The DOJ it seems the Dark State goes deeper than most people think

Dan Stubbs

May 4, 2017
Some where in the Deep South.
Allison Hrabar, the career paralegal caught on a Project Veritas video sting on the “Deep State” that was released last week, is no longer with the Department of Justice, a DOJ source confirmed to Breitbart News.
“Allison Hrabar, the Justice Department paralegal who was the subject of the James O’Keefe report, no longer works for the Department effective midnight last night,” a DOJ source told Breitbart News on Monday morning.

Hrabar was featured prominently in the second video Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe released investigating the “Deep State”:

After the release of the video, there was a near-immediate push by top conservatives including Americans for Limited Government to get Attorney General Jeff Sessions to remove Hrabar from the Department of Justice.

The Department of Justice announced after the video came out that it was investigating Hrabar’s behavior:

DEVELOPING: Statement from DOJ on today's vid: "These allegations are deeply concerning. Department policy prohibits misuse of government resources to advance personal interests. We are looking into this immediately and have referred this matter to the Inspector General as well."

— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) September 19, 2018

Now, she is–per Department officials–no longer with the DOJ. The circumstances of how her employment was terminated, and exactly what happened internally at the Department since late last week, are unclear.

In addition to having been a paralegal at DOJ, Hrabar is a top official at the Democratic Socialists of America’s Washington, D.C., chapter. Therein lies the rub as to what she was caught doing in the Project Veritas video: She was seen using official government resources for Democratic Socialists of America purposes.

One particularly notable incident in which Hrabar was involved as a socialist activist was protesting Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen back in the mid-summer when she was eating a restaurant. Hrabar was one of the leftist activists who chased Nielsen out of a Mexican restaurant, screaming at her.

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