The DOJ has placed J6 Defendants on a Registry, like Sex Offenders, which appears as a top search result all ACCUSED J6 Individuals- even if Unconvict

Winning over the people... every day a new example of why Trump was better than Joe....


Winning over what people? You posted polls. Polls this far out from the election serve no purpose. So MAGA is winning nothing.

three troops died needlessly yesterday you moron....

More of our troops died while Trump was president, rambtard. Where was your concern then?


Up until about five years ago, I still had half a heart for some of the leftists' causes and regard for their humanity, but their viciousness displayed since then has so changed my willingness to give them any space in my heart or my mind or my life, leaving me completely certain that the divorce can't happen soon enough.

Even yesterday, I extended an olive branch to one of them here in the board and they spit in my face, and that slammed shut the door of any belief I might have ever had that that person was still in any way human.

Their outrage is now just a comedy show. They've sold themselves out as the devil's little clowns.
Liberals, not leftists.
Well, Trumpsters tell me that these are Antifa people, so I assume this is good news for them.
We be happy!

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