The discipline gap: Racism or bad behavior?

squeeze berry

Gold Member
Nov 9, 2010
If black students are disciplined at a higher rate than whites — and they are — Education Secretary Arne Duncan thinks schools are discriminating, writes Heather Mac Donald in Undisciplined in City Journal. ”The Departments of Education and Justice have launched a campaign against disproportionate minority discipline rates,” ignoring the possibility that students’ behavior, not educators’ racism,” is the explanation, she writes. - See more at: The discipline gap: Racism or bad behavior? ? Joanne Jacobs

The discipline gap: Racism or bad behavior? ? Joanne Jacobs

this is not a teacher's union issue, so don't go there
My guess is that discipline problems correlate with absence of fathers in the household. Instead of addressing this "touchy" subject head on, we find it more convenient to blame it on the schools.
Considering that 70 to 80% of black children are born out of wedlock with no father figure it's no surprise to me they have more disciplinary problems.
it goes deeper than absentee fathers

When a student, of any ethnicity, is disciplined the parents as often as not blame the schools and play lawyer/friend instead of being a parent


A work colleague of mine ( AP English)had a meeting with a parent.

the parent grilled the teacher about why her daughter only got a 95% instead of a 100%

The teacher explained the grading rubric, which was already sent home on paper.

The meeting lasted for an hour and a half with the teacher's refusal to change the grade.

The parent left in a huff and called the principle the next day to complain about the teacher's lack of co-operation.( the mom didn't get her way)

There are more horrifying examples than that unfortunately.

the problem is a culture of entitlement.

The parents expect the teachers to follow orders, so do the students.

The inmates are running the asylum.
Toronto Canada found the problem unsolvable and simply gave up on their zero tolerance policy. The number and the seriousness of offenses just aren't equally distributed amongst the different races.
Considering that 70 to 80% of black children are born out of wedlock with no father figure it's no surprise to me they have more disciplinary problems.

There is also a growing trend for out of wedlock births among poorer whites.

Our government has destroyed family creation for lower income and blue collar workers.
Considering that 70 to 80% of black children are born out of wedlock with no father figure it's no surprise to me they have more disciplinary problems.

There is also a growing trend for out of wedlock births among poorer whites.

Our government has destroyed family creation for lower income and blue collar workers.

That's why I blame the democratic party and say they have blood on their hands. They're causing the inner-city violence through their social platform.
Considering that 70 to 80% of black children are born out of wedlock with no father figure it's no surprise to me they have more disciplinary problems.

There is also a growing trend for out of wedlock births among poorer whites.

Our government has destroyed family creation for lower income and blue collar workers.

That's why I blame the democratic party and say they have blood on their hands. They're causing the inner-city violence through their social platform.

School discipline is an economic-class problem. If America had a need for workers with ample jobs for all, in 100 years many, not all, but of our problems including school problems would be solved. The reason such places as Detroit and Chicago have so many problems is that poor people went there for a job and the jobs dried up. Won't be long until automobiles will be assembled by robots and even more jobs will dry up. The jobs not drying up may require more education but trying to convince people in poor neighborhoods that education is the key and they have only to look about them.
School discipline is an economic-class problem. If America had a need for workers with ample jobs for all, in 100 years many, not all, but of our problems including school problems would be solved. The reason such places as Detroit and Chicago have so many problems is that poor people went there for a job and the jobs dried up. Won't be long until automobiles will be assembled by robots and even more jobs will dry up. The jobs not drying up may require more education but trying to convince people in poor neighborhoods that education is the key and they have only to look about them.

Everyone is indoctrinated to concentrate on jobs and none of the children are taught about accounting and NET WORTH.

Like planned obsolescence has not mattered for the last 60 years.

The nit wit economists say nothing about the depreciation of all of the junk that has been manufactured. Consumerism is just a high technology form of slavery. So it is just consumer serfs and consumer slaves. Big difference!

If black students are disciplined at a higher rate than whites — and they are — Education Secretary Arne Duncan thinks schools are discriminating, writes Heather Mac Donald in Undisciplined in City Journal. ”The Departments of Education and Justice have launched a campaign against disproportionate minority discipline rates,” ignoring the possibility that students’ behavior, not educators’ racism,” is the explanation, she writes. - See more at: The discipline gap: Racism or bad behavior? ? Joanne Jacobs

The discipline gap: Racism or bad behavior? ? Joanne Jacobs

this is not a teacher's union issue, so don't go there

Bad behavior. Pure and simple. But, people in education and those that wish to effect such issues normally are not concerned with what is pure and simple, only their particular ideology. Time to mandate voluntary attendance, and allowance for vouchers to those who do pay property taxes to send their children to the schools that do maintain discipline. Let those without discipline all go to the same schools with lower standards of behavioral expectation to rage on one another.
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Our African-American (a nonsense term if ever there was one) culture disdains education, discipline, hard work, and accomplishment. They are taught in a thousand different ways that "White People" are all rich, never had to work for anything, and that White Society owes them a comfortable living. Not getting it, they show their resentment by acting out.

The fact that our various governments have been paying women to have bastard children for the past fifty years can't help but hurt the situation.

Ironically, the "white people" who are willing to teach in, and police, and fight fires in so-called "Black" neighborhoods, rather than being thanked for risking their lives for the protection and betterment of that community, are scorned as interlopers.

There is no hope.
If black students are disciplined at a higher rate than whites — and they are — Education Secretary Arne Duncan thinks schools are discriminating, writes Heather Mac Donald in Undisciplined in City Journal. ”The Departments of Education and Justice have launched a campaign against disproportionate minority discipline rates,” ignoring the possibility that students’ behavior, not educators’ racism,” is the explanation, she writes. - See more at: The discipline gap: Racism or bad behavior? ? Joanne Jacobs

The discipline gap: Racism or bad behavior? ? Joanne Jacobs

this is not a teacher's union issue, so don't go there

Bad behavior. Pure and simple. But, people in education and those that wish to effect such issues normally are not concerned with what is pure and simple, only their particular ideology. Time to mandate voluntary attendance, and allowance for vouchers to those who do pay property taxes to send their children to the schools that do maintain discipline. Let those without discipline all go to the same schools with lower standards of behavioral expectation to rage on one another.

there is no such thing as effective discipline in public schools. Good behavior is all but voluntary.

The students that want to go to college do not want a blot on their school records.
There are also students that were raised to respect others or fear the consequences of misbehavior.

Many students consider a suspension or expulsion a vacation and understand that their records will be sealed b/c they were a minor.

The problems are, and you mentioned some:

1. the students that should not be in school can not quit until graduation or age 18.

2. schools must jump through hoops to discipline students. Parents fight the school's decision and it becomes a legal battle

3. many student's have a label such as ADD or whatever and the parents claim the student can't help themselves being a manifestation of their disability

4. the trend , coming down from the federal courts, is to keep the disruptive students in a regular classroom instead of an alternative school

Now we have the feds making it even more difficult for schools to discipline

Thanks Obama, thanks Holder
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Ghetto culture that hates education that makes it cool to be a asshole is behind this. All comes down to the parents accepting it. :eusa_hand:

The mother you mean. Frequently no one knows where the father is or even who he is.
Considering that 70 to 80% of black children are born out of wedlock with no father figure it's no surprise to me they have more disciplinary problems.

There is also a growing trend for out of wedlock births among poorer whites.

Our government has destroyed family creation for lower income and blue collar workers.

That's why I blame the democratic party and say they have blood on their hands. They're causing the inner-city violence through their social platform.

So what's the republican solution when jobs have dried up? I think at least a national minimum income like tom paine called for is in order. It costs $40 to 50 k a year or more to warehouse prisoners, depending on the state, which is way more than putting an income safety net under those families with lousy prospects partially due to job markets shifting to other places or because of automation.
People do not act like animals because they (or their parental units) do not have jobs. During the Depression, the crime rate went DOWN. In the 40's and 50's when Americans of black African ancestry were broadly victimized by white racism, the crime rate, dropout rate, divorce rate, illegitimacy rate, and so on where roughly the same, black vs white. It is only since the government has gotten involved in "ending discrimination" and its endless side-programs, that the resentful entitlement mentality has become ubiquitous in the "Black" community.

Ironically, in spite of the gross disparity between Black and White disciplinary actions in schools, all of the reliable data indicate that deviance is MORE tolerated in a Black student than it would be in a White student, because the teachers and administrators EXPECT "an attitude" from the Blacks. Behaviour that will get a white kid suspended will get nothing or a mild warning to a Black kid, because they "suffer" from this "soft bigotry of low expectations."

When I was growing up, my "Negro" friends were told by their parents that they would have to be BETTER than "White Folks" if they wanted to get a break in life. Now they are told that the World owes them a break, and they are pissed off if they don't get it, pissed off when they are not copiously praised for levels of achievement that would be considered mediocre for White kids.

There is no hope.
Study: Race Plays Role in Political Response to Falling Grad Rates

Analysis by Dr. Patrick Flavin of Baylor University and Michael Hartney of the University of Notre Dame concludes that state education authorities and policymakers tend to be more responsive to falling graduation rates among white students and less so to falling African-American graduation rates

Study: Race Plays Role in Political Response to Falling Grad Rates

Surprise, surprise!

Among the two worst initiatives that politicians can sponsor are:

(1) "Get out the vote!" which results in large numbers of people voting who have no idea what or whom they are voting for, and

(2) "Reduce the dropout rate!" which results in kids who neither want to be in school nor should be in school, remaining there, thus infecting everyone around them with their lousy attitude.

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