The Devastating Reality of the Arizona Forensic Audit

There are nine additional states who are considering the same recount process. But hey, Joe got 81 million votes so no worries, right?

I can't possibly understand the harm or resistance to these audits! And no obvious, simple explanation is ever forthcoming. I mean, all the courts ruled against Trump, many of them GOP judges, right?, all the evidence has been repudiated, so what can possibly come out of these audits but the final nail in the coffin making the Left's case that Joe is good as gold and that if our election were any cleaner, you could scrub your face with it!

Yet, the democrats are acting THE EXACT OPPOSITE.

They act like they've got bodies buried in the backyard and we are trying to dig for a swimming pool.
I can't possibly understand the harm or resistance to these audits!
The Loser's "Big Lie" is his way of crapping on American democracy when he loses and needs to throw a tantrum. Some take a perverse pleasure in seeing America's democratic system crapped upon.

The same cry baby hysteria by which Loser incited his goons to attack Congress compels his indicted and convicted cronies to bankroll a conspiracy kook to fake his interminable Big Bamboozle caper in Arizona - defying credible attestations - such as Trump's Republican cybersecurity expert who called the 2020 election "the most secure in American history," and Trump's Republican Attorney General who labeled the Loser's lies "Bullshit."

audits, recounts, and court challenges do not elicit resistance. Resorting to scams such as the "Big Bamboozle" clown show in Maricopa County when all legitimate recourses have failed do.

Directly from the horse's arse:

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“I do whine because I want to win and
I’m not happy about not winning. And I am a whiner and

I keep whining and whining until I win!”

[Donald Trump: I whine until I win]​
Here's an example where recounting can fail. If you have one million ballot papers where 50% of the voters didn't exist and 50% were genuine voters but their vote was changed, and these votes were for Biden, then all that will be accomplished is one million votes will be counted for Biden.

Unless they have done this next bit, audits have to go much deeper. Were the ballot papers valid and has the vote on the ballot paper been verified with the individual voter.

In the UK, you go to a polling station. Two people give you a card, you put an X in a box and put it in a sealed tin box. Now, when the doors are shut at 10pm, what's stopping the two people from filling out all the slips where people didn't vote, and putting them in the box? By all means recount them, but a poor audit like that won't highlight the fraud.
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Here's an example where recounting can fail. If you have one million ballot papers where 50% of the voters didn't exist and 50% were genuine voters but their vote was changed, and these votes were for Biden, then all that will be accomplished is one million votes will be counted for Biden.
None of which happened of course..

So isn't the Fraudit over?

Where's that report?
So as part of the audit, the auditors checked with the individual voters that their ballot paper vote was correct
Which is ILLEGAL

In fact there is no name on the actual ballot. There is no way to do that and have it mean anything

And oh yea...people can vote one way and SAY they voted another.

We saw that with polling
Which is ILLEGAL

In fact there is no name on the actual ballot. There is no way to do that and have it mean anything

And oh yea...people can vote one way and SAY they voted another.

We saw that with polling
They're numbered against a checklist.

So it's not an audit, in the sense of the word audit. It's just a recount of votes, and if any of the votes were fraudulent, you're just counting fraudulent votes. That's as much use as tits on a fish.
The Loser's "Big Lie" is his way of crapping on American democracy

HEY ASSHOLE, we were talking about the election audits and all the resistance being put up by the democrats for no good reason attacking, blocking and ridiculing them, I don't know what the hell fucked up TDS bullshit you are babbling about--- Try to stick to the topic if your attention span will go that far.
HEY ASSHOLE, we were talking about the election audits and all the resistance being put up by the democrats for no good reason attacking, blocking and ridiculing them, I don't know what the hell fucked up TDS bullshit you are babbling about--- Try to stick to the topic if your attention span will go that far.
Maybe some trumpy butt barnacle could get the Cyber Ninny conspiracy kook to pay an advance for writing a lurid work of fiction about how a vast conspiracy never had any identifiable mastermind, coordinators, or other collaborators (even though hoards, of both political parties, would be needed) and how even the most fanatical believers could not explain how the caper was so successfully perpetrated. (Other dimensions and/or space aliens are a must!)

Hundreds of Trump goons were identified, apprehended, and prosecuted within a few weeks of their attacking Congress. Over nine months since the enormous "steal", and not a single suspect has been named?
Maybe some trumpy butt barnacle could get the Cyber Ninny conspiracy kook to pay an advance for writing a lurid work of fiction about how a vast conspiracy never had any identifiable mastermind, coordinators, or other collaborators (even though hoards of both political parties would be needed) and how even the most fanatical believers could not explain how the caper was so successfully perpetrated. (Other dimensions and/or space aliens are a must!)

Gee Skinflap, nine big adult words in your diatribe!

Who wrote it for you?

Hope not the same people writing Joe's cue cards! :21:
Gee Skinflap, nine big adult words in your diatribe!

Who wrote it for you?

Hope not the same people writing Joe's cue cards! :21:
The Trump bum kissers are flustered, and need to put a face on their crackpot vast conspiracy to steal the election from their Cry Baby Loser.

Why not allege George the Jew Soros communicated via Navajo code talkers with all on the long list of folks the Loser has whined were mean to him, and organized secret cells that met clandestinely in exotic locales like the back of Cesar "False Flag" Sayoc's Trumpmobile where they counterfeited scads of Biden ballots out of bamboo?
The Trump bum kissers are flustered

Careful there, Mishap-- -- -- all this talk of asses is sure to get you all hot and bothered; I don't want to be responsible for your getting out your Trump inflatable doll and performing a tonguectomy on your favorite blow-up nether regions!
Careful there, Mishap-- -- -- all this talk of asses is sure to get you all hot and bothered; I don't want to be responsible for your getting out your Trump inflatable doll and performing a tonguectomy on your favorite blow-up nether regions!
The Trump bum kissers really need to contrive a suspect or two in their vast conspiracy.

Whining an election was "stolen" with no evidence and blaming invisible ethereal spirits for the paranoia-induced caper is embarrassing.
The Trump bum kissers really need to contrive a suspect or two in their vast conspiracy. Whining an election was "stolen" with no evidence and blaming invisible ethereal spirits for the paranoia-induced caper is embarrassing.

Only for you. You can keep lying all you want with your talk of contrivances, conspiracies, and invisible spirits, but the evidence is overwhelming and I dare you to refute it.

Start with these 25 incongruities just in the state of Michigan:

POST 16:

Whining an election was "stolen" with no evidence and blaming invisible ethereal spirits for the paranoia-induced caper is embarrassing.
Hopefully the audit in AZ will soon be followed by audits in GA, MI, PA, and WI. Then the fraud will be uncovered.
Then on to the next county. And a county that Trump won in. I can hear them counting now...

Yes, actually I WOULD like to run forensic audits for every county. Find out where the fraud is...and kill it.
Hopefully the audit in AZ will soon be followed by audits in GA, MI, PA, and WI. Then the fraud will be uncovered.
Paranoid notions do tend to spread like that, and states that pleasure you must not get a pass either!

Don't limit yourself - Montana, North Dakota, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, Alabama, South Carolina, Florida - all highly suspect!

And let's not limit crapping on U.S. elections to 2020 just because that result makes us pissy! Cyber Ninja "audits" of every election since 1796 are necessary!
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"Oh, my!
Bamboo ballots and meddling Italian satellites!

They 'stole' the election from Aaron Burr!"

The Great and Exultd Gas Blower himself only hinted at the pervasive corruption of democracy:

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"That's my boy!"....
I've got no objections to audits in other states, schmidlap. I'm sure it's just a matter of time before Dems try to use the same underhanded tactics to turn states like South Dakota and Montana red.

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