The difference between liberals and conservatives...


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
1. Liberals go ape shit crazy when they lose and election, melting down even years later at the thought that Trump beat Hillary

2. Talk of impeachment of the present president began on January twentieth or was it on election day?

3. The talk of impeachment began before the president was capable of committing a crime.

4. Liberals cannot handle defeat and realize that they could turn that defeat into an opportunity to analyze what went wrong and what they need to change to be successful.

5. Instead of using failures for a step in understanding and growth, they demand "safe spaces", less work on their part, and want accommodations for relishing their lack of work ethics, and meeting higher expectations.

6. Excerpts of Liberals' speeches prove that they wanted safe borders and a wall to protect our country and immigration laws. Now that Trump won running on that agenda, they call him a xenophobe, incredibly careless and downright mean.

7. Liberals have made a mockery of the presidents wife, the fact the SHE was not a natural citizen of the US... she was an immigrant who came over legally.

8. They hate the fact that she is beautiful, extremely intelligent and a fashion icon, on par with the beauty and poise of Jackie Kennedy.

9. Liberals are irate over Trumps possible sexual exploits while Bill Clinton was even impeached for lying about his behavior with a very young intern. Sexual exploits continued to plaque his administrsation and even after his reign. No easing of complaints for the existing president even compared to Clinton and his appetite of sex with very young women.

10. Liberals forget that the big difference between Obama and President Trump are their agendas. Obama's agenda was not for the welfare of US citizens after proving he lied about "keeping your own doctor", "premiums will never rise," and altering the dates for signing up when it was proven to be an initial failure and later citizens learned that he was lying about many aspects of the law.

11. The Liberals loved the president who went around tne world apologizing for America where Trump wants everyone in this country to be a success again by Making America Great Again! He lowers taxes while Obama doesn't want the taxes lowered, he wants to tax people anyway he can.

12. Liberals cannot see anything objectively, never admitting one of their own was wrong about anything. Conservsatives can find fault even with their own representatives demonstrating honesty in evaluating and emerging as the emotional superior to liberals.

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