The disconnect between Obama and the people


Retired USAF Chief
Apr 8, 2011
The snippet below is from a column by Peggy Noonan in the WSJ. She talks about Obama basically losing the trust of many Americans and being out of touch with them. She talks about people feeling used, played for a fool by a con artist, tricked by the trickster. [My words, not hers.] It'll be very interesting to see if he wins re-election, as apparently he thinks he will.

I find myself asking the question: did Obama even try to figure what was on our minds? Did he even care, or was he so intent on completing his uberliberal agenda, and in his arrogance believed he could sell what he was doing to us and we'd love him for it. That's the way it looks to me.


In terms of the broad electorate, I'm not sure he really has a relationship. A president only gets a year or two to forge real bonds with the American people. In that time a crucial thing he must establish is that what is on his mind is what is on their mind. This is especially true during a crisis.

From the day Mr. Obama was sworn in, what was on the mind of the American people was financial calamity—unemployment, declining home values, foreclosures. These issues came within a context of some overarching questions: Can America survive its spending, its taxing, its regulating, is America over, can we turn it around?

That's what the American people were thinking about.

But the new president wasn't thinking about that. All the books written about the creation of economic policy within his administration make clear the president and his aides didn't know it was so bad, didn't understand the depth of the crisis, didn't have a sense of how long it would last. They didn't have their mind on what the American people had their mind on.

Not-So-Smooth Operator -
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p.s., I didn't see this article 2 days ago. I only saw the updated version today. So don't know what changes were made.
The snippet below is from a column by Peggy Noonan in the WSJ. She talks about Obama basically losing the trust of many Americans and being out of touch with them. She talks about people feeling used, played for a fool by a con artist, tricked by the trickster. [My words, not hers.] It'll be very interesting to see if he wins re-election, as apparently he thinks he will.

I find myself asking the question: did Obama even try to figure what was on our minds? Did he even care, or was he so intent on completing his uberliberal agenda, and in his arrogance believed he could sell what he was doing to us and we'd love him for it. That's the way it looks to me.


In terms of the broad electorate, I'm not sure he really has a relationship. A president only gets a year or two to forge real bonds with the American people. In that time a crucial thing he must establish is that what is on his mind is what is on their mind. This is especially true during a crisis.

From the day Mr. Obama was sworn in, what was on the mind of the American people was financial calamity—unemployment, declining home values, foreclosures. These issues came within a context of some overarching questions: Can America survive its spending, its taxing, its regulating, is America over, can we turn it around?

That's what the American people were thinking about.

But the new president wasn't thinking about that. All the books written about the creation of economic policy within his administration make clear the president and his aides didn't know it was so bad, didn't understand the depth of the crisis, didn't have a sense of how long it would last. They didn't have their mind on what the American people had their mind on.

Not-So-Smooth Operator -

You wrote: "tricked by the trickster. "

REMEMBER OBAMA TOLD us in his book..
"Dreams of My Father"
"It was usually an effective tactic, another one of those tricks I had learned.
People were satisfied so long as you were courteous and smiled and
made no sudden moves.
They were more than satisfied.
They were revealed. Such a pleasant surprise to find a well-mannered
young black man who didn't seem angry all the time."

"Tricks" "Tactics"??? Deceit? Lies?

"Seem angry"??? Any clue now why Obama has continually pitted Americans against Americans? Wealthy, big oil, business,etc...
It comes very simply from his Father's hatred if you read further of capitalism!
PLUS remember Obama's Mom depended on her BANKER mother for travel money,etc. and don't you forget .. parents like Obama's grandmother never gave unless there was a lecture.. a point.. to be made..
So what about those conversations then when Obama was growing up and his Mom would be bitching and moaning about her "banker" Mom putting strings etc.. on support... you don't think that made an impression???
The funniest part of this funny thread is that the GOP's remedy to this supposed disconnect is to offer us Mitt Romney, the Squire of Onepercentville,

the furthest thing from a man-of-the-people to run for president since, well, since who can remember when...
Two things, a universal health-care plan that benefits insurance companies more than anyone else is hardly what I'd call "uberliberal". Secondly, can anyone name the last President that in reality wasn't in the upper echelon of society to some degree? Disconnect with the DC crowd isn't a new phenomenon, it's par for the course. The only thing going for Obama with regards to this topic is that Romney is even worse.
The only ‘disconnect’ exists with partisan republicans and conservatives, solely responsible for any lack of communication. Indeed, the record is clear and undeniable with regard to Obama’s efforts to reach out to the right, only to be rejected time and again.
The funniest part of this funny thread is that the GOP's remedy to this supposed disconnect is to offer us Mitt Romney, the Squire of Onepercentville,

the furthest thing from a man-of-the-people to run for president since, well, since who can remember when...

Hey at least Romney won't be a hypocrite piously preaching about "brother's keeper" while his own languishes in $12/year HUT!

Or better yet piously saying "You can't go take a trip to Las Vegas on the taxpayer's dime'..."While his wife ON THE TAXPAYER's DIME takes her 17th vacation in 3 years to guess what Las!

Or better yet.. Obama bitching and moaning about wealthy tax payers taking tax write offs and the bum writes off $100,000 a year in losses against HIS personal taxes!
I mean this is hypocrisy at it's worst!
The dick head can't even donate the same % of his income as Bush who made 1/3 as much but donated 23% of his income .. Dick head.. 14% ..9% in 2009!

So don't give any garbage about Obama being one of US!!!
He is the kind of Eddie Haskell of Leave it Beaver character that most people consider really slimy and he's proving it... i.e. "'I'll have more flexibility after election'. "!
The funniest part of this funny thread is that the GOP's remedy to this supposed disconnect is to offer us Mitt Romney, the Squire of Onepercentville,

the furthest thing from a man-of-the-people to run for president since, well, since who can remember when...

I don't really care if the person I elect to solve the country's problems is someone I would hang out with.

I don't hire employees to be my friends.
The funniest part of this funny thread is that the GOP's remedy to this supposed disconnect is to offer us Mitt Romney, the Squire of Onepercentville,

the furthest thing from a man-of-the-people to run for president since, well, since who can remember when...

Hey at least Romney won't be a hypocrite piously preaching about "brother's keeper" while his own languishes in $12/year HUT!

Or better yet piously saying "You can't go take a trip to Las Vegas on the taxpayer's dime'..."While his wife ON THE TAXPAYER's DIME takes her 17th vacation in 3 years to guess what Las!

Or better yet.. Obama bitching and moaning about wealthy tax payers taking tax write offs and the bum writes off $100,000 a year in losses against HIS personal taxes!
I mean this is hypocrisy at it's worst!
The dick head can't even donate the same % of his income as Bush who made 1/3 as much but donated 23% of his income .. Dick head.. 14% ..9% in 2009!

So don't give any garbage about Obama being one of US!!!
He is the kind of Eddie Haskell of Leave it Beaver character that most people consider really slimy and he's proving it... i.e. "'I'll have more flexibility after election'. "!

The centerpiece of Romney's economic plan is to cut his own taxes.

Sell that to the American people.
The funniest part of this funny thread is that the GOP's remedy to this supposed disconnect is to offer us Mitt Romney, the Squire of Onepercentville,

the furthest thing from a man-of-the-people to run for president since, well, since who can remember when...

Hey at least Romney won't be a hypocrite piously preaching about "brother's keeper" while his own languishes in $12/year HUT!

Or better yet piously saying "You can't go take a trip to Las Vegas on the taxpayer's dime'..."While his wife ON THE TAXPAYER's DIME takes her 17th vacation in 3 years to guess what Las!

Or better yet.. Obama bitching and moaning about wealthy tax payers taking tax write offs and the bum writes off $100,000 a year in losses against HIS personal taxes!
I mean this is hypocrisy at it's worst!
The dick head can't even donate the same % of his income as Bush who made 1/3 as much but donated 23% of his income .. Dick head.. 14% ..9% in 2009!

So don't give any garbage about Obama being one of US!!!
He is the kind of Eddie Haskell of Leave it Beaver character that most people consider really slimy and he's proving it... i.e. "'I'll have more flexibility after election'. "!

The centerpiece of Romney's economic plan is to cut his own taxes.

Sell that to the American people.

More people are recognizing Obama the PHONY and are saying fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on ME!
They know and evidently YOU still can't see it Obama is a PHONY...
I mean seriously here this dick talks about brother's keeper and he can't even get his brother out of a $12/year HUT???

Come on and then this dick piously talks about those EVIL wealthy class warfare comments WHILE THE DICK hypocritical A) donates LESS and TAKES $100K capital losses ! WHAT a total hypocrite!
Sure I'm for Romney cutting HIS TAXES because UNLIKE The hypocrite at least Romney isn't trying to fool you! Which Makes YOU the bigger fool cause Obama has suckered you again!
I have found most politicians are out of touch with the people some just hide it better than other's but sooner or later their true self always emerges.
There is no disconnnect except where there was always a disconnect with the radical right wing extremist. he still connect with half the country and would win the election today and in nov.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
There is no disconnnect except where there was always a disconnect with the radical right wing extremist. he still connect with half the country and would win the election today and in nov.:clap2::clap2::clap2:
So anyone who does not share the views of Obama is a radical right wing extremist? So using your logic then the other half of the Country that does not share the views of the likely Republican nominee Romney would be radical left wing extremist.
The snippet below is from a column by Peggy Noonan in the WSJ. She talks about Obama basically losing the trust of many Americans and being out of touch with them. She talks about people feeling used, played for a fool by a con artist, tricked by the trickster. [My words, not hers.] It'll be very interesting to see if he wins re-election, as apparently he thinks he will.

I find myself asking the question: did Obama even try to figure what was on our minds? Did he even care, or was he so intent on completing his uberliberal agenda, and in his arrogance believed he could sell what he was doing to us and we'd love him for it. That's the way it looks to me.


In terms of the broad electorate, I'm not sure he really has a relationship. A president only gets a year or two to forge real bonds with the American people. In that time a crucial thing he must establish is that what is on his mind is what is on their mind. This is especially true during a crisis.

From the day Mr. Obama was sworn in, what was on the mind of the American people was financial calamity—unemployment, declining home values, foreclosures. These issues came within a context of some overarching questions: Can America survive its spending, its taxing, its regulating, is America over, can we turn it around?

That's what the American people were thinking about.

But the new president wasn't thinking about that. All the books written about the creation of economic policy within his administration make clear the president and his aides didn't know it was so bad, didn't understand the depth of the crisis, didn't have a sense of how long it would last. They didn't have their mind on what the American people had their mind on.

Not-So-Smooth Operator -

OR: they didn't care, being the elitist pigs that they are...they know far better than we ever could...
Two things, a universal health-care plan that benefits insurance companies more than anyone else is hardly what I'd call "uberliberal". Secondly, can anyone name the last President that in reality wasn't in the upper echelon of society to some degree? Disconnect with the DC crowd isn't a new phenomenon, it's par for the course. The only thing going for Obama with regards to this topic is that Romney is even worse.

Rather suggests we need some kind of reformation when it comes to campaign financing.
I think Obama and the Dems believed that their Stimulus Bill would solve the problems with the economy, and they really wanted to move on to the liberal agenda while they still had a super majority in both Houses of Congress. I think they were so convinced it would eventually work, and weren't that concerned anyway.

Frankly, I don't think Obama really cares what the public thinks, he believes he can work his magic to make us go along with whatever he says. He doesn't care about public opinion because he's conceited enough to think he can change public opinion to whatever he wants it to be.
The funniest part of this funny thread is that the GOP's remedy to this supposed disconnect is to offer us Mitt Romney, the Squire of Onepercentville,

the furthest thing from a man-of-the-people to run for president since, well, since who can remember when...

That's the best you can do? "onerpercentville"?
Just what the fuck is Obama? Poor?
All the do as I say, not as I do libs are wealthy one percenters.
The Hollywood Elites, The wealthy blue bloods such as the Kennedy and Heinz families. Bill Gates, George Soros..The Clintons are of the one percent.
You libs are all full of shit hypocrites.

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