The Department of Education turns 40 next month. Was it worth it?

I would gander that our public education system is WORSE off now than before the DoED was created. Why shouldn't it be eradicated?

The federal government has absolutely no business in education. It's a responsibility of the various states, counties, and municipalities.

It should be defunded and ultimately done away with.

Sure! Lets go back to the time when states and localities could refuse to educate minorities, and children with disabilities.

When I attended school, we didn't have kids in wheelchairs in the classroom because they didn't "need" to be educated. If you had a learning disability, you were not forced to attend school and left to your parents to take care of you.

Those are civil rights issues that were rectified LONG ago.

Individual states can manage their own education systems. The DoED hurts our students because money is being seized from local communities in order to pay for the DoED.

If you cannot demonstrate how the DoED has improved education in America, then why do you want to continue funding it?

The IDEA was a long time ago? It's predecessor was passed in 1975. Do see now that you don't know what you are talking about?

How exactly is money being seized from local communities?

BTW, the proper abbreviation is Ed.D. for Education Department. There is no Department of Education.

Federal income taxes take money from citizens that is sent to Washington. If those taxes weren't being collected, there would be more funds available for local schools.

Why do you support the DoED?

Federal income taxes to support the Education Department are microscopic compared to other federal programs. Your statement is a red herring because there would be no decrease i federal taxes to allow states and localities to raise taxes to fund schools.

Past history is why I support the Education Department. Did you read the thread? States were free to run roughshod over the educational needs of the poor and minorities.

You do also realize that it is the smallest (by far) of all US government departments?
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The federal government has absolutely no business in education. It's a responsibility of the various states, counties, and municipalities.

It should be defunded and ultimately done away with.

Sure! Lets go back to the time when states and localities could refuse to educate minorities, and children with disabilities.

When I attended school, we didn't have kids in wheelchairs in the classroom because they didn't "need" to be educated. If you had a learning disability, you were not forced to attend school and left to your parents to take care of you.

Those are civil rights issues that were rectified LONG ago.

Individual states can manage their own education systems. The DoED hurts our students because money is being seized from local communities in order to pay for the DoED.

If you cannot demonstrate how the DoED has improved education in America, then why do you want to continue funding it?

The IDEA was a long time ago? It's predecessor was passed in 1975. Do see now that you don't know what you are talking about?

How exactly is money being seized from local communities?

BTW, the proper abbreviation is Ed.D. for Education Department. There is no Department of Education.

Federal income taxes take money from citizens that is sent to Washington. If those taxes weren't being collected, there would be more funds available for local schools.

Why do you support the DoED?

Federal income taxes to support the Education Department are microscopic compared to other federal programs. Your statement is a red herring because there would be no decrease i federal taxes to allow states and localities to raise taxes to fund schools.

Past history is why I support the Education Department. Did you read the thread? States were free to run roughshod over the educational needs of the poor and minorities.

You do also realize that it is the smallest (by far) of all US government departments?

We've spent $2 TRILLION+ and have nothing to show for it. I get it. You've never seen a government program that you didn't love.
Sure! Lets go back to the time when states and localities could refuse to educate minorities, and children with disabilities.

When I attended school, we didn't have kids in wheelchairs in the classroom because they didn't "need" to be educated. If you had a learning disability, you were not forced to attend school and left to your parents to take care of you.

Those are civil rights issues that were rectified LONG ago.

Individual states can manage their own education systems. The DoED hurts our students because money is being seized from local communities in order to pay for the DoED.

If you cannot demonstrate how the DoED has improved education in America, then why do you want to continue funding it?

The IDEA was a long time ago? It's predecessor was passed in 1975. Do see now that you don't know what you are talking about?

How exactly is money being seized from local communities?

BTW, the proper abbreviation is Ed.D. for Education Department. There is no Department of Education.

Federal income taxes take money from citizens that is sent to Washington. If those taxes weren't being collected, there would be more funds available for local schools.

Why do you support the DoED?

Federal income taxes to support the Education Department are microscopic compared to other federal programs. Your statement is a red herring because there would be no decrease i federal taxes to allow states and localities to raise taxes to fund schools.

Past history is why I support the Education Department. Did you read the thread? States were free to run roughshod over the educational needs of the poor and minorities.

You do also realize that it is the smallest (by far) of all US government departments?

We've spent $2 TRILLION+ and have nothing to show for it. I get it. You've never seen a government program that you didn't love.

Where did you get that figure? How do you figure that you have nothing to show for it?

I would live to get rid of government programs, but the fact remains that these funds are distributed back to schools.
I would gander that our public education system is WORSE off now than before the DoED was created. Why shouldn't it be eradicated?

Education is a power reserved for the States.

The Federals harvesting our taxes dedicated to education
and deciding they will award funding based on their CORE
curriculum test scores is obscene.
The Greatest State of California did a better job at public
education before the Federals powered in.

We've lost the 10th, the 4th and the 2nd
can losing the 1st be far off?


No Canada-1.jpg
When I was in sixth grade, about 1955, the teaching principal (it was a small school) told us that if the federal government ever took over control of the schools it would be the end of education and the beginning of forced indoctrination.

She had a point.
I would gander that our public education system is WORSE off now than before the DoED was created. Why shouldn't it be eradicated?

Education is a power reserved for the States.

The Federals harvesting our taxes dedicated to education
and deciding they will award funding based on their CORE
curriculum test scores is obscene.
The Greatest State of California did a better job at public
education before the Federals powered in.

We've lost the 10th, the 4th and the 2nd
can losing the 1st be far off?


You do realize that Common Core was eliminated years ago and the funding for school was never based on test results. Where did you dig up these lies?
When I was in sixth grade, about 1955, the teaching principal (it was a small school) told us that if the federal government ever took over control of the schools it would be the end of education and the beginning of forced indoctrination.

She had a point.

She may have, it if ever happens. The federal government has never taken over education.

So when did education end or are you just posting hyperbole for fun?
I don't need to Google. I took Latin for two years in high school.

Give us an example of how the federal government controls education.

Deflections don't cut it!

Apparently "taking" does not necessarily mean "comprehending".

Have you never heard of the mandates of The U.S. Department of Education? Or are you waiting for a Latin translation?
I don't need to Google. I took Latin for two years in high school.

Give us an example of how the federal government controls education.

Deflections don't cut it!

Apparently "taking" does not necessarily mean "comprehending".

Have you never heard of the mandates of The U.S. Department of Education? Or are you waiting for a Latin translation?

What mandates are you referring to?
I would gander that our public education system is WORSE off now than before the DoED was created. Why shouldn't it be eradicated?

It should be. The feds have no business controlling education.

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