The DNC did the right thing by opposing Sanders

Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.
Why let him run as a democrat then?
Democracy gave Clinton nearly four million more votes than Sanders.

State Date Clinton Sanders
RCP Total
- 15,805,136 12,029,699

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Didn't matter. There was virtually no way he could get the nomination with the Super_Delegate Mafioso. I still haven't figured that corrupt scam out. Do you pay to be one or are you paid to be one?

You haven't figured it out because there is no corrupt scam. The super delegate system has been in place since '84. They are not bound delegates. They can vote for whomever they wish. Historically they vote with the winner of the popular vote.
Sanders knows this. Part of the calculus for any candidate running is will they have the support of the delegates and the party.

Then I'm sure you can explain how the Super-Delegates had pledged for Hillarious before the state primaries.

They weren't pledged to anyone. They may say who they are supporting at that time but they are not bound. Look back at every election since ' 84 and you will see that they vote with the winner of the popular vote.
You keep crying about a " fix" but you don't seem to even understand how it works or provide any evidence of a fix.

I don't give a shit. I'm with Trump. I just laugh at the corruption in the Dunce party. But go ahead and defend the rigged system they have.
You know, funny but I sort of figured you were. LOL

First of all the DNC is expected to be neutral. Second of all Bernie Sanders has been a de facto Democrat for 40 years.

Third of all Bernie Sanders, of all the players in this race so far, turns out to be the one with the most integrity on either side.

That's what makes those of us who support him even more right in the end.

Bernie sanders has not integrity, so he cant even win that race by default.
This "will of the people" line is BULLSHIT!! Parties pick their candidates, not "the people."

Which is why Bernie Sander and Donald Trump did so well. People want to know their votes count.

Nomination for dumbest post of the week.

On the contrary, the best on most honest post of this thread. This is the year of the outsider and for good reason. You should try paying attention and educating yourself.

You should educate yourself. Sanders was not hamstrung by anyone. He lost by nearly 4 million votes.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Really? You're actually defending the DNC cheating the election? The amount of votes is irrelevant.

Show us the " cheating" that you believed happened. How is the popular vote irrelevant in an election?
Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.
Why let him run as a democrat then?
I think this is as close to a good explanation as I'll ever find. Good question though.

Which is why Bernie Sander and Donald Trump did so well. People want to know their votes count.

Nomination for dumbest post of the week.

On the contrary, the best on most honest post of this thread. This is the year of the outsider and for good reason. You should try paying attention and educating yourself.

You should educate yourself. Sanders was not hamstrung by anyone. He lost by nearly 4 million votes.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Really? You're actually defending the DNC cheating the election? The amount of votes is irrelevant.

Show us the " cheating" that you believed happened. How is the popular vote irrelevant in an election?

It's all over the internet. Just click on any article and read. It's why Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was booed by her own party. You're sticking your head in the sand and toting the company line, you know it and I know it.
Democracy gave Clinton nearly four million more votes than Sanders.

State Date Clinton Sanders
RCP Total
- 15,805,136 12,029,699

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Didn't matter. There was virtually no way he could get the nomination with the Super_Delegate Mafioso. I still haven't figured that corrupt scam out. Do you pay to be one or are you paid to be one?

You haven't figured it out because there is no corrupt scam. The super delegate system has been in place since '84. They are not bound delegates. They can vote for whomever they wish. Historically they vote with the winner of the popular vote.
Sanders knows this. Part of the calculus for any candidate running is will they have the support of the delegates and the party.

Then I'm sure you can explain how the Super-Delegates had pledged for Hillarious before the state primaries.

They weren't pledged to anyone. They may say who they are supporting at that time but they are not bound. Look back at every election since ' 84 and you will see that they vote with the winner of the popular vote.
You keep crying about a " fix" but you don't seem to even understand how it works or provide any evidence of a fix.

I don't give a shit. I'm with Trump. I just laugh at the corruption in the Dunce party. But go ahead and defend the rigged system they have.

Let's recap. You admitted you have no idea about how the super delegate system works.
You had no idea who won the popular vote.
So, you have no idea what you're talking about but believe there is corruption and a rigged system but cannot show it in any way.
That makes you a fool.
Nomination for dumbest post of the week.

On the contrary, the best on most honest post of this thread. This is the year of the outsider and for good reason. You should try paying attention and educating yourself.

You should educate yourself. Sanders was not hamstrung by anyone. He lost by nearly 4 million votes.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote

Really? You're actually defending the DNC cheating the election? The amount of votes is irrelevant.

Show us the " cheating" that you believed happened. How is the popular vote irrelevant in an election?

It's all over the internet. Just click on any article and read. It's why Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was booed by her own party. You're sticking your head in the sand and toting the company line, you know it and I know it.

So it's all over the internet but you're unable to articulate it in any way. It seems you're the one sticking to a narrative.
Didn't matter. There was virtually no way he could get the nomination with the Super_Delegate Mafioso. I still haven't figured that corrupt scam out. Do you pay to be one or are you paid to be one?

You haven't figured it out because there is no corrupt scam. The super delegate system has been in place since '84. They are not bound delegates. They can vote for whomever they wish. Historically they vote with the winner of the popular vote.
Sanders knows this. Part of the calculus for any candidate running is will they have the support of the delegates and the party.

Then I'm sure you can explain how the Super-Delegates had pledged for Hillarious before the state primaries.

They weren't pledged to anyone. They may say who they are supporting at that time but they are not bound. Look back at every election since ' 84 and you will see that they vote with the winner of the popular vote.
You keep crying about a " fix" but you don't seem to even understand how it works or provide any evidence of a fix.

I don't give a shit. I'm with Trump. I just laugh at the corruption in the Dunce party. But go ahead and defend the rigged system they have.

Let's recap. You admitted you have no idea about how the super delegate system works.
You had no idea who won the popular vote.
So, you have no idea what you're talking about but believe there is corruption and a rigged system but cannot show it in any way.
That makes you a fool.

Wrong, the fool was the one baited in to wasting his time trying to defend the indefensible.
You haven't figured it out because there is no corrupt scam. The super delegate system has been in place since '84. They are not bound delegates. They can vote for whomever they wish. Historically they vote with the winner of the popular vote.
Sanders knows this. Part of the calculus for any candidate running is will they have the support of the delegates and the party.

Then I'm sure you can explain how the Super-Delegates had pledged for Hillarious before the state primaries.

They weren't pledged to anyone. They may say who they are supporting at that time but they are not bound. Look back at every election since ' 84 and you will see that they vote with the winner of the popular vote.
You keep crying about a " fix" but you don't seem to even understand how it works or provide any evidence of a fix.

I don't give a shit. I'm with Trump. I just laugh at the corruption in the Dunce party. But go ahead and defend the rigged system they have.

Let's recap. You admitted you have no idea about how the super delegate system works.
You had no idea who won the popular vote.
So, you have no idea what you're talking about but believe there is corruption and a rigged system but cannot show it in any way.
That makes you a fool.

Wrong, the fool was the one baited in to wasting his time trying to defend the indefensible.

No fool, you cannot even show what is supposed to be indefensible.
You haven't figured it out because there is no corrupt scam. The super delegate system has been in place since '84. They are not bound delegates. They can vote for whomever they wish. Historically they vote with the winner of the popular vote.
Sanders knows this. Part of the calculus for any candidate running is will they have the support of the delegates and the party.

Then I'm sure you can explain how the Super-Delegates had pledged for Hillarious before the state primaries.

They weren't pledged to anyone. They may say who they are supporting at that time but they are not bound. Look back at every election since ' 84 and you will see that they vote with the winner of the popular vote.
You keep crying about a " fix" but you don't seem to even understand how it works or provide any evidence of a fix.

I don't give a shit. I'm with Trump. I just laugh at the corruption in the Dunce party. But go ahead and defend the rigged system they have.

Let's recap. You admitted you have no idea about how the super delegate system works.
You had no idea who won the popular vote.
So, you have no idea what you're talking about but believe there is corruption and a rigged system but cannot show it in any way.
That makes you a fool.

Wrong, the fool was the one baited in to wasting his time trying to defend the indefensible.

There's nothing defensible in what Wasserman Shultz did. It was wrong, and stupid. But that has nothing to do with you being an obtuse troll.
Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.

I totally agree! Thank you!
Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.
Yeah! Fuck the American votes! We deserve to be told who will lead us! We should be flogged for expecting anything less!
Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.
Yeah! Fuck the American votes! We deserve to be told who will lead us! We should be flogged for expecting anything less!

The voters were very clear in who they chose.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.
Yeah! Fuck the American votes! We deserve to be told who will lead us! We should be flogged for expecting anything less!

The voters were very clear in who they chose.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
Not my point dumbass. Do try to keep up
Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.
Yeah! Fuck the American votes! We deserve to be told who will lead us! We should be flogged for expecting anything less!

The voters were very clear in who they chose.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
Not my point dumbass. Do try to keep up

What other voters could you be referring to?
Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.
Yeah! Fuck the American votes! We deserve to be told who will lead us! We should be flogged for expecting anything less!

The voters were very clear in who they chose.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
Not my point dumbass. Do try to keep up

What other voters could you be referring to?
Read the op for fucks sake.

Christ some of you are STUUUUUUUUUUUUPID

First of all the DNC is expected to be neutral. Second of all Bernie Sanders has been a de facto Democrat for 40 years.

Third of all Bernie Sanders, of all the players in this race so far, turns out to be the one with the most integrity on either side.

That's what makes those of us who support him even more right in the end.
You supported him? Don't remember seeing a Bern siggie pic.
Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.
Yeah! Fuck the American votes! We deserve to be told who will lead us! We should be flogged for expecting anything less!

The voters were very clear in who they chose.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
Not my point dumbass. Do try to keep up

What other voters could you be referring to?
Read the op for fucks sake.

Christ some of you are STUUUUUUUUUUUUPID

I did. You make no relevant point.
Yeah! Fuck the American votes! We deserve to be told who will lead us! We should be flogged for expecting anything less!

The voters were very clear in who they chose.

RealClearPolitics - 2016 Democratic Popular Vote
Not my point dumbass. Do try to keep up

What other voters could you be referring to?
Read the op for fucks sake.

Christ some of you are STUUUUUUUUUUUUPID

I did. You make no relevant point.
You are one stupid motherfucker. The op is NOT about who won. It IS about the process.
Your public education is showing

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