The difference betweem Holocaust denial and Holocaust revisionism

One sad thing is that all the Holocaust memorials have apparently done little to teach tolerance and prevent people from repeating history. Much of the anti Muslim rhetoric I hear today sounds just like the anti Jewish propaganda of '30s Germany and the Middle Ages.
Yep, IsLAME is a lie, Allah (may his name NEVER be a blessing and ALWAYS a curse....ptooie), is probably one of the most malevolent deities that I've ever seen.

His cult worships death and thinks that if they blow themselves up, you get paradise and 72 virgins.

I prefer a religion that worships life, personally.
Yep, IsLAME is a lie, Allah (may his name NEVER be a blessing and ALWAYS a curse....ptooie), is probably one of the most malevolent deities that I've ever seen.

His cult worships death and thinks that if they blow themselves up, you get paradise and 72 virgins.

I prefer a religion that worships life, personally.
Case in point.
The Biker/Sailors of the Middle Ages ran about accusing Jews of eating Christian babies.
Wrong answer Ang. It was the Christians of the Catholic church that put that lie out.

I'm not Catholic, as I don't believe in idolatry.

I'm a Taoist, which, if you would bother to investigate, is closer to Judaism than anything.
abs doesn't know what he is, and he's said in the past that any little hodgepodge like is is basically bullshit. I called him on this once, and he ran away
You ain't called anyone on shit Butt Sniffer.

All you do is flame asshole. Fuck off ya goddamn pedant, go please purists.
What an obvious brownshirt you are.

It's not working, pal.
Editec you recently posted about how Americans know very little about history and how it isn't being taught in schools.

I agree with what you said.

The Holocaust is a part of history that is basically "off limits" for discussion by historians.

That is wrong.

History must all be laid bare for examination and discussion no matter the subject and who it offends.

Feel free to bring us any NEW information for our consideration.

Thus far you have not done that.

You have made claims that are not substantiated by any reputable historian that I am aware of.

Just because some nutter writes something in a blog doesn't make it worthy of our attention.

You are literally demanding that we give credence to people who deny the first hand accounts of literally tens-of thousands of people, (tens of millions actually, since all of Europe noted that the Jews disappeared) PLUS the written accounting of the NAZI's atrocities themselves, PLUS the forensic evidence (like the camps, for example, and the thousands of bodies left behind, AND the millions of tons of booty, and the teeth by the millions).

Basically what you want from NASA to consider that the moon is made of cheese because some cheese is yellow and sometimes so is the moon.

Yeah, what you demand of is us that silly.

If you believe that the NAZIs didn't systematically kill millions of people (Jews, Roma, Russians, Germans, Poles, homosexuals, and political enemies) then you open a fucking book and stop posting here because, sporto, you certain need to educate yourself more than you need to debate these issues with those of us who are educated.

Denial is NOT a debating technique.
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You ain't called anyone on shit Butt Sniffer.

Best description of my belief system? A Christian Taoist who studies Judaic Theology...

...You should have around 3 different theologies that you follow, because that way, it's easier to find God via triangulation (spiritually).

Tell me again, how a pagan religion that was mixed with Christianity, can be anything OTHER than a lie?

Nothing's taken out of context. You implied that mixing religions to create something that says what you want is bullshit- and you do exactly that
Wrong answer Ang. It was the Christians of the Catholic church that put that lie out.

I'm not Catholic, as I don't believe in idolatry.

I'm a Taoist, which, if you would bother to investigate, is closer to Judaism than anything.
I'm not buying it, Biker. You're a hater more than anything else. You would have jumped on the Jew hating bandwagon just like you're on the Muslim hating bandwagon of today.
What an obvious brownshirt you are.
It's not working, pal.
I don't know about that. His constant drumbeat of anti-semitism may be turning me to the dark side. :cuckoo:
I am definatly not anti-semitic

As I have nothing against the Jewish people or the religion of Judiasm.

I just believe that the so called Holocaust should be open for historical reexamination and ultimately revision if the facts differ from what is currently believed.

Sunni Man's personal perspectives aside, regardless of how one feels about a subject - more study and a closer examination never hurt. I personally believe everything I've ever laerned about the holocaust - but that's no reason people shouldn't delve deeper into things - the truth will stand up, and be exposed regardless of one's initial point of view.

So, while I may be comfortable with the standard viewpoint - those that are not should go take a longer look at the holocaust... they should really only be able to come to the same conclusion most of us have. If they discover things that are at odds with accepted history, we owe it to ourselves and to the victims of the holocaust to look at new information and come to the best truth we can. There is nothing pro- or anti-jew or whatever in learning more. (also, of course, apply this to other holocausts, genocides, etc. as history needs attention sometimes to stay as close to the truth as we can make it)
I don't know about that. His constant drumbeat of anti-semitism may be turning me to the dark side. :cuckoo:
I am definatly not anti-semitic

As I have nothing against the Jewish people or the religion of Judiasm.

I just believe that the so called Holocaust should be open for historical reexamination and ultimately revision if the facts differ from what is currently believed.

Sunni Man's personal perspectives aside, regardless of how one feels about a subject - more study and a closer examination never hurt. I personally believe everything I've ever laerned about the holocaust - but that's no reason people shouldn't delve deeper into things - the truth will stand up, and be exposed regardless of one's initial point of view.

So, while I may be comfortable with the standard viewpoint - those that are not should go take a longer look at the holocaust... they should really only be able to come to the same conclusion most of us have. If they discover things that are at odds with accepted history, we owe it to ourselves and to the victims of the holocaust to look at new information and come to the best truth we can. There is nothing pro- or anti-jew or whatever in learning more. (also, of course, apply this to other holocausts, genocides, etc. as history needs attention sometimes to stay as close to the truth as we can make it)

I do believe that the Holocaust is was the most studied event in history! No one suggests studying it who doesn't have a high motivation for falisfying the evidence, twisting the facts and drawing irrational and false assumptions!
Wrong answer Ang. It was the Christians of the Catholic church that put that lie out.

I'm not Catholic, as I don't believe in idolatry.

I'm a Taoist, which, if you would bother to investigate, is closer to Judaism than anything.
I'm not buying it, Biker. You're a hater more than anything else. You would have jumped on the Jew hating bandwagon just like you're on the Muslim hating bandwagon of today.

Ang, you're an idiot. I challenge you to find ANYWHERE that I've spoken hatred to Jews.

If you can't, you have proven yourself a liar.
Wrong answer Ang. It was the Christians of the Catholic church that put that lie out.

I'm not Catholic, as I don't believe in idolatry.

I'm a Taoist, which, if you would bother to investigate, is closer to Judaism than anything.
I'm not buying it, Biker. You're a hater more than anything else. You would have jumped on the Jew hating bandwagon just like you're on the Muslim hating bandwagon of today.

Ang, you're an idiot. I challenge you to find ANYWHERE that I've spoken hatred to Jews.

If you can't, you have proven yourself a liar.

I guess you have reading comprehension problems. I never said you've said hateful things about Jews. I said you would say hateful things about Jews if you had been born in the Middle Ages. Reason being you're one of those kinds of people that has a pathological compulsion to hate someone or some group. Muslims are the easiest target for you because currently they are the most popular common scapegoat of our society. In the Middle Ages and in '30s Germany Jews filed that role.
I don't know about that. His constant drumbeat of anti-semitism may be turning me to the dark side. :cuckoo:
I am definatly not anti-semitic

As I have nothing against the Jewish people or the religion of Judiasm.

I just believe that the so called Holocaust should be open for historical reexamination and ultimately revision if the facts differ from what is currently believed.

Sunni Man's personal perspectives aside,

His personality has nothing to do with it. Aside from the fact that he's somewhat insanely devoted to a lie, I think he's a neat guy.

regardless of how one feels about a subject - more study and a closer examination never hurt.

I personally believe everything I've ever laerned about the holocaust - but that's no reason people shouldn't delve deeper into things - the truth will stand up, and be exposed regardless of one's initial point of view.

Sure...why not?

Except that nobody is objecting to more study or closer examination.

Trying to make a claim that there were no death camps, and that the Jews all escaped to Russia is not merely asking for more study or examination, it is historical denial.

If people claimed that the Battle of Gettysburg never happened, they'd also find themselves taking flack for that nonsense, too

Both cases are on about the same level of historical denial.

In fact, there is probably more evidence -- official records, forensic evidence, photos, films, and eyewitness accounts by the hundreds of thousands that documnent the extermination of millions of people by the NAZI than support the truth of the Battle or Gettsburg, the ordeal at Valley Forge, or the shot heard round the world combined.

So, while I may be comfortable with the standard viewpoint - those that are not should go take a longer look at the holocaust... they should really only be able to come to the same conclusion most of us have. If they discover things that are at odds with accepted history, we owe it to ourselves and to the victims of the holocaust to look at new information and come to the best truth we can. There is nothing pro- or anti-jew or whatever in learning more. (also, of course, apply this to other holocausts, genocides, etc. as history needs attention sometimes to stay as close to the truth as we can make it)

Yes, of course.

The work of history is never done.

History is a peer review process.

In order to make an claim that is earth shattering, one must have monumental evidence to support that claim.

If anyone has it, they need to bring it forth.
The most notorious of these physicians was Dr. Josef Mengele, who worked in Auschwitz. His experiments included placing subjects in pressure chambers, testing drugs on them, freezing them, attempting to change eye color by injecting chemicals into children's eyes and various amputations and other brutal surgeries.
I'm not buying it, Biker. You're a hater more than anything else. You would have jumped on the Jew hating bandwagon just like you're on the Muslim hating bandwagon of today.

Ang, you're an idiot. I challenge you to find ANYWHERE that I've spoken hatred to Jews.

If you can't, you have proven yourself a liar.

I guess you have reading comprehension problems. I never said you've said hateful things about Jews. I said you would say hateful things about Jews if you had been born in the Middle Ages. Reason being you're one of those kinds of people that has a pathological compulsion to hate someone or some group. Muslims are the easiest target for you because currently they are the most popular common scapegoat of our society. In the Middle Ages and in '30s Germany Jews filed that role.

Ang, you're still an idiot.

I used to belong to another message board on, and was one of the biggest defenders of IsLAME that there was for about 3 years.

During that time, I also studied quite a bit about it. And, from what I've seen, what I've read, and what MusLAMES have told me, IsLAME is a fucked up cult.

God creates life, IsLAME worships death.

Which one would you rather follow?

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