The Dirty Dozen


Litre of the Band
Aug 14, 2005
I rarely give praise to Republicans, mainly because they don't deserve any. However, this morning I woke up, turned on the TV and the first thing I saw was...

"At least a dozen House Republicans
objecting to Trumps Healthcare bill", having to give praise when praise is due, I praise the House Republicans for at least, doing the right thing..............for now. Hopefully, more will join them before I lose my healthcare insurance. Because that is what is going to happen to people over 50 if this bill passes. Everyone over 50 will lose their healthcare insurance. The only recourse they will have, is to die.
I rarely give praise to Republicans, mainly because they don't deserve any. However, this morning I woke up, turned on the TV and the first thing I saw was...

"At least a dozen House Republicans
objecting to Trumps Healthcare bill", having to give praise when praise is due, I praise the House Republicans for at least, doing the right thing..............for now. Hopefully, more will join them before I lose my healthcare insurance. Because that is what is going to happen to people over 50 if this bill passes. Everyone over 50 will lose their healthcare insurance. The only recourse they will have, is to die.

Or buy their own.

What a bunch of moronic hyperbole
I rarely give praise to Republicans, mainly because they don't deserve any. However, this morning I woke up, turned on the TV and the first thing I saw was...

"At least a dozen House Republicans
objecting to Trumps Healthcare bill", having to give praise when praise is due, I praise the House Republicans for at least, doing the right thing..............for now. Hopefully, more will join them before I lose my healthcare insurance. Because that is what is going to happen to people over 50 if this bill passes. Everyone over 50 will lose their healthcare insurance. The only recourse they will have, is to die.
And yet you think Ds are wonderful and Rs are evil.
I rarely give praise to Republicans, mainly because they don't deserve any. However, this morning I woke up, turned on the TV and the first thing I saw was...

"At least a dozen House Republicans
objecting to Trumps Healthcare bill", having to give praise when praise is due, I praise the House Republicans for at least, doing the right thing..............for now. Hopefully, more will join them before I lose my healthcare insurance. Because that is what is going to happen to people over 50 if this bill passes. Everyone over 50 will lose their healthcare insurance. The only recourse they will have, is to die.
Yes I think they should leave it alone. It is imploding on it's own. So leave It alone and let everyone lose their insurance, and you know what? Democrats own the obamacare failure 100%.
I rarely give praise to Republicans, mainly because they don't deserve any. However, this morning I woke up, turned on the TV and the first thing I saw was...

"At least a dozen House Republicans
objecting to Trumps Healthcare bill", having to give praise when praise is due, I praise the House Republicans for at least, doing the right thing..............for now. Hopefully, more will join them before I lose my healthcare insurance. Because that is what is going to happen to people over 50 if this bill passes. Everyone over 50 will lose their healthcare insurance. The only recourse they will have, is to die.

Well, that's what the left said to us when we lost our coverage thanks to Commie Care. Now the shoe is on the other foot so we're supposed to worry about you?
Yes I think they should leave it alone. It is imploding on it's own. So leave It alone and let everyone lose their insurance, and you know what? Democrats own the obamacare failure 100%.
The ACA is not failing. That's just a big, bullshit, right wing lie.
Well, that's what the left said to us when we lost our coverage thanks to Commie Care. Now the shoe is on the other foot so we're supposed to worry about you?
The ACA added 25 million people to the insured list, who couldn't afford it otherwise. I don't know what you're talking about coverage lost.
Hopefully, more will join them before I lose my healthcare insurance. Because that is what is going to happen to people over 50 if this bill passes. Everyone over 50 will lose their healthcare insurance. The only recourse they will have, is to die.

Yes I think they should leave it alone. It is imploding on it's own. So leave It alone and let everyone lose their insurance, and you know what? Democrats own the obamacare failure 100%.
The ACA is not failing. That's just a big, bullshit, right wing lie.
No, it's failing with insurance companies baking out. Pretty soon no one will be able to afford insurance. If the republicans just leave it alone. Thanks to democrats and it will affect you in 2018. Thank you obama!
Well, that's what the left said to us when we lost our coverage thanks to Commie Care. Now the shoe is on the other foot so we're supposed to worry about you?
The ACA added 25 million people to the insured list, who couldn't afford it otherwise. I don't know what you're talking about coverage lost.

Those of us who lost our employer sponsored coverage because DumBama gave them a way out of providing that benefit. So then the lowlifes got insurance they could afford and us middle-class got screwed because Commie Care was worked out so we have to pay for our own insurance and theirs, which we can't afford.

Why Obamacare's ‘20 Million’ Number Is Fake

Fewer Americans Have Private Health Insurance Now Than in 2007
Or buy their own.

What a bunch of moronic hyperbole
They won't be able to afford it. It will be too expensive. Medical bills are the cause of 51% of all bankruptcies in the country.
After having had a thriving bankruptcy practice, it was not medical bills but credit cards that caused the most bankruptcies. Credit cards was number one, the death of a breadwinner without adequate insurance is the second.

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