The Donald Is Just Like You And Me!

When it is done to just ONE millionaire/billionaire in a crowd of millionaire/billionaires, it dishonest hypocritical bullshit, and is attempting to use Class Envy to smear an ideological enemy that the poster cannot attack based on the issues.

Name the issue and I'll tell you why your hero is a goddamn fake.

And most Americans have this little thing called a conscience.
The entire concept of the American political system is screwy. If you have a system where money= speech it really wont matter who's in charge, money will do the talking. The American public gets manipulated. Republicans will get there info from fox and they will learn to hate democrats. Democrats will watch MSNBC and rail against Republicans. In the meantime. Hilary becomes president and then starts pushing the agenda of te ppl that fund her campaign. Trump will further his own best interest. Bottom line. Super rich get richer. Anything under that gets to fight about Gay Marriage or abortion, or some other thing that doesn't hurt the corporations bottom line.
I'm not envious of Trump. He's never happy, and he is incredibly insecure.
The entire concept of the American political system is screwy. If you have a system where money= speech it really wont matter who's in charge, money will do the talking. The American public gets manipulated. Republicans will get there info from fox and they will learn to hate democrats. Democrats will watch MSNBC and rail against Republicans. In the meantime. Hilary becomes president and then starts pushing the agenda of te ppl that fund her campaign. Trump will further his own best interest. Bottom line. Super rich get richer. Anything under that gets to fight about Gay Marriage or abortion, or some other thing that doesn't hurt the corporations bottom line.

Studies have shown that spending more money doesn't effect the out come.
When it is done to just ONE millionaire/billionaire in a crowd of millionaire/billionaires, it dishonest hypocritical bullshit, and is attempting to use Class Envy to smear an ideological enemy that the poster cannot attack based on the issues.

Name the issue and I'll tell you why your hero is a goddamn fake.


Trump's Payroll. Next

Different jobs. Wrong.
Yup...just like Hillary is 'One of us'.

He's just like you. Unqualified to be president
I am unqualified. So are you. So is anyone who 'loses' $6 billion, can't control their staffers, can't run an AGENCY, gets 4 Americans needlessly killed, is in the midst of an FBI investigation for crimes under the Espionage Act, who attacked and attempted to silence the VICTIMS of her husband's repeated sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, and adultery, etc...
I remember reading that the reason Drumpf dyes his hair that garish yellow is that it's as close as he can get to gold.

The same is probably true of his weird orange face.

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