The DNC did the right thing by opposing Sanders

Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.

I agree. Dems know that people are just too stupid to handle things like picking candidates, let the Party do the thinking and picking for you!
So Sanders should run Independent now and revoke his endorsement? That would absolutely destroy Clinton. Sanders is a man of his word and is endorsing the Democrat nominee as he said he would the first day of his campaign. And all you can do is shit on him for it? So I guess since Sanders has no integrity we shouldn't vote for his Clinton endorsement. Ok thanks for the advice.

Would you remove your mouth from your penis long enough to pay attention, please?

If Sanders wanted to run for President he should have done so as an Independent from the beginning, or start his own party. As for his integrity, that went out the door with his endorsement of Clinton as far as I'm concerned. And anyone who plans to vote for Clinton, whether because of Sanders endorsement or because the tea leaves told them to, is a fucking idiot.
Third party candidates don't have a chance with the two party system. Sanders would have been stupid to run independent. Seeing as how horrible Clintons' campaign is and how inept the DNC is Sanders should just threaten to now run independent, and demand every concession he wants from them. After all you say his integrity is gone so that is what he should do right? And btw stop gazing at my beautiful penis.
Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.

I agree. Dems know that people are just too stupid to handle things like picking candidates, let the Party do the thinking and picking for you!

Parties have the right to govern themselves. We don't have any entitlement to see any given person endorsed or nominated by a party. Nothing stops anyone one of us from voting for any person whatsoever. The people who need someone to think for them are the people who are obsessed with parties nominating whom they want nominated. The ones who think that nominee selection is supposed to be democratic or decided by the people.
Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.

So the party needs to ignore the will of the people? Are you insane? I'm a Trump supporter, but I'll take a socialist like Bernie in office over Hillary with the knowledge that votes count.

This "will of the people" line is BULLSHIT!! Parties pick their candidates, not "the people."

Which is why Bernie Sander and Donald Trump did so well. People want to know their votes count.

Nomination for dumbest post of the week.

On the contrary, the best on most honest post of this thread. This is the year of the outsider and for good reason. You should try paying attention and educating yourself.
Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.
The only difference between Democrats and Bernie Sanders is Democrats are on the take from Wall Street and foreign entities. If Sanders were to win he'd become just as corrupt.

Sanders is a kind man who could have slammed Hillary to the moon and back for the 1st email scandal. It just shows what kind of man he is, and honest people don't make it in races like these....

Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.
What they did was corrupt. So no, the GOP, although they opposed Trump, let the people speak. The Dems didn't really have a chance with Bernie, we knew it now it's in plain sight. He voted with them so was a Democrat as any of them.

And a republic should always do the will of the people, not the party. You are as backwards as it gets.
Third party candidates don't have a chance with the two party system.

And there you have it. You're such a fucking moron that you can't get it through your head that there is no such thing as the two party system. It is nothing but a fiction that has been been created by the parties because they want you only voting for their guy. What's stopping you from voting for Sanders in November? Huh? Who says you can't vote for him? Are you too fucking stupid to spell his name on your own? It's your fucking choice. Vote for whomever the fuck you want. Don't sit here and give me a bunch of bullshit about how he's no longer an option. YOU AND YOU ALONE HAVE DECIDED THAT THERE ARE ONLY TWO OPTIONS TO CONSIDER.

Fucking peasant rabble. Everything has to be spoon fed to you.
If only Bernie didn't go so far , free this and that many more would have jumped on that wagon...

Yeah, he should have totally lied his ass off about his real intentions. BTW, what you call "go so far" is exactly what sets him apart from being a Democrat.

As far as the corruption Bernie was probably the most honest guy in the whole race without big $$$ backing him...

I wish that he would run again as a independent, so many would turn their backs on the Right and Lefts at this point.

Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.
The only difference between Democrats and Bernie Sanders is Democrats are on the take from Wall Street and foreign entities. If Sanders were to win he'd become just as corrupt.

Sanders is a kind man who could have slammed Hillary to the moon and back for the 1st email scandal. It just shows what kind of man he is, and honest people don't make it in races like these....

And that is the most hilarious thing about this narrative that Bernie was mean to poor ol Hillary. He could have gone way harder on her and didn't even touch her on the most vulnerable issue. If Clinton loses this election it will not be because of Sanders it will be because she failed as a candidate.
Third party candidates don't have a chance with the two party system.

And there you have it. You're such a fucking moron that you can't get it through your head that there is no such thing as the two party system. It is nothing but a fiction that has been been created by the parties because they want you only voting for their guy. What's stopping you from voting for Sanders in November? Huh? Who says you can't vote for him? Are you too fucking stupid to spell his name on your own? It's your fucking choice. Vote for whomever the fuck you want. Don't sit here and give me a bunch of bullshit about how he's no longer an option. YOU AND YOU ALONE HAVE DECIDED THAT THERE ARE ONLY TWO OPTIONS TO CONSIDER.

Fucking peasant rabble. Everything has to be spoon fed to you.
You are dumb as a box of rocks seriously. Are you drunk this morning? First off my state doesn't allow write in candidates without certain conditions and the deadline for that has passed so no I won't throw my vote away on your idiotic advice. So no Sanders is no longer an option. Now that I have schooled your dumb ass on how elections work STOP YELLING IT JUST MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT WHEN YOU ARE WRONG.
You are dumb as a box of rocks seriously. Are you drunk this morning? First off my state doesn't allow write in candidates without certain conditions and the deadline for that has passed so no I won't throw my vote away on your idiotic advice. So no Sanders is no longer an option. Now that I have schooled your dumb ass on how elections work STOP YELLING IT JUST MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT WHEN YOU ARE WRONG.

Then you need to complain to your state legislature that they are infringing upon your right to vote for whomever you want.
You are dumb as a box of rocks seriously. Are you drunk this morning? First off my state doesn't allow write in candidates without certain conditions and the deadline for that has passed so no I won't throw my vote away on your idiotic advice. So no Sanders is no longer an option. Now that I have schooled your dumb ass on how elections work STOP YELLING IT JUST MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT WHEN YOU ARE WRONG.

Then you need to complain to your state legislature that they are infringing upon your right to vote for whomever you want.
Lol you are a fucking idiot.
You are dumb as a box of rocks seriously. Are you drunk this morning? First off my state doesn't allow write in candidates without certain conditions and the deadline for that has passed so no I won't throw my vote away on your idiotic advice. So no Sanders is no longer an option. Now that I have schooled your dumb ass on how elections work STOP YELLING IT JUST MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT WHEN YOU ARE WRONG.

Then you need to complain to your state legislature that they are infringing upon your right to vote for whomever you want.
Lol you are a fucking idiot.

Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.

Yes, Democracy is sooooo overrated.

Democracy gave Clinton nearly four million more votes than Sanders.

State Date Clinton Sanders
RCP Total
- 15,805,136 12,029,699

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.

Yes, Democracy is sooooo overrated.

Democracy gave Clinton nearly four million more votes than Sanders.

State Date Clinton Sanders
RCP Total
- 15,805,136 12,029,699

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Didn't matter. There was virtually no way he could get the nomination with the Super_Delegate Mafioso. I still haven't figured that corrupt scam out. Do you pay to be one or are you paid to be one?
You are dumb as a box of rocks seriously. Are you drunk this morning? First off my state doesn't allow write in candidates without certain conditions and the deadline for that has passed so no I won't throw my vote away on your idiotic advice. So no Sanders is no longer an option. Now that I have schooled your dumb ass on how elections work STOP YELLING IT JUST MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT WHEN YOU ARE WRONG.

Then you need to complain to your state legislature that they are infringing upon your right to vote for whomever you want.
Lol you are a fucking idiot.

So to recap: SwimDummy tells me in big letters and lots of disparaging remarks that I am stupid and can vote for whomever I want. I explain to his dumb ass that I can't and his answer is:complain to legislature. I rightfully call him a fucking idiot. He knows this and can only respond with an all caps diatribe calling me entitled.

You are a joke bud.
Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.

So the party needs to ignore the will of the people? Are you insane? I'm a Trump supporter, but I'll take a socialist like Bernie in office over Hillary with the knowledge that votes count.

This "will of the people" line is BULLSHIT!! Parties pick their candidates, not "the people."

Which is why Bernie Sander and Donald Trump did so well. People want to know their votes count.

Nomination for dumbest post of the week.

On the contrary, the best on most honest post of this thread. This is the year of the outsider and for good reason. You should try paying attention and educating yourself.

You should educate yourself. Sanders was not hamstrung by anyone. He lost by nearly 4 million votes.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

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