connections between Clinton's campaign and Putin.

How Collusion Confusion Helps Trump

"In the political and popular vernacular, collusion has been incorrectly conflated with its legal equivalent: criminal conspiracy.

"Mueller said that he found insufficient evidence of a criminal conspiracy between the Trump campaign and the Russian government—a finding that Trump keeps insisting means there was 'no collusion'"

"But the special counsel noted in his report that there were 'numerous links (i.e., contacts) between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign.'

"The report also found that affiliates of the Trump campaign repeatedly promoted the work of Russia’s innocuously named Internet Research Agency (I.R.A.), which carried out Moscow’s election-interference operations through a social-media campaign and used various means to communicate directly with the campaign."

What planet are you guys are totally retarded.......maybe you can try more fake rape accusations...just keep going to that well.....Jesus you guys have no are being played and it's kinda sad to see how dumb some people are.
What planet are you guys are totally retarded.......maybe you can try more fake rape accusations...just keep going to that well.....Jesus you guys have no are being played and it's kinda sad to see how dumb some people are.
Anyone dumb enough to support a serial rapist, pathological liar, and narcissistic megalomaniac for POTUS is probably a bigot or too ignorant of history to recognize the road to fascism when she stumbles across it.
I didn't vote for Slick Willy.
Fact: The Muller investigation found the Russians favored Trump and did their best to help him. The Russians attempted to reach out to the Trump campaign.
Your first "fact" is actually a lie
Really? Are you saying the Mueller investigation does not say the Russians favored Trump and did their best to help him or that the Russians didn't attempt to reach out to the Trump campaign?

Feel free to show me the error of my ways, if you're able.
The last claim may be true, but the other two are bullshit.

You made the claims, so you post the evidence to support them.
No, you've lost all credibility by calling a truth a lie. You obviously just shoot from the hip.
It's not a lie, shit for brains.
With a smile, Donald Trump jokingly tells Vladimir Putin not to meddle in the election

Trump is at the G-20 summit in Japan.
A Reporter asked President Donald Trump, "Will you tell Russian not to meddle in the 2020 election?"
“Yes, of course I will,” Trump said.
“Don’t meddle in the election, president,” he told Putin.

The Dems are outraged.
They still believe that Trump and Putin are colluding even after it has been debunked.
It’s almost as if the Press/Hollywood have brainwashed them.

You're the one pushing the "no collusion, no obstruction" lie. And those who have actually READ the Mueller Report know that it absolutely does not say "no collusion, no obstruction". Not even ONCE.

The Mule report is nothing but an Opinion piece by 17 angry Dems. Trying to deflect from the real crimes of Obies henchman.
n April 2016, attorneys for Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump, while The Free Beacon stopped its backing in May of 2016. In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the dossier. Clinton campaign officials were reportedly unaware that Fusion GPS had subcontracted Steele, and he was not told that the Clinton campaign was the recipient of his research.

Trump–Russia dossier - Wikipedia

Hmm...according to this, both the DNC and Clinton paid Steele.
No, according to YOUR own cite, Fusion GPS paid Steele.
Do the math, Twinky

Donald Trump lies more often than you wash your hands every day - CNNPolitics

"In his first 869 days as President, Donald Trump said 10,796 things that were either misleading or outright false, according to The Washington Post's Fact Checker.

"Do the math and you get this: The President of the United States is saying 12 untrue things a day.

"Which is a lot! But it's also hard to wrap your head around how much lying or, uh, misleading that actually is. So, think about it this way: Trump is lying more every day than a majority of Americans wash their hands.

"According to data from the American Cleaning Institute, just 50% of Americans wash their hands in excess of 10 times a day. (Not for nothing: Here's the CDC's guidelines on proper handwashing!)"
Where did you learn your parroting skills?:auiqs.jpg:
Where did you learn your parroting skills?
Donald Trump lies more often than you wash your hands every day - CNNPolitics

"Trump has effectively created a self-fulfilling falsehood machine. It works like this:
1. He says something that is either misleading or totally refuted by known facts
2. The media fact-checks him, noting said known facts as evidence that he isn't tell the truth
3. Trump seizes on these media fact-checks as evidence that journalists are out to get him
4. His followers, uh, follow suit -- asking questions like: 'How many times has CNN lied since Trump became President?????'

"Wash. Rinse. Repeat."

When are you going to catch on?
Except you can’t post one Polly
Except you can’t post one Polly
You can't find any example of Trump's lying?

President Donald Trump's Biggest Lie |


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