The Do-Nothing GOP House actually votes to do... Something they can't legally do.

they're hysterically funny... if they weren't screwing up the works.

I'm aware that you are unfamiliar with any aspect of the law, but there is something in law known as "precedent."

No, I don't mean the guy you worship in DC; precedent is a decision or ruling that sets the rules for later decisions. The precedent for suing a sitting president was set under Bill Clinton. While the party will wail, the legal basis for bringing suit against Obama for his long list of criminal acts is well established. Yes, ThinkProgress will send forth you morons to spew idiocy - which will have no bearing at all on the case.

If you drones had even a brain stem, you might do a smidgen of research..

{In a unanimous decision, the Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the Court of Appeals.

In the unanimous opinion by Justice John Paul Stevens, the Court ruled that separation of powers does not mandate that federal courts delay all private civil lawsuits against the President until the end of his term of office.

In his concurring opinion, Breyer argued that presidential immunity would apply only if the President could show that a private civil lawsuit would somehow interfere with the President's constitutionally assigned duties.}

Clinton v. Jones - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The full "House" didn't vote. It was a "House Panel".

The House AND the Senate have Panels and Committees that conduct hearings and draft legislation, vote on Bills and such.

You should look into the American System of Government sometime, it's a real interesting read.

Doing that would screw up his talking points.

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