The DOJ has placed J6 Defendants on a Registry, like Sex Offenders, which appears as a top search result all ACCUSED J6 Individuals- even if Unconvict

Fuck off, shitbag. Yes, you are sorry.
Democrats, the MSM and social media all colluded to steal the 2020 election to install a pedo potato as president. Trump is nowhere near as malleable as Joe, and that's why they did it.
Trump lost. 60+ court cases, multiple audits, recounts, and NINJAS!! So far, you haven't been able to offer one ounce of proof that anything was stolen...except maybe your intellect and self-respect you lost when pledging eternal loyalty to your savior.
I'll take the potato over the spray tanned, narcissistic traitor...any day. :)
The prolific poster, Duke, complains that some here believe he is only 14yrs old with a potty-mouth, is dumb, or sadly educated.

" Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age."

And, as proof he is none of that, he offers his thoughtful and considered proof below:

Now "GO FUCK YOURSELF WITH A CACTUS!" -"......every single fucking shitpost you ever make, you fucking dog turd!~ stupid myopic moron.

You be the judge. 🖖
He told them to stop the steal. Describe how they were supposed to do that without going into the Capitol building where Congress was certifying the election...

Oh I peacefully and patriotically making their voices heard? I think trump even said that.
Thank G-d they failed. They still tried. And there's a report that they actually got close to the election being thrown out and how Pelosi caught wind of that plan and thwarted it by expediting reopening the joint session to complete certification.
Report? Do tell ? Link?
Oh I peacefully and patriotically making their voices heard? I think trump even said that.
Sure. Fine. Whatever.
Show me where trump instructed them to do that…anywhere
Honest to Jesus, just fucking...stop! :auiqs.jpg:
You don't have a leg to stand on here. So don't try and stand.

"We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore".

Honest to Jesus, just fucking...stop! :auiqs.jpg:
You don't have a leg to stand on here. So don't try and stand.

"We fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore".

You don't have a leg to stand on here. So don't try and stand.

I do, and I’m standing just fine. It’s you who don’t have a leg to stand on. Do we need to replay the videos of MANY other politicians, including left wing politicians who use the EXACT same language? You do understand context, don’t you? You do understand when someone is speaking figuratively, right?

Why is it, every single time you lefty’s quote his statements that day, you leave out the only ACTUAL instructions he gave that day. You leave out all references to peaceful and cheering and voices. You only want to tell people about the “assumed” meaning.

Ah well, another day, more politics
I do, and I’m standing just fine. It’s you who don’t have a leg to stand on. Do we need to replay the videos of MANY other politicians, including left wing politicians who use the EXACT same language? You do understand context, don’t you? You do understand when someone is speaking figuratively, right?

Why is it, every single time you lefty’s quote his statements that day, you leave out the only ACTUAL instructions he gave that day. You leave out all references to peaceful and cheering and voices. You only want to tell people about the “assumed” meaning.

Ah well, another day, more politics
First off sugarplum, I'm not a lefty. Second, you're gonna need crutches to stand up here, so I'll be a nice guy and lend you some. Almost 6 months prior to the 2020 election, he starts ginning up his supporters that if he lost, it was because of voter fraud. And keeps on the message. Then, he loses in what turns out to not really be a close race..because he sucked as President. Then he throws a hissy fit. 60+ court cases, multiple audits and recounts, his D Team of lawyers out there everyday screaming fraud and leaking fluid in front of the cameras. But all 50 states certify their election results. For weeks leading up to that day, he's on Twitter telling everybody that something big is going to happen and that everyone should come to DC to Stop the Steal. Then, the day comes and he stands up at the Elipse and gives his "figuratively speaking" speech. :auiqs.jpg:

I watched the entire day unfold on TV. From his speech until the last alt-right bum was tossed from the place after assaulting police officers, breaking windows, storming the Capitol, ransacking Congressional offices, taking selfies that they later tried to delete in terror, and smearing feces on the walls and floors. Trump didn't give any ACTUAL instructions that day. He never explicitly does state anything. He does so implicitly and expects people to read between the lines he's laying down. And that day, his supporters knew what was "assumed". And most of them can thank their lucky stars that the crowd was white. They were treated with kids gloves. One zealot got shot because she didn't follow orders to stand down. The others (like the one shot) died of terminal stupidity.

I love the pretzel you're twisting yourself into to excuse what this man has done.
I have a hint for you. This man doesn't care about you or anything you want or believe in.
He is NOT going to return to you what you think you lost. :)
First off sugarplum, I'm not a lefty. Second, you're gonna need crutches to stand up here, so I'll be a nice guy and lend you some. Almost 6 months prior to the 2020 election, he starts ginning up his supporters that if he lost, it was because of voter fraud. And keeps on the message. Then, he loses in what turns out to not really be a close race..because he sucked as President. Then he throws a hissy fit. 60+ court cases, multiple audits and recounts, his D Team of lawyers out there everyday screaming fraud and leaking fluid in front of the cameras. But all 50 states certify their election results. For weeks leading up to that day, he's on Twitter telling everybody that something big is going to happen and that everyone should come to DC to Stop the Steal. Then, the day comes and he stands up at the Elipse and gives his "figuratively speaking" speech. :auiqs.jpg:

I watched the entire day unfold on TV. From his speech until the last alt-right bum was tossed from the place after assaulting police officers, breaking windows, storming the Capitol, ransacking Congressional offices, taking selfies that they later tried to delete in terror, and smearing feces on the walls and floors. Trump didn't give any ACTUAL instructions that day. He never explicitly does state anything. He does so implicitly and expects people to read between the lines he's laying down. And that day, his supporters knew what was "assumed". And most of them can thank their lucky stars that the crowd was white. They were treated with kids gloves. One zealot got shot because she didn't follow orders to stand down. The others (like the one shot) died of terminal stupidity.

I love the pretzel you're twisting yourself into to excuse what this man has done.
I have a hint for you. This man doesn't care about you or anything you want or believe in.
He is NOT going to return to you what you think you lost. :)

Snookums…I’m still waiting for the part where he says “go attack the capitol”.

Trump didn't give any ACTUAL instructions that day. He never explicitly does state anything

yes, yes he did, it was the ONLY instruction he gave. Let’s peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard, and cheer on the senators…that was the instruction.

You’re working off of implied meaning based on rhetoric that Trump spoke, which every politician used. You know back in 2020, when people were destroying stuff and you all were condoning the violence by saying “riots are the voice of the voiceless”. Remember that? When are those people going to jail? I won’t hold my breath.

I know I know “but that’s different!” That’s called an excuse to avoid accountability.

You want to throw Trump in prison for using figurative language? Then I want to throw every Congress person in jail for the same thing. When is Maxine waters going to prison for telling her supporters to attack trumps cabinet members?

Again, I won’t hold my breath.

Lastly. You all keep saying you’re not lefty’s, yet it seems every position you take is left wing. Seems pretty obvious.
Snookums…I’m still waiting for the part where he says “go attack the capitol”.

yes, yes he did, it was the ONLY instruction he gave. Let’s peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard, and cheer on the senators…that was the instruction.

You’re working off of implied meaning based on rhetoric that Trump spoke, which every politician used. You know back in 2020, when people were destroying stuff and you all were condoning the violence by saying “riots are the voice of the voiceless”. Remember that? When are those people going to jail? I won’t hold my breath.

I know I know “but that’s different!” That’s called an excuse to avoid accountability.

You want to throw Trump in prison for using figurative language? Then I want to throw every Congress person in jail for the same thing. When is Maxine waters going to prison for telling her supporters to attack trumps cabinet members?

Again, I won’t hold my breath.

Lastly. You all keep saying you’re not lefty’s, yet it seems every position you take is left wing. Seems pretty obvious.
LOL. I get it. I don't expect honesty or integrity from you or other members of Alt-Right Nation. Nothing "that's different" about it. The protests of 2020 are irrelevant to this discussion. I couldn't give a shit about them as none were about overturning a "stolen" election. :) A lot of people were arrested and went to prison in the months following that summer.

Trump ginned his supporters up at the Elipse after egging them on for weeks. And then told them they were all going to march to the Capitol. And then, like a little coward, he ran back to the White House to watch the chaos unfold on TV while his supporters did EXACTLY what he wanted them to, and then ignored everyone in his inner circles to call off the violence....until much later in the day, and a half-hearted call at that.

At this point, I would just own it. He's going to be convicted on at least some of the 91 counts currently against him.
Prepare yourself. :)
LOL. I get it. I don't expect honesty or integrity from you or other members of Alt-Right Nation. Nothing "that's different" about it. The protests of 2020 are irrelevant to this discussion. I couldn't give a shit about them as none were about overturning a "stolen" election. :) A lot of people were arrested and went to prison in the months following that summer.

Trump ginned his supporters up at the Elipse after egging them on for weeks. And then told them they were all going to march to the Capitol. And then, like a little coward, he ran back to the White House to watch the chaos unfold on TV while his supporters did EXACTLY what he wanted them to, and then ignored everyone in his inner circles to call off the violence....until much later in the day, and a half-hearted call at that.

At this point, I would just own it. He's going to be convicted on at least some of the 91 counts currently against him.
Prepare yourself. :)

I’m being completely honest with you and my integrity is just fine. It’s not my fault that you, not a lefty, have bought in, hard, to the “Trump hate train”. I’ve said all along, prove that Trump intended for that to happen that day, and I’ll join in the condemnation. You see, the difference between me and you lefty’s is that, I don’t care what happens to Trump, I only care about what’s right. You, on the other hand, don’t care about what’s right, you only care about how to win, at all costs.

Nothing "that's different" about it. The protests of 2020 are irrelevant to this discussion.

They hell they aren’t. You’re sitting here trying to pin this on Trump based off of rhetoric and figurative language. I’m simply making the point that everyone does that. You only seem to be interested in it when it’s the other side.

And then, like a little coward, he ran back to the White House to watch the chaos unfold on TV while his supporters did EXACTLY what he wanted them to,

Subliminal messaging? Again, I ask, WHY would he want his followers to do that? There isn’t ANYONE who ever thought that it would work. You are hinging his entire strategy on the hopes that enough of them would “get the hint” and many wouldn’t have said “yeah, that would be a bad idea”, and knowing full well they weren’t going to “seize control of the government”, and that it would land his supporters in trouble.

There are a lot of problems with that plan to ever think it would work.

and then ignored everyone in his inner circles to call off the violence....until much later in the day, and a half-hearted call at that.

I agree with this. He should have stepped up much sooner. I think what he did was shitty for sure.

He's going to be convicted on at least some of the 91 counts currently against him.

We shall see

Prepare yourself.
For the 900th time, I really don’t care if he goes to prison. All I care about is YOU people using lawfare to eliminate your opponents.
This is a clear violation of the 5th Amendment. This country is turning into a police state.

This registry is causing ppl w misdemeanors & the unconvicted to be denied housing, banking, & much more

Trump poorly educated.jpg

Bub...listen up and I'm only going to tell you this once!

When you are in war, you have to know the battle lines. When you are behind enemy lines, such as D.C., Portland, NYC or Frisco you go by the rules of the enemy if captured or taken out. Very basic stuff, so don't be shocked when it happens.

vote maga.jpg
This is a clear violation of the 5th Amendment. This country is turning into a police state.

These people will sue the DOJ for millions each and win. Lessee, Carroll accused Trump of defamation on specious grounds and got nearly 90 million dollars so each of these people ought to get 100 million dollars.

As usual, the Biden fascist police state knows they haven't a leg to stand on and are just out to try to destroy these people and harm them as much as possible trying to break the MAGA movement until they are forced to overturn their actions.

Just another case of the lawless left acting like a totalitarian police state until the actual law FORCES them to stand to.
I’m being completely honest with you and my integrity is just fine. It’s not my fault that you, not a lefty, have bought in, hard, to the “Trump hate train”. I’ve said all along, prove that Trump intended for that to happen that day, and I’ll join in the condemnation. You see, the difference between me and you lefty’s is that, I don’t care what happens to Trump, I only care about what’s right. You, on the other hand, don’t care about what’s right, you only care about how to win, at all costs.
If you're defending Trump, you don't care about what's right. You've bought the lie despite your protestations. Trump wanted his followers to stop the vote certification that day, and that's exactly what they tried to do in storming the Capitol. I believe two of the indictments and a multitude of counts deal with this. Hell, the people going to jail for that day even said they did what they did at Trump's behest.
They hell they aren’t. You’re sitting here trying to pin this on Trump based off of rhetoric and figurative language. I’m simply making the point that everyone does that. You only seem to be interested in it when it’s the other side.
I didn't pin anything on Trump. The J6th Commission showed multiple examples of Trump whipping the crowd up to storm the Capitol. And the justice system agreed. That's why he was indicted.
Subliminal messaging? Again, I ask, WHY would he want his followers to do that? There isn’t ANYONE who ever thought that it would work. You are hinging his entire strategy on the hopes that enough of them would “get the hint” and many wouldn’t have said “yeah, that would be a bad idea”, and knowing full well they weren’t going to “seize control of the government”, and that it would land his supporters in trouble.
To stop the peaceful transition of power. He believed he had won the election. He had believed (and still does) there was massive voter fraud (when nothing of the sort was proven). So he had the crowd do his dirty work for him. Had Ashli Babbitt been able to unlock those doors and let the mob in to the House chamber, they may have very well succeeded. His supporters believed he would be declared President, so they didn't think there would be any consequences to their actions.
There are a lot of problems with that plan to ever think it would work.

I agree with this. He should have stepped up much sooner. I think what he did was shitty for sure.

We shall see

For the 900th time, I really don’t care if he goes to prison. All I care about is YOU people using lawfare to eliminate your opponents.
I'm not sure you know what that word actually means beyond the latest right wing talking point.
Trump is experiencing justice. Four decades too late, but hey, better late than never. :)
If you're defending Trump, you don't care about what's right.
You wouldn't know right if it ran you over going 85 mph.

Trump is experiencing justice.
No, Trump is experiencing evil, far left, anti-democracy, anti-law fascist evil trying to destroy Trump because he is the sole quintessential threat to their survival and globalist aims to take over America.

Fanni Willis is experiencing justice.
You wouldn't know right if it ran you over going 85 mph.

No, Trump is experiencing evil, far left, anti-democracy, anti-law fascist evil trying to destroy Trump because he is the sole quintessential threat to their survival and globalist aims to take over America.

Fanni Willis is experiencing justice.
I got a newsflash for ya. The globalists already control America...and Trump is one of them.
Again, I don't know why you people ascribe traits to him that he simply doesn't possess..nor ever has. :)

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