The DNC is prepared and expecting Hillary to lose

SHe is the worst candidate since Dukakis. Worse, actually. Dukakis had actually done something other than take bribes.
They cant let go of her though because they have no one with any hope of winning. Not that she does. Her numbers are horrible and will get worse. The press is not covering for her.
SHe is the worst candidate since Dukakis. Worse, actually. Dukakis had actually done something other than take bribes.
They cant let go of her though because they have no one with any hope of winning. Not that she does. Her numbers are horrible and will get worse. The press is not covering for her.
and she dresses like a man!
Why??? are you playing with yourself again?
Obama is the worst U.S. president in our nations history. He is a piece of lying race bating dog shit and I would spit on his grave.
But actually the asshole may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The dems are toast and it's because of him. Hillary is a big waste of time and money and the DNC knows it. They don't dare get rid of her even though they know she will not win the election. They need to be rid of the Clinton's once and for all and they will do so by getting out of the way and letting her lose big. The Clinton's will fade away after that.
They also know that Obama has so deteriorated the democrat brand that no one else in the democrat party could win right now anyway. So let Hillary take another stab at it she will lose and the DNC's real hopefuls will stay untainted by the drubbing the American voters are going to dish out to them in 2016. Then they can surface down the road when the GOP falls flat.
did you make this shit up all by yourself or did ted cruz help you with the big words?

Big words? what big words? Why would Mr. Cruz help me? Come on Libs!!!! you can do better than this...or can you? Truth has a way of silencing the stupid.
then you should shut the fuck up now....

Obama is the worst U.S. president in our nations history. He is a piece of lying race bating dog shit and I would spit on his grave.
But actually the asshole may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The dems are toast and it's because of him. Hillary is a big waste of time and money and the DNC knows it. They don't dare get rid of her even though they know she will not win the election. They need to be rid of the Clinton's once and for all and they will do so by getting out of the way and letting her lose big. The Clinton's will fade away after that.
They also know that Obama has so deteriorated the democrat brand that no one else in the democrat party could win right now anyway. So let Hillary take another stab at it she will lose and the DNC's real hopefuls will stay untainted by the drubbing the American voters are going to dish out to them in 2016. Then they can surface down the road when the GOP falls flat.

Only thing missing -

Source: ____________
Obama is the worst U.S. president in our nations history. He is a piece of lying race bating dog shit and I would spit on his grave.
But actually the asshole may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The dems are toast and it's because of him. Hillary is a big waste of time and money and the DNC knows it. They don't dare get rid of her even though they know she will not win the election. They need to be rid of the Clinton's once and for all and they will do so by getting out of the way and letting her lose big. The Clinton's will fade away after that.
They also know that Obama has so deteriorated the democrat brand that no one else in the democrat party could win right now anyway. So let Hillary take another stab at it she will lose and the DNC's real hopefuls will stay untainted by the drubbing the American voters are going to dish out to them in 2016. Then they can surface down the road when the GOP falls flat.

Lose to who? lol, or is it 'whom'?
Almost any of the 12 or so Republicans running. That's a stupid question.

That's a stupid question. Where's the evidence to support that?

Note to self... that wasn't a question... it was what we call in English a declarative. But to answer your interrogative, it is a little early to tell, but HRC has serious issues, not the least of which are Bill, integrity & health issues.

She's highly beatable.. if she even gets the nod. Remember, she was to win the 2008 election... how'd that work out? She was dumped for an unknown zero with absolutely no experience at anything.

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” while discussing a new Pew survey putting Hillary Clinton’s approval rating at, 42 percent Americans approving and, 42 percent disapproving, co-hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski agreed with panelists Steve Rattner and John Heileman that those numbers are “crushingly bad,” and “Nixonian.”

Blommberg’s John Heilemann said, “The broader electorate, 25 percent, only 25 percent view her as honest and straight forward. That is a crushingly bad number. That is the kind of number you go do not get elected president. But the election is not today, so she has time to fix it, but that is a bad place to be.”

Joe Scarborough said, “Those are Nixonian numbers, 25 percent consider you to be honest and trustworthy .”
MSNBC Clinton Cash Has Caused Nixonian Numbers for Hillary - Breitbart
The headline in that story is that there are people who think she is trustworthy at all...
Obama is the worst U.S. president in our nations history. He is a piece of lying race bating dog shit and I would spit on his grave.
But actually the asshole may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The dems are toast and it's because of him. Hillary is a big waste of time and money and the DNC knows it. They don't dare get rid of her even though they know she will not win the election. They need to be rid of the Clinton's once and for all and they will do so by getting out of the way and letting her lose big. The Clinton's will fade away after that.
They also know that Obama has so deteriorated the democrat brand that no one else in the democrat party could win right now anyway. So let Hillary take another stab at it she will lose and the DNC's real hopefuls will stay untainted by the drubbing the American voters are going to dish out to them in 2016. Then they can surface down the road when the GOP falls flat.
did you make this shit up all by yourself or did ted cruz help you with the big words?

Big words? what big words? Why would Mr. Cruz help me? Come on Libs!!!! you can do better than this...or can you? Truth has a way of silencing the stupid.
then you should shut the fuck up now....

I SEE you don't know when to shut the fuck up.
Obama is the worst U.S. president in our nations history. He is a piece of lying race bating dog shit and I would spit on his grave.
But actually the asshole may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The dems are toast and it's because of him. Hillary is a big waste of time and money and the DNC knows it. They don't dare get rid of her even though they know she will not win the election. They need to be rid of the Clinton's once and for all and they will do so by getting out of the way and letting her lose big. The Clinton's will fade away after that.
They also know that Obama has so deteriorated the democrat brand that no one else in the democrat party could win right now anyway. So let Hillary take another stab at it she will lose and the DNC's real hopefuls will stay untainted by the drubbing the American voters are going to dish out to them in 2016. Then they can surface down the road when the GOP falls flat.

Did you enjoy that masturbation session?
I would think after the premature celebrating of Mitt's win in 2012 that people would learn not to make such stupid mistakes again.
Obama is the worst U.S. president in our nations history. He is a piece of lying race bating dog shit and I would spit on his grave.
But actually the asshole may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The dems are toast and it's because of him.

Don't hold back. Stop blocking your emotions and tell me how you really feel!

In reality you guys have been trying to saddle the Great President Obama:blowup: with the horrible things that the Terrible President Bush:biggrin: accomplished. Like ensuring a Dem victory in 2008, no matter what.
Obama is the worst U.S. president in our nations history. He is a piece of lying race bating dog shit and I would spit on his grave.
But actually the asshole may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The dems are toast and it's because of him. Hillary is a big waste of time and money and the DNC knows it. They don't dare get rid of her even though they know she will not win the election. They need to be rid of the Clinton's once and for all and they will do so by getting out of the way and letting her lose big. The Clinton's will fade away after that.
They also know that Obama has so deteriorated the democrat brand that no one else in the democrat party could win right now anyway. So let Hillary take another stab at it she will lose and the DNC's real hopefuls will stay untainted by the drubbing the American voters are going to dish out to them in 2016. Then they can surface down the road when the GOP falls flat.

Did you enjoy that masturbation session?
did he use enough lube?
Obama is the worst U.S. president in our nations history. He is a piece of lying race bating dog shit and I would spit on his grave.
But actually the asshole may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The dems are toast and it's because of him. Hillary is a big waste of time and money and the DNC knows it. They don't dare get rid of her even though they know she will not win the election. They need to be rid of the Clinton's once and for all and they will do so by getting out of the way and letting her lose big. The Clinton's will fade away after that.
They also know that Obama has so deteriorated the democrat brand that no one else in the democrat party could win right now anyway. So let Hillary take another stab at it she will lose and the DNC's real hopefuls will stay untainted by the drubbing the American voters are going to dish out to them in 2016. Then they can surface down the road when the GOP falls flat.
did you make this shit up all by yourself or did ted cruz help you with the big words?

Big words? what big words?
Big words like Democratic party and Democratic brand, not "democrat party" and "democrat brand".
O'Malley is getting ready to put Hillary away for the left. He's unelectable in a general election. It will be very interesting to see what happens.

Now thst we know that Mitt Romney lost because of the lies told about him, the public might be a bit more skeptical next time.
Obama is the worst U.S. president in our nations history. He is a piece of lying race bating dog shit and I would spit on his grave.
But actually the asshole may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The dems are toast and it's because of him. Hillary is a big waste of time and money and the DNC knows it. They don't dare get rid of her even though they know she will not win the election. They need to be rid of the Clinton's once and for all and they will do so by getting out of the way and letting her lose big. The Clinton's will fade away after that.
They also know that Obama has so deteriorated the democrat brand that no one else in the democrat party could win right now anyway. So let Hillary take another stab at it she will lose and the DNC's real hopefuls will stay untainted by the drubbing the American voters are going to dish out to them in 2016. Then they can surface down the road when the GOP falls flat.

I'm Elizabeth Warren, and I approve this message.
Obama is the worst U.S. president in our nations history. He is a piece of lying race bating dog shit and I would spit on his grave.
But actually the asshole may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The dems are toast and it's because of him. Hillary is a big waste of time and money and the DNC knows it. They don't dare get rid of her even though they know she will not win the election. They need to be rid of the Clinton's once and for all and they will do so by getting out of the way and letting her lose big. The Clinton's will fade away after that.
They also know that Obama has so deteriorated the democrat brand that no one else in the democrat party could win right now anyway. So let Hillary take another stab at it she will lose and the DNC's real hopefuls will stay untainted by the drubbing the American voters are going to dish out to them in 2016. Then they can surface down the road when the GOP falls flat.

Only thing missing -

Source: ____________
She couldn't win in 2008, what makes you think she can win in 2016.
Obama is the worst U.S. president in our nations history. He is a piece of lying race bating dog shit and I would spit on his grave.
But actually the asshole may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The dems are toast and it's because of him. Hillary is a big waste of time and money and the DNC knows it. They don't dare get rid of her even though they know she will not win the election. They need to be rid of the Clinton's once and for all and they will do so by getting out of the way and letting her lose big. The Clinton's will fade away after that.
They also know that Obama has so deteriorated the democrat brand that no one else in the democrat party could win right now anyway. So let Hillary take another stab at it she will lose and the DNC's real hopefuls will stay untainted by the drubbing the American voters are going to dish out to them in 2016. Then they can surface down the road when the GOP falls flat.

Only thing missing -

Source: ____________
She couldn't win in 2008, what makes you think she can win in 2016.
of course she could have ...
Obama is the worst U.S. president in our nations history. He is a piece of lying race bating dog shit and I would spit on his grave.
But actually the asshole may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The dems are toast and it's because of him. Hillary is a big waste of time and money and the DNC knows it. They don't dare get rid of her even though they know she will not win the election. They need to be rid of the Clinton's once and for all and they will do so by getting out of the way and letting her lose big. The Clinton's will fade away after that.
They also know that Obama has so deteriorated the democrat brand that no one else in the democrat party could win right now anyway. So let Hillary take another stab at it she will lose and the DNC's real hopefuls will stay untainted by the drubbing the American voters are going to dish out to them in 2016. Then they can surface down the road when the GOP falls flat.

Only thing missing -

Source: ____________
She couldn't win in 2008, what makes you think she can win in 2016.
of course she could have ...
She lost because the other candidate was black. Lol
Obama is the worst U.S. president in our nations history. He is a piece of lying race bating dog shit and I would spit on his grave.
But actually the asshole may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The dems are toast and it's because of him. Hillary is a big waste of time and money and the DNC knows it. They don't dare get rid of her even though they know she will not win the election. They need to be rid of the Clinton's once and for all and they will do so by getting out of the way and letting her lose big. The Clinton's will fade away after that.
They also know that Obama has so deteriorated the democrat brand that no one else in the democrat party could win right now anyway. So let Hillary take another stab at it she will lose and the DNC's real hopefuls will stay untainted by the drubbing the American voters are going to dish out to them in 2016. Then they can surface down the road when the GOP falls flat.

Only thing missing -

Source: ____________
She couldn't win in 2008, what makes you think she can win in 2016.
of course she could have ...
She lost because the other candidate was black. Lol
Black man, white woman, pretty much. Now it's her turn.
Obama is the worst U.S. president in our nations history. He is a piece of lying race bating dog shit and I would spit on his grave.
But actually the asshole may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The dems are toast and it's because of him. Hillary is a big waste of time and money and the DNC knows it. They don't dare get rid of her even though they know she will not win the election. They need to be rid of the Clinton's once and for all and they will do so by getting out of the way and letting her lose big. The Clinton's will fade away after that.
They also know that Obama has so deteriorated the democrat brand that no one else in the democrat party could win right now anyway. So let Hillary take another stab at it she will lose and the DNC's real hopefuls will stay untainted by the drubbing the American voters are going to dish out to them in 2016. Then they can surface down the road when the GOP falls flat.

Only thing missing -

Source: ____________
She couldn't win in 2008, what makes you think she can win in 2016.
of course she could have ...
She lost because the other candidate was black. Lol
you just keep playing that racist card...

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