The DNC is prepared and expecting Hillary to lose

She lost because the other candidate was black.

Correct: Race trumped gender last time around. However, Obama has (hopefully) discredited identity politics for a while. Hillary will still have her core support, but will lose the swing voters unless the GOP candidate can be sufficiently demonized. I expect the Goldwater/nuclear war ads from 1964 to be dusted off...
She lost because the other candidate was black.

Correct: Race trumped gender last time around. However, Obama has (hopefully) discredited identity politics for a while. Hillary will still have her core support, but will lose the swing voters unless the GOP candidate can be sufficiently demonized.

That kind of simplistic thinking is only going to lose yet another election.
That kind of simplistic thinking is only going to lose yet another election.

That kind of simplistic posting adds nothing to the discussion.

Fine. The notion that gender and race were the primary factors, let alone the only factors, in the election is absurd. It completely ignores the real issues before country. It shows thinking which I can only presume arises from personal prejudice rather than any objective consideration of the facts.

The end of the Bush administration included a huge financial crash. Without going into who was at fault, the reality is McCain had a tremendous hurdle overcoming the Bush legacy and Clinton had the baggage of her husband. Obama did not win because he was black, he won because no one knew him at a time when the professional politicians had one of the lowest approval ratings in history.

In the second election, Obama was a known factor. However, by the time Romney got the nomination he had had to go so far to the right he alienated the center. Every time he would make a speech one of his aides would come out to explain that he really didn't mean X when he said X, he meant Y, as he desperately tried to maintain the right wing. Race had nothing to do with the election.

To suggest either gender or race made any significant impact is just dumb. Anyone who would vote based upon that factor is going to vote party lines regardless, for a nil impact.
The power brokers at the DNC would like nothing better than for Hillary to get sick and drop out of the race. They are stuck with her and are not happy about having the lying corrupt bitch as their candidate.

But they don't know how to get rid of her. I find it very funny and pathetic.
So.... it's 2015 and the Dems pick is a 70 yo white woman with no experience at anything other than containing her husband's bimbo eruptions?

That's rich.
The DNC is prepared and expecting Hillary to lose
I was one of Hillary's biggest defenders/promoters in 2008. But the DNC decided to blow it and go affirmative-action in the racial sense. People have had it with affirmative-action presidents and monarchy. Hillary is in trouble on both accounts. Worse still, nobody in this troubled day and age is going to vote a 70-something year old woman in as the leader of the struggling USA. It will be a younger man, middle ground, bold and hopefully wise. If anything short of that is nominated by the DNC as a political favor or idealistic hope, the result will be total failure in 2016.

All it will take is for the RNC to nominate a pro-choice, pro-green energy middle ground male candidate for 2016 and the DNC might as well not even put a pony in this race. The sure win would only go to the DNC if the did a similar move. Only a pro-jobs, anti gay marriage middle candidate would put the RNC out of the running in 2016. Look for neither side to do what makes sense to win though. Special interests want a yes-man in the matter how much of a crap-shoot it turns the election into.
Obama is the worst U.S. president in our nations history. He is a piece of lying race bating dog shit and I would spit on his grave.
But actually the asshole may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The dems are toast and it's because of him. Hillary is a big waste of time and money and the DNC knows it. They don't dare get rid of her even though they know she will not win the election. They need to be rid of the Clinton's once and for all and they will do so by getting out of the way and letting her lose big. The Clinton's will fade away after that.
They also know that Obama has so deteriorated the democrat brand that no one else in the democrat party could win right now anyway. So let Hillary take another stab at it she will lose and the DNC's real hopefuls will stay untainted by the drubbing the American voters are going to dish out to them in 2016. Then they can surface down the road when the GOP falls flat.
did you make this shit up all by yourself or did ted cruz help you with the big words?

Big words? what big words? Why would Mr. Cruz help me? Come on Libs!!!! you can do better than this...or can you? Truth has a way of silencing the stupid.
then you should shut the fuck up now....

I SEE you don't know when to shut the fuck up.

I see you're a freak of nature and have nothing to say because you're too stupid to write more than one sentence. LMFAO you dumb libs really are stupid. Look what you did to our nation with your stupid vote. What a waste of human brain tissue. LMFAO....BBBBBrrrrrarrarrahahhahahahahahahahaahhahaa
HEY! paint my house...What is a Tread? Hahahahahahahohohohohohahahahaha
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Obama is the worst U.S. president in our nations history. He is a piece of lying race bating dog shit and I would spit on his grave.
But actually the asshole may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. The dems are toast and it's because of him. Hillary is a big waste of time and money and the DNC knows it. They don't dare get rid of her even though they know she will not win the election. They need to be rid of the Clinton's once and for all and they will do so by getting out of the way and letting her lose big. The Clinton's will fade away after that.
They also know that Obama has so deteriorated the democrat brand that no one else in the democrat party could win right now anyway. So let Hillary take another stab at it she will lose and the DNC's real hopefuls will stay untainted by the drubbing the American voters are going to dish out to them in 2016. Then they can surface down the road when the GOP falls flat.

The DNC knows hillary is going to lose.....according to who? pretending to be the DNC?
did you make this shit up all by yourself or did ted cruz help you with the big words?

Big words? what big words? Why would Mr. Cruz help me? Come on Libs!!!! you can do better than this...or can you? Truth has a way of silencing the stupid.
then you should shut the fuck up now....

I SEE you don't know when to shut the fuck up.

I see you're a freak of nature and have nothing to say because you're too stupid to write more than one sentence. LMFAO you dumb libs really are stupid. Look what you did to our nation with your stupid vote. What a waste of human brain tissue. LMFAO....BBBBBrrrrrarrarrahahhahahahahahahahaahhahaa
are we desperate?

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