The DOJ has placed J6 Defendants on a Registry, like Sex Offenders, which appears as a top search result all ACCUSED J6 Individuals- even if Unconvict

This is a clear violation of the 5th Amendment. This country is turning into a police state.

This registry is causing ppl w misdemeanors & the unconvicted to be denied housing, banking, & much more

You people never gave a damn about the victims of the drug war were denied the ability to exist.
Progs believe Jan 6 offenders should be executed for trespassing. That's how deluded and sick they are.

OMG, it's time. When will the real men of this country get off their asses and do something?

Put down the fucking beer and the bong and turn off the fucking TV!

I'm a 68 year old woman and I'd give my life for this country, and I'm more of a man than most of you pathetic excuses for an "alpha male".

No, our voice was not heard at the ballot box. It was swindled away. I won't bother debating the point because you'll just lie like you always do.
Absolutely no evidence of that happening, no matter how loud you scream.
You're a simple minded, easily swayed fool. Perfect Trump fodder.
Tell me, if Trump was swindled out of his throne, how come all the Republicans down ballot manage to come out unscathed and be re-elected?
Wait...don't me...Deep State..right? :auiqs.jpg:
Absolutely no evidence of that happening, no matter how loud you scream.
You're a simple minded, easily swayed fool. Perfect Trump fodder.
Tell me, if Trump was swindled out of his throne, how come all the Republicans down ballot manage to come out unscathed and be re-elected?
Wait...don't me...Deep State..right? :auiqs.jpg:
That's the proof that he was swindled, moron.
Absolutely no evidence of that happening, no matter how loud you scream.
You're a simple minded, easily swayed fool. Perfect Trump fodder.
Tell me, if Trump was swindled out of his throne, how come all the Republicans down ballot manage to come out unscathed and be re-elected?
Wait...don't me...Deep State..right? :auiqs.jpg:
Still waiting for proof of the OP, too.
Absolutely no evidence of that happening, no matter how loud you scream.
You're a simple minded, easily swayed fool. Perfect Trump fodder.
Tell me, if Trump was swindled out of his throne, how come all the Republicans down ballot manage to come out unscathed and be re-elected?
Wait...don't me...Deep State..right? :auiqs.jpg:

Boy, that's a big-assed


Thanks for the entertainment.

So are we going to get links to stories of these people being denied housing, banking and much more?

If this happened, and if there is some "registry" -- outside of what is already public record -- we need to know.

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