The DOJ has placed J6 Defendants on a Registry, like Sex Offenders, which appears as a top search result all ACCUSED J6 Individuals- even if Unconvict

Who knew so many people here opposed arrests being a part of the public record.

I guess they don't want to know who was arrested during the BLM aka Democrat Lockdown Riots either.
Concessions?... do you put butter on your popcorn?... lol
Your concession accepted rambtard. Poor thing, relying on polls this far out. Wanna see some January, 2016 polls showing Hillary way ahead of Trump?

Poor, deranged rambtard. Always the idiot. :itsok:


the act or an instance of conceding (as by granting something as a right, accepting something as true, or acknowledging defeat)

Oh look, a two-fer... OhPleaseJustQuit was just as stupid as you... she actually marked that moronic post as a winner.

Poor, deranged rambtard. Always the idiot. :itsok:

the act or an instance of conceding (as by granting something as a right, accepting something as true, or acknowledging defeat)

Oh look, a two-fer... OhPleaseJustQuit was just as stupid as you... she actually marked that moronic post as a winner.

Is that all you have to add?... pretty weak boy...
We've been sliding towards totalitarianism since Abraham Lincoln.
Well, Li'l surprise me on your age.
I'm old....but I don't remember when Abe began the slide.

Who knew?

Track em all down. No matter how long it takes.
January 6, 2021 was an assault upon the Congress of the United States whilst in the midst of performing its Constitutional duty to certify a Presidential election.
Well, those are strong sentiments. Clearly deeply held.
Notably though, posters JackONT & Kondor 3......have company in their convictions.

New York Representative, and #3 Republican in the House, Elise Stefanik......agreed with them.

On January 6th, 2021 she said this:

"Stefanik lamented “truly a tragic day for America” and “condemn[ed] the dangerous violence and destruction that occurred today”. The perpetrators, she said, “must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law”.

Stefanik also “prayed” that “colleagues on both sides of the aisle, their staffs, and all Americans … remain safe”, and thanked police, the national guard and Capitol staffers for “protecting the People’s House and the American people”.

So there is that.

I'm more of a man than most of you pathetic excuses for an "alpha male".
Your opinion is cute. It's still wrong, but it's cute.
I once again have read several contributions by the prolific poster, PleaseQuit. And once again, am surprised by the lack of a there there.

I mean by that, PleaseQuit seemingly offers the forum nothing but shallow snark. I personally cannot recall a single post from PQ that offer the forum some thoughtful analysis, or perceptive insight on the political issues of the day.
Instead, it is just facile snark. A try-too-hard quip meant to dis or dismiss. Never to add information or experiences that illuminate an issue, never a contribution that enlarges the subject, deepens it, or furthers understanding.

Instead, PQ only give this forum bumper-sticker deep disparagements.

What's up with that?

It's sad. Sad, for someone so old to not have acquired more gravitas to help this discussion format.

Guess they should have thought about that before they made a pilgrimage to DC to try to stop the peaceful transition of power at the behest of their savior.
Track em all down. No matter how long it takes.

No sympathy.
That day.....can never happen again.

Tough shit. Your voice was heard at the ballot box. No evidence to support ANY accusation you chuckleheads have made or believed in. Your man lost, fair and square. But that's not good enough for your teenie, conspiracy theory ladled brain to process.
So the guy who lost got mad and egged the faithful to throw a garden party to do his dirty work for him. And it almost worked.

Again, if you were there that day, you deserve any grief coming to you, no statute of limitations.

Fuck off, shitbag. Yes, you are sorry.
Democrats, the MSM and social media all colluded to steal the 2020 election to install a pedo potato as president. Trump is nowhere near as malleable as Joe, and that's why they did it.
I once again have read several contributions by the prolific poster, PleaseQuit. And once again, am surprised by the lack of a there there.

I mean by that, PleaseQuit seemingly offers the forum nothing but shallow snark. I personally cannot recall a single post from PQ that offer the forum some thoughtful analysis, or perceptive insight on the political issues of the day.
Instead, it is just facile snark. A try-too-hard quip meant to dis or dismiss. Never to add information or experiences that illuminate an issue, never a contribution that enlarges the subject, deepens it, or furthers understanding.

Instead, PQ only give this forum bumper-sticker deep disparagements.

What's up with that?

It's sad. Sad, for someone so old to not have acquired more gravitas to help this discussion format.

She's 1000X better than your sorry shitbag lying ass, and then some!

1) Lack of lying. She doesn't lie.

2) You lie

3) Fuck you, and fuck off, liar.
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Tough shit. Your voice was heard at the ballot box. No evidence to support ANY accusation you chuckleheads have made or believed in. Your man lost, fair and square. But that's not good enough for your teenie, conspiracy theory ladled brain to process.
So the guy who lost got mad and egged the faithful to throw a garden party to do his dirty work for him. And it almost worked.

Again, if you were there that day, you deserve any grief coming to you, no statute of limitations.


So the guy who lost got mad and egged the faithful to throw a garden party to do his dirty work for him.

Show us any statement he made directing them to commit any violence or to even riot.

And it almost worked

No it didnt, lol, not even close. If you think a guy in a Viking hat and a few unarmed rioters are going to literally seize control of the government…then that doesn’t say much for your view of our police and secret service capability.
Joe Biden is on the sex offender list....
He damn sure should be. If not hanged for being a pedo.


(damn shame that is not the penalty)

I wonder what Steve Daines has to say about that?

That's his very young niece Biden is nipple-tweaking.

I would have already killed him if it was me. Maybe. Maybe I would just beat the shit out of him for that.

However, let's get real: If he does something like that, there's no way he'd stop there.

That's already miles over the line a grown man should never cross.
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  • Fuck off, shitbag.
  • your sorry shitbag lying ass,
  • Fuck you, and fuck off

MAGA ---Making America Great by using the f-bomb early and often?

Some wonder why Americans with competent educations dis and dismiss most all of the MAGA-Q's. Although, I don't personally 100% subscribe to the prevailing belief that too many MAGA's come across as 14yr olds with a potty-mouth, and who hide behind a fake name in order to have their keyboard enemas on the web. And if not 14yr olds.....well then, merely unsuccessful and ineffective ne'er-do-wells that the rest of America supports and ......sadly, laughs at.

As said, I don't personally subscribe to that prevailing belief but I can kinda understand why so many others -in overwhelming numbers ---- actually do. ;)

I don't find it much different than the mug shots our county has online for public viewing.
Sheriff's Office Find a Mugshot

I viewed the J6 list a few months back. Handy that it's searchable, easily found that there was somebody on it from city in which I reside here in Arizona. I looked up the fellow that Tucker Carlson is talking to in the video.
Brandon of Omaha

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MAGA ---Making America Great by using the f-bomb early and often?

Some wonder why Americans with competent educations dis and dismiss most all of the MAGA-Q's. Although, I don't personally 100% subscribe to the prevailing belief that too many MAGA's come across as 14yr olds with a potty-mouth, and who hide behind a fake name in order to have their keyboard enemas on the web. And if not 14yr olds.....well then, merely unsuccessful and ineffective ne'er-do-wells that the rest of America supports and ......sadly, laughs at.

As said, I don't personally subscribe to that prevailing belief but I can kinda understand why so many others -in overwhelming numbers ---- actually do. ;)
You think you're slick and all smart-alecky n stuff, huh?

I've known your retarded game for years and had your playbook for years, you stupid myopic moron.


1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

3a. Play dumb and keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age.

6. Employ misdirection.

6a. smear people.

6b. attack religion.

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions.

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card.

9. Play gay/lesbian card.

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card.

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly.

13. Reword and repeat.

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia.

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity/OAN.

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.

20. What about...

Now "GO FUCK YOURSELF WITH A CACTUS!" -in remembrance of SFC.

I bet I can apply this list to every single fucking shitpost you ever make, you fucking dog turd!~

Shall we test that theory? Hmm? :04:

I am certainly willing to do just that, and you ain't gonna like it boy.

You ain't gonna like it at all.
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Show us any statement he made directing them to commit any violence or to even riot.

No it didnt, lol, not even close. If you think a guy in a Viking hat and a few unarmed rioters are going to literally seize control of the government…then that doesn’t say much for your view of our police and secret service capability.

He told them to stop the steal. Describe how they were supposed to do that without going into the Capitol building where Congress was certifying the election...
Show us any statement he made directing them to commit any violence or to even riot.

No it didnt, lol, not even close. If you think a guy in a Viking hat and a few unarmed rioters are going to literally seize control of the government…then that doesn’t say much for your view of our police and secret service capability.

Thank G-d they failed. They still tried. And there's a report that they actually got close to the election being thrown out and how Pelosi caught wind of that plan and thwarted it by expediting reopening the joint session to complete certification.

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