The difference between far left forums compare to pro American forums like this


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
The major differences are
pro-american messageboards like the US or most if not all conservative or Republican affiliated groups allow freedom of speech and civility. Now as far as I know the US message board itself is not affiliated with Democrats or Republicans. I am making the point though that the US message board can be compared to a lot of conservative Republican groupsā€¦ because right now it is the conservative and republican groups that are for free speech and American values. By far and wide whereas leftist democratic groups are about stifling free-speech by using various methods.

left-wing message boards are anti-Americanā€¦and inclusive of inflammatory attacks but most problematic is how these avenues ban people. So whether it is a Democrat or leftist message board or for example any sort of a Democrat affiliated or unfortunately many liberal affiliated groups or think tanks ..they will engage in inflammatory language and other methods they are basically the same thing as preventing free speech when they talk with their opponents in conversation.. Most people of the world look at this and say why are there people in the Democratic Party trying to destroy their own country based on nothing based on this idea of racism which doesnā€™t exist in America.

One of the main tactics of Democrats of today unfortunately is to scream racism as loud as they can. And when they get greeted with a proper counter argument they ignore the main points and continue to scream racism.

It wasnā€™t always like this in the American past perhaps the roles were somewhat reversed. But common sense shows us right now in the present time that it is mostly Democrats, liberals, and those who identify on the left as being the most problematic when it comes to inflammatory language and banning people a.k.a. shutting down freedom of speech.

Cancel culture started to be popular when Donald Trump ascended to become president in 2016 it seems like. But in the past year or two it seems like the American patriots are winning And there are still Democrats included in the category of patriotic Americans. One cannot be a patriot if they believe their country is racist if they believe their own fellow citizens are racist it is truly something that has no place in a civilized society.

Thankfully The ratings are showing us that people are turning into alternative media sources before they watch CNN or MSNBC for example. So the dynamic is changing thankfully and eventually leftwing cancel culture will be canceled.

The following are some examples of Democrat, left-wing camera liberal racism and brutality.

This can be seen on an almost daily basis on CNN and MS NBC unfortunately as well as PBS news. Once great PBS news has been affected by left-wing cancel culture the types of people who constantly use the term white supremacy who even say things like ā€œwhat is wrong with white people.ā€ ESPN is unbearable to watch with exception to the actual sporting events itself. SportsCenter, NBA tonight, NFL today these types of avenues have become left-wing cancel culture hubsā€¦ Where you have anchors on these programs who are black saying horrendous things about white people. No different than a white man getting on Fox Sports and saying you know Black people you need to shut up and listen to us. This is affectively what weā€™re seeing from the left wing. Black journalist saying shut up white people listen to us. Meanwhile the vast majority of black Americans and white Americans are taking to themselves Hotter nonsense out we want to live our lives we want to be patriotic Americans we want to be a good family people and we reject this race division that the far left is trying to bring us.

Where you have anchors on these programs who are black saying horrendous things about white people. No different than a white man getting on Fox Sports and saying you know Black people you need to shut up and listen to us. This is affectively what weā€™re seeing from the left wing. Black journalist saying shut up white people listen to us. Meanwhile the vast majority of black Americans and white Americans are taking to themselves Hotter nonsense out we want to live our lives we want to be patriotic Americans we want to be a good family people and we reject this race division that the far left is trying to bring us.

Exhibit 1

Exhibit 2

Again these things are completely unheard of and conservative news. There is no example of somebody on Fox News saying ā€œshut the hell up black people listen to us.ā€ There is no example of somebody on Fox News using the term black supremacy 50 or 100 times in a day or two like we see from some of these journalists on CNN and MSNBC.

There are no examples of the angry white man screaming at the television like there is on ESPN, CNN and MS NBC of black news anchors yelling at the television about how bad white people are. Of course all of us American patriots whether we are conservative or Democrat if we heard some white man on Fox News yelling at the television about how bad Black people areā€¦.. we would be the first ones to say something about it.

Exhibit 3

Exhibit 4 - one of the most fascinating ways to show how crazy the far left is would be how you had anchors on CNN and MSNBC suggesting that the death of Tyre Nichols was due to racism ā€¦.even though the five police officers involved in his death were all black.

Whatā€™s fascinating is that in the aftermath of the death of Tyre Nichols there were countless segments on MSNBC and CNN where the news anchors would literally criticize white people in general. They were making generalizing negative statements about white people. Incredibly when one google searches this thereā€™s nothing at all comes up showing us a replay of this racism against white people ā€¦..showing a clear political bias from Google. So Google will allow folks to be able to find tons and tons of articles that are racist against white people. Itā€™s shocking when you go on Google and type in racism against white people a bunch of articles from CNN on white privilege and similar floods the stream. All the meanwhile we have countless news anchors black-and-white saying how bad white people are. And if people donā€™t see it they donā€™t watch the news or they see it and they simply donā€™t care about it because they are part of the far left cancel culture.

One thing I will say there are still good people on the sports networks like Charles Barkley who has in the past stood up for what was right

Sir Charles Ftw

Please understand also that Google is part of cancel culture. So the Google search engine is completely skewed to the far left. It is an unbelievable thing but thankfully again more and more people are turning to alternative media sources. And in the end the American patriots will win over cancel culture.
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The major differences are
pro-american messageboards like the US or most if not all conservative or Republican affiliated groups allow freedom of speech and civility. Now as far as I know the US message board itself is not affiliated with Democrats or Republicans. I am making the point though that the US message board can be compared to a lot of conservative Republican groupsā€¦ because right now it is the conservative and republican groups that are for free speech and American values. By far and wide whereas leftist democratic groups are about stifling free-speech by using various methods.

left-wing message boards are anti-Americanā€¦and inclusive of inflammatory attacks but most problematic is how these avenues ban people. So whether it is a Democrat or leftist message board or for example any sort of a Democrat affiliated or unfortunately many liberal affiliated groups or think tanks ..they will engage in inflammatory language and other methods they are basically the same thing as preventing free speech when they talk with their opponents in conversation.. Most people of the world look at this and say why are there people in the Democratic Party trying to destroy their own country based on nothing based on this idea of racism which doesnā€™t exist in America.

One of the main tactics of Democrats of today unfortunately is to scream racism as loud as they can. And when they get greeted with a proper counter argument they ignore the main points and continue to scream racism.

It wasnā€™t always like this in the American past perhaps the roles were somewhat reversed. But common sense shows us right now in the present time that it is mostly Democrats, liberals, and those who identify on the left as being the most problematic when it comes to inflammatory language and banning people a.k.a. shutting down freedom of speech.

Cancel culture started to be popular when Donald Trump ascended to become president in 2016 it seems like. But in the past year or two it seems like the American patriots are winning And there are still Democrats included in the category of patriotic Americans. One cannot be a patriot if they believe their country is racist if they believe their own fellow citizens are racist it is truly something that has no place and any civilized society.

Thankfully The ratings are showing us that people are turning into alternative media sources before they watch CNN or MSNBC for example. So the dynamic is changing thankfully and eventually leftwing cancel culture will be canceled.
LOL. Right wingers and Alt-Righters outnumber left leaning posters by at least 10 to 1 on this board. Put down the crack pipe and take two steps backward.

What's a far right or far left message board?


LOL. Right wingers and Alt-Righters outnumber left leaning posters by at least 10 to 1 on this board. Put down the crack pipe and take two steps backward.

And yet the lefties are allowed, and there are even forums dedicated to both flame-o-ramas and civil discourse.

Try being anything other than a batshit SJW loon on DU and see how long you last.
The major differences are
pro-american messageboards like the US or most if not all conservative or Republican affiliated groups allow freedom of speech and civility. Now as far as I know the US message board itself is not affiliated with Democrats or Republicans. I am making the point though that the US message board can be compared to a lot of conservative Republican groupsā€¦ because right now it is the conservative and republican groups that are for free speech and American values. By far and wide whereas leftist democratic groups are about stifling free-speech by using various methods.

left-wing message boards are anti-Americanā€¦and inclusive of inflammatory attacks but most problematic is how these avenues ban people. So whether it is a Democrat or leftist message board or for example any sort of a Democrat affiliated or unfortunately many liberal affiliated groups or think tanks ..they will engage in inflammatory language and other methods they are basically the same thing as preventing free speech when they talk with their opponents in conversation.. Most people of the world look at this and say why are there people in the Democratic Party trying to destroy their own country based on nothing based on this idea of racism which doesnā€™t exist in America.

One of the main tactics of Democrats of today unfortunately is to scream racism as loud as they can. And when they get greeted with a proper counter argument they ignore the main points and continue to scream racism.

It wasnā€™t always like this in the American past perhaps the roles were somewhat reversed. But common sense shows us right now in the present time that it is mostly Democrats, liberals, and those who identify on the left as being the most problematic when it comes to inflammatory language and banning people a.k.a. shutting down freedom of speech.

Cancel culture started to be popular when Donald Trump ascended to become president in 2016 it seems like. But in the past year or two it seems like the American patriots are winning And there are still Democrats included in the category of patriotic Americans. One cannot be a patriot if they believe their country is racist if they believe their own fellow citizens are racist it is truly something that has no place and any civilized society.

Thankfully The ratings are showing us that people are turning into alternative media sources before they watch CNN or MSNBC for example. So the dynamic is changing thankfully and eventually leftwing cancel culture will be canceled.

wheres a left wing message board? I've never posted on one before...
And yet the lefties are allowed, and there are even forums dedicated to both flame-o-ramas and civil discourse.

Try being anything other than a batshit SJW loon on DU and see how long you last.
Want some cheese to go with that whine? :auiqs.jpg:

I can count on one hand the members of the alt-right on this board that can engage in "civil discourse" ain't one of them. :)
Thankfully The ratings are showing us that people are turning into alternative media sources before they watch CNN or MSNBC for example. So the dynamic is changing thankfully and eventually leftwing cancel culture will be canceled.

Well, they are a cult.
One of the most tightly controlled and managed in history.
Inside the cult there is no truth but the cult's truth.

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