The Deplorable Win Another Battle

Just read more = its just bullying. Just like trump. I hate seeing what the RWNJs traitors are doing to the US. They love that their new prez is falling all over himself to worship the biggest enemy of the US but won't support their own countrymen.
So harassing Ivanka is fine but posting a negative review on a book is actually bad?
Harrassing Ivanka is a patriotic duty until further notice
. Keep it up, and you might end up with a real reason to call Trump Hitler.
Which you would love, so it begs wondering why you warn people about it.
That family has never had to interact with peasants before.
She always flies commercial -- coach for that matter you ignorant Savage These are the most down to earth people you'll ever have in the White House.

Strange that you feel no shame ATTACKING a woman and her children. But then, you are liberals.
Michelle Obama weighed in, asked what Ivanka was doing riding commercial. That is just for peasants.
This isn't an acceptable response in my opinion. Better to call them out and have them answer for their actions, especially considering his husband suggested he was going to do so (then tried to deny he stated this on twitter). Giving fake reviews isn't an honest response and only drags one down to their level, furthermore it is bringing their book far more attention. Free advertising for others to go out and buy the book just to spite Conservatives.

Their actions are just in a long line from the left. Michael Moore telling people to protest outside Trumps inaugeration, others claiming that he is not their president, not legitimate, sanctuary cities stating they will not help deport illegal immigrants (themselves openly breaking the law). Quite frankly, the more the far left express themselves the more the rest of the nation realises how unreasonable and radical they are. Appears to me this is becoming a National Security risk.

Really?The rest of the country? You do know that 3 million more people voted against Trump than voted for him.....right?

4.5 million voted Libertarian, 1.5 million voted the Green Party, if it had been a two person race, Trump would be even. Furthermore, Trump won the vast number of counties in the country, supporting the fact he had much broader support across the country, we know where Hillary's support lied, it was severely skewed and narrow.

In my opinion, the far as I have seen grow over the last number of years in both Canada and America is downright scary. Willing to oppress and destroy peoples lives because their opinions are different. Forcing people to be silent because they don't drink from the kool-aid.

Take it further and know that only a fraction of the left has gone this far left, and you see where the threat lies, it does not outnumber the average folks, not even close. Those who dislike and reject political correctness and silencing of opinions and free speech. Some of these people are self described socialists and communists, from what I've learned in life and experienced in Canada, I can say with confidence how extremely frightening that is.

You can add that 4.5 million and 1.5 million to Hillary's 3 million to see how many more voted against Trump than for him.

I'm a Libertarian, I don't think the left at the moment represents these principles and if forced, I can't see these supporters voting for Clinton. Trump might not be a Libertarian but he has some premises that follow much closer, such as tax reform, lowered regulations, eliminating PC culture, allowing states more powers in education and other matters. There is no way Libertarians vote for her in any substantial numbers.
That family has never had to interact with peasants before.
She always flies commercial -- coach for that matter you ignorant Savage These are the most down to earth people you'll ever have in the White House.

Strange that you feel no shame ATTACKING a woman and her children. But then, you are liberals.
Don't worry, a private jet on standby ended up flying her where she needed to go.

She's lucky the angry passenger wasn't a pussy grabber like her daddy.
Harrassing Ivanka is a patriotic duty until further notice
I suspect we'll be seeing some of you face in the dirt and handcuffed the next time you "harass" this woman.

I'll take great pleasure in your pain.
People have sacrificed much more than that for this country.
I'm hoping you'll be among the first. Go to jail for harassing a woman. Do it "for the cause "
Telling someone their father is a despicable human being is not a jailable offense. Sorry little fascist.
Harrassing Ivanka is a patriotic duty until further notice
I suspect we'll be seeing some of you face in the dirt and handcuffed the next time you "harass" this woman.

I'll take great pleasure in your pain.
People have sacrificed much more than that for this country.

Two LGBTQ men varbally attack a young woman with he children is patriotic to you? What freaking planet are you from? Wait, I know! You must be from yuranus, at least where you're talking from.
Harrassing Ivanka is a patriotic duty until further notice
I suspect we'll be seeing some of you face in the dirt and handcuffed the next time you "harass" this woman.

I'll take great pleasure in your pain.
People have sacrificed much more than that for this country.
I'm hoping you'll be among the first. Go to jail for harassing a woman. Do it "for the cause "
Telling someone their father is a despicable human being is not a jailable offense. Sorry little fascist.

Not yet.
This isn't an acceptable response in my opinion. Better to call them out and have them answer for their actions, especially considering his husband suggested he was going to do so (then tried to deny he stated this on twitter). Giving fake reviews isn't an honest response and only drags one down to their level, furthermore it is bringing their book far more attention. Free advertising for others to go out and buy the book just to spite Conservatives.

Their actions are just in a long line from the left. Michael Moore telling people to protest outside Trumps inaugeration, others claiming that he is not their president, not legitimate, sanctuary cities stating they will not help deport illegal immigrants (themselves openly breaking the law). Quite frankly, the more the far left express themselves the more the rest of the nation realises how unreasonable and radical they are. Appears to me this is becoming a National Security risk.

Really?The rest of the country? You do know that 3 million more people voted against Trump than voted for him.....right?

and that means?
This isn't an acceptable response in my opinion. Better to call them out and have them answer for their actions, especially considering his husband suggested he was going to do so (then tried to deny he stated this on twitter). Giving fake reviews isn't an honest response and only drags one down to their level, furthermore it is bringing their book far more attention. Free advertising for others to go out and buy the book just to spite Conservatives.

Their actions are just in a long line from the left. Michael Moore telling people to protest outside Trumps inaugeration, others claiming that he is not their president, not legitimate, sanctuary cities stating they will not help deport illegal immigrants (themselves openly breaking the law). Quite frankly, the more the far left express themselves the more the rest of the nation realises how unreasonable and radical they are. Appears to me this is becoming a National Security risk.

Really?The rest of the country? You do know that 3 million more people voted against Trump than voted for him.....right?

and that means?

It means the majority of the country don't want him to be president, and I expect he will eventually figure that out.
That family has never had to interact with peasants before.
She always flies commercial -- coach for that matter you ignorant Savage These are the most down to earth people you'll ever have in the White House.

Strange that you feel no shame ATTACKING a woman and her children. But then, you are liberals.
Don't worry, a private jet on standby ended up flying her where she needed to go.

She's lucky the angry passenger wasn't a pussy grabber like her daddy.

Don't worry, a private jet on standby ended up flying her where she needed to go.
This isn't an acceptable response in my opinion. Better to call them out and have them answer for their actions, especially considering his husband suggested he was going to do so (then tried to deny he stated this on twitter). Giving fake reviews isn't an honest response and only drags one down to their level, furthermore it is bringing their book far more attention. Free advertising for others to go out and buy the book just to spite Conservatives.

Their actions are just in a long line from the left. Michael Moore telling people to protest outside Trumps inaugeration, others claiming that he is not their president, not legitimate, sanctuary cities stating they will not help deport illegal immigrants (themselves openly breaking the law). Quite frankly, the more the far left express themselves the more the rest of the nation realises how unreasonable and radical they are. Appears to me this is becoming a National Security risk.

Really?The rest of the country? You do know that 3 million more people voted against Trump than voted for him.....right?

and that means?

It means the majority of the country don't want him to be president, and I expect he will eventually figure that out.

The popular vote meant squat, and you know it.

You would have preferred the idiot with decades of experience that didn't know how to win?

Of course you would have...

You have a lot in common
It means the majority of the country don't want him to be president, and I expect he will eventually figure that out.
Well, once you deport 20 million illegals and Muslims plotting to colonize america, those numbers at the polls will change.
This isn't an acceptable response in my opinion. Better to call them out and have them answer for their actions, especially considering his husband suggested he was going to do so (then tried to deny he stated this on twitter). Giving fake reviews isn't an honest response and only drags one down to their level, furthermore it is bringing their book far more attention. Free advertising for others to go out and buy the book just to spite Conservatives.

Their actions are just in a long line from the left. Michael Moore telling people to protest outside Trumps inaugeration, others claiming that he is not their president, not legitimate, sanctuary cities stating they will not help deport illegal immigrants (themselves openly breaking the law). Quite frankly, the more the far left express themselves the more the rest of the nation realises how unreasonable and radical they are. Appears to me this is becoming a National Security risk.

Really?The rest of the country? You do know that 3 million more people voted against Trump than voted for him.....right?

and that means?

It means the majority of the country don't want him to be president, and I expect he will eventually figure that out.

The popular vote meant squat, and you know it.

You would have preferred the idiot with decades of experience that didn't know how to win?

Of course you would have...

You have a lot in common

I agree that the popular vote meant squat as far as the election, but it still means a hell of a lot as far as the country accepting that orange clown and his stupid twitter rants.
Harrassing Ivanka is a patriotic duty until further notice
I suspect we'll be seeing some of you face in the dirt and handcuffed the next time you "harass" this woman.

I'll take great pleasure in your pain.
People have sacrificed much more than that for this country.

Two LGBTQ men varbally attack a young woman with he children is patriotic to you? What freaking planet are you from? Wait, I know! You must be from yuranus, at least where you're talking from.
Except Ivanka's family is working to destroy the 2 men's rights. People need to stand up to the Trump regime or suffer the consequences without complaining.

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