The Dictionary Definition of "Conservative"

Yet EdTheAss backs up people who use unreliable, liar source sites such as Huffo Puffo and Stink progress... That, is the dictionary definition of a HYPOCRITE
The Misinformation Voter of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood bitterly clings to their lies until they are pried from their cold dead hands.

From the Churchill Organization's own website!!!!!

Quotes Falsely Attributed

These quotes make for good story-telling but popular myth has falsely attributed them to Churchill.

"Conservative by the time you're 35"

"If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain." There is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this. Paul Addison of Edinburgh University makes this comment: "Surely Churchill can't have used the words attributed to him. He'd been a Conservative at 15 and a Liberal at 35! And would he have talked so disrespectfully of Clemmie, who is generally thought to have been a lifelong Liberal?"

And as stated.. you defend people who use flat out lies from winger lie sites such as Stink Progress and Huffo Puffo... The very definition of hypocrite
Yet EdTheAss backs up people who use unreliable, liar source sites such as Huffo Puffo and Stink progress... That, is the dictionary definition of a HYPOCRITE
The Misinformation Voter of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood bitterly clings to their lies until they are pried from their cold dead hands.

From the Churchill Organization's own website!!!!!

Quotes Falsely Attributed

These quotes make for good story-telling but popular myth has falsely attributed them to Churchill.

"Conservative by the time you're 35"

"If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain." There is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this. Paul Addison of Edinburgh University makes this comment: "Surely Churchill can't have used the words attributed to him. He'd been a Conservative at 15 and a Liberal at 35! And would he have talked so disrespectfully of Clemmie, who is generally thought to have been a lifelong Liberal?"

And as stated.. you defend people who use flat out lies from winger lie sites such as Stink Progress and Huffo Puffo... The very definition of hypocrite

Excuse me, but the only sites that "lie" are right wing news outlets like Fox News, WND, etc...
Yet EdTheAss backs up people who use unreliable, liar source sites such as Huffo Puffo and Stink progress... That, is the dictionary definition of a HYPOCRITE
The Misinformation Voter of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood bitterly clings to their lies until they are pried from their cold dead hands.

From the Churchill Organization's own website!!!!!

Quotes Falsely Attributed

These quotes make for good story-telling but popular myth has falsely attributed them to Churchill.

"Conservative by the time you're 35"

"If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain." There is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this. Paul Addison of Edinburgh University makes this comment: "Surely Churchill can't have used the words attributed to him. He'd been a Conservative at 15 and a Liberal at 35! And would he have talked so disrespectfully of Clemmie, who is generally thought to have been a lifelong Liberal?"

And as stated.. you defend people who use flat out lies from winger lie sites such as Stink Progress and Huffo Puffo... The very definition of hypocrite
The Right-wing is piss easy to predict!!! :rofl::lmao:
Why should they whine?

Their life styles are paid for by hard working people. The more little bastards, the more welfare money. The more unreasonable demand for undeserved wages and pensions the more union jobs will go to India and China. But the union thugs already feathered their own nests, so why should they whine?

One Republican accomplishment is giving everyone an EQUAL chance to succeed, on their own merit, on honest hard work, without being propped by morally corrupt crutch like affirmative action. By making your own way, speaking for themselves, without a union thug pretending to speak for them.

You know, personal freedom and honest sense of self-worth.

Rest assured, the more I see you liberals gloat the more sure I become convinced that history will repeat itself, as it always does. The Party with the false assumption that they are invincible and the other Party is forever doomed, will always overreach and becomes an unbearable bully. So, gloat and brag, but keep in mind that nobody likes and eventually everyone becomes tired of a bully.

First of all, just how many people do you think have union jobs today? Do you think that most workers have union jobs?

And how is it the Dems don't like "freedom" and "self worth". You are just making that up aren't you?

But again, you rethugs just want to do the same ole same ole. Making pronouncemets how you love "freedom" and "self worth".

I am talking about an idea that brings about real positive change for people. We have had plenty of "freedom" and "self worth". It ain't making no jobs. Why is that? I thought you Repubs said that the ultra wealthy were gonna create all these jobs.

It's the unions fault, isn't it. No. It's abortions fault? No. It's the medias fault? No. Its the unions fault. They made the companies take the jobs overseas. Bingo. There is your answer. The unions and teachers and MSM. And welfare. I heard that there are 260 million people on welfare. Matter of fact the only people who are not on welfare are the people that voted republican last election. Is that correct? Sure it is dude. Sure it is.

The unions outlived their usefulness about 50 years ago. Nowadays only natural born free loaders would support unions and only thugs like Leo Girard and Richard Tramke and Jimmy Hoffa would debase themselves by willingly be part of a union. Of course having unlimited access to the White House and unlimited access to dues collected would sweeten the pot for those whose last day of honest work - if ever - was years and years ago.

Unions are fewer in numbers, because nobody likes to have their rights to support their families away by strikes that will NEVER bring results to make up for the lost wages which resulted in parading on streets, like an idiot sandwich between two pieces of card board, yelling obscenities.

More and more states are becoming "right to work" states, because it is everyone's RIGHT to work and support their families, regardless what the likes of Tramke and Girard and Hoffa try to say and do otherwise.

Now, for teachers. Shamefully, teaching, which was once considered a vocation, a commitment to be guidance and teaching, became a job, valued no more than any job with no educational personal involvement. To convince children that they don't have to be good because they all will get a prize, they will all graduate without being able to read and add two and two, is now mainstream "teaching". Nothing is more important than having three months vacation and suspending a 6 year old for drawing a picture of a gun and pointing his finger at a classmate. And, of course, a totally lousy teacher is protected by - you guessed it - a UNION.

Do some research. You will find out the best schools have the strongest unions.
zeke opined:

"Little more doing and a lot less wanting would serve you all well. And maybe the rest of us would listen a little more closely to what you want."

Seems like zeke is giving a valuable advise to welfare bums, single oversexed baby-factory skanks, unionized free-loaders who think they deserve ten bucks of pay for a dime's worth of effort and those who bitch about the rich not paying their fair share, while they pay nothing at all.

In other words, blind Obama supporters.

Hey dude. Feel free to list what you think of as Republican "accomplishment". The ones that benefited the entire country.

If you can think of any.

Oh and I don't hear the "weflare bums, single oversexed baby factoryskanks and the union free loaders" whining, crying and bitching like you simple minded ignorant repubs do.

Why is that?

Hey but you rethugs, just keep on doing what you're doing. It is working real well. Really. No problem with you all's approach. Brillant strategy you all used against Obama. Worked really well didn't it?

Why should they whine?

Their life styles are paid for by hard working people. The more little bastards, the more welfare money. The more unreasonable demand for undeserved wages and pensions the more union jobs will go to India and China. But the union thugs already feathered their own nests, so why should they whine?

One Republican accomplishment is giving everyone an EQUAL chance to succeed, on their own merit, on honest hard work, without being propped by morally corrupt crutch like affirmative action. By making your own way, speaking for themselves, without a union thug pretending to speak for them.

You know, personal freedom and honest sense of self-worth.

Rest assured, the more I see you liberals gloat the more sure I become convinced that history will repeat itself, as it always does. The Party with the false assumption that they are invincible and the other Party is forever doomed, will always overreach and becomes an unbearable bully. So, gloat and brag, but keep in mind that nobody likes and eventually everyone becomes tired of a bully.

George Bush's father pulled strings to get his below average son into Harvard.

John McCain's grandfather and father were both admirals. His well connected family got him into the Naval Academy where he graduated 5th from the bottom out of a graduating class of 899.

George was the worst president in this history of the country. Caused the deaths of thousands of Americans, created an enormous deficit and his policies did more damage than al Qaeda ever could.

John McCain was one of the Keating 5. Part of one of the worst economic scandals in the history of the country. Crashed 5 jets costing untold millions and it's still unclear his role in the Forrestal tragedy.

The fruit of "rich white people's affirmative action".

Why doesn't the right go after "rich people's" Affirmative Action?
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Maybe I should look back at the November election results. I thought you lefties won the election. Here's a thought, instead of whining about political definitions why not tell us how great your nationalist/socialist political agenda will be?
Anyone who is ignorant enough to believe that political beliefs can be reduced to dictionary definitions. is not intelligent enough to participate in a discussion of the value of those beliefs.

Conservative is a political term encompassing those who hold to a collection of political beliefs. Chief of these are the belief in limited government, fiscal responsibility, and personal responsibility for one's life and desires. The vast majority of conservatives hold to those beliefs.
con·ser·va·tive (kn-sûrv-tv)
Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
Traditional or restrained in style
Of or relating to the political philosophy of conservatism.
Belonging to a conservative party, group, or movement.
One favoring traditional views and values.
Archaic A preservative agent or principle.
a person who is reluctant to accept changes and new ideas
resistant to change
unimaginative and conformist


"I do not know which makes a man more conservative - to know nothing but the present, or nothing but the past" [John Maynard Keynes The End of Laissez-Faire]

"A man who is determined never to move out of the beaten road cannot lose his way" [William Hazlitt The Round Table]

"A conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward" [Franklin D. Roosevelt]

"The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution" [Hannah Arendt]

"Conservative: a statesman who is enamoured of existing evils, as distinguished from the Liberal, who wishes to replace them with others" [Ambrose Bierce The Cynic's Word Book]

redneck An ultraconservative. This disparaging term usually refers to the poor white farmers of the Southern backwoods who are notorious for their purported intolerance of liberals, intellectuals, Blacks, and hippies. Redneck, originating as an allusion to a farmer’s perennially sunburned neck, is now an epithet for any person who shares similar prejudices.


So I go through a bunch of dictionaries and copy the definition of "Conservative". For some reason, USMB right wingers think conservatives are so creative, innovators, highly knowledgeable in science and technology. The question I have is "Why would they think that??" The entire philosophy behind conservatism is fear of change. Force your ideas on others. Limit liberty. They even say the constitution doesn't guarantee freedom FROM religion.

So if maintaining the status quo isn't the foundation of "conservatism", then what is it? What is the ultimate goal of "American Conservatism" and how would it be good for the country? If it were so good, then why are people voting against it?

We want to conserve the Constitution. Whats wrong with that?
We want to save the economy. What's wrong with that?
We want people to have more freedom and liberty, the foundations of the country. What's wrong with that.

and the Constitution does not guarantee freedom from religion, you liar.

Hey it is fine to "want" all kinds of things. But there are a few things that matter more than the "wanting". One of those "things" is what you actually "do".

And from what I have watched for the last few years, the Repubs don't want to and haven't done anything constructive for the entire country.

And when a party wants to lead the entire country and hasn't "done" anything for the country, that is a problem for you rethugs.

Little more doing and a lot less wanting would serve you all well. And maybe the rest of us would listen a little more closely to what you want.

Then like a good liberal, you haven't been paying attention.


Four legs good, Two legs better!
Hey dude. Feel free to list what you think of as Republican "accomplishment". The ones that benefited the entire country.

If you can think of any.

Oh and I don't hear the "weflare bums, single oversexed baby factoryskanks and the union free loaders" whining, crying and bitching like you simple minded ignorant repubs do.

Why is that?

Hey but you rethugs, just keep on doing what you're doing. It is working real well. Really. No problem with you all's approach. Brillant strategy you all used against Obama. Worked really well didn't it?

Why should they whine?

Their life styles are paid for by hard working people. The more little bastards, the more welfare money. The more unreasonable demand for undeserved wages and pensions the more union jobs will go to India and China. But the union thugs already feathered their own nests, so why should they whine?

One Republican accomplishment is giving everyone an EQUAL chance to succeed, on their own merit, on honest hard work, without being propped by morally corrupt crutch like affirmative action. By making your own way, speaking for themselves, without a union thug pretending to speak for them.

You know, personal freedom and honest sense of self-worth.

Rest assured, the more I see you liberals gloat the more sure I become convinced that history will repeat itself, as it always does. The Party with the false assumption that they are invincible and the other Party is forever doomed, will always overreach and becomes an unbearable bully. So, gloat and brag, but keep in mind that nobody likes and eventually everyone becomes tired of a bully.

George Bush's father pulled strings to get his below average son into Harvard.

John McCain's grandfather and father were both admirals. His well connected family got him into the Naval Academy where he graduated 5th from the bottom out of a graduating class of 899.

George was the worst president in this history of the country. Caused the deaths of thousands of Americans, created an enormous deficit and his policies did more damage than al Qaeda ever could.

John McCain was one of the Keating 5. Part of one of the worst economic scandals in the history of the country. Crashed 5 jets costing untold millions and it's still unclear his role in the Forrestal tragedy.

The fruit of "rich white people's affirmative action".

Why doesn't the right go after "rich people's" Affirmative Action?

Still don't understand why Conservatives find white people's Affirmative Action OK.

Oh, because they are white. I forgot. Sorry.
Yet another Misinformation Voter parroting a well known fake quote!!! :asshole:

Conservatism discards Prescription, shrinks from Principle, disavows Progress; having rejected all respect for antiquity, it offers no redress for the present, and makes no preparation for the future.
Benjamin Disraeli

Care to provide proof of your claim?:ahole-1:

Oooh, let me.

Anti science, anti education, let him die, cut education, Iraq, anti minority, 48%, millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008, abolish the EPA, education is for snobs, we have no smart people, bring immigrants here with degrees but cut education here, cut school lunches, cut health care, cut taxes for billionaires and cut medicare to pay for it.

Should I go on. What about the apology to BP, subsidies for oil companies.......
Yep, you got 'em pegged.

The Misinformation Voter of the CON$ervoFascist Brotherhood bitterly clings to their lies until they are pried from their cold dead hands.

From the Churchill Organization's own website!!!!!

Quotes Falsely Attributed

These quotes make for good story-telling but popular myth has falsely attributed them to Churchill.

"Conservative by the time you're 35"

"If you're not a liberal when you're 25, you have no heart. If you're not a conservative by the time you're 35, you have no brain." There is no record of anyone hearing Churchill say this. Paul Addison of Edinburgh University makes this comment: "Surely Churchill can't have used the words attributed to him. He'd been a Conservative at 15 and a Liberal at 35! And would he have talked so disrespectfully of Clemmie, who is generally thought to have been a lifelong Liberal?"

And as stated.. you defend people who use flat out lies from winger lie sites such as Stink Progress and Huffo Puffo... The very definition of hypocrite
The Right-wing is piss easy to predict!!! :rofl::lmao:
They are frustrated really. ...sad.

Hey dude. Feel free to list what you think of as Republican "accomplishment". The ones that benefited the entire country.

If you can think of any.

Oh and I don't hear the "weflare bums, single oversexed baby factoryskanks and the union free loaders" whining, crying and bitching like you simple minded ignorant repubs do.

Why is that?

Hey but you rethugs, just keep on doing what you're doing. It is working real well. Really. No problem with you all's approach. Brillant strategy you all used against Obama. Worked really well didn't it?

Why should they whine?

Their life styles are paid for by hard working people. The more little bastards, the more welfare money. The more unreasonable demand for undeserved wages and pensions the more union jobs will go to India and China. But the union thugs already feathered their own nests, so why should they whine?

One Republican accomplishment is giving everyone an EQUAL chance to succeed, on their own merit, on honest hard work, without being propped by morally corrupt crutch like affirmative action. By making your own way, speaking for themselves, without a union thug pretending to speak for them.

You know, personal freedom and honest sense of self-worth.

Rest assured, the more I see you liberals gloat the more sure I become convinced that history will repeat itself, as it always does. The Party with the false assumption that they are invincible and the other Party is forever doomed, will always overreach and becomes an unbearable bully. So, gloat and brag, but keep in mind that nobody likes and eventually everyone becomes tired of a bully.

George Bush's father pulled strings to get his below average son into Harvard.

John McCain's grandfather and father were both admirals. His well connected family got him into the Naval Academy where he graduated 5th from the bottom out of a graduating class of 899.

George was the worst president in this history of the country. Caused the deaths of thousands of Americans, created an enormous deficit and his policies did more damage than al Qaeda ever could.

John McCain was one of the Keating 5. Part of one of the worst economic scandals in the history of the country. Crashed 5 jets costing untold millions and it's still unclear his role in the Forrestal tragedy.

The fruit of "rich white people's affirmative action".

Why doesn't the right go after "rich people's" Affirmative Action?
Because their Corporate Masters haven't told them too.

They're not programmed to accept that.
Care to provide proof of your claim?:ahole-1:

Oooh, let me.

Anti science, anti education, let him die, cut education, Iraq, anti minority, 48%, millions of jobs moved to China from 2001 to 2008, abolish the EPA, education is for snobs, we have no smart people, bring immigrants here with degrees but cut education here, cut school lunches, cut health care, cut taxes for billionaires and cut medicare to pay for it.

Should I go on. What about the apology to BP, subsidies for oil companies.......
Yep, you got 'em pegged.

They are frustrated really. ...sad.

Why should they whine?

Their life styles are paid for by hard working people. The more little bastards, the more welfare money. The more unreasonable demand for undeserved wages and pensions the more union jobs will go to India and China. But the union thugs already feathered their own nests, so why should they whine?

One Republican accomplishment is giving everyone an EQUAL chance to succeed, on their own merit, on honest hard work, without being propped by morally corrupt crutch like affirmative action. By making your own way, speaking for themselves, without a union thug pretending to speak for them.

You know, personal freedom and honest sense of self-worth.

Rest assured, the more I see you liberals gloat the more sure I become convinced that history will repeat itself, as it always does. The Party with the false assumption that they are invincible and the other Party is forever doomed, will always overreach and becomes an unbearable bully. So, gloat and brag, but keep in mind that nobody likes and eventually everyone becomes tired of a bully.

George Bush's father pulled strings to get his below average son into Harvard.

John McCain's grandfather and father were both admirals. His well connected family got him into the Naval Academy where he graduated 5th from the bottom out of a graduating class of 899.

George was the worst president in this history of the country. Caused the deaths of thousands of Americans, created an enormous deficit and his policies did more damage than al Qaeda ever could.

John McCain was one of the Keating 5. Part of one of the worst economic scandals in the history of the country. Crashed 5 jets costing untold millions and it's still unclear his role in the Forrestal tragedy.

The fruit of "rich white people's affirmative action".

Why doesn't the right go after "rich people's" Affirmative Action?
Because their Corporate Masters haven't told them too.

They're not programmed to accept that.

I think that's pretty clear. Why won't USMB right wingers defend this with some kind of "facts" instead of automatically attacking?
Clearly, it's because they see the truth as an "attack".

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