The DOJ has placed J6 Defendants on a Registry, like Sex Offenders, which appears as a top search result all ACCUSED J6 Individuals- even if Unconvict

Their goal for the next four years was not to hold the Congress hostage, it was to get Trump in the White House for that period of time.
How do you expect they are going to do that? The only way that could have happened is they would have had to stay there and maintain control.

What, you think if they could have installed trump as president that he would have remained president? Seriously?
Yep before Trump republicans whined about any democrat supposedly being fascist and now they support it entirely because their cult leader tells them everything they want to hear. They are emotional morons who lack any real principles.
Yep before Trump republicans whined about any democrat supposedly being fascist and now they support it entirely because their cult leader tells them everything they want to hear. They are emotional morons who lack any real principles.
Guess they should have thought about that before they made a pilgrimage to DC to try to stop the peaceful transition of power at the behest of their savior.
Track em all down. No matter how long it takes.

No sympathy.
That day.....can never happen again.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Since the Democrats went off the rails in 2016, we have been sliding toward totalitarianism ever since. Anyone who thinks we have equal justice under the law is either outright lying or willfully ignorant.
The march to totalitarianism began in 2008, not 2016.
Members of trumps cabinet and some senators were run out of restaurants, just as waters said to do. All that we can attribute to her.

Doesn’t matter if they said waters told them to do it. She made the statement and then they did it. So, she’s to blame.

So not attacked. No violence. Being a pest is not a crime. Fighting like hell to break into the Capitol is.
They probabaly believed that pence was failing in his duty, likely because trump said the pence needed to do what was right, but trump never told them to go after pence like that. (Because I already know that’s where you’re going to take this).

Thanks for admitting Trump inspired them.
How do you expect they are going to do that? The only way that could have happened is they would have had to stay there and maintain control.

What, you think if they could have installed trump as president that he would have remained president? Seriously?

I explained what their intent was. They said so themselves. I didn't say they knew how to accomplish it. They never intended to stay in there indefinitely. They wanted to stop the certification. They hoped they could intimidate Pence to hand the White House to Trump for another 4 years.

And while they managed to delay certification, some Republicans seized that opportunity to prevent Biden from becoming president...

So not attacked. No violence. Being a pest is not a crime. Fighting like hell to break into the Capitol is.

You intentionally ignore the point, you withhold waters accountable for her inciteful rhetoric, but you will trump. It doesn’t matter what happened because of it, the fact that the people waters incited didn’t commit actual violence, her actions could have lead to it.

The point is, many politicians use rhetoric, many use the word “fight”,

Fighting like hell to break into the Capitol is.

You’re point? Show me any statement by Trump that instructs those people to commit violence or break in to the capitol, and I’ll agree with you.

“Fight like hell” is a common phrase used in many aspect of the world, including politics. It doesn’t mean Trump expected them to ACTUALLY fight.

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