The Dims can vote to impeach again even if they lose in the Senate the first time


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Multiple Democrats came out on Thursday and suggested that there may be multiple impeachments of President Donald Trump if the president is acquitted in the Senate, including if he wins re-election next November.

Rep. Al Green (D-TX), who has long pushed for impeaching the president, told C-SPAN that there was “no limit” to the number of times that Democrats could impeach the president.

If there is any reason to vote to get the GOP to control the House again, this is it! These hate-filled Dims will never stop. Even if the president wins in a landslide in 2020.

Katyal tweeted: “[Important] note on future: If the Senate doesn’t vote to convict Trump, or tries to monkey w his trial, he could of course be retried in the new Senate should he win re-election. Double jeopardy protections do not apply. And Senators voting on impeachment in the next months know this.”

And we must add more GOPers to the Senate.

There are no other choices.

More of this trash @ Democrats Plot Impeaching Trump Multiple Times, Including If He Wins Re-Election: ‘No Limit To The Number Of Times The House Can Vote To Impeach’
When Clinton was impeached Robert Byrd came out and said that what Clinton did clearly was an impeachable offense but he would not vote for impeachment.

Legitimate or not the Republicans aren't going to vote to impeach Trump either.
No fucking way the democrats keep the House n 2020, so there will be no additional impeachments.
America is really gonna love them then. What are you trying to do, make their party extinct?


Multiple Democrats came out on Thursday and suggested that there may be multiple impeachments of President Donald Trump if the president is acquitted in the Senate, including if he wins re-election next November.

Rep. Al Green (D-TX), who has long pushed for impeaching the president, told C-SPAN that there was “no limit” to the number of times that Democrats could impeach the president.

If there is any reason to vote to get the GOP to control the House again, this is it! These hate-filled Dims will never stop. Even if the president wins in a landslide in 2020.

Katyal tweeted: “[Important] note on future: If the Senate doesn’t vote to convict Trump, or tries to monkey w his trial, he could of course be retried in the new Senate should he win re-election. Double jeopardy protections do not apply. And Senators voting on impeachment in the next months know this.”

And we must add more GOPers to the Senate.

There are no other choices.

More of this trash @ Democrats Plot Impeaching Trump Multiple Times, Including If He Wins Re-Election: ‘No Limit To The Number Of Times The House Can Vote To Impeach’
Assuming Trump wins re-election and the Dems did manage to take the Senate, they're not going to win nearly enough seats to remove Trump from office. There's no way any GOP senator votes for removal, maybe one or two but nowhere near enough to get to 67, which is what it takes in the Senate. These Dems are just fucking crazy. This kind of talk makes it's harder for any Democrat to win next November, outside perhaps of those from a deep blue state or district. IMHO, it's political suicide to say this shit.
Impeachment will become the new normal. Every president after trump will always be fighting impeachment.
Impeachment will become the new normal. Every president after trump will always be fighting impeachment.

That is exactly why the GOP MUST win the majority of seats in the House in 2020! Give them a big enough defeat and they will eat each other like sharks in a frenzy. Force them to split the party and that will allow other minority parties a seat at the table.
Assuming Trump wins re-election and the Dems did manage to take the Senate, they're not going to win nearly enough seats to remove Trump from office. There's no way any GOP senator votes for removal, maybe one or two but nowhere near enough to get to 67, which is what it takes in the Senate. These Dems are just fucking crazy. This kind of talk makes it's harder for any Democrat to win next November, outside perhaps of those from a deep blue state or district. IMHO, it's political suicide to say this shit.

Exactly, and if you notice, that is why the heads of these committees are all from deep, blue, districts with no fear of being removed for their actions. The key is, is to retake the House to stop this madness; which seems a very likely possibility!
Impeachment will become the new normal. Every president after trump will always be fighting impeachment.

That is exactly why the GOP MUST win the majority of seats in the House in 2020! Give them a big enough defeat and they will eat each other like sharks in a frenzy. Force them to split the party and that will allow other minority parties a seat at the table.

Precisely! And let us also address the elephant in the room while at it, shall we! If the GOP retakes the House, I have a buck 3.80 that says------------->Shiff and a few others, are going to be put on the legal hot seat for cause. When they demanded the phone records without a warrant; and RECEIVED them from AT and T, laws were broken.

I do not know how ANYONE can be a customer of A-T and T after such a unforced trampling of civil liberties. They were not forced by warrant to turn them over, they did it WILLINGLY! If they can do it to these people, what in the hell can they do to you!

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