The Devil and Karl Marx

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
I've only read a portion of this book online.

Marx, like Islam, is not rooted in good. Trump supporters are not in a battle against flesh and blood.
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Poetry by Marx

Well, to be fair about Marx. Marx, first started out as a socialist and became more extreme and subsequently turned to communism.
That said, we have to remember when he lived, which was from 1818 to 1883. This era, was the "beginning" of the Industrial Age. There were no laws regarding child labor, no laws protecting the laborers; only newly created scrupulous businessmen that wanted to maximize profit, while paying their laborers as little as possible and even scamming them out of the very money the workers were paid, via company stores. This carried on into the early 20th century, however, in the west, workers gained a voice and laws have been enacted to protect children from working in sweatshops and mines, and unions forced companies to agree to workers terms. Federally, OSHA was created to improve working conditions and make it safer for the workers. Some mandatory income guarantees were put in place to also help workers.
Out of these changes, something new was created.....a "middle-class." This moved many out of poverty and improved their lives, significantly.
As for the poor, there will always be poor people. It doesn't matter where in the world you travel to, there are always poor and homeless individuals and I've been all over this planet seeing it.
So, when you see people trying to champion Karl Marx, just remember, they are looking at him through 19th century lenses, not the 21st century.
Well, to be fair about Marx. Marx, first started out as a socialist and became more extreme and subsequently turned to communism.
That said, we have to remember when he lived, which was from 1818 to 1883. This era, was the "beginning" of the Industrial Age. There were no laws regarding child labor, no laws protecting the laborers; only newly created scrupulous businessmen that wanted to maximize profit, while paying their laborers as little as possible and even scamming them out of the very money the workers were paid, via company stores. This carried on into the early 20th century, however, in the west, workers gained a voice and laws have been enacted to protect children from working in sweatshops and mines, and unions forced companies to agree to workers terms. Federally, OSHA was created to improve working conditions and make it safer for the workers. Some mandatory income guarantees were put in place to also help workers.
Out of these changes, something new was created.....a "middle-class." This moved many out of poverty and improved their lives, significantly.
As for the poor, there will always be poor people. It doesn't matter where in the world you travel to, there are always poor and homeless individuals and I've been all over this planet seeing it.
So, when you see people trying to champion Karl Marx, just remember, they are looking at him through 19th century lenses, not the 21st century.
Most of the communist nations that truly adhere to Marx seem to live or have lived in the 19th century for most of the people.
Well, to be fair about Marx. Marx, first started out as a socialist and became more extreme and subsequently turned to communism.
That said, we have to remember when he lived, which was from 1818 to 1883. This era, was the "beginning" of the Industrial Age. There were no laws regarding child labor, no laws protecting the laborers; only newly created scrupulous businessmen that wanted to maximize profit, while paying their laborers as little as possible and even scamming them out of the very money the workers were paid, via company stores. This carried on into the early 20th century, however, in the west, workers gained a voice and laws have been enacted to protect children from working in sweatshops and mines, and unions forced companies to agree to workers terms. Federally, OSHA was created to improve working conditions and make it safer for the workers. Some mandatory income guarantees were put in place to also help workers.
Out of these changes, something new was created.....a "middle-class." This moved many out of poverty and improved their lives, significantly.
As for the poor, there will always be poor people. It doesn't matter where in the world you travel to, there are always poor and homeless individuals and I've been all over this planet seeing it.
So, when you see people trying to champion Karl Marx, just remember, they are looking at him through 19th century lenses, not the 21st century.
Most of the communist nations that truly adhere to Marx seem to live or have lived in the 19th century for most of the people.
Very true. What communism does, is enrich the upper loyal politburo members and keep the overall population, poor. Thus, the general public has achieved their goal of a classless society, all poor (with the exception of the party leaders, of course).
A good example of strict communism is North Korea. All are poor, except the few at the very top, those holding the puppet strings.
Well, to be fair about Marx. Marx, first started out as a socialist and became more extreme and subsequently turned to communism.
That said, we have to remember when he lived, which was from 1818 to 1883. This era, was the "beginning" of the Industrial Age. There were no laws regarding child labor, no laws protecting the laborers; only newly created scrupulous businessmen that wanted to maximize profit, while paying their laborers as little as possible and even scamming them out of the very money the workers were paid, via company stores. This carried on into the early 20th century, however, in the west, workers gained a voice and laws have been enacted to protect children from working in sweatshops and mines, and unions forced companies to agree to workers terms. Federally, OSHA was created to improve working conditions and make it safer for the workers. Some mandatory income guarantees were put in place to also help workers.
Out of these changes, something new was created.....a "middle-class." This moved many out of poverty and improved their lives, significantly.
As for the poor, there will always be poor people. It doesn't matter where in the world you travel to, there are always poor and homeless individuals and I've been all over this planet seeing it.
So, when you see people trying to champion Karl Marx, just remember, they are looking at him through 19th century lenses, not the 21st century.
As do all socialists.
I've only read a portion of this book online.

Marx, like Islam, is not rooted in good. Trump supporters are not in a battle against flesh and blood.
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Poetry by Marx

View attachment 386865

Yeah, brother. The times they are a looking more and more like apocalypse NOW. I would not bat an eye in surprise at a full blown fucking no-shit flaming demon walking down the street to buy a newspaper. All I can recommend is to BE VIGILANT and expect anything . . . and I mean any thing. Good luck out there.
I've only read a portion of this book online.

Marx, like Islam, is not rooted in good. Trump supporters are not in a battle against flesh and blood.
Options are greyed out. Anybody know why? I cannot link, so I had to ATTACH an image
Poetry by Marx

View attachment 386865

Yeah, brother. The times they are a looking more and more like apocalypse NOW. I would not bat an eye in surprise at a full blown fucking no-shit flaming demon walking down the street to buy a newspaper. All I can recommend is to BE VIGILANT and expect anything . . . and I mean any thing. Good luck out there.
He was born a Jew, then his family converted to Lutheranism. He rejected God altogether in college. This was the path he took. Many believe he was actually demon possessed. I believe that. He couldnt have accomplished as much destruction and misery without spiritual help

It isn't surprising that those who reject God embrace his teachings
There are far darker incidents in this book than the personal evil of Marx or Lenin. Here is a sample from the section on the demonic torture of Romanian Christian prisoners:

A pastor by the name of Florescu was tortured with red-hot iron pokers and with knives. He was beaten very badly. Then starving rats were driven into his cell through a large pipe. He could not sleep because he had to defend himself all the time. If he rested a moment the rats would attack him.

He was forced to stand for two weeks, day and night. … Eventually, they brought his fourteen-year-old son to the prison and began to whip the boy in front of his father, saying that they would continue to beat him until the pastor said what they wished him to say. The poor man was half mad. He bore it as long as he could, then he cried to his son, “Alexander, I must say what they want! I can’t bear your beating anymore!” The son answered, “Father, don’t do me the injustice of having a traitor as a parent. Withstand! If they kill me, I will die with the words, ‘Jesus and my fatherland’.” The communists, enraged, fell upon the child and beat him to death, with blood spattered over the walls of the cell. He died praising God. Our dear brother Florescu was never the same after seeing this.

Rev. Wurmbrand who was also in prison recalls this event.

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