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The Divine Hand of the Europeans


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
a little perspective, this is a good piece...


Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Lebanon, etc. all still exist within the borders that the European colonial powers drew for them. These borders had nothing to do with their history. They had nothing to do with their ethnic homogeneity. They had nothing to do with their religious homogeneity. They had nothing to do with their linguistics. And today, the mix of peoples within each state is sometimes even more divided than when the borders were first drawn, as the different peoples within them often have different natural growth rates, or emigration rates, which have altered the balance of power in a major way. Simply put, these borders no longer make sense, if they ever did.

But don’t you ever think about touching those borders. That is not to be allowed.

When the United States ousted the Iraqi dictator, Saddam Hussein, and occupied that country, our officials were careful to maintain a unified state out of the hodgepodge of nationalities and religions created by the British-French pen. The Iraqi population is roughly 30 plus million divide as follows as follows – about 18 million Shia Arabs, 5 million Sunni Arabs, 5 million Sunni Kurds, who are a different ethnic group than Arabs, with the remainder largely Christian Arabs (those who haven’t fled yet). Generally, the three main peoples live in different areas of the nation, with the Kurds in the North, the Sunni Arabs in the West, and the Shia Arabs predominating elsewhere. Historically these three groups have been in opposition to one another. But, even during the height of the Iraqi post-war insurrection, when Shia Arabs and Sunni Arabs and Kurds were all at each other’s throats, almost no American of any significance considered the logical option of dividing the country into three sections. Perhaps the world felt that since Europe colonialists had already spoken on the matter, the Iraqis would just have to learn to live together.

Also, consider Syria and Lebanon. France originally drew their boundaries. Both were drawn to maximize French interests, especially in Lebanon, where the French were interested in producing a majority Christian nation. Today, the conflicts originating out of these lines have led to the death of hundreds of thousands of people.

In Syria, there are 23 million inhabitants. 16 million are Sunni Arabs. Over 3 million are non-Sunni Arabs, mostly Alawites, but also including some Druze. Both the Alawites and the Druze live primarily in the Western, more mountainous areas. There are about 2 million Kurds residing in the northeastern corner. And there were more than 2 million Christian Arabs, prior to the rebellion. Currently, much of the country is in flames, as Sunni Arabs – led by jihadists – seek to violently overthrow the Iranian-backed Alawite dictator Assad. Over 70,000 people have died during this civil war. Yet, among all the various peace plans that have been proposed by the international elites, precious few advocate the seemingly obvious idea of splitting Syria into its different constituent parts, so as to better protect minorities. (The Christians may not be concentrated enough to create a separate state, although it is possible that they might be more safe in an Alawite or Kurdish state.)

In Lebanon, there are around 1.2 million Sunni Arabs, more than 1.2 million Shia Arabs, 1.4 million Christians (whom are further subdivided) and 200,000 Druze. Because Lebanon is so heterogynous, it has had over twenty-five years of civil war, with hundreds of thousands of casualties, and currently is under a fragile “truce” thanks to the ability of the Shia terrorist group Hezbollah to forcibly control the nation. The Lebanese communities are, once again, mostly segregated. But, once again, no major international peace plans for Lebanon have ever made the case for a sensible division of the country

The Divine Hand of the Europeans | FrontPage Magazine
Okay...a opinion article from FrontPage Mag..nice site, but what is this for again?
Published by David Horowitz hah.....

FrontPageMag | The Loonwatch.com Digest

1.) Those who were ripe for the picking. These individuals already had a hate for Islam and Muslims or Arabs, they were already racist in one way or another, and easily attached themselves to Islamophobia.

2.) Opportunists. These individuals are always looking for a way to make a buck, to line their pockets. Real, honest work doesn’t suit their tastes and so they’ve devoted themselves to that centuries old money-maker, hate.

3.) True believers. They may come from various ends of the ideological spectrum, most of them are very afraid, fear courses through their every waking moment, they are made even more afraid by modern interpretations of say Biblical prophecies, or fears about the existential threat of the end of Western society.

4.) The gullible or the naive. These individuals read and believe the Islamophobic propaganda because they perceive the arguments as objective, factual, honest, and fitting with their worldview, or answering their confusion and incomprehension of world events or history.

There may be a few other groups not identified here, but those in the last category, the “gullible or the naive,” are usually individuals who later become enlightened and realize the true nature of Islamophobia. They start to question the poor “analysis,” the skewing of “facts,” the blindly subjective and hateful methodology employed by those they once respected as honest brokers on the issues of Islam and Muslims.
its a good article JROC----for recent history----but a bit misleading in the "LARGER
PICTURE" or---the real span of history. 'IMPERIALISM' was not invented in
EUROPE nor was 'colonialism' -----it happened in all sorts of places with
varying and often tragic results------in fact in the FAR EAST---japan has been
damned imperialistic for thouands of years

even in pre columbian america-----the MAYANS imperialized themselves out
of existence

back before the roman empire---which morphed into the "holy roman
empire" was MASSIVELY IMPERIALISTIC -----but before that
there was Egypt --and Assyria, persia ----and who can forget that
ambitious deightful maniac ALEXANDER?

for real destruction -----lets try not to bring up GENGHIS KHAN ---
its too scary
David Horowitz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chip Berlet, writing for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), identified Horowitz's Center for the Study of Popular Culture as one of 17 "right-wing foundations and think tanks support[ing] efforts to make bigoted and discredited ideas respectable." Berlet accused Horowitz of blaming slavery on "black Africans … abetted by dark-skinned Arabs" and of "attack[ing] minority 'demands for special treatment' as 'only necessary because some blacks can't seem to locate the ladder of opportunity within reach of others,' rejecting the idea that they could be the victims of lingering racism."[66] Responding with an open letter to Morris Dees, president of the SPLC, Horowitz opens with the claim that Berlet's report was "so tendentious, so filled with transparent misrepresentations and smears that if "[he continues] to post the report [he] will create for [the] Southern Poverty Law Center a well-earned reputation as a hate group itself." He claims the intention of "[this reminder] that the slaves transported to America were bought from African and Arab slavers" was a response to demands that only whites pay blacks reparations, and he never held Africans and Arabs solely responsible for slavery. He concludes that the accusation of racism was a deliberate and calculated lie and requests that the report be removed.[67] The SPLC refused Horowitz's request,[68] and subsequent critical pieces on Berlet and the SPLC have been featured on Horowitz's website and personal blog.[69][70]
Tim Wise, a lecturer and leftist activist, has accused Horowitz of associating with racist organizations. According to Wise, Horowitz has received $4 million from the Bradley Foundation. This foundation has also financed The Bell Curve, a controversial book about the Heritability of IQ which proposed a correlation between ethnicity and intelligence.[71]
In 2008, while speaking at UCSB, Horowitz stated that the keffiyah, the traditional Arab head covering made famous by PLO leader Yasser Arafat, is a symbol of terrorism. In response, UCSB professor Walid Afifi accused Horowitz of "preaching hate" and smearing Arab culture.[72]

This guy was the ex communist loon, huh.
Donkey boy, who's 9 out of 10 posts are from some Islamist or neo Nazi site has now become a board "critic""of sources. Meh heh heh heh!
9 out of my 10 sources are Israeli sources related to the conflict. Not a random loon known as David Horowitz who vents of his hate through stupid writings such as the one posted by the OP.
9 out of my 10 sources are Israeli sources related to the conflict. Not a random loon known as David Horowitz who vents of his hate through stupid writings such as the one posted by the OP.
David Horowitz is a brilliant, brave, highly educated man, who calls it like it is. He even went against his own parent's ideology. I'll take him over any of the monkeys you admire. LOL


David Joel Horowitz (born January 10, 1939) is an American conservative[2] writer and policy advocate. He is a founder and current president of the David Horowitz Freedom Center and edits FrontPage Magazine. Horowitz also founded the organization Students for Academic Freedom, whose self-stated goal is combating "leftist indoctrination" in academia.
Horowitz was raised by parents who were members of the Communist Party USA. Between 1956 and 1975, Horowitz was an outspoken adherent of the New Left before rejecting Leftism completely. Horowitz has recounted his ideological journey in a series of retrospectives, culminating with his 1996 memoir Radical Son: A Generational Odyssey.

In May 1989, Horowitz, Ronald Radosh, and Peter Collier travelled to Poland for a conference in Kraków calling for the end of Communism.[17] After marching with Polish dissidents in an anti-regime protest, Horowitz declared,
"For myself, my family tradition of socialist dreams is over. Socialism is no longer a dream of a revolutionary future. It is only a nightmare of the past. But for you, the nightmare is not a dream. It is a reality that is still happening. My dream for the people of socialist Poland is that someday you will wake up from your nightmare and be free."[18]

Horowitz and others promote his Academic Bill of Rights (ABR), an eight-point guide that seeks to eliminate political bias in university hiring and grading. Horowitz says that bias in universities amounts to indoctrination, and charges that conservatives and particularly Republicans are systematically excluded from faculties, citing statistical studies on faculty party affiliation.[37] Critics of the proposed policy, such as Stanley Fish, have argued that "academic diversity", as Horowitz describes it, is not a legitimate academic value, and that no endorsement of "diversity" can be absolute.[38]
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David Horowitz is a loon. And you didn't need to inform us Roudy, we already knew you support a Racist Jewish Conservative.
David Horowitz embarrassing donkey boy's IslamoNazi girlfriend, good job: :clap: clap:

[ame=http://youtube.com/watch?v=zuNva3j12X0]MSA student supports rounding up Jews to Israel to kill them - YouTube[/ame]
I read it, it's a Racist Jewish lunatic who's masturbating at the thought of Muslims wiping their population off the planet. It doesn't take a genius to see this loser tries to make himself feel better with his retarded fantasies.
I read it, it's a Racist Jewish lunatic who's masturbating at the thought of Muslims wiping their population off the planet. It doesn't take a genius to see this loser tries to make himself feel better with his retarded fantasies.
Ha ha ha. Even your stupid Wikipedia quote is misleading, these are "allegations" and allegations by donkeys like you are a dime a dozen. In that same Wikipedia article it quotes the same incident in the youtube clip as "evidence of Horowitz's racism", and no mention of the filthy Muslim woman that said what she did. You forgot anybody can contribute what they want to wikipedia? I bet you're another filthy asshole like her. The sooner we deport you enemy withins, the better off we are.
And why don't we see some things here:

Max Blumenthal: The Demons of David Horowitz
For a man with no job title or actual occupation, Horowitz does curiously well. Over the last three decades, crotchety right-wing donors like John Olin and Richard Mellon-Scaife have stuffed the coffers of his shell organizations, funded his crank conferences, and bulk-bought his semi-fictional autobiographies as insulation for the walls of their hermetically-sealed mansions. In turn, Horowitz has leveraged his millions into a full-frontal assault on academia

His "Academic Bill of Rights," which I will discuss later on, and his latest piece of Regnery pulp, "The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America," mark the crescendo of Horowitz's crusade to make campus as safe and sterile as Green Acres. For Horowitz, seizing control of universities from their liberal hegemons is no different from smoking Al-Qaeda henchmen out of their hillside caves. As he told an audience of College Republicans last summer, "Universities are a base of the left. Universities are a base for terrorism."

While Horowitz criticizes minorities and the poor for their supposed lack of what conservatives like to call "personal responsibility," he habitually blames others for his own failures. As his Academic Bill of Rights is shot down in statehouse after statehouse (Georgia's House of Representatives only approved the bill after Democrats diluted it beyond recognition), Horowitz lashes out at his demons with increasing vitriol. They are out to get him -- a vast network of terrorist professors, angry liberal operatives and comsymp cultural elites; the Cornel Wests, George Soroses, the "creatures" at Media Matters, and of course, the "Blumenthal left;" all of them conspiring to advance an insidious plot to sabotage his ambitions, unleash black looters and suicide bombers on the Heartland, and blacklist his allies. When he stumbles, as he so often does, the so-called "Network" is always there as it must be, holding an invisible trip-wire.
I read it, it's a Racist Jewish lunatic who's masturbating at the thought of Muslims wiping their population off the planet. It doesn't take a genius to see this loser tries to make himself feel better with his retarded fantasies.
Ha ha ha. Even your stupid Wikipedia quote is misleading, these are "allegations" and allegations by donkeys like you are a dime a dozen. In that same Wikipedia article it quotes the same incident in the youtube clip as "evidence of Horowitz's racism", and no mention of the filthy Muslim woman that said what she did. You forgot anybody can contribute what they want to wikipedia? I bet you're another filthy asshole like her. The sooner we deport you enemy withins, the better off we are.

Who's 'we'? Keep your Jewish hatred of Muslims to yourself you crazy. You prove over and over that you're a racist. And you think people will look at you in a good way? Deport Muslims? Wow, that's top notch hatred.
Arab muslims EXPLOITED the slavery in the USA issue, because.
They actually managed to convince lots of black americans that
That is the gross fraud, 'because' -----you are just annoyed
because lots of people see thru the vile historical revisionism
It does happen to be true that the traditional slave dealers
of the WORLD FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS----in refernce to
sub-saharan blacks have been ARABS----thousands of years.
Its not your fault or an "ARAB FAULT" ----it just happens to
fact. A person cannot live on dates and goat milk FOREVER
I read it, it's a Racist Jewish lunatic who's masturbating at the thought of Muslims wiping their population off the planet. It doesn't take a genius to see this loser tries to make himself feel better with his retarded fantasies.
You learned a new word participating in this forum, Baghdad Bob? All of a sudden you are throwing in the word "masturbating" since you saw others use this word? Perhaps this weekend you should find some kids your own age with whom to hang out. It would be much healthier to you. Meanwhile, why not tell us why your Palestinian friends have to indoctrinate their kids to hate Jews by showing them those awful cartoons. These cartoons sure aren't like Sesame Street or Barney.
I read it, it's a Racist Jewish lunatic who's masturbating at the thought of Muslims wiping their population off the planet. It doesn't take a genius to see this loser tries to make himself feel better with his retarded fantasies.
You learned a new word participating in this forum, Baghdad Bob? All of a sudden you are throwing in the word "masturbating" since you saw others use this word? Perhaps this weekend you should find some kids your own age with whom to hang out. It would be much healthier to you. Meanwhile, why not tell us why your Palestinian friends have to indoctrinate their kids to hate Jews by showing them those awful cartoons. These cartoons sure aren't like Sesame Street or Barney.

Why do you waste your time? Do you really think what you're saying is 'rough' talk? Another meaningless post by Bob.
David Horowitz is a loon. And you didn't need to inform us Roudy, we already knew you support a Racist Jewish Conservative.

How about speaking to the substance of the piece? it wasn't written by Horowitz any

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