The DOJ has placed J6 Defendants on a Registry, like Sex Offenders, which appears as a top search result all ACCUSED J6 Individuals- even if Unconvict

I got a newsflash for ya.
I kinda doubt that.

The globalists already control America...
Is that really your logic? If someone breaks into your house and robs and rapes your family, you'd just go along and say, "Hey, they already control my family!" Then our government is illegal, treasonous and eventually will be overthrown by the people, just as they did 250 years ago when we threw out England.
I kinda doubt that.

Is that really your logic? If someone breaks into your house and robs and rapes your family, you'd just go along and say, "Hey, they already control my family!" Then our government is illegal, treasonous and eventually will be overthrown by the people, just as they did 250 years ago when we threw out England.
Well, then, you grab your musket and go stand on that bridge at Concord, MA.
Something tells'll be met with a far greater force...or you'll be arrested for just being a stark, raving, lunatic. :)

EDIT - Yeah I added the letter....:auiqs.jpg:
That's funny!
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Well, then, you grab your musket
Some Freudian fantasy of yours?

and go stand on that bridge at Concord, MA.
Yep. In the parlance of psychology, that is called rationalizing doing NOTHING and just sit cushy in your current position as a serf and acquiesce.

Something tells'll be me with a far greater force...or you'll be arrested for just being a stark, raving, lunatic.
I would not bank on your feelings, Jack.
Some Freudian fantasy of yours?

Yep. In the parlance of psychology, that is called rationalizing doing NOTHING and just sit cushy in your current position as a serf and acquiesce.

I would not bank on your feelings, Jack.
LOL. Now THAT is FUNNY!!:auiqs.jpg:
One letter changes the entire meaning of the sentence.
Post re-check.. FAIL!!
LOL. Now THAT is FUNNY!!:auiqs.jpg:
One letter changes the entire meaning of the sentence.
Post re-check.. FAIL!!

As we say in the restroom business:

We aim to please, so please aim.

Screen Shot 2023-08-12 at 12.38.10 PM.jpg
This is a clear violation of the 5th Amendment. This country is turning into a police state.

This registry is causing ppl w misdemeanors & the unconvicted to be denied housing, banking, & much more

They should be on a 14th Amendment registry.
If you're defending Trump, you don't care about what's right. You've bought the lie despite your protestations. Trump wanted his followers to stop the vote certification that day, and that's exactly what they tried to do in storming the Capitol. I believe two of the indictments and a multitude of counts deal with this. Hell, the people going to jail for that day even said they did what they did at Trump's behest.

I didn't pin anything on Trump. The J6th Commission showed multiple examples of Trump whipping the crowd up to storm the Capitol. And the justice system agreed. That's why he was indicted.

To stop the peaceful transition of power. He believed he had won the election. He had believed (and still does) there was massive voter fraud (when nothing of the sort was proven). So he had the crowd do his dirty work for him. Had Ashli Babbitt been able to unlock those doors and let the mob in to the House chamber, they may have very well succeeded. His supporters believed he would be declared President, so they didn't think there would be any consequences to their actions.

I'm not sure you know what that word actually means beyond the latest right wing talking point.
Trump is experiencing justice. Four decades too late, but hey, better late than never. :)

If you're defending Trump, you don't care about what's right. You've bought the lie despite your protestations

I’m not defending Trump, I’m pushing back on the shenanigans of the left. The only lie bought into is the one you all believe. You don’t see it that way because, you are getting what you want, Trump in the hot seat, and as long as that’s happening, you’ll defend your position til the very end, not because it’s right, but because it’s what you want.

Trump wanted his followers to stop the vote certification that day, and that's exactly what they tried to do in storming the Capitol. I believe two of the indictments and a multitude of counts deal with this. Hell, the people going to jail for that day even said they did what they did at Trump's behest.

Again, show us the instructions trump gave thsg told them to do what they did. You see, you ignored the entire part of what I said about how that plan would rely on people not saying “hey, this is a bad idea”, and hinging the whole thing on hoping that “people get the drift”. You want to say that because trump felt the election was stolen, and that he told people that somewhere in there was a coded message that his supporters were supposed to pick up on.

His supporters believed he would be declared President, so they didn't think there would be any consequences to their actions.

You seriously believe that that they thought they were going to break in to the capitol, and hold Congress by force, and force them to install Trump as president, and that the rest of the country was going to say “well gee, I guess he’s president now, so we have to abide by it”? That’s silly. To say that they almost succeeded is ridiculous. Even if Babbit had opened the doors, those senators would have been evacuated to safety before they could have gotten anywhere close to them. If you believe that, then you have no faith in our police and secret service.
I’m not defending Trump, I’m pushing back on the shenanigans of the left. The only lie bought into is the one you all believe. You don’t see it that way because, you are getting what you want, Trump in the hot seat, and as long as that’s happening, you’ll defend your position til the very end, not because it’s right, but because it’s what you want.

Again, show us the instructions trump gave thsg told them to do what they did. You see, you ignored the entire part of what I said about how that plan would rely on people not saying “hey, this is a bad idea”, and hinging the whole thing on hoping that “people get the drift”. You want to say that because trump felt the election was stolen, and that he told people that somewhere in there was a coded message that his supporters were supposed to pick up on.

You seriously believe that that they thought they were going to break in to the capitol, and hold Congress by force, and force them to install Trump as president, and that the rest of the country was going to say “well gee, I guess he’s president now, so we have to abide by it”? That’s silly. To say that they almost succeeded is ridiculous. Even if Babbit had opened the doors, those senators would have been evacuated to safety before they could have gotten anywhere close to them. If you believe that, then you have no faith in our police and secret service.
Impugning someone’s motives isn’t evidence, as the courts will demonstrate.
I do, and I’m standing just fine. It’s you who don’t have a leg to stand on. Do we need to replay the videos of MANY other politicians, including left wing politicians who use the EXACT same language? You do understand context, don’t you? You do understand when someone is speaking figuratively, right?

Why is it, every single time you lefty’s quote his statements that day, you leave out the only ACTUAL instructions he gave that day. You leave out all references to peaceful and cheering and voices. You only want to tell people about the “assumed” meaning.

Ah well, another day, more politics

And which of those other politicians actually inspired mobs to take actions on their words?
Snookums…I’m still waiting for the part where he says “go attack the capitol”.

yes, yes he did, it was the ONLY instruction he gave. Let’s peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard, and cheer on the senators…that was the instruction.

You’re working off of implied meaning based on rhetoric that Trump spoke, which every politician used. You know back in 2020, when people were destroying stuff and you all were condoning the violence by saying “riots are the voice of the voiceless”. Remember that? When are those people going to jail? I won’t hold my breath.

I know I know “but that’s different!” That’s called an excuse to avoid accountability.

You want to throw Trump in prison for using figurative language? Then I want to throw every Congress person in jail for the same thing. When is Maxine waters going to prison for telling her supporters to attack trumps cabinet members?

Again, I won’t hold my breath.

Lastly. You all keep saying you’re not lefty’s, yet it seems every position you take is left wing. Seems pretty obvious.

Why did members of that mob go after Pence?
I’m not defending Trump, I’m pushing back on the shenanigans of the left. The only lie bought into is the one you all believe. You don’t see it that way because, you are getting what you want, Trump in the hot seat, and as long as that’s happening, you’ll defend your position til the very end, not because it’s right, but because it’s what you want.

Again, show us the instructions trump gave thsg told them to do what they did. You see, you ignored the entire part of what I said about how that plan would rely on people not saying “hey, this is a bad idea”, and hinging the whole thing on hoping that “people get the drift”. You want to say that because trump felt the election was stolen, and that he told people that somewhere in there was a coded message that his supporters were supposed to pick up on.

You seriously believe that that they thought they were going to break in to the capitol, and hold Congress by force, and force them to install Trump as president, and that the rest of the country was going to say “well gee, I guess he’s president now, so we have to abide by it”? That’s silly. To say that they almost succeeded is ridiculous. Even if Babbit had opened the doors, those senators would have been evacuated to safety before they could have gotten anywhere close to them. If you believe that, then you have no faith in our police and secret service.
Yes, I seriously believe they were going to break into the Capitol, hold House and Senate members by force, capture the Vice President (gee, I couldn't tell you what "hang Mike Pence" meant. :)), and make sure that Trump stayed President...because that's exactly what he wanted them to do. If Babbitt had opened those doors, there were still dozens of members on the House floor. Wonder what happened to that dude with the zip ties? :)

And which of those other politicians actually inspired mobs to take actions on their words?

Here’s the thing, Maxine waters. And the funny part about that is? She actually did for violence and attacks, trump never did.

The point is, dem politicians use the same language, and then the lefty’s attack Trump supporters at Trump rallies and they go into the streets and attack people at restaurants.
Why did members of that mob go after Pence?

I guess they thought pence was part of the problem. But there’s the thing, did Trump tell them to attack pence? Did Trump tell them to attack ANYONE? You all want to use this “well, he used rhetoric in his speech and that means it was him who gave the order to attack the capitol, even if just by insinuation”

You can’t hold someone accountable for the actions of another unless that person actually instructs them to do something.
Yes, I seriously believe they were going to break into the Capitol, hold House and Senate members by force, capture the Vice President (gee, I couldn't tell you what "hang Mike Pence" meant. :)), and make sure that Trump stayed President...because that's exactly what he wanted them to do. If Babbitt had opened those doors, there were still dozens of members on the House floor. Wonder what happened to that dude with the zip ties? :)

lol…and you think..what..that even if they did manage to hold anyone hostage, that…they were going to do that for 4 years? That somehow a handful of idiots armed with some flag sticks were somehow going to completely seize control of the government..and hold it? That there would be no resistance? That they would install Trump as president and everyone would just accept it, because…someone with a flag pole demanded it?

Come on, you’re smarter than that. Stop playing politics for just a second and think. Secret service and capitol police would have evacuated those members of congress, especially the VP, down into the safe rooms they have down in the tunnels.

Those people wouldn’t have gotten anywhere close to them.

Wonder what happened to that dude with the zip ties? :)

Yeah…whatever did happen to him, or what about whoever was responsible for the gallows (nobody has ever answered how it even got there). Those two events showed that it wasn’t trumps speech at the ellipse that ruled them up, apparently some people had planned things out in advance. The guy with zip ties apparently KNEW he was getting inside the capitol that day, otherwise he wouldn’t have brought them.

I mean, with security around the capitol, who would have ever thought they could enter the capitol by themselves? So, zip tie guy apparently knew that there was going to be a riot that day, and that they were going to break into the capitol.

All that, and Trump never telling them to commit any violence.

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