The Devastating Reality of the Arizona Forensic Audit

The democratic party is acting very guilty by the manner in which they have opposed the audit of the votes in Arizona.

The Devastating Reality of the Arizona Forensic Audit

Including this since it's recent. I agree with your premise...

  • More than 100 batches of absentee ballots — each containing approximately 100 or more ballots — were assigned tracking numbers before being sent to one of the five absentee vote-counting machines in Fulton County but are not subsequently recorded in the handwritten logs showing which batches were scanned and counted, raising concerns the ballots may be missing.
  • More than two dozen batches of absentee ballots were identified as having been double-scanned on the tally sheets.
  • Five sequential batches of absentee votes each appeared with the exact same vote count of 392 for Biden, 96 for President Donald Trump, and 3 for Libertarian Jo Jorgensen, a count that state officials admitted was a statistical impossibility.
  • Many control sheets for absentee ballot batches counted during the state's audit did not check a box indicating the ballot came from a secure container, raising the possibility that ballots were stored insecurely or that multiple batches of ballots were sealed in a single container.

An official working for Raffensperger, who reviewed the documents flagged by Just the News, said they were clear evidence of significant human failure in Fulton County's election administration. The official said, for instance, the identical ballot batches likely resulted in about 1,000 extra votes being tallied.

They don't want to touch that one...Turns out that there were massive shenanigans discovered, and Kemp and Raffesnperger were both notified of them,

More than seven months after the 2020 election, former President Donald Trump appeared to admit his defeat on Wednesday.

In an interview with Sean Hannity on Fox News, Trump said the results of the 2020 election were “shocking.” President Joe Biden won the election with 306 electoral votes to Trump’s 232, but the results continue to be disputed.

“We got them by surprise in ‘16, and in ‘20 we did much better than we did in ‘16,” Trump told Hannity. “Shockingly, we were supposed to win easily at 64 million votes and we got 75 million votes. We didn’t win, but let’s see what happens on that. The whole thing was shocking.”

Biden carried key battleground states that include Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona. He had more than 81 million total votes, while Trump had just over 74 million. Both totals were more than any presidential candidate in history.

Trump said in the interview he wants Biden to do well as president.

“I think the election was unbelievably unfair, but I want this guy to go out and do well for our country,” he said.

Trump conceded the election in January before Biden took office, but the former president and his supporters continue to challenged results in several states. There has been no evidence of widespread voter fraud in the election.

Among the audits is a hand recount of 2.1 million ballots in Arizona’s most populous county. The counting, which took place after Trump alleged voter fraud in the state, has taken nearly two months. Results of the recount have not been shared.

Biden met with Russia President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday for their first face-to-face talks. It was that moment, according to Maggie Haberman with The New York Times, when Trump and those around him felt, “Oh, someone else is president and not Donald Trump.”

“This is the event that underscored for people around Trump and the former president himself the fact that he’s not president anymore,” Haberman said in a CNN interview Thursday. “This was the kind of event on the world stage, getting enormous attention, that he really enjoyed, that he saw as one of the trappings of the office that he thought spoke to a sense of power and strength.”
GOP sure scratches the bottom of the barrel to keep their cult together. Next week it will be some other nonsense.
This is more than politics for them. This is a lifestyle. They're consumed.

How does that happen?
if you live in a bubble, and then this bubble is burst, then you need to blame someone.
These twats were so sure that the perfect storm of 2016 would happen again. there was no possiblity at all that their troll could lose. if he lost, it was proof of fraud. q.e.d. for qnuts
Stealing a Presidential election is a grave sin which will have tragic consequences for the Democrats.
When the audit goes up in flames for you MAGA clowns just think, you can always resurrect that Kraken thingy. Don't give up hope just yet.
Sit back and relax. No one is going to stop until fraud is proven.
With republicans in charge they will create fraud.
IMHO That’s not the point of the exercise, they don’t need to create fraud, they just need to foster the suspicion that there WAS fraud in the minds of their partisan base.

It’s essentially an early “get out the vote” strategy for 2022 with the ancillary benefit of stirring up opposition to Democrats attempting to subvert control of elections from the States.
it is also a "stay at home, you vote is not counted anyway" strategery... lol
After they prove election fraud, the next step is to charge all those DOJ criminals that spied on Trump and conspired to keep him from being elected. They need to pay up for their crimes.
and then the troll rides into DC on a unicorn.
GOP sure scratches the bottom of the barrel to keep their cult together. Next week it will be some other nonsense.
This is more than politics for them. This is a lifestyle. They're consumed.

How does that happen?
if you live in a bubble, and then this bubble is burst, then you need to blame someone.
These twats were so sure that the perfect storm of 2016 would happen again. there was no possiblity at all that their troll could lose. if he lost, it was proof of fraud. q.e.d. for qnuts
The problem is that they're convinced they're in a "war" to "save America".

In a war, you'll do anything to win.
GOP sure scratches the bottom of the barrel to keep their cult together. Next week it will be some other nonsense.
This is more than politics for them. This is a lifestyle. They're consumed.

How does that happen?
if you live in a bubble, and then this bubble is burst, then you need to blame someone.
These twats were so sure that the perfect storm of 2016 would happen again. there was no possiblity at all that their troll could lose. if he lost, it was proof of fraud. q.e.d. for qnuts
The problem is that they're convinced they're in a "war" to "save America".

In a war, you'll do anything to win.
99% of those twats do nothing but queef around online. the rest got a lesson after january 6, 2021.
GOP sure scratches the bottom of the barrel to keep their cult together. Next week it will be some other nonsense.
This is more than politics for them. This is a lifestyle. They're consumed.

How does that happen?
if you live in a bubble, and then this bubble is burst, then you need to blame someone.
These twats were so sure that the perfect storm of 2016 would happen again. there was no possiblity at all that their troll could lose. if he lost, it was proof of fraud. q.e.d. for qnuts
The problem is that they're convinced they're in a "war" to "save America".

In a war, you'll do anything to win.
99% of those twats do nothing but queef around online. the rest got a lesson after january 6, 2021.
I hope so.
GOP sure scratches the bottom of the barrel to keep their cult together. Next week it will be some other nonsense.
This is more than politics for them. This is a lifestyle. They're consumed.

How does that happen?
if you live in a bubble, and then this bubble is burst, then you need to blame someone.
These twats were so sure that the perfect storm of 2016 would happen again. there was no possiblity at all that their troll could lose. if he lost, it was proof of fraud. q.e.d. for qnuts
The problem is that they're convinced they're in a "war" to "save America".

In a war, you'll do anything to win.
99% of those twats do nothing but queef around online. the rest got a lesson after january 6, 2021.
What’s the big deal? Joe is no different from Don so the bitching needs to stop.
GOP sure scratches the bottom of the barrel to keep their cult together. Next week it will be some other nonsense.
This is more than politics for them. This is a lifestyle. They're consumed.

How does that happen?
if you live in a bubble, and then this bubble is burst, then you need to blame someone.
These twats were so sure that the perfect storm of 2016 would happen again. there was no possiblity at all that their troll could lose. if he lost, it was proof of fraud. q.e.d. for qnuts
The problem is that they're convinced they're in a "war" to "save America".

In a war, you'll do anything to win.
99% of those twats do nothing but queef around online. the rest got a lesson after january 6, 2021.
What’s the big deal? Joe is no different from Don so the bitching needs to stop.
yeah, yeah. they are totally the same. LOL
Stealing a Presidential election is a grave sin which will have tragic consequences for the Democrats.
When the audit goes up in flames for you MAGA clowns just think, you can always resurrect that Kraken thingy. Don't give up hope just yet.
Sit back and relax. No one is going to stop until fraud is proven.
With republicans in charge they will create fraud.
IMHO That’s not the point of the exercise, they don’t need to create fraud, they just need to foster the suspicion that there WAS fraud in the minds of their partisan base.

It’s essentially an early “get out the vote” strategy for 2022 with the ancillary benefit of stirring up opposition to Democrats attempting to subvert control of elections from the States.
it is also a "stay at home, you vote is not counted anyway" strategery... lol
Good point, although I suspect the Republicrats aren't quite looking at it that way. ;)
Stealing a Presidential election is a grave sin which will have tragic consequences for the Democrats.
When the audit goes up in flames for you MAGA clowns just think, you can always resurrect that Kraken thingy. Don't give up hope just yet.
Sit back and relax. No one is going to stop until fraud is proven.
With republicans in charge they will create fraud.
IMHO That’s not the point of the exercise, they don’t need to create fraud, they just need to foster the suspicion that there WAS fraud in the minds of their partisan base.

It’s essentially an early “get out the vote” strategy for 2022 with the ancillary benefit of stirring up opposition to Democrats attempting to subvert control of elections from the States.
it is also a "stay at home, you vote is not counted anyway" strategery... lol
Good point, although I suspect the Republicrats aren't quite looking at it that way. ;)
not even after the georgia run off results in january?
Stealing a Presidential election is a grave sin which will have tragic consequences for the Democrats.
When the audit goes up in flames for you MAGA clowns just think, you can always resurrect that Kraken thingy. Don't give up hope just yet.
Sit back and relax. No one is going to stop until fraud is proven.
With republicans in charge they will create fraud.
IMHO That’s not the point of the exercise, they don’t need to create fraud, they just need to foster the suspicion that there WAS fraud in the minds of their partisan base.

It’s essentially an early “get out the vote” strategy for 2022 with the ancillary benefit of stirring up opposition to Democrats attempting to subvert control of elections from the States.
it is also a "stay at home, you vote is not counted anyway" strategery... lol
Good point, although I suspect the Republicrats aren't quite looking at it that way. ;)
not even after the georgia run off results in january?
Doubtful, unless of course you want to give the GOP credit for foresight that history has demonstrated over and over again that they don’t possess.
The democratic party is acting very guilty by the manner in which they have opposed the audit of the votes in Arizona.

The Devastating Reality of the Arizona Forensic Audit

Maricopa County already did a forensic audit in February, done by the Republican lead Election Board. They found no irregularities.

The conspiracy theorists ignored it like they did every election tally, recount, hand count, forensic audit, official tally, certified result or electoral count.

Dipshits are gonna dip.
forensic audit

If there documentation of the exact methodology utilized for this audit?

Mortgage Lenders were being audited up to the moment the market crashed in 2008.
You can check with the Maricopa county republican lead election board if you'd like specifics on the methodology.

You can find their contact information online, I'm sure.
You are commenting on a procedure of which you have zero knowledge.
GOP sure scratches the bottom of the barrel to keep their cult together. Next week it will be some other nonsense.
This is more than politics for them. This is a lifestyle. They're consumed.

How does that happen?
if you live in a bubble, and then this bubble is burst, then you need to blame someone.
These twats were so sure that the perfect storm of 2016 would happen again. there was no possiblity at all that their troll could lose. if he lost, it was proof of fraud. q.e.d. for qnuts
The problem is that they're convinced they're in a "war" to "save America".

In a war, you'll do anything to win.
99% of those twats do nothing but queef around online. the rest got a lesson after january 6, 2021.
What’s the big deal? Joe is no different from Don so the bitching needs to stop.
yeah, yeah. they are totally the same. LOL
It totally, but close. LOL.

Article author, New Yorker Bernard Kerik, has things totally ass-backwards concerning what is happening with this audit. For an Arizonan properspective from a conservative who went from a firm supporter of the audit to now seeing its political reality, take a listen for a minute or two of his podcast starting at point 19:36. It has bacome an albatross around the Republicans neck.

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The GOP and it's cohorts are acting suspicious by not being able to count very fast considering how they bitched about how long it took after the election to count ballots...
Then on to the next county. And a county that Trump won in. I can hear them counting now...
There are nine additional states who are considering the same recount process. But hey, Joe got 81 million votes so no worries, right? You folks will be squealing like little bitches once the evidence of HOW the steal occurred is made public.
It's a bad situation for us all because the only way you pull it off again is to dump the filibuster and ram through HR1. THAT is unacceptable and millions of us will do more than bitch and complain if the DC thugs try it.
It will match all the losing court cases. The GOP is making asses out of themselves. Like usual.
The courts won't hear the cases because they are worried you loons will burn the town down if they do.
The democratic party is acting very guilty by the manner in which they have opposed the audit of the votes in Arizona.

The Devastating Reality of the Arizona Forensic Audit

I hope you are right. However the demrats and their RINO partners know how to over their asses and I am not expecting much at all to come from this. 2020 was a stolen election in AZ, Pa and Georgia and possibly Wisconsin and Nevada, but most assuredly the first 3 states I named.

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