The DNC did the right thing by opposing Sanders

Wrong, the fool was the one baited in to wasting his time trying to defend the indefensible.

There's nothing defensible in what Wasserman Shultz did. It was wrong, and stupid. But that has nothing to do with you being an obtuse troll.
ummm..... NEWSFLASH!!! It came from the highest level of the party. She's just taking one for the (crony) team. Do you seriously think the DNC is not corrupt? I'm a Lefty & I know this

We know the DNC is totally corrupt and rigs elections

Yet you remain unable to articulate how.
Clinton won by nearly 4 million votes. It wasn't even close.

DNC cheated, as usual.

When they say "Ground game" they mean Voter Fraud
Oh now, it's not really voter fraud to empty out every half way house and bar, buy them lunch, and use government vehicles to drive the folks to the ballot box (-:
There's nothing defensible in what Wasserman Shultz did. It was wrong, and stupid. But that has nothing to do with you being an obtuse troll.
ummm..... NEWSFLASH!!! It came from the highest level of the party. She's just taking one for the (crony) team. Do you seriously think the DNC is not corrupt? I'm a Lefty & I know this

We know the DNC is totally corrupt and rigs elections

Yet you remain unable to articulate how.
Clinton won by nearly 4 million votes. It wasn't even close.

DNC cheated, as usual.

When they say "Ground game" they mean Voter Fraud
Oh now, it's not really voter fraud to empty out every half way house and bar, buy them lunch, and use government vehicles to drive the folks to the ballot box (-:

"laws are for little people" -- DNC Motto
Most integrity? :lol: He threw all his supporters under the bus and backed the Wall Street bought Shrillary. Integrity my ass.
You're either being disingenuous or ignorant of current events. Which is it?

Bernie's tepid endorsement of Hillary

Tepid endorsement is still an endorsement. Derrrrr. He threw his supporters under the damn bus and they are pissed. :lol:
Sooo..... you are ignorant then or disingenuous?

First of all the DNC is expected to be neutral. Second of all Bernie Sanders has been a de facto Democrat for 40 years.

Third of all Bernie Sanders, of all the players in this race so far, turns out to be the one with the most integrity on either side.

That's what makes those of us who support him even more right in the end.

Most integrity? :lol: He threw all his supporters under the bus and backed the Wall Street bought Shrillary. Integrity my ass.

I understand people being passionate about their respective candidates but we shouldn't lose our minds over it. It's not unreasonable for a party to support the party candidate. That being said, DWS screwed the pooch big-time but none of that was ever used. Those passionate Sanders supporters no doubt feel the DNC was unfair but let's not forget that he is not a party supporter. It's not realistic to be an anti establishment candidate and expect full throated support from the establishment. Conversely it's not reasonable to expect the party to back Sanders then label Sanders a sellout for supporting the nominee. Either he is with the party or he isn't, he can't have it both ways.
If anything, I think the party should pressure him more to bring his supporters on board.
ummm..... NEWSFLASH!!! It came from the highest level of the party. She's just taking one for the (crony) team. Do you seriously think the DNC is not corrupt? I'm a Lefty & I know this

We know the DNC is totally corrupt and rigs elections

Yet you remain unable to articulate how.
Clinton won by nearly 4 million votes. It wasn't even close.

DNC cheated, as usual.

When they say "Ground game" they mean Voter Fraud
Oh now, it's not really voter fraud to empty out every half way house and bar, buy them lunch, and use government vehicles to drive the folks to the ballot box (-:

"laws are for little people" -- DNC Motto
We know the DNC is totally corrupt and rigs elections

Yet you remain unable to articulate how.
Clinton won by nearly 4 million votes. It wasn't even close.

DNC cheated, as usual.

When they say "Ground game" they mean Voter Fraud
Oh now, it's not really voter fraud to empty out every half way house and bar, buy them lunch, and use government vehicles to drive the folks to the ballot box (-:

"laws are for little people" -- DNC Motto

I stopped watching GOT after they killed Jon Snow.
You are dumb as a box of rocks seriously. Are you drunk this morning? First off my state doesn't allow write in candidates without certain conditions and the deadline for that has passed so no I won't throw my vote away on your idiotic advice. So no Sanders is no longer an option. Now that I have schooled your dumb ass on how elections work STOP YELLING IT JUST MAKES YOU LOOK LIKE AN IDIOT WHEN YOU ARE WRONG.

Then you need to complain to your state legislature that they are infringing upon your right to vote for whomever you want.
Lol you are a fucking idiot.

So to recap: SwimDummy tells me in big letters and lots of disparaging remarks that I am stupid and can vote for whomever I want. I explain to his dumb ass that I can't and his answer is:complain to legislature. I rightfully call him a fucking idiot. He knows this and can only respond with an all caps diatribe calling me entitled.

You are a joke bud.

Let's expect people and organizations to give you whatever you want, just because you want it. What other word is there for that, other than entitled? "I want it, therefore gimmie" is the most "compelling" thing you can come up with. Fucking pathetic.
Most integrity? :lol: He threw all his supporters under the bus and backed the Wall Street bought Shrillary. Integrity my ass.
You're either being disingenuous or ignorant of current events. Which is it?

Bernie's tepid endorsement of Hillary

Tepid endorsement is still an endorsement. Derrrrr. He threw his supporters under the damn bus and they are pissed. :lol:
Sooo..... you are ignorant then or disingenuous?

At the end of the day Bernie, who the DNC set out to screw from the get go, supported the big corp financed clinton. Doesn't matter that his endorsement was 'tepid', he caved and endorsed her rather than sticking to his principles (wrong though they are). Spin it any way you want, his integrity is shot.

First of all the DNC is expected to be neutral. Second of all Bernie Sanders has been a de facto Democrat for 40 years.

Third of all Bernie Sanders, of all the players in this race so far, turns out to be the one with the most integrity on either side.

That's what makes those of us who support him even more right in the end.

Most integrity? :lol: He threw all his supporters under the bus and backed the Wall Street bought Shrillary. Integrity my ass.

I understand people being passionate about their respective candidates but we shouldn't lose our minds over it. It's not unreasonable for a party to support the party candidate. That being said, DWS screwed the pooch big-time but none of that was ever used. Those passionate Sanders supporters no doubt feel the DNC was unfair but let's not forget that he is not a party supporter. It's not realistic to be an anti establishment candidate and expect full throated support from the establishment. Conversely it's not reasonable to expect the party to back Sanders then label Sanders a sellout for supporting the nominee. Either he is with the party or he isn't, he can't have it both ways.
If anything, I think the party should pressure him more to bring his supporters on board.
I largely agree, but once he chose to run in the primary, I think the DNC had a duty to not work against him.

However, in terms of his supporters being so outraged that they threaten to not support the ticket, imo they engage in pretty selective reasoning, because no one who really follows this stuff thought he had a chance to beat Hillary. He just doesn't have the support of minority and working class whites in the party. He ran on a mission to make the party more progressive, and he did that.

So, I agree that the dems, if anything, should hold the Bern to supporting HRC.
Most integrity? :lol: He threw all his supporters under the bus and backed the Wall Street bought Shrillary. Integrity my ass.
You're either being disingenuous or ignorant of current events. Which is it?

Bernie's tepid endorsement of Hillary

Tepid endorsement is still an endorsement. Derrrrr. He threw his supporters under the damn bus and they are pissed. :lol:
Sooo..... you are ignorant then or disingenuous?

At the end of the day Bernie, who the DNC set out to screw from the get go, supported the big corp financed clinton. Doesn't matter that his endorsement was 'tepid', he caved and endorsed her rather than sticking to his principles (wrong though they are). Spin it any way you want, his integrity is shot.

So you feel the party should have supported him but he shouldn't have to support the party?
You should now call Sanders supporters dummies and finish the process.

Uh, okay. Sanders supporters are dummies. Do you feel better now?

He sure did well in a party that was opposed to him. Just that might tell you something.

That the two party false dilemma has rendered political alignment to virtual arbitrariness and that we need introduce two or three more parties into the mainstream? I'd agree with that.
Yet you remain unable to articulate how.
Clinton won by nearly 4 million votes. It wasn't even close.

DNC cheated, as usual.

When they say "Ground game" they mean Voter Fraud
Oh now, it's not really voter fraud to empty out every half way house and bar, buy them lunch, and use government vehicles to drive the folks to the ballot box (-:

"laws are for little people" -- DNC Motto

I stopped watching GOT after they killed Jon Snow.
ummmmmmm, I have some news for you ...... (-:
DNC cheated, as usual.

When they say "Ground game" they mean Voter Fraud
Oh now, it's not really voter fraud to empty out every half way house and bar, buy them lunch, and use government vehicles to drive the folks to the ballot box (-:

"laws are for little people" -- DNC Motto

I stopped watching GOT after they killed Jon Snow.
ummmmmmm, I have some news for you ...... (-:

Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.
Why let him run as a democrat then?

Clearly, the DNC did not intend to let him, which is why the organization actively opposed him.
Most integrity? :lol: He threw all his supporters under the bus and backed the Wall Street bought Shrillary. Integrity my ass.
You're either being disingenuous or ignorant of current events. Which is it?

Bernie's tepid endorsement of Hillary

Tepid endorsement is still an endorsement. Derrrrr. He threw his supporters under the damn bus and they are pissed. :lol:
Sooo..... you are ignorant then or disingenuous?

At the end of the day Bernie, who the DNC set out to screw from the get go, supported the big corp financed clinton. Doesn't matter that his endorsement was 'tepid', he caved and endorsed her rather than sticking to his principles (wrong though they are). Spin it any way you want, his integrity is shot.

So you feel the party should have supported him but he shouldn't have to support the party?

The party didn't support him! They set out to screw him from the get go.
Most integrity? :lol: He threw all his supporters under the bus and backed the Wall Street bought Shrillary. Integrity my ass.
You're either being disingenuous or ignorant of current events. Which is it?

Bernie's tepid endorsement of Hillary

Tepid endorsement is still an endorsement. Derrrrr. He threw his supporters under the damn bus and they are pissed. :lol:
Sooo..... you are ignorant then or disingenuous?

At the end of the day Bernie, who the DNC set out to screw from the get go, supported the big corp financed clinton. Doesn't matter that his endorsement was 'tepid', he caved and endorsed her rather than sticking to his principles (wrong though they are). Spin it any way you want, his integrity is shot.
according to a resident rw mouth-breather- you. He gave a tepid endorsement because the alternative- Trump would be a disaster. His "tepid" endorsement also left the door open for him to get back in if she can't run

You're welcome Sugar Tits

First of all the DNC is expected to be neutral. Second of all Bernie Sanders has been a de facto Democrat for 40 years.

Third of all Bernie Sanders, of all the players in this race so far, turns out to be the one with the most integrity on either side.

That's what makes those of us who support him even more right in the end.

Most integrity? :lol: He threw all his supporters under the bus and backed the Wall Street bought Shrillary. Integrity my ass.

I understand people being passionate about their respective candidates but we shouldn't lose our minds over it. It's not unreasonable for a party to support the party candidate. That being said, DWS screwed the pooch big-time but none of that was ever used. Those passionate Sanders supporters no doubt feel the DNC was unfair but let's not forget that he is not a party supporter. It's not realistic to be an anti establishment candidate and expect full throated support from the establishment. Conversely it's not reasonable to expect the party to back Sanders then label Sanders a sellout for supporting the nominee. Either he is with the party or he isn't, he can't have it both ways.
If anything, I think the party should pressure him more to bring his supporters on board.
I largely agree, but once he chose to run in the primary, I think the DNC had a duty to not work against him.

However, in terms of his supporters being so outraged that they threaten to not support the ticket, imo they engage in pretty selective reasoning, because no one who really follows this stuff thought he had a chance to beat Hillary. He just doesn't have the support of minority and working class whites in the party. He ran on a mission to make the party more progressive, and he did that.

So, I agree that the dems, if anything, should hold the Bern to supporting HRC.

I agree DWS was unnecessarily douchey in her tactics and put the organization at risk by doing so.
Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.
Why let him run as a democrat then?

Clearly, the DNC did not intend to let him, which is why the organization actively opposed him.

So they accidently let him run for the party's nomination? These dems are more incompetent than i thought.

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