The difference between capitalism and socialism in a nutshell

You are ignorant. You are not describing socialism, you are describing communism.

Yet again, nothing specific. BTW, socialism is an economic structure, communism is a political one. Communists are socialists, the reverse is not necessarily true. But I described the economic system, not the political one.

Socialist do not create a Politburo...conservatives do.

The irony of this after you just called me, "ignorant."
For the enlightenment of liberals who consistently don't get this

Capitalism is economic freedom. Consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals, we make our own choices for our own interest. That drives market efficiency which benefits everyone. The primary role of government in capitalism is to provide civil courts to redress civil crimes (e.g., breach of contract) and criminal courts to redress crimes (e.g., fraud).

An informed buyer/employee is best served with complete and accurate information. I consider it a legitimate role for government to require accurate disclosures. So for example I oppose government forcing a business to hire or serve blacks. However, I am in favor of government forcing them to disclose that clearly and accurately to other potential employees or customers. I also consider it legitimate for government to enforce accurate advertising, whether products were tested or not and how thoroughly, that sort of thing. Government should not force them to do those things, but it can require them to disclose accurately what they did and didn't do to facilitate better buying decisions.

Socialism is central economic planning. Central economic planning means that consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals must make decisions that are not in their own interest. Otherwise central planning would not be required, capitalism would yield the same result. And the only way to get people to act against their own interest is force, and only the government can use force.

Various forms of socialism are full socialism where all industry is owned by government, fascism where industry is technically in private ownership but all decisions are dictated or approved by government and crony capitalism where government helps the businesses in quid pro quo fashion where the businesses fund the politicians and the politicians write laws to assist those businesses. In all those cases, planning is central and enforced by government guns to force the people to act against their own interest. To the people, they are the same, you have the choices government gives you.

You are ignorant. You are not describing socialism, you are describing communism. Socialist do not create a Politburo...conservatives do.

You are every bit as ignorant. Politburo's are the construct of collectivist governments run amuck.

Politburo is the construct of conservatives, who believe decisions should be in the hands of a few. Does the "decider" sound familiar?

Socialism is the construct of liberals, who believe decisions should be in the hands of everyone (all). A democracy. A word you right wing turds despise.

"Conservatism, though a necessary element in any stable society, is not a social program; in its paternalistic, nationalistic and power adoring tendencies it is often closer to socialism than true liberalism; and with its traditionalistic, anti-intellectual, and often mystical propensities it will never, except in short periods of disillusionment, appeal to the young and all those others who believe that some changes are desirable if this world is to become a better place."
Friedrich August von Hayek-The Road to Serfdom

"In general, it can probably be said that the conservative does not object to coercion or arbitrary power so long as it is used for what he regards as the right purposes. He believes that if government is in the hands of decent men, it ought not to be too much restricted by rigid rules. Since he is essentially opportunist and lacks principles..."
Friedrich August von Hayek-Why I am Not a Conservative

You are one confused little guy. You are advocating classic liberalism, which would make you today a libertarian, which you clearly are not in any way. You are another authoritariain leftist who fancies yourself to have libertarian principles which you turn around and demagog. Classic. You need to take some time and read up and reel yourself back in to reality.
Then why is it that we have a lower standard of living than Japan or those European Socialist countries?

We don't. And I prove once again what a lying sack of dimocrap shit you are.

Quality of Life Index by Country 2015

On this BULLSHIT list we rank 4th, behind Switzerland, Germany and Sweden while these IMBECILES use such BULLSHIT measuring sticks as 'Pollution Index' and 'Health Care Index' and 'Safety Index'

All of which are subjective bullshit. When you look at real guages, like 'Propeerty Price to Income Ratio' we are nearly 4 times better off than Sweden and almost three times better than Switzerland and 2-1/2 times better than Germany.

Our Purchasing Power index is surpassed only by Switzerland (You gonna try and tell me Switezerland is socialist?)

And these tables don't even take Taxes into consideration. Which, in Europe, are off the scale.

Again, Joey, you're a lying sack of shit

But...... You're a dimcraps. That's what dimocraps do.... they lie
For the enlightenment of liberals who consistently don't get this

Capitalism is economic freedom. Consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals, we make our own choices for our own interest. That drives market efficiency which benefits everyone. The primary role of government in capitalism is to provide civil courts to redress civil crimes (e.g., breach of contract) and criminal courts to redress crimes (e.g., fraud).

An informed buyer/employee is best served with complete and accurate information. I consider it a legitimate role for government to require accurate disclosures. So for example I oppose government forcing a business to hire or serve blacks. However, I am in favor of government forcing them to disclose that clearly and accurately to other potential employees or customers. I also consider it legitimate for government to enforce accurate advertising, whether products were tested or not and how thoroughly, that sort of thing. Government should not force them to do those things, but it can require them to disclose accurately what they did and didn't do to facilitate better buying decisions.

Socialism is central economic planning. Central economic planning means that consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals must make decisions that are not in their own interest. Otherwise central planning would not be required, capitalism would yield the same result. And the only way to get people to act against their own interest is force, and only the government can use force.

Various forms of socialism are full socialism where all industry is owned by government, fascism where industry is technically in private ownership but all decisions are dictated or approved by government and crony capitalism where government helps the businesses in quid pro quo fashion where the businesses fund the politicians and the politicians write laws to assist those businesses. In all those cases, planning is central and enforced by government guns to force the people to act against their own interest. To the people, they are the same, you have the choices government gives you.

Socialism has concern for the common good. Capitalism doesn't. End of story.
so says USMB's ace #1 COMMIE !!
For the enlightenment of liberals who consistently don't get this

Capitalism is economic freedom. Consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals, we make our own choices for our own interest. That drives market efficiency which benefits everyone. The primary role of government in capitalism is to provide civil courts to redress civil crimes (e.g., breach of contract) and criminal courts to redress crimes (e.g., fraud).

An informed buyer/employee is best served with complete and accurate information. I consider it a legitimate role for government to require accurate disclosures. So for example I oppose government forcing a business to hire or serve blacks. However, I am in favor of government forcing them to disclose that clearly and accurately to other potential employees or customers. I also consider it legitimate for government to enforce accurate advertising, whether products were tested or not and how thoroughly, that sort of thing. Government should not force them to do those things, but it can require them to disclose accurately what they did and didn't do to facilitate better buying decisions.

Socialism is central economic planning. Central economic planning means that consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals must make decisions that are not in their own interest. Otherwise central planning would not be required, capitalism would yield the same result. And the only way to get people to act against their own interest is force, and only the government can use force.

Various forms of socialism are full socialism where all industry is owned by government, fascism where industry is technically in private ownership but all decisions are dictated or approved by government and crony capitalism where government helps the businesses in quid pro quo fashion where the businesses fund the politicians and the politicians write laws to assist those businesses. In all those cases, planning is central and enforced by government guns to force the people to act against their own interest. To the people, they are the same, you have the choices government gives you.

Banksters are the worker's best friend. They keep their money safe, and even pay interest (<1%) and loan other peoples money out too. Yet, how much do they charge for credit? 12,15,18 and more percent! Isn't capitalism great, for Banksters and the investment class. Not so much for small businesses and individuals, those who rarely turn one dollar in 12, 15, 18 and more.
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For the enlightenment of liberals who consistently don't get this

Capitalism is economic freedom. Consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals, we make our own choices for our own interest. That drives market efficiency which benefits everyone. The primary role of government in capitalism is to provide civil courts to redress civil crimes (e.g., breach of contract) and criminal courts to redress crimes (e.g., fraud).

An informed buyer/employee is best served with complete and accurate information. I consider it a legitimate role for government to require accurate disclosures. So for example I oppose government forcing a business to hire or serve blacks. However, I am in favor of government forcing them to disclose that clearly and accurately to other potential employees or customers. I also consider it legitimate for government to enforce accurate advertising, whether products were tested or not and how thoroughly, that sort of thing. Government should not force them to do those things, but it can require them to disclose accurately what they did and didn't do to facilitate better buying decisions.

Socialism is central economic planning. Central economic planning means that consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals must make decisions that are not in their own interest. Otherwise central planning would not be required, capitalism would yield the same result. And the only way to get people to act against their own interest is force, and only the government can use force.

Various forms of socialism are full socialism where all industry is owned by government, fascism where industry is technically in private ownership but all decisions are dictated or approved by government and crony capitalism where government helps the businesses in quid pro quo fashion where the businesses fund the politicians and the politicians write laws to assist those businesses. In all those cases, planning is central and enforced by government guns to force the people to act against their own interest. To the people, they are the same, you have the choices government gives you.

Banksters are the worker's best friend. They keep their money safe, and even pay interest (<1%) and loan other peoples money out too. Yet, how much do they charch for credit? 12,15,18 and more percent! Isn't capitalism great, for Banksters and the investment class. Not so much for small businesses and individuals those who rarely turn one dollar in 12, 15, 18 and more.

^ Has absolutely zero private sector experience
Capitialism is "I got mine. Fuck the rest"

The rest being the 99%.
of course capitalism is about loving or pleasing your customers more than anyone else in the world, not saying, fuck you to them.

It is astounding how stupid liberalism is.
Too many capitalist would do ANYTHING for the sake of profit. That includes deceiving the consumer.
Unregulated capitalism is like giving booze, cash, and cars to teenagers, at the very same time.

too stupid of course since capitalism is naturally self regulating as 10,000 companies are regualated out of business each month because thay cant offer the best price and quality in the entire world.

When the Soviets and Red China tried to regulated 120 million slowly starved to death
Wouldn't you want laws barring how much lead is in paint? How about cancer causing ingredients in our food or pharmaceuticals? It would be easy to add such ingredients without the consumer knowing. Perhaps these ingredients would make them cheaper to make. Perhaps those ingredients would make food taste better. Afterall sodium bicarbonate is a cancer causing ingredient found in pork products. You can find arsenic in chicken.
Yup, and last I heard, Monsanto was fighting tooth and nail to keep information labels off of products containing GMOs.
For the enlightenment of liberals who consistently don't get this

Capitalism is economic freedom. Consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals, we make our own choices for our own interest. That drives market efficiency which benefits everyone. The primary role of government in capitalism is to provide civil courts to redress civil crimes (e.g., breach of contract) and criminal courts to redress crimes (e.g., fraud).

An informed buyer/employee is best served with complete and accurate information. I consider it a legitimate role for government to require accurate disclosures. So for example I oppose government forcing a business to hire or serve blacks. However, I am in favor of government forcing them to disclose that clearly and accurately to other potential employees or customers. I also consider it legitimate for government to enforce accurate advertising, whether products were tested or not and how thoroughly, that sort of thing. Government should not force them to do those things, but it can require them to disclose accurately what they did and didn't do to facilitate better buying decisions.

Socialism is central economic planning. Central economic planning means that consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals must make decisions that are not in their own interest. Otherwise central planning would not be required, capitalism would yield the same result. And the only way to get people to act against their own interest is force, and only the government can use force.

Various forms of socialism are full socialism where all industry is owned by government, fascism where industry is technically in private ownership but all decisions are dictated or approved by government and crony capitalism where government helps the businesses in quid pro quo fashion where the businesses fund the politicians and the politicians write laws to assist those businesses. In all those cases, planning is central and enforced by government guns to force the people to act against their own interest. To the people, they are the same, you have the choices government gives you.

dude, the central planning of Socialism, took us to the moon and back, last millennium. Capitalism is still trying to discover a profit motive.
Socialism has concern for the common good. Capitalism doesn't. End of story.
But the elites decide what good means in socialist governments and often (always?) fail. In capitalism, people are free to define what good is for themselves and usually succeed. If your household is pulling in 35k annually, you are in the 1% of the world. Our standard of living far exceeds most places on Earth and still outdoes everyone else. It was capitalism that got us there, not socialism.
You ignore how much socialism has been legislated into the US since the 19th century.
I don't ignore it at all. I've spoken out against much of it and recognize the drain that it is. You don't recognize that the socialistic programs have us 18 trillion in debt. We need less social spending, not more! It's killing us.
dude, the central planning of Socialism, took us to the moon and back, last millennium. Capitalism is still trying to discover a profit motive.
Dude, the social spending is stacking $100 bills up to the moon. Capitalism discovered profits on day one and socialism is still working on it.
Socialism has concern for the common good. Capitalism doesn't. End of story.
But the elites decide what good means in socialist governments and often (always?) fail. In capitalism, people are free to define what good is for themselves and usually succeed. If your household is pulling in 35k annually, you are in the 1% of the world. Our standard of living far exceeds most places on Earth and still outdoes everyone else. It was capitalism that got us there, not socialism.
You ignore how much socialism has been legislated into the US since the 19th century.
I don't ignore it at all. I've spoken out against much of it and recognize the drain that it is. You don't recognize that the socialistic programs have us 18 trillion in debt. We need less social spending, not more! It's killing us.
did you know that war is a form of socialism, not capitalism. we have a Commerce Clause, not any form of prohibition clause or general warfare clause, not even any common offense clause.
dude, the central planning of Socialism, took us to the moon and back, last millennium. Capitalism is still trying to discover a profit motive.
Dude, the social spending is stacking $100 bills up to the moon. Capitalism discovered profits on day one and socialism is still working on it.
only in your dreams. capitalism is still too lazy to go to the moon on a not-for-profit basis; it is that "lifestyle choice" that distinguishes socialism with any form of work ethic, even from the Iron Age, versus more anarchic, laissez-fare capitalism's laziness in achieving any Thing, without the profit motive of lucre being involved.

Only socialism and those social morals for free can achieve a secular and temporal, Commune of Heaven on Earth. Capitalism can never buy any stairway to Heaven.
dude, the central planning of Socialism, took us to the moon and back, last millennium. Capitalism is still trying to discover a profit motive.
Dude, the social spending is stacking $100 bills up to the moon. Capitalism discovered profits on day one and socialism is still working on it.

One of the biggest reasons social spending is occurring at the current levels is because corporate capitalists are quite skilled at denying American workers their fair share of the profits their productivity is producing.
Capitalism where the rich use the work of the poor to get richer and keep the poor,poor. Simple as that.
Simple people need simple answers. Most workers aren't poor and most capitalists aren't rich. Go back to HuffPo.
Actually banned from posting on HuffPo but appreciate the sentiment. We can agree to disagree. Fortunately for most of the world most countries are either going with full blown socialism or mixed economies. Oh and I work as does wife so we work in a capitalist society that treats its workers like crap. My wife loves getting 6 weeks of unpaid leave for having a baby...we all chant USA USA USA as its one of 4 nations that do not have paid maternity leave.
For the enlightenment of liberals who consistently don't get this

Capitalism is economic freedom. Consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals, we make our own choices for our own interest. That drives market efficiency which benefits everyone. The primary role of government in capitalism is to provide civil courts to redress civil crimes (e.g., breach of contract) and criminal courts to redress crimes (e.g., fraud).

An informed buyer/employee is best served with complete and accurate information. I consider it a legitimate role for government to require accurate disclosures. So for example I oppose government forcing a business to hire or serve blacks. However, I am in favor of government forcing them to disclose that clearly and accurately to other potential employees or customers. I also consider it legitimate for government to enforce accurate advertising, whether products were tested or not and how thoroughly, that sort of thing. Government should not force them to do those things, but it can require them to disclose accurately what they did and didn't do to facilitate better buying decisions.

Socialism is central economic planning. Central economic planning means that consumers, producers, employers, employees, businesses, individuals must make decisions that are not in their own interest. Otherwise central planning would not be required, capitalism would yield the same result. And the only way to get people to act against their own interest is force, and only the government can use force.

Various forms of socialism are full socialism where all industry is owned by government, fascism where industry is technically in private ownership but all decisions are dictated or approved by government and crony capitalism where government helps the businesses in quid pro quo fashion where the businesses fund the politicians and the politicians write laws to assist those businesses. In all those cases, planning is central and enforced by government guns to force the people to act against their own interest. To the people, they are the same, you have the choices government gives you.

Banksters are the worker's best friend. They keep their money safe, and even pay interest (<1%) and loan other peoples money out too. Yet, how much do they charch for credit? 12,15,18 and more percent! Isn't capitalism great, for Banksters and the investment class. Not so much for small businesses and individuals those who rarely turn one dollar in 12, 15, 18 and more.

^ Has absolutely zero private sector experience

Really? How do you know? Well, you don't know much, and in this case you demonstrate what a fool you are. I don't need to own a bank, or work in a bank to have experience with banks and mortgage brokers (which I why I use a credit union and buy property's with the aid of a mortgage banker I know and trust).

Anyone who has bought property knows the profit built into the documents they sign, priced way beyond their actual value. Anyone who has bought a car, knows the closer will try to sell add ons making the cost 5 to 10 percent higher than the original price.
When such items are refused, the car will not be available for a couple of days so they can remove, for example, the four bolts holding on the $350 mud flaps.
dude, the central planning of Socialism, took us to the moon and back, last millennium. Capitalism is still trying to discover a profit motive.
Dude, the social spending is stacking $100 bills up to the moon. Capitalism discovered profits on day one and socialism is still working on it.

One of the biggest reasons social spending is occurring at the current levels is because corporate capitalists are quite skilled at denying American workers their fair share of the profits their productivity is producing.
I prefer to "blame the right" for their alleged values, from the Iron Age, regarding a work ethic in modern, Information Age times.
dude, the central planning of Socialism, took us to the moon and back, last millennium. Capitalism is still trying to discover a profit motive.
Dude, the social spending is stacking $100 bills up to the moon. Capitalism discovered profits on day one and socialism is still working on it.
only in your dreams. capitalism is still too lazy to go to the moon on a not-for-profit basis; it is that "lifestyle choice" that distinguishes socialism with any form of work ethic, even from the Iron Age, versus more anarchic, laissez-fare capitalism's laziness in achieving any Thing, without the profit motive of lucre being involved.

Only socialism and those social morals for free can achieve a secular and temporal, Commune of Heaven on Earth. Capitalism can never buy any stairway to Heaven.
Yep, capitalism is too lazy to go to the moon for a non-profit basis.

Please don't drive a vehicle. Ride a bicycle around. Think of the people.
One of the biggest reasons social spending is occurring at the current levels is because corporate capitalists are quite skilled at denying American workers their fair share of the profits their productivity is producing.
Boss refused to give you a raise huh? Go start your own business.

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