the destruction of herman cain, from an election far far away.

Riiiight...because Cain bears no responsibility for cheating on his wife. :eusa_doh:
oh Look, another Liberal 'drive-by' on Caine without any proof! THAT'S JUST IT...just like you did Libs launched the accusations, women poured out of the woodwork to accuse him, and as soon as he dropped out the women disappeared, the accusations disappeared...there was never any proof...just BS accusations like you just threw out.
Without proof? The woman had enough details to pen a book about the affair.

It's just sex. Why are you anti-sex?
not that far away i think the phrase selective outrage will cover it.

KUHNER: The liberal lynching of Herman Cain - Washington Times
The Washington Times
Nov 4, 2011 - Liberals are determined to destroy Herman Cain. The Republican presidential candidate is tied or ahead of the presumptive front-runner, ...
Herman Cain Must Be Destroyed - Banner Newspaper
Herman Cain Must Be Destroyed. by Paul R. Hollrah I remember it well. I remember the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision of May 1954.
'Know Your Place': Elite Media Target Herman Cain - Breitbart
Breitbart News
Mar 1, 2013 - 'Know Your Place': Elite Media Target Herman Cain. ... others into “knowing their place,” the media targets “runners” for personal destruction.
Riiiight...because Cain bears no responsibility for cheating on his wife. :eusa_doh:

It has been established that such things do not matter.

That is a documented historical fact.

You don't get to change that back now.
It mattered to Herman Cain and his family, who decided it was best for him to bail from the race.
Riiiight...because Cain bears no responsibility for cheating on his wife. :eusa_doh:
oh Look, another Liberal 'drive-by' on Caine without any proof! THAT'S JUST IT...just like you did Libs launched the accusations, women poured out of the woodwork to accuse him, and as soon as he dropped out the women disappeared, the accusations disappeared...there was never any proof...just BS accusations like you just threw out.
Without proof? The woman had enough details to pen a book about the affair.

It's just sex. Why are you anti-sex?
Save your silly strawman for Gloria Cane.
not that far away i think the phrase selective outrage will cover it.

KUHNER: The liberal lynching of Herman Cain - Washington Times
The Washington Times
Nov 4, 2011 - Liberals are determined to destroy Herman Cain. The Republican presidential candidate is tied or ahead of the presumptive front-runner, ...
Herman Cain Must Be Destroyed - Banner Newspaper
Herman Cain Must Be Destroyed. by Paul R. Hollrah I remember it well. I remember the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision of May 1954.
'Know Your Place': Elite Media Target Herman Cain - Breitbart
Breitbart News
Mar 1, 2013 - 'Know Your Place': Elite Media Target Herman Cain. ... others into “knowing their place,” the media targets “runners” for personal destruction.
Riiiight...because Cain bears no responsibility for cheating on his wife. :eusa_doh:

It has been established that such things do not matter.

That is a documented historical fact.

You don't get to change that back now.
It mattered to Herman Cain and his family, who decided it was best for him to bail from the race.

Lynch mobs matter, even figurative ones.

But you were talking about sex. That doesn't matter. YOu don't get to change that back now.
Riiiight...because Cain bears no responsibility for cheating on his wife. :eusa_doh:
oh Look, another Liberal 'drive-by' on Caine without any proof! THAT'S JUST IT...just like you did Libs launched the accusations, women poured out of the woodwork to accuse him, and as soon as he dropped out the women disappeared, the accusations disappeared...there was never any proof...just BS accusations like you just threw out.
Without proof? The woman had enough details to pen a book about the affair.
Riiiight...because Cain bears no responsibility for cheating on his wife. :eusa_doh:
oh Look, another Liberal 'drive-by' on Caine without any proof! THAT'S JUST IT...just like you did Libs launched the accusations, women poured out of the woodwork to accuse him, and as soon as he dropped out the women disappeared, the accusations disappeared...there was never any proof...just BS accusations like you just threw out.
Without proof? The woman had enough details to pen a book about the affair.

It's just sex. Why are you anti-sex?
Save your silly strawman for Gloria Cane.

No strawman. That is the Conventional Wisdom as demonstrated by Bill's victory in both his Impeachment hearing and the Mid Term Election.

That was some serous shit. The exact opposite of silly. People lived and died by they results of that call from America.

I am merely holding you to the same standard as we republicans were held to.
Riiiight...because Cain bears no responsibility for cheating on his wife. :eusa_doh:
oh Look, another Liberal 'drive-by' on Caine without any proof! THAT'S JUST IT...just like you did Libs launched the accusations, women poured out of the woodwork to accuse him, and as soon as he dropped out the women disappeared, the accusations disappeared...there was never any proof...just BS accusations like you just threw out.
Without proof? The woman had enough details to pen a book about the affair.

It's just sex. Why are you anti-sex?
Save your silly strawman for Gloria Cane.
'Strawman'? When Bill Clinton was busted for adultery in the WH with Monica Liberals squealed like a stuck pig how his sex life was none of Americans business....yet demonized Caine for 'his' and seeks to destroy Trump over his...while she enabled / is enabling and defending the White Bill Cosby.
not that far away i think the phrase selective outrage will cover it.

KUHNER: The liberal lynching of Herman Cain - Washington Times
The Washington Times
Nov 4, 2011 - Liberals are determined to destroy Herman Cain. The Republican presidential candidate is tied or ahead of the presumptive front-runner, ...
Herman Cain Must Be Destroyed - Banner Newspaper
Herman Cain Must Be Destroyed. by Paul R. Hollrah I remember it well. I remember the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision of May 1954.
'Know Your Place': Elite Media Target Herman Cain - Breitbart
Breitbart News
Mar 1, 2013 - 'Know Your Place': Elite Media Target Herman Cain. ... others into “knowing their place,” the media targets “runners” for personal destruction.
Riiiight...because Cain bears no responsibility for cheating on his wife. :eusa_doh:

It has been established that such things do not matter.

That is a documented historical fact.

You don't get to change that back now.
It mattered to Herman Cain and his family, who decided it was best for him to bail from the race.

Lynch mobs matter, even figurative ones.

But you were talking about sex. That doesn't matter. YOu don't get to change that back now.
You're nuts. Ya know that, right? This isn't about me. It's about Herman Cane's personal responsibility for cheating on his wife.
not that far away i think the phrase selective outrage will cover it.

KUHNER: The liberal lynching of Herman Cain - Washington Times
The Washington Times
Nov 4, 2011 - Liberals are determined to destroy Herman Cain. The Republican presidential candidate is tied or ahead of the presumptive front-runner, ...
Herman Cain Must Be Destroyed - Banner Newspaper
Herman Cain Must Be Destroyed. by Paul R. Hollrah I remember it well. I remember the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision of May 1954.
'Know Your Place': Elite Media Target Herman Cain - Breitbart
Breitbart News
Mar 1, 2013 - 'Know Your Place': Elite Media Target Herman Cain. ... others into “knowing their place,” the media targets “runners” for personal destruction.
Riiiight...because Cain bears no responsibility for cheating on his wife. :eusa_doh:

It has been established that such things do not matter.

That is a documented historical fact.

You don't get to change that back now.
It mattered to Herman Cain and his family, who decided it was best for him to bail from the race.

Lynch mobs matter, even figurative ones.

But you were talking about sex. That doesn't matter. YOu don't get to change that back now.
You're nuts. Ya know that, right? This isn't about me. It's about Herman Cane's personal responsibility for cheating on his wife.
You, nor the Libs, have still provided any evidence or links .

And why doesn't this apply to The ENABLER and the White Bill Cosby?
Riiiight...because Cain bears no responsibility for cheating on his wife. :eusa_doh:
oh Look, another Liberal 'drive-by' on Caine without any proof! THAT'S JUST IT...just like you did Libs launched the accusations, women poured out of the woodwork to accuse him, and as soon as he dropped out the women disappeared, the accusations disappeared...there was never any proof...just BS accusations like you just threw out.
Without proof? The woman had enough details to pen a book about the affair.

It's just sex. Why are you anti-sex?
Save your silly strawman for Gloria Cane.

No strawman. That is the Conventional Wisdom as demonstrated by Bill's victory in both his Impeachment hearing and the Mid Term Election.

That was some serous shit. The exact opposite of silly. People lived and died by they results of that call from America.

I am merely holding you to the same standard as we republicans were held to.
Of course it's a strawman as I never inferred i am anti-sex.
oh Look, another Liberal 'drive-by' on Caine without any proof! THAT'S JUST IT...just like you did Libs launched the accusations, women poured out of the woodwork to accuse him, and as soon as he dropped out the women disappeared, the accusations disappeared...there was never any proof...just BS accusations like you just threw out.
Without proof? The woman had enough details to pen a book about the affair.

It's just sex. Why are you anti-sex?
Save your silly strawman for Gloria Cane.

No strawman. That is the Conventional Wisdom as demonstrated by Bill's victory in both his Impeachment hearing and the Mid Term Election.

That was some serous shit. The exact opposite of silly. People lived and died by they results of that call from America.

I am merely holding you to the same standard as we republicans were held to.
Of course it's a strawman as I never inferred i am anti-sex.
No you just falsely accused Caine.
Riiiight...because Cain bears no responsibility for cheating on his wife. :eusa_doh:

It has been established that such things do not matter.

That is a documented historical fact.

You don't get to change that back now.
It mattered to Herman Cain and his family, who decided it was best for him to bail from the race.

Lynch mobs matter, even figurative ones.

But you were talking about sex. That doesn't matter. YOu don't get to change that back now.
You're nuts. Ya know that, right? This isn't about me. It's about Herman Cane's personal responsibility for cheating on his wife.
You, nor the Libs, have still provided any evidence or links .

And why doesn't this apply to The ENABLER and the White Bill Cosby?

As if I give a shit about what you believe about a past election. :badgrin:
Herman Caine was / is an intelligent, articulate, successful black man....and a Republican, which meant he was a serious threat to Barak Obama. He had to be 'taken down'. The tactic they chose is the same one they are re-using now against Donald Trump. From out of nowhere women began pouring out of the proverbial woodwork, accusing Caine of sexual mis-conduct. When the bogus attacks became too much for the Caine family to put up with Caine dropped out. AS SOON AS HE DROPPED OUT the women and the accusations disappeared...coincidently.

It is not surprising that Democrats would pull this stunt again...because it worked so well with Caine....what Is surprising is that they are doing so with Hillary 'The Enabler' Clinton and her husband, The White Bill Cosby, running for President / 1st Pedophile.

Herman Caine was put down by Mitt Romney when he became a threat

Obama would have liked nothing better than to run against Caine. Very few blacks would vote for him and Republicans would have stayed away in droves

Link to show that Romney was the source of the women.

And your claim that republicans would have cared about Cain's skin color is fucking nonsense. It has been demonstrated to be false many times. STOP BEING A FUCKING ASS.

Given that Republicans have only elected eight blacks to the offices of Congressman, Senator, Governor or President (no Governors or Presidents) in the last 100 years, their reluctance to support black candidates is fully documented

Last edited:
Without proof? The woman had enough details to pen a book about the affair.

It's just sex. Why are you anti-sex?
Save your silly strawman for Gloria Cane.

No strawman. That is the Conventional Wisdom as demonstrated by Bill's victory in both his Impeachment hearing and the Mid Term Election.

That was some serous shit. The exact opposite of silly. People lived and died by they results of that call from America.

I am merely holding you to the same standard as we republicans were held to.
Of course it's a strawman as I never inferred i am anti-sex.
No you just falsely accused Caine.
Aww, poor baby. If you don't like it, I suggest you tweet Ginger White and bitch to her.
Given that Republicans have only elected eight blacks to the offices of Congressman, Senator, Governor or President in the last 100 years, their reluctance to support black candidates is fully documented

So that's your excuse / justification for Liberals constantly mocking, attacking, and destroying any successful, intelligent, articulate blacks or black people, as their own hacked/leaked emails showed and how they demonstrated with Herman Caine?!

Riiiight...because Cain bears no responsibility for cheating on his wife. :eusa_doh:
oh Look, another Liberal 'drive-by' on Caine without any proof! THAT'S JUST IT...just like you did Libs launched the accusations, women poured out of the woodwork to accuse him, and as soon as he dropped out the women disappeared, the accusations disappeared...there was never any proof...just BS accusations like you just threw out.
Without proof? The woman had enough details to pen a book about the affair.

It's just sex. Why are you anti-sex?
Save your silly strawman for Gloria Cane.
'Strawman'? When Bill Clinton was busted for adultery in the WH with Monica Liberals squealed like a stuck pig how his sex life was none of Americans business....yet demonized Caine for 'his' and seeks to destroy Trump over his...while she enabled / is enabling and defending the White Bill Cosby.
That's not why his comment was a strawman
Try and keep up, will ya?
not that far away i think the phrase selective outrage will cover it.

KUHNER: The liberal lynching of Herman Cain - Washington Times
The Washington Times
Nov 4, 2011 - Liberals are determined to destroy Herman Cain. The Republican presidential candidate is tied or ahead of the presumptive front-runner, ...
Herman Cain Must Be Destroyed - Banner Newspaper
Herman Cain Must Be Destroyed. by Paul R. Hollrah I remember it well. I remember the Supreme Court's Brown v. Board of Education decision of May 1954.
'Know Your Place': Elite Media Target Herman Cain - Breitbart
Breitbart News
Mar 1, 2013 - 'Know Your Place': Elite Media Target Herman Cain. ... others into “knowing their place,” the media targets “runners” for personal destruction.
Riiiight...because Cain bears no responsibility for cheating on his wife. :eusa_doh:

It has been established that such things do not matter.

That is a documented historical fact.

You don't get to change that back now.
It mattered to Herman Cain and his family, who decided it was best for him to bail from the race.

Lynch mobs matter, even figurative ones.

But you were talking about sex. That doesn't matter. YOu don't get to change that back now.
You're nuts. Ya know that, right? This isn't about me. It's about Herman Cane's personal responsibility for cheating on his wife.

I was using "YOU" in it's plural meaning, ie you libs.

And cheating on his wife, which has not been proven, doesn't matter.

It's completely cool.

If you have a problem with it, then you are anti-sex and anti-fun, and a prude and a hypocrite and all other kinds of bad things.

REmember, that only person it matters to, should be his wife. And if she doesn't care, you don't get to.

So, stop being a bad person. Leave his personal life alone.

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