The DNC did the right thing by opposing Sanders

You're either being disingenuous or ignorant of current events. Which is it?

Bernie's tepid endorsement of Hillary

Tepid endorsement is still an endorsement. Derrrrr. He threw his supporters under the damn bus and they are pissed. :lol:
Sooo..... you are ignorant then or disingenuous?

At the end of the day Bernie, who the DNC set out to screw from the get go, supported the big corp financed clinton. Doesn't matter that his endorsement was 'tepid', he caved and endorsed her rather than sticking to his principles (wrong though they are). Spin it any way you want, his integrity is shot.

So you feel the party should have supported him but he shouldn't have to support the party?

The party didn't support him! They set out to screw him from the get go.

But did they?
Do you honestly believe that whatever the party did resulted in him losing by nearly 4 million votes?

I love Bernie but he never had a chance.
Sanders is not really a Democrat. He's been an independent for nearly 40 years. He's a socialist, not a Democrat. The party did the right thing by opposing his bid to represent the Democratic party. The parties should oppose candidates who don't represent the party and/or who are counter to the party's best interests. The DNC did what the RNC should have done with Trump from the get-go.
Yeah! Fuck the American votes! We deserve to be told who will lead us! We should be flogged for expecting anything less!

We have an election to choose who will lead us. Go vote for anyone you want. On the other hand, if you think that political parties have an obligation to consult you when deciding whom they endorse, or to allow anyone whatsoever be their candidate regardless of that person not being a true representative of the party's ideals, then you are mistaken.
Most integrity? :lol: He threw all his supporters under the bus and backed the Wall Street bought Shrillary. Integrity my ass.
You're either being disingenuous or ignorant of current events. Which is it?

Bernie's tepid endorsement of Hillary

Tepid endorsement is still an endorsement. Derrrrr. He threw his supporters under the damn bus and they are pissed. :lol:
Sooo..... you are ignorant then or disingenuous?

At the end of the day Bernie, who the DNC set out to screw from the get go, supported the big corp financed clinton. Doesn't matter that his endorsement was 'tepid', he caved and endorsed her rather than sticking to his principles (wrong though they are). Spin it any way you want, his integrity is shot.
according to a resident rw mouth-breather- you. He gave a tepid endorsement because the alternative- Trump would be a disaster. His "tepid" endorsement also left the door open for him to get back in if she can't run

You're welcome Sugar Tits

Point is, he endorsed her. Big bucks corp financed hillary... all that he rallied against ... he tossed it aside and gave her two thumbs up. His tepid endorsement is still an endorsement. "... also left the door open for him to get back in if she can't run". :lol: :lol: Put a fork in him, he's done. :itsok:
Tepid endorsement is still an endorsement. Derrrrr. He threw his supporters under the damn bus and they are pissed. :lol:
Sooo..... you are ignorant then or disingenuous?

At the end of the day Bernie, who the DNC set out to screw from the get go, supported the big corp financed clinton. Doesn't matter that his endorsement was 'tepid', he caved and endorsed her rather than sticking to his principles (wrong though they are). Spin it any way you want, his integrity is shot.

So you feel the party should have supported him but he shouldn't have to support the party?

The party didn't support him! They set out to screw him from the get go.

But did they?
Do you honestly believe that whatever the party did resulted in him losing by nearly 4 million votes?

I love Bernie but he never had a chance.

We'll never know. Crooked DNC is crooked.
You're either being disingenuous or ignorant of current events. Which is it?

Bernie's tepid endorsement of Hillary

Tepid endorsement is still an endorsement. Derrrrr. He threw his supporters under the damn bus and they are pissed. :lol:
Sooo..... you are ignorant then or disingenuous?

At the end of the day Bernie, who the DNC set out to screw from the get go, supported the big corp financed clinton. Doesn't matter that his endorsement was 'tepid', he caved and endorsed her rather than sticking to his principles (wrong though they are). Spin it any way you want, his integrity is shot.
according to a resident rw mouth-breather- you. He gave a tepid endorsement because the alternative- Trump would be a disaster. His "tepid" endorsement also left the door open for him to get back in if she can't run

You're welcome Sugar Tits

Point is, he endorsed her. Big bucks corp financed hillary... all that he rallied against ... he tossed it aside and gave her two thumbs up. His tepid endorsement is still an endorsement. "... also left the door open for him to get back in if she can't run". :lol: :lol: Put a fork in him, he's done. :itsok:

Then he should have run independent of the party. You can't run under the umbrella of a party and turn your back on the party when you lose.
You're either being disingenuous or ignorant of current events. Which is it?

Bernie's tepid endorsement of Hillary

Tepid endorsement is still an endorsement. Derrrrr. He threw his supporters under the damn bus and they are pissed. :lol:
Sooo..... you are ignorant then or disingenuous?

At the end of the day Bernie, who the DNC set out to screw from the get go, supported the big corp financed clinton. Doesn't matter that his endorsement was 'tepid', he caved and endorsed her rather than sticking to his principles (wrong though they are). Spin it any way you want, his integrity is shot.

So you feel the party should have supported him but he shouldn't have to support the party?

The party didn't support him! They set out to screw him from the get go.
The party would have had to support him if he got the most votes, but in truth he did not really get that close.
Sooo..... you are ignorant then or disingenuous?

At the end of the day Bernie, who the DNC set out to screw from the get go, supported the big corp financed clinton. Doesn't matter that his endorsement was 'tepid', he caved and endorsed her rather than sticking to his principles (wrong though they are). Spin it any way you want, his integrity is shot.

So you feel the party should have supported him but he shouldn't have to support the party?

The party didn't support him! They set out to screw him from the get go.

But did they?
Do you honestly believe that whatever the party did resulted in him losing by nearly 4 million votes?

I love Bernie but he never had a chance.

We'll never know. Crooked DNC is crooked.
Oh for god's sake the DNC had nothing to do with him losing the entire South, NY, PA and Ca
Sooo..... you are ignorant then or disingenuous?

At the end of the day Bernie, who the DNC set out to screw from the get go, supported the big corp financed clinton. Doesn't matter that his endorsement was 'tepid', he caved and endorsed her rather than sticking to his principles (wrong though they are). Spin it any way you want, his integrity is shot.

So you feel the party should have supported him but he shouldn't have to support the party?

The party didn't support him! They set out to screw him from the get go.

But did they?
Do you honestly believe that whatever the party did resulted in him losing by nearly 4 million votes?

I love Bernie but he never had a chance.

We'll never know. Crooked DNC is crooked.

I'm sure you are able to articulate how that was achieved. If not it's just another butthurt conspiracy.
Then he should have run independent of the party. You can't run under the umbrella of a party and turn your back on the party when you lose.

Might want to let Trump know that. He's already planning his attack speech blaming the RNC in November.

First of all the DNC is expected to be neutral. Second of all Bernie Sanders has been a de facto Democrat for 40 years.

Third of all Bernie Sanders, of all the players in this race so far, turns out to be the one with the most integrity on either side.

That's what makes those of us who support him even more right in the end.

As much as I don't agree with many of Bernie Sander's political stances, Carbineer...I give him full props for having the integrity to take and KEEP those stances despite which way the political winds are blowing at the moment. Bernie is the polar opposite of the woman who defeated him for the nomination who's stance on just about anything is open to change depending on what the polls say or even worse, depending on how much money you contribute to her.
Then he should have run independent of the party. You can't run under the umbrella of a party and turn your back on the party when you lose.

Might want to let Trump know that. He's already planning his attack speech blaming the RNC in November.

I don't know what his beef is. He won, was nominated and came out of the convention with more support than ever.

First of all the DNC is expected to be neutral. Second of all Bernie Sanders has been a de facto Democrat for 40 years.

Third of all Bernie Sanders, of all the players in this race so far, turns out to be the one with the most integrity on either side.

That's what makes those of us who support him even more right in the end.

As much as I don't agree with many of Bernie Sander's political stances, Carbineer...I give him full props for having the integrity to take and KEEP those stances despite which way the political winds are blowing at the moment. Bernie is the polar opposite of the woman who defeated him for the nomination who's stance on just about anything is open to change depending on what the polls say or even worse, depending on how much money you contribute to her.

Bernie was/is the true anti-establishment candidate in the whole affair. Trump may have had some claim to that early on, but he's thrown in with the GOP establishment now for expediency purposes.

First of all the DNC is expected to be neutral. Second of all Bernie Sanders has been a de facto Democrat for 40 years.

Third of all Bernie Sanders, of all the players in this race so far, turns out to be the one with the most integrity on either side.

That's what makes those of us who support him even more right in the end.

As much as I don't agree with many of Bernie Sander's political stances, Carbineer...I give him full props for having the integrity to take and KEEP those stances despite which way the political winds are blowing at the moment. Bernie is the polar opposite of the woman who defeated him for the nomination who's stance on just about anything is open to change depending on what the polls say or even worse, depending on how much money you contribute to her.

Bernie was/is the true anti-establishment candidate in the whole affair. Trump may have had some claim to that early on, but he's thrown in with the GOP establishment now for expediency purposes.

He knows he has to rally the entire GOP base to win in November, Carbineer, so he'll extend an olive branch to the GOP establishment but it's hardly throwing in with them. Quite frankly his appeal to many is that he isn't part of the "establishment" and he needs to maintain that. It'll be an interesting line that he'll walk between now and the election to maintain that distinction.
The DNC screwed Hillary in 2008. This isn't really news. I'm sure the RNC did their very best to screw Trump. But they failed.

First of all the DNC is expected to be neutral. Second of all Bernie Sanders has been a de facto Democrat for 40 years.

Third of all Bernie Sanders, of all the players in this race so far, turns out to be the one with the most integrity on either side.

That's what makes those of us who support him even more right in the end.

As much as I don't agree with many of Bernie Sander's political stances, Carbineer...I give him full props for having the integrity to take and KEEP those stances despite which way the political winds are blowing at the moment. Bernie is the polar opposite of the woman who defeated him for the nomination who's stance on just about anything is open to change depending on what the polls say or even worse, depending on how much money you contribute to her.

Bernie was/is the true anti-establishment candidate in the whole affair. Trump may have had some claim to that early on, but he's thrown in with the GOP establishment now for expediency purposes.

He knows he has to rally the entire GOP base to win in November, Carbineer, so he'll extend an olive branch to the GOP establishment but it's hardly throwing in with them. Quite frankly his appeal to many is that he isn't part of the "establishment" and he needs to maintain that. It'll be an interesting line that he'll walk between now and the election to maintain that distinction.

His economic plan is a supply side tax cut that would make a Bush blush, and an increase in spending. The only thing about Trump that isn't gop establishment is that he's still spouting a nationalistic line that, if it's true and if he's elected, would abandon E. Europe and any remaining Muslim allies.
The DNC screwed Hillary in 2008. This isn't really news. I'm sure the RNC did their very best to screw Trump. But they failed.

I didn't see any evidence of that, Ravi. To be fair the RNC didn't seem to have a favorite dog in that hunt. There were so many candidates that it took quite some time for everything to shake out so that one person emerged as the winner but the RNC stayed rather neutral throughout. I think there were elements of the GOP establishment that did their best to screw Trump because they wanted a Bush, Rubio or Kasich nomination but the RNC wasn't a part of that like the DNC obviously was in it's support for Hillary.

First of all the DNC is expected to be neutral. Second of all Bernie Sanders has been a de facto Democrat for 40 years.

Third of all Bernie Sanders, of all the players in this race so far, turns out to be the one with the most integrity on either side.

That's what makes those of us who support him even more right in the end.

As much as I don't agree with many of Bernie Sander's political stances, Carbineer...I give him full props for having the integrity to take and KEEP those stances despite which way the political winds are blowing at the moment. Bernie is the polar opposite of the woman who defeated him for the nomination who's stance on just about anything is open to change depending on what the polls say or even worse, depending on how much money you contribute to her.

Bernie was/is the true anti-establishment candidate in the whole affair. Trump may have had some claim to that early on, but he's thrown in with the GOP establishment now for expediency purposes.

He knows he has to rally the entire GOP base to win in November, Carbineer, so he'll extend an olive branch to the GOP establishment but it's hardly throwing in with them. Quite frankly his appeal to many is that he isn't part of the "establishment" and he needs to maintain that. It'll be an interesting line that he'll walk between now and the election to maintain that distinction.

His economic plan is a supply side tax cut that would make a Bush blush, and an increase in spending. The only thing about Trump that isn't gop establishment is that he's still spouting a nationalistic line that, if it's true and if he's elected, would abandon E. Europe and any remaining Muslim allies.

Trump wants to redo the tax code. He's also calling for more accountability from Federal Agencies on how they spend tax dollars. Calling for our NATO allies to pay their fair share isn't "abandoning" them. It's something that should have been done a long time ago!

First of all the DNC is expected to be neutral. Second of all Bernie Sanders has been a de facto Democrat for 40 years.

Third of all Bernie Sanders, of all the players in this race so far, turns out to be the one with the most integrity on either side.

That's what makes those of us who support him even more right in the end.

As much as I don't agree with many of Bernie Sander's political stances, Carbineer...I give him full props for having the integrity to take and KEEP those stances despite which way the political winds are blowing at the moment. Bernie is the polar opposite of the woman who defeated him for the nomination who's stance on just about anything is open to change depending on what the polls say or even worse, depending on how much money you contribute to her.

Bernie was/is the true anti-establishment candidate in the whole affair. Trump may have had some claim to that early on, but he's thrown in with the GOP establishment now for expediency purposes.

He knows he has to rally the entire GOP base to win in November, Carbineer, so he'll extend an olive branch to the GOP establishment but it's hardly throwing in with them. Quite frankly his appeal to many is that he isn't part of the "establishment" and he needs to maintain that. It'll be an interesting line that he'll walk between now and the election to maintain that distinction.

His economic plan is a supply side tax cut that would make a Bush blush, and an increase in spending. The only thing about Trump that isn't gop establishment is that he's still spouting a nationalistic line that, if it's true and if he's elected, would abandon E. Europe and any remaining Muslim allies.

Trump wants to redo the tax code. He's also calling for more accountability from Federal Agencies on how they spend tax dollars. Calling for our NATO allies to pay their fair share isn't "abandoning" them. It's something that should have been done a long time ago!
It'd make a bush blush

Analysis of Donald Trump's Tax Plan

First of all the DNC is expected to be neutral. Second of all Bernie Sanders has been a de facto Democrat for 40 years.

Third of all Bernie Sanders, of all the players in this race so far, turns out to be the one with the most integrity on either side.

That's what makes those of us who support him even more right in the end.

As much as I don't agree with many of Bernie Sander's political stances, Carbineer...I give him full props for having the integrity to take and KEEP those stances despite which way the political winds are blowing at the moment. Bernie is the polar opposite of the woman who defeated him for the nomination who's stance on just about anything is open to change depending on what the polls say or even worse, depending on how much money you contribute to her.

Bernie was/is the true anti-establishment candidate in the whole affair. Trump may have had some claim to that early on, but he's thrown in with the GOP establishment now for expediency purposes.

He knows he has to rally the entire GOP base to win in November, Carbineer, so he'll extend an olive branch to the GOP establishment but it's hardly throwing in with them. Quite frankly his appeal to many is that he isn't part of the "establishment" and he needs to maintain that. It'll be an interesting line that he'll walk between now and the election to maintain that distinction.

His economic plan is a supply side tax cut that would make a Bush blush, and an increase in spending. The only thing about Trump that isn't gop establishment is that he's still spouting a nationalistic line that, if it's true and if he's elected, would abandon E. Europe and any remaining Muslim allies.

Trump wants to redo the tax code. He's also calling for more accountability from Federal Agencies on how they spend tax dollars. Calling for our NATO allies to pay their fair share isn't "abandoning" them. It's something that should have been done a long time ago!

If Trump could be believed one minute to the next he might have a decent issue or two to run on.
You're either being disingenuous or ignorant of current events. Which is it?

Bernie's tepid endorsement of Hillary

Tepid endorsement is still an endorsement. Derrrrr. He threw his supporters under the damn bus and they are pissed. :lol:
Sooo..... you are ignorant then or disingenuous?

At the end of the day Bernie, who the DNC set out to screw from the get go, supported the big corp financed clinton. Doesn't matter that his endorsement was 'tepid', he caved and endorsed her rather than sticking to his principles (wrong though they are). Spin it any way you want, his integrity is shot.
according to a resident rw mouth-breather- you. He gave a tepid endorsement because the alternative- Trump would be a disaster. His "tepid" endorsement also left the door open for him to get back in if she can't run

You're welcome Sugar Tits

Point is, he endorsed her. Big bucks corp financed hillary... all that he rallied against ... he tossed it aside and gave her two thumbs up. His tepid endorsement is still an endorsement. "... also left the door open for him to get back in if she can't run". :lol: :lol: Put a fork in him, he's done. :itsok:
In what Right wing-o-verse does "tepid" = "two thumbs up" Sugar Shorts? :eusa_eh:

Never mind, you're in the Breitbart Brown Acid Brigade

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