The Devastating Reality of the Arizona Forensic Audit

I can't possibly understand the harm or resistance to these audits! And no obvious, simple explanation is ever forthcoming. I mean, all the courts ruled against Trump, many of them GOP judges, right?, all the evidence has been repudiated, so what can possibly come out of these audits but the final nail in the coffin making the Left's case that Joe is good as gold and that if our election were any cleaner, you could scrub your face with it!

Yet, the democrats are acting THE EXACT OPPOSITE.

They act like they've got bodies buried in the backyard and we are trying to dig for a swimming pool.

How about because you have a firm who is not qualified and is biased in favor of Trump. Republicans are trying to create bodies as they have lied continuously.
How about because you have a firm who is not qualified
Not qualified how? Who is qualified? Every report I've read suggests the EXACT OPPOSITE where the audit has been managed with supreme aplomb. Tell me the phone number in the Yellow Pages where I can look up professional election auditors? And just how much training and education does it take to count ballots and confirm that giving machines 8 votes in gets 8 votes out?

and is biased in favor of Trump.
Prove it. But of course you can't and won't. Just more BULLSHIT slung out there by your BIG FAT DUMB MOUTH. What you really mean is not biased AGAINST him. Now find us an auditor or auditing firm who is biased AGAINST Trump or neutral who will even do the audit? You see, Ace, the only reason why this audit is being done is because people who think it wasn't fair and honest are willing to do it. If they are biased against Trump, they lie and cheat or simply can't be trusted or plain won't do the audit content to let things stand, so all that's left are people doing it hoping to unravel an injustice, which by YOUR FUCKED UP MUDDLEHEADED definition precludes them from auditing, so in effect, by YOUR stupid motherfucking bullshit standard as always, Trump can't get any elections audited because either no one will do it or the party doing it will be battled, blocked, discounted and discredited as "biased." Fuck you. No, DOUBLE Fuck You.

Republicans are trying to create bodies as they have lied continuously.
Fuck you. :fu: No one can be wrong 100% of the time BY ACCIDENT. FUCK YOU. :fu: You go on IGNORE as yet one more jacked off brain-dead leftwing WHORE. Bye.
Not qualified how? Who is qualified? Every report I've read suggests the EXACT OPPOSITE where the audit has been managed with supreme aplomb. Tell me the phone number in the Yellow Pages where I can look up professional election auditors? And just how much training and education does it take to count ballots and confirm that giving machines 8 votes in gets 8 votes out?

Prove it. But of course you can't and won't. Just more BULLSHIT slung out there by your BIG FAT DUMB MOUTH. What you really mean is not biased AGAINST him. Now find us an auditor or auditing firm who is biased AGAINST Trump or neutral who will even do the audit? You see, Ace, the only reason why this audit is being done is because people who think it wasn't fair and honest are willing to do it. If they are biased against Trump, they lie and cheat or simply can't be trusted or plain won't do the audit content to let things stand, so all that's left are people doing it hoping to unravel an injustice, which by YOUR FUCKED UP MUDDLEHEADED definition precludes them from auditing, so in effect, by YOUR stupid motherfucking bullshit standard as always, Trump can't get any elections audited because either no one will do it or the party doing it will be battled, blocked, discounted and discredited as "biased." Fuck you. No, DOUBLE Fuck You.

Fuck you. :fu: No one can be wrong 100% of the time BY ACCIDENT. FUCK YOU. :fu: You go on IGNORE as yet one more jacked off brain-dead leftwing WHORE. Bye.

Maricopa County hired 2 firms who are certified to audit elections and there is no evidence they were biased.. It is not that hard. They found no issues with the machines. CybedrNinja has spread lies. The head of the firm says he believes there was fraud. His firm should not be doing it. Trump supporters should not be working on this.

YOU ARE THE DUMB FAT ASSHOLE. You have provided no evidence of fraud. I am biased against corrupt fascists like you and Trump. You are trying to turn this democracy into a dictatorship. You are a enemy of this country. People who are biased will make false claims of fraud and that is what is happening. YOU ARE THE FUCED UP STUPOID ASSHOLE. When you are willing to lie about election fraud that does not exist then you are fascist thugs trying to take over the country. The fact is that you do not want a company that is qualified to do election audits. They would find no fraud.

You are wrong 100% of the time. Thank you for admitting that I am right. You are a cowardly dog that knows you are lying. GOODBYE LOSER.
There are nine additional states who are considering the same recount process. But hey, Joe got 81 million votes so no worries, right? You folks will be squealing like little bitches once the evidence of HOW the steal occurred is made public.
It's a bad situation for us all because the only way you pull it off again is to dump the filibuster and ram through HR1. THAT is unacceptable and millions of us will do more than bitch and complain if the DC thugs try it.
You disbelieve every reliable source courtroom etcetera to believe internet crazies. You are internet crazy yourself at this point.
No fraud has been found in Arizona.
---Arizona Audit: 74,243 Mail-In Ballots Returned with ‘No Clear Record of Them Being Sent’---

You disbelieve every reliable source courtroom etcetera to believe internet crazies. You are internet crazy yourself at this point.
They found illegal ballots. They can prove they are illegal in court. Until,and after then the votes are illegal and people know Biden did not win AZ.
They found illegal ballots. They can prove they are illegal in court. Until,and after then the votes are illegal and people know Biden did not win AZ
They couldn't find the proof they needed so they've spent the last few months developing the "proof" to justify their time, money and belief that they were cheated out of an election.

The entire thing was funded by people directly involved with the campaign and business of the guy who lost. If they found any substantial evidence at any point between the start and now they would have leaked it in seconds. Instead they will pick a random amount of ballots (enough to claim he actually won) claim they are suspicious with 0 context and claim they were prevented from contacting the people associated with those ballots so obviously there's a conspiracy in play to keep trump out of office.

They couldn't find the proof they needed so they've spent the last few months developing the "proof" to justify their time, money and belief that they were cheated out of an election.

The entire thing was funded by people directly involved with the campaign and business of the guy who lost. If they found any substantial evidence at any point between the start and now they would have leaked it in seconds. Instead they will pick a random amount of ballots (enough to claim he actually won) claim they are suspicious with 0 context and claim they were prevented from contacting the people associated with those ballots so obviously there's a conspiracy in play to keep trump out of office.

You forget those ballots are the evidence. They have the evidence to back up what they say. That you want to ignore the fact Biden did not win AZ legally makes you a poor excuse for an American.

Forensic audits in the other swing states will find the same things. You cannot expect illegal votes to be counted. There was massive fraud and it will come out.
Lastamender said:
They found illegal ballots. They can prove they are illegal in court.
Another lie, and like all other Trumpy lies, no court in the land will give it credence.

Trumpy conspiracy kook Logan "either didn’t understand or was intentionally trying to mislead people about the fact that the submitted-ballots list he cited included ballots cast via in-person early voting as well as by mail. Arizona elections analyst Garrett Archer broke down what Logan missed and described the CEO’s conspiracy-mongering about the ballots as either “grossly negligent” or “deliberately misleading.”​

You forget those ballots are the evidence. They have the evidence to back up what they say. That you want to ignore the fact Biden did not win AZ legally makes you a poor excuse for an American.

Forensic audits in the other swing states will find the same things. You cannot expect illegal votes to be counted. There was massive fraud and it will come out.
The Trumpy fake "audit" commissioned by Trumpy politicians, and conducted by the Trumpy conspiracy kook that had no experience in conducting audits, was finally exposed as being bankrolled by Trumpy fanatics. The farce is laughable, has been disavowed by the majority of the Arizona Senate that commissioned it, and has been labeled an "embarrassment" by Republican selectment in Maricopa County.

Republican State Sen. Paul Boyer

The Trumpy lies such as you apparently swallow were spewed both before and during the Trumpy "Big Bamboozle" caper. and it is a virtual certitude that they will be spewed after it as well. And Trumpy butt barnacles will persist in gulping them down. Everyone else will discretely abstain.
Another lie, and like all other Trumpy lies, no court in the land will give it credence.

Trumpy conspiracy kook Logan "either didn’t understand or was intentionally trying to mislead people about the fact that the submitted-ballots list he cited included ballots cast via in-person early voting as well as by mail. Arizona elections analyst Garrett Archer broke down what Logan missed and described the CEO’s conspiracy-mongering about the ballots as either “grossly negligent” or “deliberately misleading.”​

The Trumpy fake "audit" commissioned by Trumpy politicians, and conducted by the Trumpy conspiracy kook that had no experience in conducting audits, was finally exposed as being bankrolled by Trumpy fanatics. The farce is laughable, has been disavowed by the majority of the Arizona Senate that commissioned it, and has been labeled an "embarrassment" by Republican selectment in Maricopa County.

Republican State Sen. Paul Boyer

The Trumpy lies such as you apparently swallow were spewed both before and during the Trumpy "Big Bamboozle" caper. and it is a virtual certitude that they will be spewed after it as well. And Trumpy butt barnacles will persist in gulping them down. Everyone else will discretely abstain.
The illegal votes are not a lie. They are proof of fraud and they can be produced which makes them evidence of fraud. Your lies cannot change that fact. Period.

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