The discipline gap: Racism or bad behavior?

Among the two worst initiatives that politicians can sponsor are:

(1) "Get out the vote!" which results in large numbers of people voting who have no idea what or whom they are voting for, and

(2) "Reduce the dropout rate!" which results in kids who neither want to be in school nor should be in school, remaining there, thus infecting everyone around them with their lousy attitude.

Ha-Haaaaa! Outstanding. Yet, people go and get Ph.D's and can't or won't be able to figure this simple logic out. :clap2:
Our African-American (a nonsense term if ever there was one) culture disdains education, discipline, hard work, and accomplishment. They are taught in a thousand different ways that "White People" are all rich, never had to work for anything, and that White Society owes them a comfortable living. Not getting it, they show their resentment by acting out.

The fact that our various governments have been paying women to have bastard children for the past fifty years can't help but hurt the situation.

Ironically, the "white people" who are willing to teach in, and police, and fight fires in so-called "Black" neighborhoods, rather than being thanked for risking their lives for the protection and betterment of that community, are scorned as interlopers.

There is no hope.

Pessimistic garbage.

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