'The dictionary definition of fascism': Conservative columnist condemns Donald Trump's MAGA 'cult'

Neither Mussolini nor Hitler were leftist.. both were conservative.
well I have no idea what you mean by conservative...like in their dress? or how they ate? Political speaking they were leftist....looking for a third way, because they realized socialism didn't work well, so they both transformed the socialist parties they were members of, into a Fascist regime....pretty much what we have seen the modern Dem party do here in this country....espcially after hte turn of the century
Did you take Modern European History in school?

Hitler and Mussolini were both demagogues like Trump.
Yes, taught by a Marxist professor. Why do you suppose I didn't believe him?

Democrat politicians are all Demagogues, moron.
well I have no idea what you mean by conservative...like in their dress? or how they ate? Political speaking they were leftist....looking for a third way, because they realized socialism didn't work well, so they both transformed the socialist parties they were members of, into a Fascist regime....pretty much what we have seen the modern Dem party do here in this country....espcially after hte turn of the century
He means what the Reich told him to believe without looking into it himself.
Oh, hey, I see what you did there. You didn't have anything of substance to say, so you attempted to link TRUMP! to Hitler. You do realize you just Godwin'd yourself, right?
I see trump with closer ties to Jim Jones than Hitler.
‘William Saletan, a writer for the conservative website The Bulwark, defends President Joe Biden’s anti-MAGA use of the term “semi-fascism” in an article published on September 1.

“Republicans are furious over President Biden’s recent remarks linking Donald Trump and his supporters to ‘semi-fascism,’” Saletan writes. “For days, they’ve been all over TV and social media, denouncing Biden’s use of the F-word. But Biden was right. Many of the ideas and tactics deployed by Trump and his apologists, including those who decry Biden’s comparison, fit the dictionary definition of fascism.”

Saletan stresses that refusing to accept democratic election results, which is what Trump and his followers did after the 2020 election, is an “authoritarian” act.

“A stickler might say that an attempt to overturn an election isn’t really fascist unless it involves the use of state power or mob violence, but Trump and his allies tried to use both,” Saletan explains. “Rudy Giuliani, Trump’s right-hand man in several abuses of power, says it’s Biden, not Trump, who runs America like ‘a damned dictatorship.’ But in December 2020, after the Electoral College had certified Biden’s election, Giuliani — at Trump’s direction — phoned the acting deputy secretary at the Department of Homeland Security to ask whether DHS could seize voting machines from states. Then, at Trump’s January 6th rally on the Ellipse, Giuliani exhorted the crowd: ‘Let’s have trial by combat!’”

Saletan adds, “Giuliani didn’t just help to incite the attack on the Capitol. To this day, he continues to whitewash it and excuse the perpetrators.”’

More at the link.
Fascism is the use of corporate powers to enact the will of the government, when the government has no authority to do so themselves.

Vaccine mandates for employees.
Big Tech censorship of Americans, acting as a “ministry of truth”.
Banking and financial services being denied based on political ideology.
Corporations firing people for being the wrong political ideology.

This is actual fascism, being practiced by the radical left.
Fascism is the use of corporate powers to enact the will of the government, when the government has no authority to do so themselves.

Vaccine mandates for employees.
Big Tech censorship of Americans, acting as a “ministry of truth”.
Banking and financial services being denied based on political ideology.
Corporations firing people for being the wrong political ideology.

This is actual fascism, being practiced by the radical left.

You'll notice Trump calls everyone socialists, Marxists and Communists. Hitler did the same thing.
They both also used microphones. Don't forget that similarity. There's another US president who put himself in front of a red background and waved his fists around while shouting about his enemies. He looked a lot like Hitler too. Were you going to mention that one?
Wrong. Fascism is a form of socialism. It's the essence of authoritarian.
I wouldn't say it's a form of socialism.....it's it's own thing....Mussolini created it as a "third way" = he was a life long socialist, that saw some of the failures in socialism, so he created it out of socialism, allowing for some private ownership, so long as their ownership was only done to advance the party....much like we see with the demafascsist here today
Except he hasn't killed anyone, while Jones did. I mean, little detail, but it's surprising how much difference little details like that can make.
Jones didnt personally kill anyone. He had his goons kill the people at the airport then the people voluntarily drank the kool-aid.
Except he hasn't killed anyone, while Jones did. I mean, little detail, but it's surprising how much difference little details like that can make.
And Robert L Peters has killed some Americans himself...but no mention of that by Dimworld..

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