The Dictionary Definition of "Conservative"



con·ser·va·tive (kn-sûrv-tv)
Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
Traditional or restrained in style
Of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism.
Belonging to a conservative party, group, or movement.
One favoring traditional views and values.
Archaic A preservative agent or principle.
a person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideas
resistant to change
unimaginative and conformist


"I do not know which makes a man more conservative - to know nothing but the present, or nothing but the past" [John Maynard Keynes The End of Laissez-Faire]

"A man who is determined never to move out of the beaten road cannot lose his way" [William Hazlitt The Round Table]

"A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward" [Franklin D. Roosevelt]

"The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution" [Hannah Arendt]

"Conservative: a statesman who is enamoured of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others" [Ambrose Bierce The Cynic's Word Book]

redneck An ultraconservative. This disparaging term usually refers to the poor white farmers of the Southern backwoods who are notorious for their purported intolerance of liberals, intellectuals, Blacks, and hippies. Redneck, originating as an allusion to a farmer’s perennially sunburned neck, is now an epithet for any person who shares similar prejudices.


So I go through a bunch of dictionaries and copy the definition of "Conservative". For some reason, USMB right wingers think conservatives are so creative, innovators, highly knowledgeable in science and technology. The question I have is "Why would they think that??" The entire philosophy behind conservatism is fear of change. Force your ideas on others. Limit liberty. They even say the constitution doesn't guarantee freedom FROM religion.

So if maintaining the status quo isn't the foundation of "conservatism", then what is it? What is the ultimate goal of "American Conservatism" and how would it be good for the country? If it were so good, then why are people voting against it?

"{A pseudo-intellectual typically has}horn-rimmed glasses, drinks Pinot Grigio by the glass at bars, buys poetry books but never reads them, avoids red meat, shops at the Kiehls counter, acts indignantly offended by Howard Stern,{and}likes to drop names like 'Foucault' and 'Sartre' in normal conversation."
These individuals, typically between 17 and 35 in age, can generally be found in the local coffee shop or art gallery and become very prevalent near the coastlines. However, the most common breeding grounds for pseudo-intellectuals are college campuses, with special emphasis on the Ivies, the Ivy equivalents, and tiny-ass liberal arts colleges.

Further characteristics of a pseudo intellectual include:

-ordering appletinis by the glass and requesting that they be "heavy on the apple and light on the 'tini."

-Rolling their own cigarettes (if they smoke).

-Railing on smokers for polluting the environment (if they don't smoke).

-Driving a small-ass hybrid, eating dolphin safe tuna, and criticizing those who pollute despite the fact that their Clinique makeup (if they are girls)was tested on defenseless animals and poor kids in Nepal.
As I've said for a while,

The history of Conservatism is a history of being on the wrong side of history. Conservatism is an army in perpetual retreat.

And that has held true throughout history. Almost every ideological battle between conservatives and progressives has ended with a progressive victory.
Beta Male

An unremarkable, careful man who avoids risk and confrontation. Beta males lack the physical presence, charisma and confidence of the Alpha male.

rDean knew he was losing the girl he'd just met at the bar to the guy who bought her a drink, but he was too much of a Beta Male to do anything about it
See what I'm saying. Two conservatives who resort to name calling, but at least they can't claim I'm wrong. And if they do, they can't say why.

"{A pseudo-intellectual typically has}horn-rimmed glasses, drinks Pinot Grigio by the glass at bars, buys poetry books but never reads them, avoids red meat, shops at the Kiehls counter, acts indignantly offended by Howard Stern,{and}likes to drop names like 'Foucault' and 'Sartre' in normal conversation."
These individuals, typically between 17 and 35 in age, can generally be found in the local coffee shop or art gallery and become very prevalent near the coastlines. However, the most common breeding grounds for pseudo-intellectuals are college campuses, with special emphasis on the Ivies, the Ivy equivalents, and tiny-ass liberal arts colleges.

Further characteristics of a pseudo intellectual include:

-ordering appletinis by the glass and requesting that they be "heavy on the apple and light on the 'tini."

-Rolling their own cigarettes (if they smoke).

-Railing on smokers for polluting the environment (if they don't smoke).

-Driving a small-ass hybrid, eating dolphin safe tuna, and criticizing those who pollute despite the fact that their Clinique makeup (if they are girls)was tested on defenseless animals and poor kids in Nepal.

As I've said for a while,

The history of Conservatism is a history of being on the wrong side of history. Conservatism is an army in perpetual retreat.

And that has held true throughout history. Almost every ideological battle between conservatives and progressives has ended with a progressive victory.
Progressives are nothing but socialist wannabes.
See what I'm saying. Two conservatives who resort to name calling, but at least they can't claim I'm wrong. And if they do, they can't say why.
why do i get the feeling that slavery is going to be thrown into the faces of people that defend the traditional values of this country...
When a nation's young men are conservative, its funeral bell is already rung.
Henry Ward Beecher
“Show me a young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains.”
― Winston Churchill
“Show me a young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains.”
― Winston Churchill
Yet another Misinformation Voter parroting a well known fake quote!!!

Conservatism discards Prescription, shrinks from Principle, disavows Progress; having rejected all respect for antiquity, it offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future.
Benjamin Disraeli
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Conservatives want to preserve American constitutional boundaries and work within those same boundaries if change is needed.

Now you know what a conservative is.

There's nothing more dangerous than a wacked-out liberal with a dictionary.
Conservatives want to preserve American constitutional boundaries and work within those same boundaries if change is needed.

Now you know what a conservative is.

There's nothing more dangerous than a wacked-out liberal with a dictionary.
The idea of the sacred is quite simply one of the most conservative notions in any culture, because it seeks to turn other ideas - uncertainty, progress, change - into crimes
- Salman Rushdie, (1947 - )
con·ser·va·tive (kn-sûrv-tv)
Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
Traditional or restrained in style
Of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism.
Belonging to a conservative party, group, or movement.
One favoring traditional views and values.
Archaic A preservative agent or principle.
a person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideas
resistant to change
unimaginative and conformist


"I do not know which makes a man more conservative - to know nothing but the present, or nothing but the past" [John Maynard Keynes The End of Laissez-Faire]

"A man who is determined never to move out of the beaten road cannot lose his way" [William Hazlitt The Round Table]

"A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward" [Franklin D. Roosevelt]

"The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution" [Hannah Arendt]

"Conservative: a statesman who is enamoured of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others" [Ambrose Bierce The Cynic's Word Book]

redneck An ultraconservative. This disparaging term usually refers to the poor white farmers of the Southern backwoods who are notorious for their purported intolerance of liberals, intellectuals, Blacks, and hippies. Redneck, originating as an allusion to a farmer’s perennially sunburned neck, is now an epithet for any person who shares similar prejudices.


So I go through a bunch of dictionaries and copy the definition of "Conservative". For some reason, USMB right wingers think conservatives are so creative, innovators, highly knowledgeable in science and technology. The question I have is "Why would they think that??" The entire philosophy behind conservatism is fear of change. Force your ideas on others. Limit liberty. They even say the constitution doesn't guarantee freedom FROM religion.

So if maintaining the status quo isn't the foundation of "conservatism", then what is it? What is the ultimate goal of "American Conservatism" and how would it be good for the country? If it were so good, then why are people voting against it?

I think that you are confusing Prudence, Cautioun, Self Reliance, Personal Responsibility, and common sense, with not being stupid enough to be spoon fed by the likes of you. Do you want to buy a vowel?

Even with your sources, nothing sinks in with you. Consider that when we build on a philosophy, a science, an infrastructure, a political philosophy, we try and test. We build on what works, we amend, we adapt to the reality and needs of the present and the future. Abandoning what is tried, tested, proven, things that have real and implied value, because the likes of you has a bug up your ass, makes no sense, RD. Kind of like you. Change brought on by Vision is one thing, Discovery, Invention, Creation, are all born of Vision. Change for the sake of change? You paying for it? If Not, stop with the Bullshit. You are leading us into Brave New World.
con·ser·va·tive (kn-sûrv-tv)
Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
Traditional or restrained in style
Of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism.
Belonging to a conservative party, group, or movement.
One favoring traditional views and values.
Archaic A preservative agent or principle.
a person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideas
resistant to change
unimaginative and conformist


"I do not know which makes a man more conservative - to know nothing but the present, or nothing but the past" [John Maynard Keynes The End of Laissez-Faire]

"A man who is determined never to move out of the beaten road cannot lose his way" [William Hazlitt The Round Table]

"A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward" [Franklin D. Roosevelt]

"The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution" [Hannah Arendt]

"Conservative: a statesman who is enamoured of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others" [Ambrose Bierce The Cynic's Word Book]

redneck An ultraconservative. This disparaging term usually refers to the poor white farmers of the Southern backwoods who are notorious for their purported intolerance of liberals, intellectuals, Blacks, and hippies. Redneck, originating as an allusion to a farmer’s perennially sunburned neck, is now an epithet for any person who shares similar prejudices.


So I go through a bunch of dictionaries and copy the definition of "Conservative". For some reason, USMB right wingers think conservatives are so creative, innovators, highly knowledgeable in science and technology. The question I have is "Why would they think that??" The entire philosophy behind conservatism is fear of change. Force your ideas on others. Limit liberty. They even say the constitution doesn't guarantee freedom FROM religion.

So if maintaining the status quo isn't the foundation of "conservatism", then what is it? What is the ultimate goal of "American Conservatism" and how would it be good for the country? If it were so good, then why are people voting against it?

We want to conserve the Constitution. Whats wrong with that?
We want to save the economy. What's wrong with that?
We want people to have more freedom and liberty, the foundations of the country. What's wrong with that.

and the Constitution does not guarantee freedom from religion, you liar.
con·ser·va·tive (kn-sûrv-tv)
Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
Traditional or restrained in style
Of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism.
Belonging to a conservative party, group, or movement.
One favoring traditional views and values.
Archaic A preservative agent or principle.
a person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideas
resistant to change
unimaginative and conformist


"I do not know which makes a man more conservative - to know nothing but the present, or nothing but the past" [John Maynard Keynes The End of Laissez-Faire]

"A man who is determined never to move out of the beaten road cannot lose his way" [William Hazlitt The Round Table]

"A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward" [Franklin D. Roosevelt]

"The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution" [Hannah Arendt]

"Conservative: a statesman who is enamoured of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others" [Ambrose Bierce The Cynic's Word Book]

redneck An ultraconservative. This disparaging term usually refers to the poor white farmers of the Southern backwoods who are notorious for their purported intolerance of liberals, intellectuals, Blacks, and hippies. Redneck, originating as an allusion to a farmer’s perennially sunburned neck, is now an epithet for any person who shares similar prejudices.


So I go through a bunch of dictionaries and copy the definition of "Conservative". For some reason, USMB right wingers think conservatives are so creative, innovators, highly knowledgeable in science and technology. The question I have is "Why would they think that??" The entire philosophy behind conservatism is fear of change. Force your ideas on others. Limit liberty. They even say the constitution doesn't guarantee freedom FROM religion.

So if maintaining the status quo isn't the foundation of "conservatism", then what is it? What is the ultimate goal of "American Conservatism" and how would it be good for the country? If it were so good, then why are people voting against it?

We want to conserve the Constitution. Whats wrong with that?
We want to save the economy. What's wrong with that?
We want people to have more freedom and liberty, the foundations of the country. What's wrong with that.

and the Constitution does not guarantee freedom from religion, you liar.
"All conservatives are such from personal defects. They have been effeminated by position or nature, born halt and blind, through luxury of their parents, and can only, like invalids, act on the defensive."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
con·ser·va·tive (kn-sûrv-tv)
Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
Traditional or restrained in style
Of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism.
Belonging to a conservative party, group, or movement.
One favoring traditional views and values.
Archaic A preservative agent or principle.
a person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideas
resistant to change
unimaginative and conformist


"I do not know which makes a man more conservative - to know nothing but the present, or nothing but the past" [John Maynard Keynes The End of Laissez-Faire]

"A man who is determined never to move out of the beaten road cannot lose his way" [William Hazlitt The Round Table]

"A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward" [Franklin D. Roosevelt]

"The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution" [Hannah Arendt]

"Conservative: a statesman who is enamoured of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others" [Ambrose Bierce The Cynic's Word Book]

redneck An ultraconservative. This disparaging term usually refers to the poor white farmers of the Southern backwoods who are notorious for their purported intolerance of liberals, intellectuals, Blacks, and hippies. Redneck, originating as an allusion to a farmer’s perennially sunburned neck, is now an epithet for any person who shares similar prejudices.


So I go through a bunch of dictionaries and copy the definition of "Conservative". For some reason, USMB right wingers think conservatives are so creative, innovators, highly knowledgeable in science and technology. The question I have is "Why would they think that??" The entire philosophy behind conservatism is fear of change. Force your ideas on others. Limit liberty. They even say the constitution doesn't guarantee freedom FROM religion.

So if maintaining the status quo isn't the foundation of "conservatism", then what is it? What is the ultimate goal of "American Conservatism" and how would it be good for the country? If it were so good, then why are people voting against it?

We want to conserve the Constitution. Whats wrong with that?
We want to save the economy. What's wrong with that?
We want people to have more freedom and liberty, the foundations of the country. What's wrong with that.

and the Constitution does not guarantee freedom from religion, you liar.

Hey it is fine to "want" all kinds of things. But there are a few things that matter more than the "wanting". One of those "things" is what you actually "do".

And from what I have watched for the last few years, the Repubs don't want to and haven't done anything constructive for the entire country.

And when a party wants to lead the entire country and hasn't "done" anything for the country, that is a problem for you rethugs.

Little more doing and a lot less wanting would serve you all well. And maybe the rest of us would listen a little more closely to what you want.
zeke opined:

"Little more doing and a lot less wanting would serve you all well. And maybe the rest of us would listen a little more closely to what you want."

Seems like zeke is giving a valuable advise to welfare bums, single oversexed baby-factory skanks, unionized free-loaders who think they deserve ten bucks of pay for a dime's worth of effort and those who bitch about the rich not paying their fair share, while they pay nothing at all.

In other words, blind Obama supporters.

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