The DOJ has placed J6 Defendants on a Registry, like Sex Offenders, which appears as a top search result all ACCUSED J6 Individuals- even if Unconvict

lol…and you think..what..that even if they did manage to hold anyone hostage, that…they were going to do that for 4 years? That somehow a handful of idiots armed with some flag sticks were somehow going to completely seize control of the government..and hold it? That there would be no resistance? That they would install Trump as president and everyone would just accept it, because…someone with a flag pole demanded it?

Come on, you’re smarter than that. Stop playing politics for just a second and think. Secret service and capitol police would have evacuated those members of congress, especially the VP, down into the safe rooms they have down in the tunnels.

Those people wouldn’t have gotten anywhere close to them.

Yeah…whatever did happen to him, or what about whoever was responsible for the gallows (nobody has ever answered how it even got there). Those two events showed that it wasn’t trumps speech at the ellipse that ruled them up, apparently some people had planned things out in advance. The guy with zip ties apparently KNEW he was getting inside the capitol that day, otherwise he wouldn’t have brought them.

I mean, with security around the capitol, who would have ever thought they could enter the capitol by themselves? So, zip tie guy apparently knew that there was going to be a riot that day, and that they were going to break into the capitol.

All that, and Trump never telling them to commit any violence.
Out of curiosity, have you ever had to face down an angry mob of people all by yourself? Here's a tip for you, when you have the numbers, you don't need complex weapons. A couple of flagpoles will do the job. :)

Look, I love these tomes for responses but you've offered nothing in the way of a defense for Trump. Just excuses and minutia. All you have is "he didn't say that". C'mon, YOU'RE smarter than that (if you were even paying remote attention that day). Why don't we leave it as, I know what I saw from Trump from the moment he lost the election, I saw the behavior of both him and his supporters in the two months leading up to that day, I saw (with my own eyes) the tweets and posts encouraging people to come to the Capitol because something big was gonna happen (It will be EPIC!), I listened to Trump's speech at the Elipse, and then watched all the carnage unfold for the next six hours while he did nothing to prevent it or dampen it for almost four full hours. The entire nation saw it. And if he really hadn't meant those words, he wouldn't be under multiple indictments and 50 or so various counts being responsible for the disaster that unfolded that day.
Out of curiosity, have you ever had to face down an angry mob of people all by yourself? Here's a tip for you, when you have the numbers, you don't need complex weapons. A couple of flagpoles will do the job. :)

Look, I love these tomes for responses but you've offered nothing in the way of a defense for Trump. Just excuses and minutia. All you have is "he didn't say that". C'mon, YOU'RE smarter than that (if you were even paying remote attention that day). Why don't we leave it as, I know what I saw from Trump from the moment he lost the election, I saw the behavior of both him and his supporters in the two months leading up to that day, I saw (with my own eyes) the tweets and posts encouraging people to come to the Capitol because something big was gonna happen (It will be EPIC!), I listened to Trump's speech at the Elipse, and then watched all the carnage unfold for the next six hours while he did nothing to prevent it or dampen it for almost four full hours. The entire nation saw it. And if he really hadn't meant those words, he wouldn't be under multiple indictments and 50 or so various counts being responsible for the disaster that unfolded that day.

Out of curiosity, have you ever had to face down an angry mob of people all by yourself? Here's a tip for you, when you have the numbers, you don't need complex weapons. A couple of flagpoles will do the job. :)

So, you think if that actually happened, that the government would have just let it happen and continue? You think that those people would have just been able to stay there and continually hold them hostage and keep trump in power, and nobody would come to stop it?

It doesn’t matter how many people they had, they were not going to seize control of the government.

Look at it like this, let’s say the plan actually worked, and that trump walked in to the White House…and then all those people went home…then what? You think Trump would be president? No, they'd send a team in to escort him back out and all those people would STILL be arrested.

If you believe that any of that would have ever worked, it’s because that’s what you want to believe, because it helps you further your political narrative.

All you have is "he didn't say that"

Because that’s true

I saw (with my own eyes) the tweets and posts encouraging people to come to the Capitol because something big was gonna happen (It will be EPIC!

Yeah, but he never mentioned what and he never told them what to do. The whole thing hinges on trump being able to subliminally manipulate them into attacking the capitol. He had to HOPE that when he said peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard, that somehow the people would think “oh, that means to illegally attack the capitol, break in, hold congress hostage, and hurt people”. Really?
So, you think if that actually happened, that the government would have just let it happen and continue?

Why not? That's exactly what they did for BLM.

If they did it for commies, they can do it for patriots too. It's all part of diversity and inclusiveness.

You think that those people would have just been able to stay there and continually hold them hostage and keep trump in power, and nobody would come to stop it?

No one was trying to keep Trump in power. They were just there to hang Pence. :p

It doesn’t matter how many people they had, they were not going to seize control of the government.


They weren't trying to do that either.

Wow, you leftards are imaginative. The big bad rightie boogiemen are going to take over the government. All 600 of them. :p

Look at it like this, let’s say the plan actually worked, and that trump walked in to the White House…and then all those people went home…then what? You think Trump would be president? No, they'd send a team in to escort him back out and all those people would STILL be arrested.

So make up your mind. Were they trying to take over the government or not?

lmao :)

If you believe that any of that would have ever worked, it’s because that’s what you want to believe, because it helps you further your political narrative.

I'm a libertarian. I've never won an election in my life. I have no narrative. I just mind my own business and try to ignore the government.

Yeah, but he never mentioned what and he never told them what to do. The whole thing hinges on trump being able to subliminally manipulate them into attacking the capitol. He had to HOPE that when he said peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard, that somehow the people would think “oh, that means to illegally attack the capitol, break in, hold congress hostage, and hurt people”. Really?

Wow. Tin foil hat much? Trump really is your boogie man. :p
Here’s the thing, Maxine waters. And the funny part about that is? She actually did for violence and attacks, trump never did.

The point is, dem politicians use the same language, and then the lefty’s attack Trump supporters at Trump rallies and they go into the streets and attack people at restaurants.

What attacks occurred because of what Maxine Waters said? Who attacked anyone and then said they did so because Waters told them to?
I guess they thought pence was part of the problem. But there’s the thing, did Trump tell them to attack pence? Did Trump tell them to attack ANYONE? You all want to use this “well, he used rhetoric in his speech and that means it was him who gave the order to attack the capitol, even if just by insinuation”

You can’t hold someone accountable for the actions of another unless that person actually instructs them to do something.

Huh? Part of what problem? Many in that crowd specifically targeted Pence. What did Pence do to inspire such ire against him?
lol…and you think..what..that even if they did manage to hold anyone hostage, that…they were going to do that for 4 years? That somehow a handful of idiots armed with some flag sticks were somehow going to completely seize control of the government..and hold it? That there would be no resistance? That they would install Trump as president and everyone would just accept it, because…someone with a flag pole demanded it?

Come on, you’re smarter than that. Stop playing politics for just a second and think. Secret service and capitol police would have evacuated those members of congress, especially the VP, down into the safe rooms they have down in the tunnels.

Those people wouldn’t have gotten anywhere close to them.

Yeah…whatever did happen to him, or what about whoever was responsible for the gallows (nobody has ever answered how it even got there). Those two events showed that it wasn’t trumps speech at the ellipse that ruled them up, apparently some people had planned things out in advance. The guy with zip ties apparently KNEW he was getting inside the capitol that day, otherwise he wouldn’t have brought them.

I mean, with security around the capitol, who would have ever thought they could enter the capitol by themselves? So, zip tie guy apparently knew that there was going to be a riot that day, and that they were going to break into the capitol.

All that, and Trump never telling them to commit any violence.

Their goal for the next four years was not to hold the Congress hostage, it was to get Trump in the White House for that period of time.
Out of curiosity, have you ever had to face down an angry mob of people all by yourself? Here's a tip for you, when you have the numbers, you don't need complex weapons. A couple of flagpoles will do the job. :)

Look, I love these tomes for responses but you've offered nothing in the way of a defense for Trump. Just excuses and minutia. All you have is "he didn't say that". C'mon, YOU'RE smarter than that (if you were even paying remote attention that day). Why don't we leave it as, I know what I saw from Trump from the moment he lost the election, I saw the behavior of both him and his supporters in the two months leading up to that day, I saw (with my own eyes) the tweets and posts encouraging people to come to the Capitol because something big was gonna happen (It will be EPIC!), I listened to Trump's speech at the Elipse, and then watched all the carnage unfold for the next six hours while he did nothing to prevent it or dampen it for almost four full hours. The entire nation saw it. And if he really hadn't meant those words, he wouldn't be under multiple indictments and 50 or so various counts being responsible for the disaster that unfolded that day.
Thank gaia for defenders of the realm like yourself. On that day is a grain of sand in a sandbox compared to what Progs are. Its semantics. Hollywood productions toa destroy people. Shame on this nation. The shadow on the land is getting darker. There are even fools in your party who are getting attacked from other fools from the agendas they programmed them with and still spouting the same dogma. I do not know if Trump will reciprocate the favors done to him and his voters if elected. You may come to your senses and stop the vitriol. He has every right to do so though. You started it. A long time ago.
Out of curiosity, have you ever had to face down an angry mob of people all by yourself? Here's a tip for you, when you have the numbers, you don't need complex weapons. A couple of flagpoles will do the job. :)

Look, I love these tomes for responses but you've offered nothing in the way of a defense for Trump. Just excuses and minutia. All you have is "he didn't say that". C'mon, YOU'RE smarter than that (if you were even paying remote attention that day). Why don't we leave it as, I know what I saw from Trump from the moment he lost the election, I saw the behavior of both him and his supporters in the two months leading up to that day, I saw (with my own eyes) the tweets and posts encouraging people to come to the Capitol because something big was gonna happen (It will be EPIC!), I listened to Trump's speech at the Elipse, and then watched all the carnage unfold for the next six hours while he did nothing to prevent it or dampen it for almost four full hours. The entire nation saw it. And if he really hadn't meant those words, he wouldn't be under multiple indictments and 50 or so various counts being responsible for the disaster that unfolded that day.

I take exception to this part...

I know what I saw from Trump from the moment he lost the election

... Trump actually broadcast his response to the election even before the election. Months before the election he said the only way it could be a free and fair election is if he wins. He also implied he would not accept the election if he lost. And his own former analyst revealed Trump's plan was to capitalize on the red mirage if he lost; which is exactly what Trump went on to do. This incitement started well before the election.
I take exception to this part...

I know what I saw from Trump from the moment he lost the election

... Trump actually broadcast his response to the election even before the election. Months before the election he said the only way it could be a free and fair election is if he wins. He also implied he would not accept the election if he lost. And his own former analyst revealed Trump's plan was to capitalize on the red mirage if he lost; which is exactly what Trump went on to do. This incitement started well before the election.
True. I was just trying to slim it down for the purposes of a response. Trump had starting telegraphing at least six months before the election if he lost, it was because of fraud.
Guess they should have thought about that before they made a pilgrimage to DC to try to stop the peaceful transition of power at the behest of their savior.
Track em all down. No matter how long it takes.

No sympathy.
That day.....can never happen again.
So you believe your hatred of Trump supporters gives Democrats the right to toss the Bill of Rights into the wastebin?
So you believe your hatred of Trump supporters gives Democrats the right to toss the Bill of Rights into the wastebin?
The only people "tossing" anything are the Trump supporters who seemed to toss the Constitution in the crapper that day.

Again, that day can never happen again.

Track em all down. All of em. No matter how long it takes. :)
The only people "tossing" anything are the Trump supporters who seemed to toss the Constitution in the crapper that day.

Again, that day can never happen again.

Track em all down. All of em. No matter how long it takes. :)
Dims are the ones who tossed the Constitution into the Waste bin, scumbag.
Why not? That's exactly what they did for BLM.

If they did it for commies, they can do it for patriots too. It's all part of diversity and inclusiveness.

No one was trying to keep Trump in power. They were just there to hang Pence. :p


They weren't trying to do that either.

Wow, you leftards are imaginative. The big bad rightie boogiemen are going to take over the government. All 600 of them. :p

So make up your mind. Were they trying to take over the government or not?

lmao :)

I'm a libertarian. I've never won an election in my life. I have no narrative. I just mind my own business and try to ignore the government.

Wow. Tin foil hat much? Trump really is your boogie man. :p

1) I was responding to another post, another poster.

2). You REALLY need to go back and reread my post, and the post I was responding to. I don’t think it said what you think it said.
What attacks occurred because of what Maxine Waters said? Who attacked anyone and then said they did so because Waters told them to?
Members of trumps cabinet and some senators were run out of restaurants, just as waters said to do. All that we can attribute to her.

Doesn’t matter if they said waters told them to do it. She made the statement and then they did it. So, she’s to blame.
Huh? Part of what problem? Many in that crowd specifically targeted Pence. What did Pence do to inspire such ire against him?
They probabaly believed that pence was failing in his duty, likely because trump said the pence needed to do what was right, but trump never told them to go after pence like that. (Because I already know that’s where you’re going to take this).

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