The dominion Voting suit against Fox should fail

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People are getting spun here. The left wing media of course laps up the bleatings of the legal team for plaintiff Dominion. And the regular liberal MSM has a bug up it’s collective ass about Fox News.

So they make comments (reported as alleged “news”) about how a media outlet could get reamed even with the higher burden imposed on plaintiffs suing news outlets for defamation. This is why we get lots of reports about Hannity denying that he believed the Trump claim and Murdoch basically saying the same thing.

The liberal MSM is content to insinuate from that sketchy information that defendant Fox News was guilty of actual malice. But that’s horseshit.

New outlets report NEWS. The Fox News legal defense team makes a much more salient argument: “Fox News maintains that its reporting and commentary was protected by the 1st Amendment because allegations presented by a sitting president are newsworthy even if false.

Source of above quote: How strong is Dominion's defamation case against Fox News? Legal experts weigh in

That tidbit is (surprisingly) found within a report from a left wing MSM news outlet. But it is kind of buried and not forever being trumpeted like the snarky predictions of pending doom for Fox News.

Anyway, some food for thought. I’ll go even further however. A commentator (like Hannity) doesn’t report “news.” He offers opinions. So his revelation is (imho) irrelevant to Dominion’s “case.”

I won’t predict how the case turns out. But I doubt they will end up at trial and if it does go to trial I’d expect Dominion to lose. We may never know the settlement number of it does settle. But I’m confident it won’t gut Fox News.
How'd that work out, genius? Bigly FAIL, thoughts and Prayers.:abgg2q.jpg:
Curiously, there is an evident attempt by some of this venue's Rightfielders to now distance themselves from Fox News.
  • 'I don't watch any broadcast news'
  • 'I don't watch Fox'
  • 'Fox is just MSM'
Yadda, yadda, yadda.

In my humble opinion, Fox lied, lied repeatedly and their lies were corrosive to our democracy, and to our unity as a nation. They damaged America.

Others lie too. But, the most insidious and damaging aspect of Fox's campaign of lying is that it reaches so many people i.e., "The most watched cable network". So, their reach, in breadth and depth, is the most corrosive part of their actions. Yes, others do lie, but not as a plan and strategy....nor, are those 'others' as big and wide and loud.

Winning $787.5 million. Hmmm, I don’t think that failed.

The largest public defamation settlement in US history.....a settlement worth 10 times Dominion's market cap, and they think Dominion failed?

These poor turd polishers are so hopelessly ludicrous that they diminish the already comically inept Big Lie with their belief in it.

As if they can look at the largest public defamation settlement EVER as a failure for the company that won it.....then they're so hopelessly disconnected from reality and incapable of rational thought as to render ANY of their beliefs suspect.
Curiously, there is an evident attempt by some of this venue's Rightfielders to now distance themselves from Fox News.
  • 'I don't watch any broadcast news'
  • 'I don't watch Fox'
  • 'Fox is just MSM'
Yadda, yadda, yadda.

In my humble opinion, Fox lied, lied repeatedly and their lies were corrosive to our democracy, and to our unity as a nation. They damaged America.

Others lie too. But, the most insidious and damaging aspect of Fox's campaign of lying is that it reaches so many people i.e., "The most watched cable network". So, their reach, in breadth and depth, is the most corrosive part of their actions. Yes, others do lie, but not as a plan and strategy....nor, are those 'others' as big and wide and loud.

Its the same thing with their boycott-a-thon. They can't keep track of what they support and what they don't any longer.
It's funny and sad that you demented zombies FEEL that this SETTLEMENT proves anything but the whole thing is a SCAM.
No discovery, no coding, no FACTS....just silent "closure".
And here you idiots are CELEBRATING.

It's funny and sad that you demented zombies FEEL that this SETTLEMENT proves anything but the whole thing is a SCAM.
No discovery, no coding, no FACTS....just silent "closure".
Sure SeaSwab.
THIS is what FOX host said in private.

IN PRIVATE: On Nov. 8, Carlson privately texted his producer that the allegations about Dominion were "absurd," according to the Dominion filing. Also that day, Carlson's producer texted him about his own doubts.

"I don't think there is evidence of voter fraud that swung the election," producer Alex Pfeiffer texted to Carlson, per the lawsuit. "The software s--t is absurd," Carlson allegedly responded. "Half our viewers have seen the Maria clip."

N PRIVATE: On Nov. 11, according to the filing, Hannity privately commented on Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani.

"Rudy is acting like an insane person," Hannity said

IN PRIVATE: On Nov. 7, host Maria Bartiromo scoffed at an email she received from attorney Sidney Powell forwarding her evidence of fraud, calling it "kooky," the filing said.

IN PRIVATE: On Nov. 21, Carlson privately texted that claims about Dominion were "shockingly reckless," according to the filing.

It's "shockingly reckless" to claim Dominion rigged election "f there's no one inside the company willing to talk, or internal Dominion documents or copies of the software showing that they did it" -- "as you know there isn't," he wrote, according to the lawsuit.

IN PRIVATE: On Nov. 22, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham privately discussed Sidney Powell, according to the filing, with Tucker calling her a "nut."

"It totally wrecked my weekend. Wow... I had to try to make the WH disavow her, which they obviously should have done long before," Carlson told Ingraham, per the filing. "No serious lawyer could believe what they were saying," she allegedly replied. "But they said nothing in public," replied Carlson. "Pretty disgusting."

PRIVATE: On Nov. 13, Carlson wrote privately that Trump needed to concede, and agreed that "there wasn't enough fraud to change the outcome" of the election, according to the filing.

Just some of the 'discovery".
And here you idiots are CELEBRATING.

For confirming, even THEY KNEW they were lying, like people have been saying for decades.
Sure SeaSwab.
THIS is what FOX host said in private.

IN PRIVATE: On Nov. 8, Carlson privately texted his producer that the allegations about Dominion were "absurd," according to the Dominion filing. Also that day, Carlson's producer texted him about his own doubts.

"I don't think there is evidence of voter fraud that swung the election," producer Alex Pfeiffer texted to Carlson, per the lawsuit. "The software s--t is absurd," Carlson allegedly responded. "Half our viewers have seen the Maria clip."

N PRIVATE: On Nov. 11, according to the filing, Hannity privately commented on Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani.

"Rudy is acting like an insane person," Hannity said

IN PRIVATE: On Nov. 7, host Maria Bartiromo scoffed at an email she received from attorney Sidney Powell forwarding her evidence of fraud, calling it "kooky," the filing said.

IN PRIVATE: On Nov. 21, Carlson privately texted that claims about Dominion were "shockingly reckless," according to the filing.

It's "shockingly reckless" to claim Dominion rigged election "f there's no one inside the company willing to talk, or internal Dominion documents or copies of the software showing that they did it" -- "as you know there isn't," he wrote, according to the lawsuit.

IN PRIVATE: On Nov. 22, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham privately discussed Sidney Powell, according to the filing, with Tucker calling her a "nut."

"It totally wrecked my weekend. Wow... I had to try to make the WH disavow her, which they obviously should have done long before," Carlson told Ingraham, per the filing. "No serious lawyer could believe what they were saying," she allegedly replied. "But they said nothing in public," replied Carlson. "Pretty disgusting."

PRIVATE: On Nov. 13, Carlson wrote privately that Trump needed to concede, and agreed that "there wasn't enough fraud to change the outcome" of the election, according to the filing.

Just some of the 'discovery".

For confirming, even THEY KNEW they were lying, like people have been saying for decades.
The FACT that they "settled" makes all that MOOT.
Allegations of election fraud MOOTED!
Shear defense and possible vindication of Dominion MOOTED!!!
ServePro, like it didn't even happen.
Honk Honk
The FACT that they "settled" makes all that MOOT.
Allegations of election fraud MOOTED!
Shear defense and possible vindication of Dominion MOOTED!!!
ServePro, like it didn't even happen.
Honk Honk
A $787, 000,000 clown show FOX LOST.
Why did they settle?
I won’t predict how the case turns out. But I doubt they will end up at trial and if it does go to trial I’d expect Dominion to lose. We may never know the settlement number of it does settle. But I’m confident it won’t gut Fox News.

Oh wow, way to really put yourself out there with that "prediction" lol.

This lawsuit may not have gutted Fox, but $787 million dollars is not a settlement that Fox will take lightly. Unfortunately, the ones who end up paying for it will be...cable/satellite/YouTube TV subscribers. Fox will raise their fees with cable/sat providers, and they in turn will eventually pass on those fees to the consumer. So, remember that the next time you tune in to your favorite MAGA Pravda show. They're not paying for their lies, you are, and so are we.
The FACT that they "settled" makes all that MOOT. Allegations of election fraud MOOTED! Shear defense and possible vindication of Dominion MOOTED!!!

Ah, noper.
THAT cat is outta the bag. The bird flown.
Sure, an outta court settlement ain't as viscerally satisfying as watching Fox's disinformation stars, and Murdoch himself, on the stand backtracking and explaining why they said what they said despite their knowledge of the opposite..

And, of course, the hoped for apology. I wanted to see that.
Those things didn't happen.
But what did happen was an exposition of what was said and by who....and the clear contradiction and refutation with what they sanctimoniously announced to their viewers. That dichotomy is stark.

And, trust me, this will leave a mark.
People will remember.
Fox's reputation for journalistic integrity was always derided.
Now, it is more than other journalist holding their noses. All of us have confirmation.
We all saw how Fox was willing to bastardize and deny truth.

I doubt the settlement will really damage their future income, nor will it change the tone and sleight-of-hand that their news and talking heads employ. THAT has been a winning business it won't change much.

But everybody will remember.


Ah, noper.
THAT cat is outta the bag. The bird flown.
Sure, an outta court settlement ain't as viscerally satisfying as watching Fox's disinformation stars, and Murdoch himself, on the stand backtracking and explaining why they said what they said despite their knowledge of the opposite..

And, of course, the hoped for apology. I wanted to see that.
Those things didn't happen.
But what did happen was an exposition of what was said and by who....and the clear contradiction and refutation with what they sanctimoniously announced to their viewers. That dichotomy is stark.

And, trust me, this will leave a mark.
People will remember.
Fox's reputation for journalistic integrity was always derided.
Now, it is more than other journalist holding their noses. All of us have confirmation.
We all saw how Fox was willing to bastardize and deny truth.

I doubt the settlement will really damage their future income, nor will it change the tone and sleight-of-hand that their news and talking heads employ. THAT has been a winning business it won't change much.

But everybody will remember.
Curiously, there is an evident attempt by some of this venue's Rightfielders to now distance themselves from Fox News.
  • 'I don't watch any broadcast news'
  • 'I don't watch Fox'
  • 'Fox is just MSM'
Yadda, yadda, yadda.

In my humble opinion, Fox lied, lied repeatedly and their lies were corrosive to our democracy, and to our unity as a nation. They damaged America.

Others lie too. But, the most insidious and damaging aspect of Fox's campaign of lying is that it reaches so many people i.e., "The most watched cable network". So, their reach, in breadth and depth, is the most corrosive part of their actions. Yes, others do lie, but not as a plan and strategy....nor, are those 'others' as big and wide and loud.

The largest ever American defamation lawsuit… in a nation where defamation suits are incredibly hard to win.
The largest ever American defamation lawsuit… in a nation where defamation suits are incredibly hard to win.
I used to listen to Rush during the day while working. He would bring up some topic and by the time I got home that night the RWers on my forum would be discussing it. Yet, they never listen to Rush, not ever. I remember telling them once it was weird how much money Rush made and apparently I was the only one that listened to him. Rush followers took the term ditto head very personally for good reason. Fox faithful are a lot the same. Try to pretend their thought is not being molded by the RW media.
People are getting spun here. The left wing media of course laps up the bleatings of the legal team for plaintiff Dominion. And the regular liberal MSM has a bug up it’s collective ass about Fox News.

So they make comments (reported as alleged “news”) about how a media outlet could get reamed even with the higher burden imposed on plaintiffs suing news outlets for defamation. This is why we get lots of reports about Hannity denying that he believed the Trump claim and Murdoch basically saying the same thing.

The liberal MSM is content to insinuate from that sketchy information that defendant Fox News was guilty of actual malice. But that’s horseshit.

New outlets report NEWS. The Fox News legal defense team makes a much more salient argument: “Fox News maintains that its reporting and commentary was protected by the 1st Amendment because allegations presented by a sitting president are newsworthy even if false.

Source of above quote: How strong is Dominion's defamation case against Fox News? Legal experts weigh in

That tidbit is (surprisingly) found within a report from a left wing MSM news outlet. But it is kind of buried and not forever being trumpeted like the snarky predictions of pending doom for Fox News.

Anyway, some food for thought. I’ll go even further however. A commentator (like Hannity) doesn’t report “news.” He offers opinions. So his revelation is (imho) irrelevant to Dominion’s “case.”

I won’t predict how the case turns out. But I doubt they will end up at trial and if it does go to trial I’d expect Dominion to lose. We may never know the settlement number of it does settle. But I’m confident it won’t gut Fox News.
Without question, the most inept legal analyst on the planet.

Given the outcome, how could you have been more wrong?
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