The Deplorables are Organizing

You don’t get 74 million voting against the Swamp Creatures and have the Swamp Creatures steal the election without repercussions. One of two things will happen. The GOP will purge RINOS or it will die and be replaced.

Trump ‘Patriot Party’ would win almost quarter of voters, drop GOP to third place.

hypothetical “Patriot Party” led by former President Donald Trump would win the support of almost a quarter — 23% — of the electorate, bumping the GOP down to third place with just 17%, according to a new Just the News poll with Scott Rasmussen.

The startling survey result comes amid reports that Senate Republican support for convicting Trump in an impeachment trial is fast eroding.

So what are you going to attack THIS time?

Gonna start hitting banks?
Why would we attack Banks? That’s what you Commies do. patriots prefer to attack the Capital.

Protest is different from rioting. Funny how you support destructive rioting from your side, but decry peaceful protest from Trump people. The ring leaders of the attack WERE blm. You don't want yo admit it but there is ample evidence that that is true.

You just lose whatever credibility you have when you ignore real evidence.
Funny how I didn’t support RIOTING, but don’t let that get in the way of a good spin.

When will you guys EVER take responsibility for your own extremists? You deny the blatant evidence of your own, ransacking the capital. They are not even denying it!
You know the answer to that.
I thought Donnie liked QAnon. It has been popular on right wing conspiracy sites, like Alex Jones' Vitamins-R-Us site and their Shaman even helped storm the Capital during the right-wing Trump Insurrection.

Say, didn't you get corrected on Buffalo guy earlier?

Yep, you did - yet here you are lying again.

View attachment 448548

View attachment 448549

Hey, you're a Nazi - you lie - it's what you do!
No lie. Here is the story. He share Q everywhere he goes.

Yep, and he's a BLM/Earth!First pile of shit. He belongs to you Nazis.

That's the thing about the Reichstag fire, the more we learn, the more we find you Nazis behind the whole damned thing.
Why do you pitch the Nazi thing around? Makes you sound like a right-wing extremist nut ball. Are you like that at work or do you hide it to keep your job? Or do you even have a job?

When you talk like a nazi, act like a nazi, try and curtail free speech like a nazi.....well my friend....YOU'RE a nazi!

See how that works?
Well understand, but unless you can point out where I did that, you are just another damn liar.
How can you say that and never quote a single thing I have ever said? Makes you look pretty weak. This is why normal people think right wingers are stuck somewhere in adolescent development. Grade school must have been rough for you, but now you have the internet. Cheer up little guy. Everything's going to be fine. You can even write to Donnie, holed up in Florida, if you like. You can even join his club as several seem to be quitting, according to news reports.

How would a goose-stepping Nazi like you know what we normal people think?

One week of Xi's man, over a million American jobs lost, China given access to the power grid, Sanctions against Iranian terrorism LIFTED, and American energy independence destroyed.

One week of the crooked little traitor.

Everything is far from "fine."
Why do you pitch the Nazi thing around? Makes you sound like a right-wing extremist nut ball. Are you like that at work or do you hide it to keep your job? Or do you even have a job?

Why do you engage in a 10 month long Kristalnacht? It makes you look like a left-wing extremist Nazis. Do you wear Communist Chinese flags on your clothes when you report for mandatory job interviews? Ensuring no one will hire you but keeping the DOC off your back..
Troll. You know I never did. JADL :9:
You don’t get 74 million voting against the Swamp Creatures and have the Swamp Creatures steal the election without repercussions. One of two things will happen. The GOP will purge RINOS or it will die and be replaced.

Trump ‘Patriot Party’ would win almost quarter of voters, drop GOP to third place.

hypothetical “Patriot Party” led by former President Donald Trump would win the support of almost a quarter — 23% — of the electorate, bumping the GOP down to third place with just 17%, according to a new Just the News poll with Scott Rasmussen.

The startling survey result comes amid reports that Senate Republican support for convicting Trump in an impeachment trial is fast eroding.

Oxymoronic name for the party which would attract the insurrectionists led by trump. I don't understand how anyone who cares about the rule of law would ever consider to allow trump to serve in any office of trust. Those who vandalized our nation's Capitol in an attack on our democracy are not patriots, they are the enemy within!
I thought Donnie liked QAnon. It has been popular on right wing conspiracy sites, like Alex Jones' Vitamins-R-Us site and their Shaman even helped storm the Capital during the right-wing Trump Insurrection.

Say, didn't you get corrected on Buffalo guy earlier?

Yep, you did - yet here you are lying again.

View attachment 448548

View attachment 448549

Hey, you're a Nazi - you lie - it's what you do!
No lie. Here is the story. He share Q everywhere he goes.
He's an ACTOR---------
You don’t get 74 million voting against the Swamp Creatures and have the Swamp Creatures steal the election without repercussions. One of two things will happen. The GOP will purge RINOS or it will die and be replaced.

Trump ‘Patriot Party’ would win almost quarter of voters, drop GOP to third place.

hypothetical “Patriot Party” led by former President Donald Trump would win the support of almost a quarter — 23% — of the electorate, bumping the GOP down to third place with just 17%, according to a new Just the News poll with Scott Rasmussen.

The startling survey result comes amid reports that Senate Republican support for convicting Trump in an impeachment trial is fast eroding.

So what are you going to attack THIS time?

Gonna start hitting banks?
Why would we attack Banks? That’s what you Commies do. patriots prefer to attack the Capital.

Protest is different from rioting. Funny how you support destructive rioting from your side, but decry peaceful protest from Trump people. The ring leaders of the attack WERE blm. You don't want yo admit it but there is ample evidence that that is true.

You just lose whatever credibility you have when you ignore real evidence.
Funny how I didn’t support RIOTING, but don’t let that get in the way of a good spin.

When will you guys EVER take responsibility for your own extremists? You deny the blatant evidence of your own, ransacking the capital. They are not even denying it!

I can't recall a single time you called out antifa and burn loot murder for their actions.

Not once.
I thought Donnie liked QAnon. It has been popular on right wing conspiracy sites, like Alex Jones' Vitamins-R-Us site and their Shaman even helped storm the Capital during the right-wing Trump Insurrection.

Say, didn't you get corrected on Buffalo guy earlier?

Yep, you did - yet here you are lying again.

View attachment 448548

View attachment 448549

Hey, you're a Nazi - you lie - it's what you do!
No lie. Here is the story. He share Q everywhere he goes.
He's an ACTOR---------
Q Sahaman is how he wants to be known, a symbol supported by many on the far right. So he is known that way. If you think he does not adequately represent your cause, take it up with him. You have only seen me kneeling on a mountain top. Never met the guy. If you do not like him now, you should contact him. Probably easier now. I do not know when his court dates are for participating in the trump insurrection. Play stupid UN-American games win the standard American prizes given for your actions.
I like the idea of third party. Alit. But the name "patriot party" needs to be replaced with something better. The phrase is overused and not all that inviting.
It's a little tough to imagine just one "third" party. Both "major" parties could pretty easily be split in half. That would theoretically lead to a more parliamentary system of government.

I sure wish we could look at it, who knows. The nutters in each party are making governing damn near impossible right now.

Change the voting system and a third and forth party would be there in one election cycle....

One Man One Vote will always gravitate towards two parties...

Preference Voting for multiseat areas would be far better...

Congress would have districts of 3-5 seaters with voters voting in order of preference. This means primarying is far less of a fear by politicians as Parties would run multiple candidates and the voters get to select their favourite to there worst.

Senate would have both Senators up at the same time in one vote... Senators would be far more interested in not alienating voters and representing all the people. Being a Democrat's favourite GOP might be just what you need in a heavy red state to come second.

President would be single seat (popular vote) but it would be preference voting (this is similar to run off but it is all done on the one day)

I've seen this, and it might be a good alternative. And certainly less complicated to implement. I wonder what's holding it up - the parties?

I mean yeah, the parliamentary systems work so well over on the rotters continent...

One thing about you Mac, you'll always be on the side that is against the Constitution.
You don’t get 74 million voting against the Swamp Creatures and have the Swamp Creatures steal the election without repercussions. One of two things will happen. The GOP will purge RINOS or it will die and be replaced.

Trump ‘Patriot Party’ would win almost quarter of voters, drop GOP to third place.

hypothetical “Patriot Party” led by former President Donald Trump would win the support of almost a quarter — 23% — of the electorate, bumping the GOP down to third place with just 17%, according to a new Just the News poll with Scott Rasmussen.

The startling survey result comes amid reports that Senate Republican support for convicting Trump in an impeachment trial is fast eroding.

They would guarantee the Republicans would never win another national election.

I say "bring it on!"
Remember now. The Progressive Socialist Party is not beholden to the Constitution. It has used its tenets just like the Bible to attain power and to show what they really are. Trump brought it all out of them for us to see. Its now who you choose or end up making a choice to join or to suffer the consequences of totalitarianism. Incredible.
This is America, Son. We don't have a "Progressive Socialist Party".

AOC was unavailable for comment.
You don’t get 74 million voting against the Swamp Creatures and have the Swamp Creatures steal the election without repercussions. One of two things will happen. The GOP will purge RINOS or it will die and be replaced.

Trump ‘Patriot Party’ would win almost quarter of voters, drop GOP to third place.

hypothetical “Patriot Party” led by former President Donald Trump would win the support of almost a quarter — 23% — of the electorate, bumping the GOP down to third place with just 17%, according to a new Just the News poll with Scott Rasmussen.

The startling survey result comes amid reports that Senate Republican support for convicting Trump in an impeachment trial is fast eroding.

No shit...

You guys are going to start bombing, shooting, and going full Klan very soon.

Blob supporters crave violence. You're just confirming what was known since Trump rode the escalator.

Thanks...I guess.
Blob supporters crave violence. You're just confirming what was known since Trump rode the escalator.
Thanks...I guess. "
You just admitted your prejudice to the Trump administration, hence your irrationality, hence your unhinged hatred and opposition to Donald Trump
How can you say that and never quote a single thing I have ever said? Makes you look pretty weak. This is why normal people think right wingers are stuck somewhere in adolescent development. Grade school must have been rough for you, but now you have the internet. Cheer up little guy. Everything's going to be fine. You can even write to Donnie, holed up in Florida, if you like. You can even join his club as several seem to be quitting, according to news reports.

How would a goose-stepping Nazi like you know what we normal people think?

One week of Xi's man, over a million American jobs lost, China given access to the power grid, Sanctions against Iranian terrorism LIFTED, and American energy independence destroyed.

One week of the crooked little traitor.

Everything is far from "fine."

Yeah, how dare I point out facts that go against party goals.

Uber Alles Democrat
How can you say that and never quote a single thing I have ever said? Makes you look pretty weak. This is why normal people think right wingers are stuck somewhere in adolescent development. Grade school must have been rough for you, but now you have the internet. Cheer up little guy. Everything's going to be fine. You can even write to Donnie, holed up in Florida, if you like. You can even join his club as several seem to be quitting, according to news reports.

How would a goose-stepping Nazi like you know what we normal people think?

One week of Xi's man, over a million American jobs lost, China given access to the power grid, Sanctions against Iranian terrorism LIFTED, and American energy independence destroyed.

One week of the crooked little traitor.

Everything is far from "fine."

Yeah, how dare I point out facts that go against party goals.

Uber Alles Democrat
Customary to post a link unless just giving your unsupported opinion. Otherwise people will think you are posting Just Another Damn Lie.
You don’t get 74 million voting against the Swamp Creatures and have the Swamp Creatures steal the election without repercussions. One of two things will happen. The GOP will purge RINOS or it will die and be replaced.

Trump ‘Patriot Party’ would win almost quarter of voters, drop GOP to third place.

hypothetical “Patriot Party” led by former President Donald Trump would win the support of almost a quarter — 23% — of the electorate, bumping the GOP down to third place with just 17%, according to a new Just the News poll with Scott Rasmussen.

The startling survey result comes amid reports that Senate Republican support for convicting Trump in an impeachment trial is fast eroding.

So what are you going to attack THIS time?

Gonna start hitting banks?
I hope they have the White House fortified.

Walls don't work, bigot!
You don’t get 74 million voting against the Swamp Creatures and have the Swamp Creatures steal the election without repercussions. One of two things will happen. The GOP will purge RINOS or it will die and be replaced.

Trump ‘Patriot Party’ would win almost quarter of voters, drop GOP to third place.

hypothetical “Patriot Party” led by former President Donald Trump would win the support of almost a quarter — 23% — of the electorate, bumping the GOP down to third place with just 17%, according to a new Just the News poll with Scott Rasmussen.

The startling survey result comes amid reports that Senate Republican support for convicting Trump in an impeachment trial is fast eroding.

A bunch of conspiracy theorists are going to organize a political party and make decisions of national importance based on a variety of ever changing conspiracy theories, right? That's about as sensible as going to see a doctor and trusting him to make decisions about your health care even though you know he makes those decision based on what his Ouija Board says. It's utter lunacy. I would absolutely question the sanity of any person who couldn't can't see that without a map.
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Why do you pitch the Nazi thing around? Makes you sound like a right-wing extremist nut ball. Are you like that at work or do you hide it to keep your job? Or do you even have a job?

Why do you engage in a 10 month long Kristalnacht? It makes you look like a left-wing extremist Nazis. Do you wear Communist Chinese flags on your clothes when you report for mandatory job interviews? Ensuring no one will hire you but keeping the DOC off your back..
Troll. You know I never did. JADL :9:

Your party did - and continues to, while you cheer them on.

You see Nazi, when you of the Reich speak of "insurgents" after 10 months of non-stop violence that you have justified, defended, and flat out lied about (how many times have I had to post links about the July attack on the White House, yet you still lie about it) then people are going to see your actions as very much like those of Herman Goering and Heinrich Himmler.
meh. 3rd parties are doomed to fail, been there, done that, have the T-shirt from Ross Perot.

Except, of course, that the Republican Party itself was once a third party, and successfully dethroned and replaced one of the two major parties of the time.
Why do you pitch the Nazi thing around? Makes you sound like a right-wing extremist nut ball. Are you like that at work or do you hide it to keep your job? Or do you even have a job?

Why do you engage in a 10 month long Kristalnacht? It makes you look like a left-wing extremist Nazis. Do you wear Communist Chinese flags on your clothes when you report for mandatory job interviews? Ensuring no one will hire you but keeping the DOC off your back..
Troll. You know I never did. JADL :9:

Your party did - and continues to, while you cheer them on.

You see Nazi, when you of the Reich speak of "insurgents" after 10 months of non-stop violence that you have justified, defended, and flat out lied about (how many times have I had to post links about the July attack on the White House, yet you still lie about it) then people are going to see your actions as very much like those of Herman Goering and Heinrich Himmler.
I don't have a party. That is what being Independent is all about.
You are living in the past, not just 10 months but generations, casually pitching out Nazi, Reich speak, Goering and Himmler to no avail. Try reality.
You don’t get 74 million voting against the Swamp Creatures and have the Swamp Creatures steal the election without repercussions. One of two things will happen. The GOP will purge RINOS or it will die and be replaced.

Trump ‘Patriot Party’ would win almost quarter of voters, drop GOP to third place.

hypothetical “Patriot Party” led by former President Donald Trump would win the support of almost a quarter — 23% — of the electorate, bumping the GOP down to third place with just 17%, according to a new Just the News poll with Scott Rasmussen.

The startling survey result comes amid reports that Senate Republican support for convicting Trump in an impeachment trial is fast eroding.

Sounds fine to me. That way Americans would not have to worry about rebublicans and the insurrectionist Patriot party either. Might mean we get to keep the constitution for another 40 years or so.

It's hilarious, watching you champion the Democrat Party's shredding of the Constitution as "keeping the Constitution". I can only assume that when you prattle talking points about "the Constitution", you think those words mean "My masters' agenda, whatever they want at the moment" because you don't realize the Constitution is an actual, discrete set of laws written down somewhere.
Q Sahaman is how he wants to be known, a symbol supported by many on the far right. So he is known that way. If you think he does not adequately represent your cause, take it up with him. You have only seen me kneeling on a mountain top. Never met the guy. If you do not like him now, you should contact him. Probably easier now. I do not know when his court dates are for participating in the trump insurrection. Play stupid UN-American games win the standard American prizes given for your actions.

He certainly represents your side with his BLM and Earth!First activities.

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